(2) same King. Barnes' History of Edward III.-Goodwin's History of Henry V.Walpole's (afterward Lord Orford) historic Doubts respecting Richard III. Lord Bacon's Life of Heary VII.-Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Life and Reign of Henry VIII.-Bishop Godwin's Annals of England during the Reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. and Mary I.-Camden's History of Elizabeth.-Browne's Reign of that Queen.-Sanderson's, Wilson's, and Harris' Life or Reign of James. I.-Clarendon's and Dugdale's History of the Rebellion, with many other books relative to that period, particularly Whitlock's Memorial, and Bishop Kennet's Annals. BIOGRAPHY.-Biographia Britannica. - Wood's Athenæ Oxoniensis. Lloyd's Memoirs. Granger's Biographical History of England. -Cavendish's Life of Cardinal Wolsey.-Lives of Leland and Hearn. --Life of Brooke, York Herald.-Lives. of Lilly and Ashmole. - Bell's edition of the Poets, with their Lives. --Pope's Works. TOPOGRAPHY. - Leland's Itinerary. - Camden and Blome's Britannia. Stow's, Maitland's, Seymour's, and Pennant's Histories of London. -Mr. Lyson's Environs of London. - Dugdale's Warwickshire.-Philipot's and Mr. Hasted's Histories of Kent. -Thoresby's Leeds. Borlas' Cornwall.-Lord Orford's Royal and Noble Authors. - His Lordship's Lives of Painters and Engravers.-Willis' Cathedrals.-Garter Bigland's History of Gloucestershire.-Morant and other His-tories of Essex. Martin's History of Thetford. BOOKS UPON VARIOUS SUBJECTS.-Camden's Epistolæ et Annales.-His Remains. Peck's Desiderata Curiosa. - Willis' Notitia Parliamentaria.-Whitworth's Successions of Parliaments. -Archælogia. Liber Quotidiana.-Collection of Ordinances and Regulations of the Royal Household.-Finetti Philoxenis.---Vestigan's Restitution of Antiquities. -Battle of Floddon.-Higgins' historical Poems. - Nalson's Trial of Charles I. - Fuller's Worthies.- Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana. Grose's posthumous Works-Chamberlain's present State of England. -Historical Register.-Help to History. -Rider's British Merlin.-Court Calendars. -Gentleman's, London, and other Magazines. -Nichol's List of the Society of Antiquaries, – Various Scotch Histories; and other books upon Scotch Affairs. -Temple's Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of England.-Ware's and Leland's Histories of that Kingdom.-J. Bowle's Catalogue of Prints, &c. - Many works relative to the History of modern Europe, and the Customs and Manners of different Nations in it. These are the principal books from which this volume has been taken. A great many other authors have been consulted without meeting with any thing to add to the information obtained upon the above works. Some authors, not here enumerated, are mentioned in the body of the volume. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. A. Aldersey, Edward, Esq. F. R. and A.S. Argles, Thomas, Esq. -, Rev. John -, Edward, Esq. -, John, Mr. Aldersey, Robt. Esq. B. Buckingham, Marquis of, Bangor, Bishop of, (late) -, George, Esq. Beck, Wm. Esq. Barrett, Thos. Esq. |