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1575. Same Clarenceur and deputy. In King's College Oxford. Probably this is a continuation only.


Ja. I.

1580. Same Clarenceux. Glover, Somerset, being deputy.

St. George, Clarenceur, and Burroughs, Norroy, jointly; Philipot, Somerset, and Ryley, Blue-mantle, being their deputies. The original, containing 136 pedigrees, is in the College.

Cha. 11. 1669. Byshe, Clarenceur. It was finished in 1675


Ja. I.

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Cha. 11.


Cooke, Clarenceur. In the College.


Camden, Clarenceux. St. George, Richmond, being deputy, in 1626, Scot was his marshal in this county. The original, containing 115 pedigrees, is in the College.

1684. St. George, Clarenceur, assisted by King, Rouge-dragon, and Robert Dale, whom I suppose to have been the same person who was successively a Pursuivant and Herald extraordinary, and afterwards Richmond herald in ordinary, all in the reign of Ann, and who died in the last office in that of George I. These visitations of the St. George fanrily were chiefly disposed of by the sons-in-law of St. Henry St. George, Garter, to the Earl of Egmont, and are now possessed by the nobleman of that title, as has been elsewhere observed.


Ballard, March King of Arms, in Edward IV's reign, made a collection of all the gentlemen in his province, comprizing Wales, with the counties of Chester, Devon and Cornwall. It is not a visitation. Garter Anstis possessed it.



1566. Flower, Norroy. The original is in the College.


Ja. 1.



Cha. 11.

Same. Glover, Somerset, being deputy. Anstis had parts of this: the whole is supposed to be in the Bodleian Library, Oxford);'

St. George, Norroy, accompanied by his son, St. George, Bluemantle. It was finishted by them in the following year." The original; containing 150 pedigrees, is in the College.

1663. Dugdale, Norroy, who finished it the next year. Ashmole, Windsor, accompanying Norroy, collected arms, monuments, &c. in this county. He had gone with him during his visitation of the counties of Derby, Nottingham, Stafford, and Salop. In 1659, he had attended Dugdale in his excursion to the Fens, preparatory to his giving the history of them. There was a very cordial friendship

friendship between these learned, valuable men, long before they were united in relationship, by Windsor's marrying Sir William's daughter.

It must be observed, that the heraldic and genealogical collections for the palatinate of Cheshire, by private persons, have been very great, especially the Holmes

and Chaloner families.

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Cooke, Clarenceux, accompanied by Knight, Chester. Warburton,

Somerset, had a copy.

Same. In the College.

Camden, Clarenceux. St. George, Richmond, Lennard, Bluemantle, his assistants. In the College. It and Devonshire con

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Same, accompanied with Glover, Portcullis. In King's College,


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Segar, Norroy, by Glover, Somerset, his deputy. Smith, Rougedragon, improved it with a map and pedigrees. The late Mr. Pegge purchased it of Mr. Ames.

Ja. 1.

1611. St. George, Norroy, assisted by Charles, Lancaster, and St. George,

Rouge-rose. In the College.

Cha. 1.

1634. St. George, Norroy. I suspect the date should be 1635, St. George not succeeding until that year. In the College, containing 118 pedigrees.

Cha. 11.

1662. Dugdale, Norroy, finished the year after. Ashmole accompanying, collected arms, which are in his museum.


No date. In the College.

Hen. VIII. 1530. Tonge, Norroy.


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Harvey, Clarenceux, with his deputy, Cooke, Chester. If I am
accurate in reconciling the contradictory accounts of others.
Same. In the College.

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Cooke, Clarenceux. In the Harleian Collection.
Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, St. George, Richmond,
and Lennard, Blue-mantle.

In the College, containing 707

Mr. Holland's collections for the arms of the nobility and gentry of Devon has been mentioned, Scipio Squires, or Squire, left a MS. account of the arms in the church windows of Devon, which the late Dean Milles possessed. Ashmole, Windsor, in his Diary, says, "1659, May 24, I became acquainted with Mr. Scipio Squires." Cotgrave, Richmond, made a collection of Devonshire pedigrees, to which Brooke, York, made additions. It is in the Harl. Coll.


