1 CHRISTIANITY. CHRISTIANITY-Value of. We live in the midst of blessings, till we are utterly insensible of their greatness, and of the source from which they flow. We speak of our civilization, our arts, our freedom, our laws, and forget entirely how large a share of all is due to Christianity. Blot Christianity out of the page of man's history, and what would his laws have been 1-what his civilization? Christianity is mixed up with our very being and our daily life, there is not a familiar object round us which does not wear its mark, not a being ora thing which does not wear a different aspect, because the light of Christian hope is on it, not a law which does not owe its truth and gentleness to Christianity, not a custom which cannot be traced in all its holy and healthful parts to the Gospel. Rose. Amidst the general call to happiness, the bustle of the spirits, and stir of the affections, which prevail at this period, what bosom can remain insensible? It is, indeed, the season of regenerated feeling-the season for kindling, not merely the fire of hospitality in the hall, but the genial flame of charity in the heart: the scene of early love again rises green to memory beyond the sterile waste of years; and the idea of home, fraught with the fra grance of home-dwelling joys, reanimates the drooping spirit, as the Arabian breeze will sometimes waft the freshness of the distant fields to the weary pilgrim of the desert. CHRISTMAS-Day. Washington Irving. I love to see this day well kept by rich and poor: it is a great thing to have one day in the year, at least, when you are sure of being welcome wherever you go, and of having, as it were, the world all thrown open to you. Ibid. CHURCH-The Old. How like an image of repose it looks, How preacheth Wisdom to the conscious breast, To God and Heaven, Death is the only way. CHURCH. CHURCH-Peace of the. The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve the purity of it. Matthew Henry. CHURCH-before the Reformation. "Where did your Church lurk, in what cave of the earth slept she, for so many hundreds of years together, before the birth of Martin Luther?" The reply is, that she lurked beneath the folds of that garment of many colours, which the hands of superstition had woven and embellished for her, and wherewith she was fantastically encumbered and disguised. She slept in that cavern of enchantment, where costly odours and intoxicating fumes were floating around, to overpower her sense, and to suspend her faculties; till, at last, a voice was heard to cry, Sleep no more. And then she started up, like a strong man refreshed, and shook herself from the dust of ages. Then did she cast aside the gorgeous "leadings" which oppressed her, and stood before the world, a sacred form of brightness and of purity. CHURCH-Reverence in. Le Bas. In time of service seal up both thine eyes, And send them to thy heart, that, spying sin, They may weep out the stains by them did rise; Those doors being shut, all by the ear comes in. Who marks in church-time others' symmetry, Makes all their beauty his depravity. Let vain or busy thought have there no part; Bring not thy plots, thy plough, thy pleasure thither, Christ purged His temple-so must thou thy heart. All worldly thoughts are but thieves met together To cozen thee: look to thy actions well, For churches either are our heaven or hell. Moir. Herbert. CHURCH. CHURCH-True Riches of the. The gifts of poverty are the richest gifts to the churches. I refer not now to the widow's mites, richer though they be than all the gifts of wealth; but to gifts richer even than the widow's mite. A few years ago, on a wintry morning, a boy in the habiliments of poverty entered an old school-house among our Western mountains, and avowed to the master his desire for an education. There was poverty laying one of her richest gifts on the altar of religion; for that boy was Jonas King. On his humble shoemaker's bench Carey laid the foundation of British Baptist Missions. John Newton found in his congregation an unfriended Scotch boy, whose soul was then glowing with new-born love to Christ. He took him to John Thornton, one of those noble merchants whose wealth, whose piety, and whose beneficence increase together. They educated him; and that boy became Claudius Buchanan, whose name India will bless, when the names of Clive and Hastings are forgotten. John Bunyan was a gift of poverty to the church. Zwingle came forth from an Alpine shepherd's cabin; Melancthon from an armourer's workshop; Luther from a miner's cottage, the Apostles, some of them, from fishermen's huts. These are the gifts of poverty to the church. CHURCH-The Term. Dr. Harris. Under the name of Church I understand a body or collection of human persons, professing