No man has a right to say he can do nothing for the benefit of mankind, who are less benefited by ambitious projects than by the sober fulfilment of each man's proper duties. By doing the proper duty in the proper place, a man may make the world his debtor. The results of "patient continuance in well-doing," are never to be measured by the weakness of the instrument, but by the omnipotence of Him who blesseth the sincere efforts of obe dient faith alike in the prince and in the H. Thompson. cottager. Eagles fly alone: they are but sheep which Of the sole man who was all human kind? Their lulling murmurs all in one combined Of her new lord? Or did the holy ground EARS-Organization of the. That it the organ may more gentle touch. Davies. It is an impressive truth that, sometimes in the very lowest forms of duty, less than which would rank a man as a villain, there is, nevertheless, the sublimest ascent of self-sacrifice. To do less would class you as an object of EARLY-RISING-Advantages of. eternal scorn, to do so much presumes the The morning hour has gold in its mouth. grandeur of heroism. De Quincey. Franklin. Whoever has tasted the breath of morning, knows that the most invigorating and most delightful hours of the day are commonly spent in bed; though it is the evident intention of nature, that we should enjoy and profit by them. Children awake early, and would be up and stirring long before the arrangements of the family permit them to use their limbs. We are thus broken in from childhood to an injurious habit; that habit might be shaken off with more ease than it was first imposed. We rise with the sun at Christmas, it were but continuing so to do till the middle of April, and without any perceptible change, we should find ourselves then rising at five o'clock, at which hour we might continue till September, and then accommodate ourselves again to the change of season. Southey. Next to temperance, a quiet conscience, a cheerful mind, and active habits, I place early rising, as a means of health and happiness. I have hardly words for the estimate I form of that sluggard, male or female, that has formed the habit of wasting the early prime of day in bed. Putting out of the question the positire loss of life, and that too of the most inspiring and beautiful part of each day, when all the voices of nature invite man from his bed; leaving out of the calculation that longevity has been almost invariably attended by early rising; to me, too late hours in bed present an index to character, and an omen of the ultimate hopes of the person who indulges in this habit. There is no mark so clear of a tendency to self-indulgence. It denotes an inert and feeble mind, infirm of purpose, and incapable of that elastic vigour of will which enables the possessor to accomplish what his reason ordains. The subject of this unfortunate habit cannot but have felt self-reproach, and a purpose to spring from his repose with the freshness of dawn. If the mere indolent luxury of another hour of languid indulgence is allowed to overrule this better purpose, it argues a general weakness of character, which promises no high attainment or distinction. These are never awarded by fortune to any trait but vigour, promptness, and decision. Viewing the habit of late rising in many of its aspects, it would seem as if no being that has any claim to rationality could be found in the allowed habit of sacrificing a tenth, and that the freshest portion of life, at the expense of health, and the curtailing of the remainder, for any pleasure that his indulgence could confer. Flint. Few ever lived to a great age, and fewer still ever became distinguished, who were not in the habit of early rising. You rise late, and, of course, commence your business at a late hour, and everything goes wrong all day. Franklin says, that he who rises late, may trot all day, and not have overtaken his business at night. Dean Swift avers that he never knew any man come to greatness and eminence who Todd. lay in bed of a morning. Rise with the lark, and with the lark to bed: Hurdis. When you find an unwillingness to rise early in the morning, endeavour to rouse your faculties, and act up to your kind, and consider that you have to do the business of a man; and that action is both beneficial, and the end of your being. Antoninus. EARLY-RISING-Pleasures of Falsely luxurious, will not man awake; And, springing from the bed of sloth, enjoy The cool, the fragrant, and the silent hour, EARLY-RISING. To meditation due and sacred song? EARTH. nitrogen of the atmosphere have been gradually For is there aught in sleep can charm the wise? entering into new combinations, and forming To lie in dead oblivion, losing half The fleeting moments of too short a life; Total extinction of the enlighten'd soul ! Or else to feverish vanity alive, ammonia; and the quantity of ammonia, a substance at first non-existent, has gradually increased, and as it is volatile, the atmosphere now always contains some of it. The quantity Wilder'd and tossing through distemper'd has now become so great in it that it can always! What this change is to be, we dare not even conjecture; but we see in the heavens themselves some traces of destructive elements, and some indications of their power. The fragments of broken planets-the descent of meteoric stones upon our globe-the wheeling comets welding their loose materials at the solar furnace-the volcanic eruptions of our own satellite the appearance of new stars, and the disappearance of others-are all foreshadows of that impending convulsion to which the system of the world is doomed. Thus placed on a planet which is to be burnt up, and under heavens which are to pass away; thus treading, as it were, on the cemeteries, and dwelling in the mausoleumns, of former worlds-let us learn the lesson of humility and wisdom, if we have not already been taught it in the school of Revelation. EARTH-Probable End of the. Timbs. Is it not probable, it may be asked, that the time will come when the globe itself will come to an end? And if it be so, can science detect the provision that is possibly made for this