Hen. VIII. 1531. Benolte, Clarenceux. In the College.




Ja. I.


Ja. 1.

1560, and 1562. Harvey, Clarenceux. Harleian Collection.
1565. Same. In the College.

1574. Cooke, Clarenceux. It was in Anstis, Garter's, Collection.

Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, St. George, Richmond, and
Lennard, Blue-mantle. In the College, containing, with the
counties of Wilts and Somerset, 545 pedigrees.


1575. Flower, Norroy, with his assistant, Glover, Portcullis. In the College.

1615. St. George, Norroy, assisted by his son, St. George, Blue-mantle. In the College.

Cha. 11. 1666. Dugdale, Norroy. In the College, with the addition of funeral monuments, and arms in the windows of many churches, as also those in the cathedral, to the number of 117 coats, all now destroyed, beautifully drawn.

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Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputy, Raven, Richmond. In the College. Garter Anstis had one dated 1614, which appears to have been the same.


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Cha. 11.

Cha. 1. 1634. St. George, Clarenceur, and Burroughs, Norroy, by their de

puties, Owen, York, and Lilly, Rouge-rose. In the College.
It contains 439 pedigrees.

1664. Byshe, Clarenceux, in person; finished by him in 1668.

Hen. VIII.1531.

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In Garter Anstis' Collection.

Ja. 1.

1623. Camden, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Chitting, Chester, and Philipot, Rouge-dragon. In the College, containing 147 pedigrees.

Cha. 11.

1682. St. George, Clarenceur, by his deputies, May, Chester, and King,


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Hen. VIII. 1530.

If not the same as the next.

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Benolte, Clarenceur. In the Collection of Garter Anstis. Quere,

1575, or 1576. Cook, Clarenceux. In Garter Anstis' Collection.

1686. St. George, Clarenceux, in person, accompanied by Robert Dale

and William Allain, probably painters.

In the College.

Camden, Clarenceur, by his deputy, Philipot, Rouge-dragon.
In the College, containing 116 pedigrees.

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Camden, Clarenceur, by a deputy.

St George, Clarenceur. In the College, containing 153 pedigrees.
St. George, Clarenceux, by his deputies, Dethick, Richmond, and
King, Rouge-dragon. Probably in the possession of the Earl
of Egmont.


1572. Cooke, Clarenceur. In the College,
1615. Camden, Clarenceux,


Cha. 1. 1634. St. George, Clarenceur, and Burroughs, Norroy In the College,

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Camden, Clarenceur, by his deputy, Charles, Lancaster. In the

College, containing 131 pedigrees. A copy of it is in King's
College, Oxford, with many church notes.

Cha. 11.

1684. St. George, Clarenceur, accompanied by King, Rouge-dragon, and Robert Dale.

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Mr. Gough says, "Ashby has a printed, undated receipt for five shillings, for a visitation by J. Clements." As there is no such herald as J. Clements, we must suppose he was only a riding painter to some Clarenceux, or else to one of the marshals, or other agent of their's.


Hen. VIII. 1518. Benolte, Clarenceux. In the College.

Same. 1590. Same.

Mary. 1. 1555.

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Ja. I.



No date.

Cha. 11. 1663.

Hawley, Clarenceur. In the College.

Cooke, Clarenceux. In King's College Oxford. The late Mr. Rowe Mores had visitations in this year, and in 1619, to which he had made considerable additions. They were purchased by Edward Hasted, Esq. F. R. and A. S. the Kentish Historian, who possessed them until lately, when they were unfortunately destroyed by a fire taking place were they then where.

Same. In Garter Anstis' Collection.

In the College.

Camden, Clarenceur, by his deputy, Philipot, Rouge-dragon, who finished it in 1621. In the College, containing 313 pedigrees.

Byshe, Clarenceur, who finished it in 1668.

"Mr. Jacob of Faversham, has a curious book on vellum, by Filmer Stone"house, son of the Antiquary, containing about 800 Kentish arms, finely painted." Mr. Noble, the author of this volume, has taken the inscriptions upon monuments and extracts from the registers of many parishes in this county.


Hen. 1111. 1533. Touge, Norroy, by his deputy, Fellows, Rouge-dragon. In

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