faith in Christ, gathered together in several places of the world, for the worship of the same God, and united into the same corporation. Bishop Pearson. CHURCHES-Holy Witnesses. How beautiful they stand, Those ancient altars of our native land! Amid the pasture field and dark green woods, Amid the mountain's cloudy solitudes; By rivers broad that rush into the sea; By little brooks that, with a lapsing sound, Like playful children, run by copse and lea! Each in its little plot of holy ground, How beautiful they stand, Those old grey churches of our native land! Our lives are all turmoil; CHURCH MUSIC. We seek not snowy-folded angel's wings For visions come not to polluted eyes! Yet blessed quiet fanes! Still piety, still poetry remains, And shall remain, whilst ever on the air One chapel-bell calls high and low to prayerWhilst ever green and sunny churchyards keep The dust of our beloved, and tears are shed From founts which in the human heart lie deep! Something in these aspiring days we need To keep our spirits lowly, To set within our hearts sweets thoughts and holy! And 'tis for this they stand, The old grey churches of our native land! And even in the gold-corrupted mart, In the great city's heart, They stand; and chantry dim, and organ sound, And stated services of prayer and praise, Like to the righteous ten which were not found For the polluted city, shall upraise Better in time of need than shield and spear! CHURCHMAN-Duties of a. You should, my lord, be like the robes you wear, Pure as the dye, and, like that reverend shape, Nurse thoughts as full of honour, zeal, and purity; You should be the cour-dial, and direct beating, Like to clock-hammers, on his iron heart, conscience, Which, like a drowsy sentinel, gives leave Our souls are in a weary strife and toil, The end of church music is to relieve the weariness of a long attention, to make the mind more cheerful and composed, and to en voluntary maggots, no military tattoos, no light and galliardizing notes; nothing that may make the fancy trifling, or raise an improper thought; which would be to profane the ser vice and to bring the playhouse into the church. Religious harmony must be moving, but noble withal,-grave, solemn, and seraphic; fit for a 1 1 CHURCH MUSIC. CHURCHYARD. Or blossoms; and indulgent to the strong And natural dread of man's last home, the grave. Its frost and silence-they disposed around, To soothe the melancholy spirit that dwelt I martyr to play and an angel to hear. It should be contrived so as to warm the best blood within us, and to take hold of the finest part of the affections; to transport us with the beauty of holiness, to raise us above the satis-Too sadly on life's close, the forms and hues factions of life, and make us ambitious of the glories of heaven. Southey. CHURCH OF ENGLAND-Ritual of the. The ritual of England breathes a divine calm. You think of people walking through ripening fields on a mild day to their church door. It is the work of a nation sitting in peace, possessing their land. It is the work of a wealthy nation, that, by dedicating a part of its wealth, consecrates the remainder-that acknowledges the fountain from which all flows. The prayers are devout, humble, fervent. They are not impassioned. A wonderful temperance and sobriety of discretion, that which in worldly things would be called good sense, prevails in them; but you must name it better in things spiritual. The framers evidently bore in mind the continual consciousness of waiting for all. Nor must it be forgotten that the received version and the book of common prayer-observe the word "common," expressing exactly what I affirmare beautiful by the words-that there is no other such Englishsimple, touching, apt, venerable, hued as the thoughts are-musical-the most English that is known of a Hebraic strength and antiquity, yet lucid and gracious as if of and for to-day. Carlyle. CHURCH OF ENGLAND-The True. Of vegetable beauty. There the yew Orphans, from whose young lids the light of joy CHURCHYARD-Reflection on the. The distant village clock struck midnight, mingling, as it were, with the ever-pealing tone of ancient Eternity. The limbs of my buried ones touched cold on my soul; I walked silently through little hamlets, and close by their outer churchyards, where crumbled upcast coffin-boards were glimmering, while the once bright eyes that had lain in them were mouldered into grey ashes. Cold thought! clutch not like a cold spectre at my heart. I look up to the starry sky, and an everlasting chain stretches thither, and over, and below; and all is life, and warmth, and light, and all is godlike. or God. We often hear that the church is in danger; and truly so it is, -in a danger it seems not to know of: for, with its