Saron Chronicle 3 And the same year came three hundred and fifty ships to Thames-mouth, and the crews landed and broke into Canterbury and London, and put to flight Beorhtwulf king of the Mercians with his army. NIA, i. e. DOVER, in the earlier part of the Saxon History. Asser The same year also a great army of the pagans came with three hundred and fifty ships to the mouth of the river Thames, and sacked Dorubernia, § which is the city of the Cantuarians, [and also the city of London, *] which lies on the north bank of the river Thames, on the confines of Essex and Middlesex; but yet that city § Canterbury was called DORUBER- belongs in truth to Essex; and they put to flight Beorhtulf, king of Mercia, with all the army, which he had led out to oppose them. After these things, the same army of pagans went into Surrey, which is a district situated on the south bank of the river Thames, and to the west of Kent. And Ethelwulf, king of the Saxons, and his son Æthelbald, with all their army, fought a long time against them at a place called Ac-lea, i. e. the Oak-plain, and there, after a lengthened battle, which was fought with much bravery on both sides, the greater part of the pagan multitude was destroyed and cut to pieces, so that we never heard of their being so slaughtered, either before or since, in any country, in one day; and the Christians gained an honourable victory, and were triumphant over the place of death. The Annals have " Athelstan son of King Adhelwlf." He was king of the eastern subject kingdom of Kent, Essex, and Sussex. Some call him brother of Ethelwolf. 1 And the same year king Æthelstan ¶ and alderman Ealchere fought on shipboard, and cut off a large army at Sandwich in Kent, and took nine ships, and put the others to flight. In the same year king Ethel stan and earl Ealhere slew a large army of the pagans in Kent, at a place called Sandwich, and took nine ships of their fleet; the others escaped by flight. After these things, the same army of pagans went into Surrey, which is a district situated on the south bank of the river Thames, and to the west of Kent. And Etheluulf, king of the West-Saxons, and his son Æthelbald, with all their army, fought a long time against them at a place called Ac-lea, i. e. the Oak-plain, and there, after a fierce battle, which was fought with much bravery on both sides, the greater part of the pagan multitude was destroyed and cut to pieces, so that we never heard of their being so slaughtered, either before or since, in any country, in one day; and the Christians gained an honourable victory, and were triumphant over the place of death. In the same year king Æthelstan and earl Ealhere slew a large army of the pagans in Kent, at a place called Sandwich, and took nine ships of 3 And enter a ing Surrey, they met the royal squadrons at Achlea. There was fought, therefore, between those large armies so great and so severe battle, as no one before had ever heard to have been fought in England. You might then have seen warrior men fall on both sides like a crop of corn, and streams of blood roll with them the heads and limbs of the slain. But would it not be too great and wearying prolixity to describe each particular? God gave the fortune of the battle to those who believed in him, and unutterable anguish to those who despised him. King Adelwlf then was the glorious victor. Simeon In the same year a great army of pagans came with 350 ships into the mouth of the river Thames. Who laid waste Doroberbia,i.e. the city of the Kentish men, and put to flight Berhtulf king of the Mercians with all his army, who had come to do battle against them. After this the Danes became more bold, and all their army was drawn together in Surrey. Which the warlike Ethelwlf king of the Saxons hearing, both he and his son Ethelbald with him collected a large army in a place which is called Aclea, that is, in the field of the oak. And glish when the pride of the En nation shone with glancing arms, the English fought a very long time with the Danes; bravely striving against them, because they saw that their king fought fiercely, therefore they became braver than their enemies in war. And when they had manfully striven for a very long time, and both sides fought with much sharpness and spirit, the greatest part of the Pagan throng was thoroughly cut off and slain, so that never in any land, in one day, before or after, did so many fall. The Christians however on that same day honourably gained the victory and were masters of the field of death, giving thanks to the Lord in hymns and confessions. King Ethelstan and earl Alchere found a great army of the pagans in Kent in a place which is called At Sandwich; † whom † AT SANDWICH: a customary Saxon idiom. Saron Chronicle Asser Ethelwerd 851 A. 852. Here at this time Ceolred abbat of Medesham * This local notice of MEDESHAMSTEAD, i. e. PETERBOROUGH, occurs in only one MS. of the Saxon Chroa monk of that abbey. stede and the monks let to Wulfred the land of Sempingaham, on this condition, that after his decease the land should return to the minster, and that Wulfred should give nicle, which was probably written by the land of Sliowaford [SLEAFORD] to Medeshamstede, and each year should deliver into the minster sixty fother of wood, and twelve fother of coal, and six fother of faggots, and two tuns full of pure ale, and two beasts fit for slaughter, and six hundred loaves, and ten measures of Welsh ale, and each year a horse, and thirty shillings, and one day's entertainment. At this agreement were present king Burhred, and archbishop Ceolred, and bishop Tunberht, and bishop Cenred and bishop Alhhun, and bishop Berhtred, and abbat Wihtred, and abbat Werhtherd, and alderman Æthelheard and alderman Hunberht, and many others. A. 853. Here Burhred king of the Mercians and his 'witan begged of king Ethelwulf that he would assist him so that he might make the North-Welsh obedient to him. He then did so; and went with an army across Mercia among the North-Welsh, and made them all obedient to him. 3 And upon this after Easter * Her name was Ethelswith. In the year of our Lord's So without 4 In the same year also, after CHARTERS IN 852. 1. CEOLRED abbat of Peterborough, subscribed by BURGRED king of Mercia &c. II, 46. This Charter is partly the same as the extract from the Saxon Chronicle under this year. 2. BERTWOLF king of Mercia, II, 47. took nine of their ships; but they almost cut off in the same the others fled. 6 This year, therefore, was fortunate for the English people. 2 To whom [BERT WOLF] SUCceeded Burrhed on the throne of Mercia. place, God granting them help, and seized nine of their ships the rest struck with terror escaped by flight. : In the year of our Lord's incarnation 853, of the birth of Alfred 5, Burhred king of the Mercians sent messengers, and begged Ethelwlf king of the West Saxons to bring him help in order that he might be able to subdue under his dominion the midland Britons who dwell between Mercia and the Western Sea, who often strove against him. But King Ethelwlf, having received his embassy, moved an army, distributed pay, and bravely went forth with king Burhred to war. Presently when he had begun to lay waste that nation, he took, slew, and subdued it to king Burhred, who giving thanks sent him away with joy to return to his own land. 3 In the same year also, after And gave him his daughter Easter, Ætheluulf, king of the West-Saxons, gave his daughter to Burhred, king of the Mercians, and the marriage was celebrated royally at the royal vill of Chippen ham. in marriage. 3 The same year after the feast of Christ's holy resurrection, king Ethelwlf, of glorious power, gave his daughter, with great glory, as it is customary for kings, to Burhred king of the Mercians, at the vill which is called At Chippenham ; Saxon Chronicle Asser Ethelwerd 853 1 And the same year king 1 In the same year, king 1 Ethelwulf sent his son adoption. 2 The same year also, earl NET], but Ruim in British. is dated April 22. 2. Another copy of In the year of our Lord's said isle of Sheppey. the One and the Three in cessors. In the same year king Atheluulf sent his son Ælfred to Rome in the days of our lord pope Leo, who consecrated him king and named him his son in baptism, as we are accustomed to name little children, when we receive them from the bishop's hand. |