consummation of all things? We have seen that the atmosphere has for long been undergoing a change; that at a very early period it was charged with carbonic acid, the carbon of which now forms part of animal and vegetable structures. We saw, also, that at first it contained no ammonia; but since vegetation and decomposition began, the nitrogen that existed in the nitrates of the earth and some of the be detected by chemical analysis. There is EARTH-the Footstool of God. Bless that Almighty word that fix'd and holds thee there! Watts. | Not on a path of reprobation runs EARTH-our Nursing-Mother. It is this earth that, like a kind mother, recaives us at our birth, and sustains us when born; it is this alone of all the elements around us that is never found an enemy to man. The body of waters deluge him with rain, oppress him with hail, and drown him with inundations; the air rushes in storms, prepares the tempest, or lights up the volcano: but the earth, gentle and indulgent, ever subservient to the wants of man, spreads his walks with flowers and his table with plenty; returns with interest every good committed to her care, and, though she produces the poison, she still supplies the antidote; though constantly teased more to furnish the luxuries of man than his necessities, yet, even to the last, she continues her kind indulgence, and when life is over, she piously covers his remains in her bosom. Pliny. EARTH-a Vestibule. I believe this earth on which we stand EARTHQUAKE-The. And mortal nuisance into all the air. Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth In strange eruptions; and the teeming earth Shakes the old beldame earth, and topples down Some men are born to feast, and not to fight; Whose sluggish minds, e'en in fair honour's field, Still on their dinner turn. Joanna Baillie. She quakes at His approach. Her hollow womb, EATING AND DRINKING-Modera Conceiving thunders, through a thousand deeps Of elevation down into the abyss, His wrath is busy and His frown is felt. tion in. Be very moderate in eating and drinking. Drunkenness is the great vice of the time; and by drunkenness I do mean, not only gross drunkenness, but also tippling, drinking excessively and immoderately, or more than is convenient or necessary: avoid those companies that are given to it; come not into those places that are devoted to that beastly vice, namely, taverns and ale-houses; avoid and refuse those devices that are used to occasion EATING AND DRINKING. it, as drinking and pledging of healths; be resolute against it, and when your resolution is once known, you will never be solicited to it. The Rechabites were commanded by their father not to drink wine, and they obeyed it, and had a blessing for it. My command to you is not so strict; I allow you the moderate use of wine and strong drink at your meals; I only forbid you the excess, or unnecessary use of it, and those places and companies, and artifices, that are temptations to it. ECCENTRICITY. ECONOMY. ECHO-Reverberations of an. Repeats the accents,-We shall part no more. Sir Matthew Hale. ECONOMY-Advantages of. Webster. All to whom want is terrible, upon whatever He that will keep a monkey should pay for principle, ought to think themselves obliged the glasses he breaks. Selden. Learned men oft greedily pursue Things that are rather wonderful than true, And in their nicest speculations choose To make their own discoveries strange news, And natural history rather a gazette Of rarities stupendous and far-fet; Believe no truths are worthy to be known, That are not strongly vast and overgrown, And strive to explicate appearances, Not as they're probable, but as they please, In vain endeavour nature to suborn, And, for their pains, are justly paid with scorn. Butler. ECHO-An. It seem'd as if every sweet note that died here, Was again brought to life in an airier sphere, Some heaven in those hills, where the soul of the strain, That had ceased upon earth, was awaking again. Moore. ECHO-Definition of an. The Jews of old called an echo "the daughter of the voice." Bathkeel. She who in other's words her silence breaks, ECHO-Poetic Influence of an. By slow Meander's margent green, And in the violet-embroider'd vale, Where the love-lorn nightingale Nightly to thee her sad song mourneth well; Canst thou not tell me of a gentle pair That likest thy Narcissus are? Hid them in some flowery cave, Tell me but where, Sweet queen of parly, daughter of the sphere! So mayst thou be translated to the skies, And give resounding grace to all heaven's harmonies. Milton. to learn the sage maxims of our parsimonious ancestors, and attain the salutary arts of contracting expense; for without economy none can be rich, and with it few can be poor. The mere power of saving what is already in our hands must be of easy acquisition to every mind; and as the example of Lord Bacon may show that the highest intellect cannot safely neglect it, a thousand instances every day prove that the humblest may practise it with success. Johnson. ECONOMY-in small Expenditure. Beware of little expenses: a small leak will sink a great ship. Franklin. ECONOMY-preferable to Extravagance. I had rather see my courtiers laugh at my avarice, than my people weep at my ex travagance. Louis XII. ECONOMY-due to the Wisdom of a Father. He that is taught to live upon little, owes more to his father's wisdom, than he that has a great deal left him, does to his father's Penn. care. ECONOMY-Intellectual. The ear and the eye are the mind's receivers; but the tongue is only busy in expending the treasure received. If, therefore, the revenues of the mind be uttered as fast, or faster, than they are received, it must needs be bare, and can never lay up for purchase. But if the receivers take in still without utterance, the mind may soon grow a burden to itself, and unprofitable to others. I will not lay up too much and utter nothing, lest I be covetous; nor spend much and store up little, lest I be prodigal and poor. Bishop Hall. ECONOMY-Maxims of. No man is rich whose expenditure exceeds his means; and no one is poor, whose incomings exceed his outgoings. Haliburton. |