tithes in the most perfect safety, its functions are becoming more and more superseded. The true Church of England, at this moment, lies in the editors of is newspapers. These preach to the people daily, weekly; admonishing kings themselves; advising peace or war with an authority which only the first Reformers and a long-past class of popes were possessed of; inflicting moral | CHURCHYARD AND CEMETERY censure; imparting moral encouragement, consolation, edification; in all ways diligently "administering the discipline of the church." It may be said, too, that in private disposition the new preachers somewhat resemble the Mendicant Friars of old times; outwardly, full of holy zeal; inwardly, not without stratagem, and hunger for terrestrial things. Ibid. CHURCHYARD-Adornment of the. Erewhile, on England's pleasant shores, our sires Left not their churchyards unadorn'd with shades Contrasted. Richter. CHURCHYARD. Where the very ground a plague-spot seems, that should be a Court of Peace, And nothing around has mark or sound to tell of a soul's release. But let me lie in a quiet spot, with the green turf o'er my head, Far from the city's busy hum, the worldling's heavy tread; Where the free winds blow, and the branches wave, and the song-birds sweetly sing, Till every mourner there exclaims, "O Death! where is thy sting?" Where in nothing that blooms around, about, the living e'er can see That the grave that covers my earthly frame has won a victory; Where bright flowers bloom through summer again in heaven! CHURLISHNESS. CIRCUMSPECTION-Necessity for. Persons who want experience should be extremely cautious how they depart from those principles which have been received generally, because founded on solid reasons; and how they deviate from those customs which have obtained long, because in their effect they have proved good: thus circumspect should all persons be, who cannot yet have acquired much practical knowledge of the world; lest, instead of becoming what they anxiously wish to become, more beneficial to mankind than those who have preceded them, they should actually, though inadvertently, be instrumental towards occasioning some of the worst evils that can befall human society. Bishop Huntingford. CIRCUMSTANCES (Trivial)-Design of. Trivial circumstances, which show the manners of the age, are often more instructive, as well as entertaining, than the great trans CITIES. actions of wars and negotiations, which are nearly similar in all periods and in all countries of the world. Hume. CITIES-Social and Moral Influence of. But If the history of cities and of their influence on their respective territories be deducted from the history of humanity, the narrative remaining would be, as we suspect, of no very attractive description. In such case, the kind of picture which human society must everywhere have presented would be such as we see in the condition, from the earliest time, of the wandering hordes of Mongolians and Tartars, spread over the vast flats of Central Asia. In those regions scarcely anything has been "made" by man. this most happy circumstance, as it seems to be accounted-this total absence of anything reminding you of human skill and industryhas never been found to realise our poetic ideas of pastoral beauty and innocence. It has called forth enough of the squalid and of the ferocious, but little of the refined, the powerful, or the generous. If anything be certain, it would seem to be certain that man is constituted to realise his destiny from his association with man, more than from any contact with places. The great agency in calling forth his capabilities, whether for good or for evil, is that of his fellows. The picturesque, accordingly, may be with the country, but the intellectual, speaking generally, must be with the town. Agriculture may possess its science, and the farmer, as well as the landowner, may not be devoid of intelligence; but in such connexions, the science and intelligence, in common with the nourishment of the soil, must be derived, in the main, from the studies prosecuted in cities, and from the wealth realised in the traffic of cities. If pasturage is followed by tillage, and if tillage is made to partake of the nature of a study and a science, these signs of improvement are peculiar to lands in which cities make their appearance, and they become progressive only as cities become opulent and powerful. Dr. Robert Vaughan. I bless God for cities. Cities have been as lamps of life along the pathway of humanity and religion. Within them science has given birth to her noblest discoveries. Behind their walls freedom has fought her noblest battles. They have stood on the surface of the earth like great breakwaters, rolling back or turning aside the swelling