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port situated on its northern shore, from which it derives its name. Much Salmon is also taken at Dunnett and Wick. The Salmon are said to keep in the river Thurso all the year.

The small river Rice descends from Wester Loch to Sinclair's Bay; both the Loch and river are well stored with excellent Trout. In the river Berrindale, near the castle of that name, there is very good Salmon fishing.


THE CLYDE finds its source in the great hills which bound Lanerkshire towards the south, between Elvan foot and Moffatt, on the high road from Carlisle to Glasgow. This is one of the finest Rivers in Scotland, rapid in its origin, and precipitating itself in three picturesque yet tremendous falls; the first two are called Cora Lyn and Boniton Lyn, and beautifully ornament the grounds and plantations of Sir JOHN LOCKART Ross, by which they are encompassed. After passing the Duke of HAMILTON's palace at Hamilton, (where there is a bridge over the river,) it again engulphs itself between vast rocks, clothed with brush-wood, as it sweeps furiously round the eminence on which are the ruins of Bothwell Castle: emerging from these barriers, it rolls proudly to Glasgow. Two magnificent stone bridges cross the Clyde at this City; (another near Lanerck exhibits an elegant structure:) navigation here adds its consequence, as crowded with Vessels, and gradually widening, it divides this Shire from that of Renfrew; transporting all the riches of Glasgow to the sea, to which the manufactures of Paisley are added by the Cart, and those of Stirlingshire by the Grand Canal, which joins the Clyde at Kilpatrick, and forms a communication with the Capital, and the interior parts of the Country, by means of the Forth: on this navigation there are thirty-nine Locks in the distance of thirty-five English miles. The branches of the Clyde are principally the Douglas water, the Aven, and the Giel, from the south-west; the Calder from the south-east; the Cart, flowing by Paisley, and the Grief of Renfrewshire. After the Clyde meets Loch Long, it turns to the south, and makes its exit between Ayrshire and the Isle of Bute.

The LEVEN, issuing from Loch Lomond, at Ballock, is a very considerable river, remarkable for the softness of its waters, and the clearness of its stream; during May, Parrs appear in such numbers in the Leven, that the waters seem quite animated with them. The LEVEN descends from the Loch in great beauty for about six miles: its whole course, including the windings, does not exceed ten, and is navigable with flat-bottomed vessels for one half of the year. The excellence of its waters for bleaching purposes has induced many to establish Printfields and Bleach-fields on its banks. Some idea may be formed of the large scale on which these works are conducted when it is known that two of the largest Print-fields pay a duty to Government of upwards of 40,000l. per annum. Could Dr. SMOLLETT now view his native vale, instead of the Pastoral quiet Scenes he has so POETICALLY described, he would find it the busy haunt of Men eager after riches; and though, as a Patriot, he might rejoice at the increasing Wealth of the Country, yet it is probable he would regret the loss of that calm repose, that innocent Simplicity of Manners, which its inhabitants enjoyed when it was so dear to him. Near the birth-place of Dr. SMOLLETT there is an elegant Monument erected to his Memory. The citation of those beautiful lines in which Dr. SMOLLETT (who was born upon the banks of it) celebrates this Water, will, it is hoped, not unpleasantly revive in the Reader the delight with which he may elsewhere have perused them.


ON Leven's banks, while free to rove,
And tune the rural pipe to Love;
I envied not the happiest swain
That ever trod th' Arcadian plain.
Pure stream! in whose transparent wave
My youthful limbs I wont to lave;
No torrents stain thy limpid source;
No rocks impede thy dimpling course,
That sweetly warbles o'er its bed,
With white, round, polish'd pebbles spread;
While lightly poised, the scaly brood
In myriads cleave thy crystal flood;
The springing Trout in speckled pride;
The Salmon, monarch of the tide;

The ruthless Pike, intent on war;
The silver Eel, and mottled Par*.

* The Par is a small fish, not unlike the Smelt, which it rivals in delicacy and flavour.


Devolving from thy parent lake,
A charming maze thy waters make,
By bowers of birch, and groves of pine,
And hedges flower'd with eglantine.
Still on thy banks so gaily green,
May num'rous herds and flocks be seen,
And lasses chanting o'er the pail,

And shepherds piping in the dale;
And ancient faith that knows no guile,
And industry imbrown'd with toil,
And hearts resolv'd, and hands prepar'd,
The blessings they enjoy to guard.

LOCH LOMOND is the most extensive of all the Scot tish Lakes; is formed by several small streams, originating in the western corner of Perthshire. The length of this charming Lake is twenty-four Scotch miles, its greatest breadth eight; and its surface covers upwards of 20,000 Acres: its utmost depth (which is between the point of Firkin and Ben Lomond, and where, however intense the frost, it never freezes) is one hundred and twenty, while towards the south end it is only from fourteen to twenty fathoms. Its course is almost directly south for thirty-six miles; and near its extremity the Endrick, flowing westward from the heart of Stirlingshire, discharges itself into it: about thirty Islands are scattered over the Lake; some have arable and pasture land, but most of them are covered with wood. The oaks and other trees thrive amazingly in the vicinity of LOCH LOMOND: at Bonhill there are two ash trees, one of which measures twenty-five, the other thirtythree feet in circumference at the root; three feet above the surface the former measures nineteen feet and a half, and where the trunk is smallest, eighteen feet; from the outside of the opposite branches the distance included is ninety-four feet. At the beginning of winter Woodcocks abound in the covers near the lake; the fish of almost every sort in the Lochs hold out to the Angler variety of amusement. It abounds particularly with a kind of Eel called Poans, or Pollac, of very delicious flavour. Mr. PENNANT remarks, that besides the common kinds of fish, there are Gwiniads, called here Poans; but these can never be the Eel above-mentioned. In 1755, when LISBON was thrown down by an Earthquake, the Waters of LOCH LOMOND were greatly agitated: they rose rapidly several feet above the usual level, and as quickly sunk many feet below it, continuing to ebb and flow for some Hours, when it again became calm. In the Clyde there is plenty of Salmon, Perch, Trout, and other fish.


THE NITH rises from some small Lakes near Cumnoch, in Ayrshire, not far from the source of the Lugar, one of the branches of the Ayr. The Nith is a very rapid stream, forcing its way between steep banks thickly fringed with wood; the grand but deserted palace of Drumlanrig, now stripped of its plantations, makes a naked figure on its banks, yet is still to be admired as the finest specimen extant of an old Scottish castle. The river Cairn, called also Cluden, rises near the Base of the Criffel Mountains, forms for some space the western boundary of



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