COURTESY. COURIER-The. COURTESY-Illustrious Example of. I would that you would all read, ladies, and consider well, the traits of an opposite character which have just come to light (to me, I am ashamed to say, for the first time) in the biography of Sidney Smith. The love and admiration which that truly brave and loving man won from every one, rich or poor, with whom he came in contact, seems to me to have arisen from the one fact that, without perhaps having any such conscious intention, he treated rich and poor, his own servants and the noblemen his guests, alike, and alike courteously, considerately, cheerfully, affectionately; so leaving a blessing, and reaping a blessing, wheresoever he went. Kingsley. COURTESY-in Courtly Halls. won Of all on earth, and made a matchlesse paragon. Then Calidore, beloved over all, He holds no parley with unmanly fears; But mongst them all was none more courteous knight And, trusting in his God, surmounts them all. Cowper. True courage is not moved by breath of words, declines. COURAGE-Truest. The truest courage is always mixed with circumspection; this being the quality which distinguishes the courage of the wise from the hardiness of the rash and foolish. Ne was there knight, ne was there lady found, COURTESY-to Inferiors. The pleasantest part of a man's life is generally that which passes in courtship, provided his passion be sincere, and the party beloved kind with discretion. Love, desire, hope, all the pleasing emotions of the soul, rise in the pursuit. COURTSHIP-Pluck in. Great or good, or kind or fair, COVETOUSNESS. Addison. Wither. The covetous man heaps up riches, not to enjoy them, but to have them; and starves himself in the midst of plenty, and most unnaturally cheats and robs himself of that which is his own; and makes a hard shift to be as poor and miserable with a great estate, as any man can be without it. Tillotson. COVETOUSNESS-Fruitlessness of. COWARD. more in doing good, than merely in having it. COVETOUSNESS-Idolatry of. Take heed and beware of covetousness: for COVETOUSNESS-Rapacity of. He that visits the sick in hopes of a legacy, let him be never so friendly in all other cases, I look upon him in this to be no better than a raven, that watches a weak sheep only to peck out its eyes. Seneca. COVETOUSNESS-Servitude of. The covetous man is a downright servant, a man condemned to work in mines, which is the lowest and hardest condition of servitude; and, to increase his misery, a worker there for he knows not whom: "He heapeth up riches, and knows not who shall enjoy them;" it is only sure that he himself neither shall nor can enjoy them. He is an indigent, needy slave; he will hardly allow himself clothes and boardwages; he defrauds not only other men, but his own genius; he cheats himself for money. But the servile and miserable condition of this wretch is so apparent, that I leave it, as evident to every man's sight as well as judgment. Cowley. COWARD-Character of the. A coward; a most devout coward: religious in it. Shakspeare. I know him a notorious liar, Rich people who are covetous are like the consider they are only trustees for what they Milk-liver'd man, Ibid. possess, and should show their wealth to be That bear'st a cheek for blows, a head for wrong, COWARD. Who hast not in thy brows an eye discerning Thine honour from thy suffering. Shakspeare. COWARD-Culpability of the. Cowards die many times before their death; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, CREATION. May I not also say, that this beauty has been conferred, in wisdom, as in beneficence? It is one of the revelations which the Creator has made of Himself to man. He was to be admired and loved: it was through the demonstrations of His character that we could alone see Him and judge of Him: and in thus in It seems to me most strange that man should ducing or compelling us to admire and love the fear; Doth not the pleasantness of this place carry in itself sufficient reward for any time lost in it? Do you not see how all things conspire together to make the country a heavenly dwelling? Do you not see the blades of grass, how in colour they excel the emerald, every one striving to pass his fellow, and yet they are all kept of an equal height! And see you not the rest of those beautiful flowers, each of which would require a man's wit to know, and his life to express! Do not these stately trees seem to maintain their flourishing old age, with the only happiness of their being clothed with a continued spring, because no beauty here should ever fade? Doth not the air breathe health, which the birds, delightful both to ear and eye, do daily solemnize with the sweet concert of their voices? Is not every echo thereof a perfect music? and those fresh and delightful brooks, how slowly they slide away, as loth to leave the company of so many things united in perfection, and with how sweet a murmur they lament their forced departure! Drake, 1629. We cannot look around us, without being struck by the surprising variety and multiplicity of the sources of Beauty of Creation, produced by form, or by colour, or by both united. It is scarcely too much to say, that every object in nature, animate or inanimate, is in some manner beautiful, so largely has the Creator provided for our pleasures through the sense of sight. It is rare to see anything which is in itself distasteful, or disagreeable to the eye, or repulsive: while on this, however, they are alone entitled to pronounce who have cultivated the faculty in question; since, like every other quality of mind as of body, it is left to ourselves to improve that, of which the basis has been given to us, as the means of cultivating it have been placed in our power. visible works of His hand, He has taught us to love and adore Himself. This is the great lesson which the beauty of creation teaches, in addition to the pleasure which it affords ; but, for this, we must cultivate that simpie, and surely amiable piety, which learns to view the Father of the Universe in all the works of that universe. Such is the lesson taught by that certainly reasonable philosophy which desires to unite what men have too much laboured to dissever; a state of mind which is easily attainable, demands no effort of feeling beyond that of a simple and good heart, and needs not diverge into a weak and censurable enthusiasm. Much therefore is he to be pitied or condemned, who has not cultivated this faculty in this manner: who is not for ever looking round on creation, in feeling and in search of those beauties; that he may thus bend in gratitude and love before the Author of all Beauty. Macculloch. CREATION-Diversity of. The ever-varying brilliancy and grandeur of the landscape, and the magnificence of the sky, sun, moon, and stars, enter more extensively into the enjoyment of mankind than we, perhaps, ever think, or can possibly apprehend, without frequent and extensive investigation. This beauty and splendour of the objects around us, it is ever to be remembered, is not necessary to their existence, nor to what we commonly intend by their usefulness. It it therefore to be regarded as a source of pleasure, gratuitously superinduced upon the general nature of the objects themselves, and in this light, as a testimony of the divine goodness, peculiarly affecting. Dwight. CREATION-the Work of God. perfection; beauty; The sun is a spark from the light of His wisdom; And the sky a bubble on the sea of His power. i CREATION. To Thy clear-seeing eye whatsoever is fair CREATION-Wisdom displayed in the. We are raised by science to an under standing of the infinite wisdom and goodness which the Creator has displayed in all His works. Not a step can we take in any direction without perceiving the most extraordinary traces of design; and the skill everywhere conspicuous is calculated in so vast a proportion of instances to promote the happiness of living creatures, and especially of ourselves, that we feel no hesitation in concluding, that if we knew the whole scheme of Providence, every part would appear to be in harmony with a plan of absolute benevolence. Independently, however, of this most consoling inference, the delight is inexpressible of being able to follow the marvellous works of the Great Author of nature, and to trace the unbounded power and exquisite skill which are exhibited by the most minute, as well as the mightiest parts of His system. Brougham. CREATOR-Infinite Wisdom of the. Researches into the springs of natural bodies and their motions, should awaken us to admiration at the wondrous wisdom of our Creator, in all the works of nature. Watts. Wonderful indeed are all His works. Pleasant to know, and worthiest to be all That brought them forth, but hid their causes deep? I saw when at His word the formless mass, move; Each had his place appointed, each his course; The rest in circuit walls this universe. Milton. Not a flower But shows some touch, in freckle, streak, or stain, |