tide of oppression. Cities, indeed, have been the cradles of human liberty. They have been the active centres of almost all church and state reformation. CITIES. Having, therefore, no sympathy with those who, regarding them as the excrescences of a tree, or the tumours of disease, would raze our cities to the ground, I bless God for cities. Guthrie. CITIES-Paving of. | Before the eleventh century none of the great cities of the present day were paved, except Rome and Cordova. Paris did not enjoy this advantage, according to Rigord, physician and historian to Philippe-Auguste, who relates that the king, being at the window of his palace which commanded a view of the Seine, perceived that the carriages passing in the mire diffused a most offensive odour, which induced him to issue an order for the paving of the streets, notwithstanding the expense of it; the dread of incurring which, he was aware, had hitherto deterred his predecessors. Since that period the city took the name of Paris, instead of Lutetia, which originated in the number of its sloughs. Even London was not paved at that time; many of its principal streets were not thus improved till the fifteenth century. Holborn was done in 1417. Dijon commenced the paving of the streets in 1391. In 1285 an order from Philippe-le Hardi commanded the citizens of Paris to pave and sweep the street before their houses at their own expense; but this mandate was so badly executed, that, in 1309, the city was swept at the public cost, under the inspection of the police. Till the fourteenth century the inhabitants of Paris were suffered to throw every nuisance from their windows, provided they cried out three times, "Take care!" This license was interdicted in 1372; and still more strictly in 1395. An order was also issued to prevent pigs running through the streets, in consequence of the accident which happened to the young king Philippe. That prince, returning from Rheims, where he went to be crowned, while passing Saint Gervais, a pig dashed between his horse's legs, and threw him down. The king fell backwards; and, in a few days, died of the injuries he had sustained in the fall. It is rather remarkable, that the monks of the Abbaye de Saint Antoine, having pretended that they could not-without failing in the respect due to their patron saint-keep their pigs from running about the streets, it was decided that these animals should continue to wallow in the mire, provided they had each a little bell round their necks! It appears that cleansing the streets was regarded as the most degrading occupation. It was generally poor Jews, or attendants on CITY. the public executioner, who had the care of them. Sharpe. CITIZENS-of London. There are some of these gay clerks who go down to their offices with roses at their button-holes and with cigars in their mouths; there are some who wear peg-top trowsers, chin-tufts, eye-glasses, and varnished boots. I observe-to return to the clerks who are wending citywards that the most luxuriant whiskers belong to the Bank of England. 1 believe that there are even whisker clubs in that great national institution, where prizes are given for the best pair of favoris grown without macassar. You may, as a general rule, distinguish government from commercial clerks by the stern repudiation of the razor, as applied to the beard and moustaches, by the former; and again, I may remark, that the prize for the thinnest and most dandylooking umbrellas must be awarded, as of right, to the clerks in the East India Housemostly themselves slim, natty gentlemen, of jaunty appearance, who are all supposed to have had tender affairs with the widows of East India colonels. You may know the cashiers in the private banking houses by their white hats and buff waistcoats; you may know the stockbrokers by their careering up Ludgate-hill in dog-carts, and occasionally tandems, and by the pervading sporting appearance of their costume; you may know the Jewish commission agents by their flashy broughams, with lapdogs and ladies in crinoline beside them; you may know the sugar bakers and the soap boilers by the comfortable double-bodied carriages with fat horses in which they roll along; you may know the Manchester warehousemen by their wearing gaiters, always carrying their hands in their pockets, and frequently slipping into recondite city taverns up darksome alleys, on their way to Cheapside, to make a quiet bet or so on the Chester Cup or the Liverpool Steeplechase; you may know, finally, the men with a million of money, or thereabouts, by their being ordinarily very shabby, and by their wearing shocking bad hats, which have seemingly never been brushed, on the back of their heads. CITY-in Early Morn. Sala. The city now doth like a garment wear |