The following List contains the names of a few of the Patrons The Jubilee Edition OF THE COMPLETE WORKS. OF KING ALFRED THE GREAT. ¡PUBLISHED Under the ESPECIAL PATRonage of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, BY MESSRS. J. F. SMITH AND Co., 3, TURL STREET, OXFORD. 2 Bagnall, J., esq., West Bromwich, Stafford- Curtis, Miss. shire. Baldwin, C. E., esq., St. John's. Barber, J., esq., Derbyshire. Darby, H., esq., Ch. Ch. Daubeny, A. R., esq., Ex. Coll., Oxford. Davis, J. Silvester, esq., Pemb. Coll., Oxford. Baron, Rev. J., Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire. Dawson, P., esq., Birmingham Railway, Barrington, A., esq., Exeter. Barton, J. G., esq., Brasenose. Bateman, A., esq, 5, Verulam Buildings. Bell, T., esq., Rolls Chambers, Chancery Bever, E., esq., Oxford. Biddulph, Rev. F., Bampton, Oxford. Bird, W. F., esq., 5, Verulam Buildings, 3 copies. Bliss, Rev. Dr., Prin. of St. Mary's Hall, Bohn, Mr., York Street, Covent Garden. Branson, G., esq., Lincoln Coll., Oxford. Brereton, Rev. J. L., Alfred Club, London. Brereton, Rev. C. D., Little Massingham, Norfolk. Brettell, Mr., Rupert Street, Haymarket. Britton, J., esq., F. R. S., 17, Burton Street, Burton Crescent. Brooke, A., esq., Ex. Coll. Oxford. Brooke, esq., Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. Brooks, J., esq., Buckley Grange, Shiffnal, Browne, J. F., esq., Exeter. Burton, J. G., esq., B.N.C. Butler, Rev. W., vicar of Wantage. Byng, Hon. George H. C., Ch. Ch., Oxford. Chapman, W., esq., Richmond. Clacy, Mr. J. B., Broad Street, Reading. Clark, Miss, Regent Street. Clark, Rev. Malcolm. Clay, Mr., Broad Street, Reading. Clayton, Mr., Derby. Colbatch,Rose Hill, Brighton. Cole, R. E., esq., University. Comyn, Sir R., Knt., B.A., Spring Gardens. Conservative Club, London. Corrie, Rev. G. E., Master of Jesus Coll., Cambridge, 2 copies. Cotterill, Rev. H., Brighton College. Crouch, C., esq., 37, Southampton Buildings. London. Driden, E., Esq., Addison Road, London. Drinkwater, P. B., esq., 42, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Dudden, esq. Duffield, Thos., esq. Edmonds, E. H., esq., Temple. Edye, W. O., esq., Paper Buildings, Temple. Elton, Rev. C. A., Sidn. Coll., Cambridge. Evelyn, W. J., esq., M.P., Wotton, Surrey. Eyston, C., esq., Hendred House, Wantage. Fisher, W. R., esq., 2, New Square, Lincoln's Inn. Fletcher, E., esq., Ch. Ch. Folkard, - North Street, Brighton. Fox, Rev. S., Morley, Derby. Giles, Rev. Dr., Bampton, Oxford. [4 copies.] Gillett, Rev. W., Bury St. Edmund's. Groom, Mr. Henry, Taplow, Maidenhead. Harcourt, G. V., esq., M.P., Nuneham. Haynes, Miss E., Ryde, Isle of Wight. Hayward, Rev. John. Healey, Robert, esq., Liverpool. Heighington, J., esq., London. Hichens, Robt., esq., Stock Exchange, and East Dulwich. Hippisley, H., esq., Lambourne Berkshire. Hobden, W., esq., Magd. Hall. Hoffman, D., esq., London. Place, Holland, esq., 2, Harcourt Buildings. Hopkins, Rev. W. B., St. Cath. Hall, Cambridge. Hopwood, A., esq., 87, Chancery Lane. Howson, Rev. J. S., Coll. Inst., Liverpool. Hudson, W., esq., Ch. Ch. Priory, Berks. Hume, Rev. Dr., Liverpool. Jenkyns, Rev. Dr., through Mr. Andrews, Jerram, Rev. S. J., Witney. Johnston, C. E., esq., Oriel