RICH. III. of Christians, and the general standard each used in their common wars against the infidels in Palestine. The English originally took green, but Pursuivants. at length red prevailed. This office was first created by Henry V. JOHN WATERS, Gent. He is usually given as created by Richard; but it is more likely he was placed here by Edward IV.-Sce York. GEORGE BERRY, Gent.-See next reign. BLUE-MANTLE. This is an ancient office, the name of which is taken from the color of Blue-mantle. the garter worn by the knights-companions of the most noble order of St. George. The elder Anstis thought it was borrowed from the color of the state garment of our Sovereigns; but it does not appear to have been from that, but the former cause. Our writers are extremely confused about the pursuivants who bore this office in Richard's reign. I believe I am accurate in the following statement. Edo. IV. ROGER BROMLEY, Gent. -See Chester. None of our writers mention this officer but Garter Anstis, the elder, and in another part of his MSS. he calls him John Prince. He was in great favor with Richard, who, by a grant, dated at Nottingham-Castle, 18th September, in his second year, gave him those premises which had lately belonged to Thomas Bonbury, in the town and parishes of Andover, Walop, and Hertfordbrigge, in Somersetshire. He became an useful servant to Henry VII.-See next reign. PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. COMFORT. This name was assumed, like those of France, for their pursuivants. The office, Weaver says, had been vacant since the removal of Thomas Waters from it to that of Rouge-croix, in Edward IV's reign. There was a person in this office attended that monarch's funeral. It appears to have been filled up to give Berry an opportunity to become a pursuivant in ordinary; 3 Pursuivants Extraordinary. Comfort. RICH. III. dinary; but upon his removal it was again vacant, and remained so during Pursuivants ordinary. Rose-blanch. Calais. Guisnes. the rest of Richard's reign. Rich. 111. GEORGE BERRY, Gent. -See Rouge-croix. ROSE-BLANCH. The officer bearing this name was created by Edward IV., because the white rose was a peculiarly appropriate badge of this branch of the royal, family.* Edw. 1V. JOHN WATERS, Gent. He assisted at the solemnity of Edward's funeral. Rich. 111. LAURENCE ALFORD, Gent. CALAIS. The name was taken from the town of Calais, in Lower Picardy, which the English held from the year 1347 to 1557. Edw. 1V. THOMAS WALL, Gent. - See next reign. GUISNES. This is the name of a comté and town in Picardy, in France. Edw. IV. ROBERT BROWNE, Gent. Mr. Dallaway calls this pursuivant Rose-blanch; Weaver, from Lant, says he was created Guisnes by Edward IV., and removed by him to Rouge-croix ; but as Richard III. placed his successor here, and made Berry Rouge-croix, who remained so at his death, the latter part of this statement cannot be true, unless he was deprived by Richard, and restored by Henry VII. Rich. 111. ТнOMAS FFRANCH, or FRANKE, Gent.-See next reign. BERWICK. This is the name of a town upon the river Tweed, bordering upon England and Scotland; it is still retained by the former, though it stands chiefly in the latter. Berwick. Edw. * The rose was a royal badge; Henry V.'s coronation robe was powdered with golden roses. It has given a denomination to our money: rose nobles were long coined by our Sovereigns. Edw. IV. WILLIAM JENNINGS, Gent.-See next reign. BLANCH SANGLIER. RICH. III. Pursuivants Extraordinary. This office owes its name to the white boar, one of Richard III.'s Blanch Sang supporters, and which had been his cognizance. At his coronation eight thousand cognizances of this kind were wrought upon fustian, I suppose in silver thread, which cost £20 per thousand. Richard had a pursuivant of this name previous to his usurpation; after that event he made him a royal one. Some writers call the person who bore the office Saint Leger, but I have seen nothing certain upon this subject to authorize me to call him so. The melancholy office he was employed in after the battle of Bosworth has been mentioned: of his future lot no writer speaks. The name, probably, died with Richard. Though Richard sat so little a time upon the throne, yet great changes took place in the succession and nomination of heralds. It is difficult to be accurate at a time of so much confusion, and at so distant a period. lier. L HENRY VII. Acceded August 22, 1435;-Died April 22, 1509. HEN. VII. HENRY VII., though a very parsimonious prince, instead of lessening, augmented the splendor of the English court: to promote which he constantly retained the officers at arms about his person, both when in his palaces and in his progresses; providing for their support by an ample allowance from the Exchequer. He gave them a suitable station in all ceremonials. At the coronation of his Queen, in 1587, "the barons and "oder estates were to go in order as they were; the heralds on every side "the procession, first esquires and knightes, then the barons of the Exchequer, the judges, and officers of arms." IHis Majesty also ordered, that in the feast of St. George, "Garter should goe betweene the proces" sion and the King, on side hand, and all other heraults before the pro "cession." Henry ordered, that besides the usual attendance at the four great festivals, the heralds should " wait at every other principal feast, and 66 every great council, and at every great business." They were also to give daily attendance at court; a king at arms, an herald, and a pursuivant, being ordered to wait in the palace, where they received their liveries, as of old accustomed, the kings being "always served with knight's service." The exact duties of each member of the college was established by an order of the college, dated November 19, 1487, being the third year of his reign, in which it was commanded, that at every principal feast, council, or great business, they should wait upon "the King's good grace." That strangers might not find the court ungarnished of the officers of arms," it was therefore settled, that at "all privy seasons, a king, an herald, and a pursuivant, should attend, most humbly requesting that the officers of the household should have "the royal signet, to empower them to give the officers of arms all such " services and liveries in his most noble court, as had been accustomed." 66 The ; L The times of attendance were adjusted in this manner: Garter, Windsor, HEN. VII. and Blue-mantle, were to wait from the beginning of December, and through half of January; Clarenceux, Carlisle, and a pursuivant, the remaining half of January and all February; March king of arms, Chester, and Rouge-dragon, all March and half of April; Richmond king of arms, York, and Falcon, half of April and all May; Garter, Windsor, and Blue-mantle, all June and half of July; Clarenceux, Carlisle, and a pursuivant, half of July and all August; March, Chester, and Rougecroix, all September and half of October; and Richmond, York, and Falcon, during the remainder of October and November. Perhaps all attended in December; at least during Christmas. In this reign we see Lyon king at arms sent from the Scottish camp, offering the Duke of Norfolk battle, first generally, afterwards particularly, to fight in single combat with his Sovereign, James IV., to prevent the effusion of christian blood; the town of Berwick, and the Fishgarths or the West Marshes, to be the prize of the conqueror. Though the Duke had promised by the faith he bore to God, St. George, and the King his master, that he would fulfil his promise of engaging the Scotch army, yet after acknowledging the honor done him by such a personal challenge from " a king anointed, to so poor a man as he," he prudently requested leave to decline the combat, because he had no commission to surrender up the town, or the Fishgarth. He was only, he said, ordered to do all the harm he could to the King of Scots. The war concluded, he would then fight James, on horseback or on foot, at pleasure, at any place he should appoint, if his own Sovereign would give him permission. We have some very curious circumstances, relative to the British heralds, in the history of the " Fyncell's" of the Princess Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII., written by young Somerset herald, and given in Leland's British Antiquities, vol. iv. amongst the miscellaneous pieces: it is taken from the manuscripts of the elder Anstis, Garter. From this select remain we learn, that after the Princess had been conducted through England with peculiar splendor, she was accompanied by a chosen company to the Scottish court. Every thing, during the whole, was performed with the greatest state and magnificence. The heralds of both kingdoms are mentioned with proper and appropriate respect. The Earl of Bothwell, who had been James IV.'s proxy to marry the Princess in England, L2 1 |