Coll., Oxford. Kay, D., esq., Fenchurch Street. Liancourt, Count Godes de, London. Mc. Dermot, W. H., esq., Kensington. Marriot, Rev. C., Oriel Coll., Oxford. Mertons, F. Mounteney D., Queen's College. Mills, Rev. Dr., Professor of Hebrew, Cambridge. Milner, Rev. J., Cath. Hall, Cambridge. Mozley, Rev. J.B., Magd. College, Oxford. Okes, Rev. Richard, Provost, for the Library Oswald, H. M., esq., Christ Church, Oxford. Pattison, esq., Kensington. Pauli, Dr., 13, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Paynter, W. C., esq., St. Mary Hall. Pickersgill, H. W., esq., 18, Soho Square. 3 Plumptre, Rev. Dr., Master of Univ. College, Oxford. Potter, Frederick F., esq., Queen's College, Powles, R. C., Ex. College, Oxford. Price, Rev. B., Pemb. College, Oxford. Prichard, Rev. C. E., Ball. College, Oxford. [2 copies.] Prideux, esq., 44, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Pusey, P., esq., M.P., Pusey House, Berkshire. Reed, Dr., Bampton, Oxfordshire. minster. Ricardo, M., esq., Brighton. Richards, Rev. Dr., Rector of Exeter College, Riddell, J., esq., Ball. Coll., Oxford. Robinson, esq., Exeter. Rowley, R., esq., Christ Church, Oxford. Sharwood, L., esq., Aldersgate St. Smith, J., esq., St. Mary Hall, Oxford. Smith, Mrs. Thomas, 10, Bloomsbury Place, Spicer, Trevethan, M.A., LL.B., of Gray's Stone, Mrs. G. Thom, Dr., Secretary of the Camden Society, Thynne, Rev. Lord Jno., Little Cloister, Tollemache, J., esq., M.P., Helmingham Hall, Norfolk. Tomkins, Dr., Abingdon. Trevelyan, Sir W. C., Bart., Nettlecomb Tupper, M. F., esq., Albury, Guildford. Turner, F., esq., 7, Lincoln's Inn Square. Walford, Charles H., esq., Brasenose College, Walround, T., Balliol. Wardell, J. B., esq., Wellington Street, London. Waterfall, W. H., Worcester Coll., Oxford. Watts, R. R., University College, Oxford. West, T., esq., 6, Pump Court, Temple. Wetter, C., esq., 39, St. John's Wood Grove, London. [3 copies.] 4 Whewell, Rev. Dr., Master of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Whitaker, F., esq., J. P., Bampton, Oxford. Whittingham, Rev. Dr., Childrey, Berks. Wickham, W. A., esq., North Hill, Frome. Wilkinson, T. H., Brasenose College, Oxford. Williams, H., esq., Moorgate Street, London. Wilson, Rev. J., President of Trinity College, Oxford. Wood, J., esq., Ovington Square. Wordsworth, Rev. Christopher, D.D., Canon of Westminster, and Vicar of Stamford in the Vale, Berks. Worsley, Rev. Thomas, Principal of Downing College, Cambridge. Wright, T., esq., 24, Sydney Street, Brompton. Wyatt, T. E., esq., Ex. College, Oxford. DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL AND TRADE SUBSCRIBERS. Grantham and Bury, Engineers and Naval Architects, 137, Leadenhall Street. Williams and Noel, Engineers and Mineral Surveyors, 61, Moorgate Street. Fletcher and Son, Chronometer Makers, Lombard Street. Goddard, J. A., Foreign and Custom House Agent, 67, Lower Thames Street. Thurston and Co., Billiard Table Makers by Appointment to Her Majesty, 14, Catherine Street, Strand. Brazier, F. G., Patent Office, 123, Chancery Lane. Burwash, D., Public Notary, 4, Castle Court, Birchin Lane. Heighington, J., Wine Merchant, 23, Mark Lane. Sharwoods, Printers' Brokers and Press Makers, 120, Aldersgate Street. |