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GEORGE III. potentates, marriages, baptisms, and burials of His Majesty's relatives. They were in some measure suitably grand; but there was nothing more than has been practised upon such solemn occasions in the preceding reigns. Lord Biron, the Countess Dowager of Bristol, and the late Governor-General of India, Warren Hastings, Esq. have been tried before the House of Peers. The sight was very august, but they differed in nothing from those preceding them, except that the last exceeded, in duration, any precedent in ancient or modern history. The late Lord Chatham's remains being justly decreed a public funeral, the heralds assisted at the interment. There have been, however, others, which have no precedent in our annals. Not to notice the sublime commemorations of Handel, the reader of this page will present to his mind the solemn thanksgiving for the recovery of His Majesty's health, when a people's thanksgivings ascended to Heaven, for restoring a beloved, a justly revered Monarch to them. A more magnificent, and certainly a more interesting scene, was never presented. The other public ceremonial alluded to was also a thanksgiving, but of another nature; to return the Sovereign's and the subject's gratitude to Almighty God for the splendid naval victories, and to offer up the trophies of the vanquished navies of France, Spain, and Holland, in the cathedral church of the metropolis. A triumph so great demanded what was offered, thanks for the mercies received, and prayers for their continuance-and His Majesty has been ablessed with subsequent victories; the flags of other great and puissant nations have been added. Our armies, too, have their just share of praise in Europe, in Asia, and Africa. By the valour of Britain, religion, law, and civilization, have not only been protected at home, but aided or restored throughout a trembling world. The kings, heralds, and pursuivants at arms, in 1588, attended Elizabeth, when she went to St. Paul's to return thanks to God for the destruction of the Invincible Armada. Situations similar. Just as this sheet is printing, peace having been procured, the heraldic body have solemnly proclaimed it. The ceremonial was splendid, impressive, and every way gratifying.

In Ireland we have seen much change in this reign. On. February 5, 1783, His Majesty was graciously pleased to institute a new Order of Knighthood, peculiar to that kingdom. They are stiled Knights of St. Patrick, being placed under the patronage of the national Saint. This order is very gratifying to the nobility of Ireland. The Monarch is Sovereign of


it. His Royal Highness, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, is senior knight; GEORGE DI. the Earl of Westmorland grand master. The knights have been selected from the peerage of that kingdom. Its peculiar epithet is, " Illustrious.' The officers attached to it are, a Prelate of the Order, who is always the Archbishop of Armagh; a Chancellor, always the Archbishop of Dublin; a Registrar, the Dean of St. Patrick; a Secretary, a Genealogist, an Usher of the Black Rod, and Ulster King at Arms as an attendant. The ingenious and highly skilled Mr. I. K. Sherwin, went to Dublin at the institution, to paint the portraits of the Knights, Prelates, and Officers of the Order, designing to engrave a plate from the painting; but a premature death prevented.

Every loyal subject is gratified in the union so long wished: the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland are now one dominion. The Protector, Oliver, by the sword, made the three bend to his power, and sent representatives to a common parliament. At the expulsion of his son, and successor, Richard, they separated. Queen Ann joined the two former by a legal, and just treaty. It was reserved for His present Majesty to incorporate all the three ancient kingdoms, binding them to each other by a reciprocation of rights and interests. May the "pillars" never more be disjointed. United, they are able to withstand every enemy however powerful. Ireland may, and probably will, as rapidly gain wealth and consequence as Scotland has done since she has been incorporated with England. The rich capitalist in England will assist in cultivating her lands, and in extending her merchandize. The UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND must obtain a power, wealth, and importance in the scale of politics which will very far surpass what preceding times ever witnessed. What has been gained in the East, infinitely exceeds in importance, what has been lost in the West, by the defection of unnatural and ungrateful children. They experience a joy equal to him who exclaims, "I have gained my cause, but I am ruined." The rising colonies at New South Wales, in all probability, will soon be attended with the happiest effects. The union has caused some variation in the regal stile. His Majesty has also discontinued the, too long retained, title of King of France.

The Irish peerage is now put upon a footing with that of Scotland: a late decision in the House of Commons does honor to their wisdom, in establishing the proper rank attached to the peers of Ireland. There has long been an attempt to lessen their consequence here, very unworthy the dignity


GEORGE III. dignity of their quality. This has arisen from various circumstances, but principally these causes; ignorance of ancient usage; the infrequency of the Irish peers coming to England formerly; the custom of creating so many English and Scotch to Irish titles, such who had neither estates nor connexion in that kingdom, and the injudicious conduct of the peers themselves, who, forgetful of their dignity, obtained seats in the English House of Commons, allowing, as it were, that in this kingdom they were to be accounted commoners, not noblemen. The union has recognized their due precedency, placing them of the same rank after those of England and Scotland. As it may not be unacceptable to adduce proofs of the just claims of the nobility of Ireland to such precedency, I shall give them in a note.*


* In Magna Charta, Henry, Archbishop of Dublin, signs after the Archbishop of Canterbury, and before the English lay peers. 3 Edward II. Richard de Burgo, Earl of Ulster, signs after Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, and preceded the English barons. 21 Edward III. the Earl of Kildare is ranked after the Earl of Pembroke, and before the Bishop of Durham, and the English Barons in the muster roll of soldiers sent to Normandy. In Richard II's reign, Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, after he was created Marquis of Dublin, preceded all the English Earls. When Henry VII. in 1502, contracted a marriage for his daughter Margaret with James IV. King of Scotland, the Earl of Ormond had precedency next after the Marquis of Dorset, and the Earls of Arundel and Northumberlend. Thomas Butler, seventh Earl of Ormond, in great favor with Henry VII. was summoned to the English House of Peers, by the title of Baron de Rochford, that sovereign and Henry VIII. permitting him by that stile to sit in the House of Lords here, and vote; an honor to which no other Irish peer then was entitled. As he was an earl in Ireland, he sat above all the English barons; this however is a singular case. At the interview, in 1520, between Henry VIII. and Francis I., John Kite, Archbishop of Armagh, wentafter Dr. Nicholas West, Bishop of Ely; who, I presume, had precedency, because he had represented the English Monarch at the French Court the year before, and perhaps was then so accounted. Dr. Kite took place of the two other English Bishops, Drs. Jeffrey Blye, and John Veycie, Bishops of Chester and Exeter. Gerald Fitzgerald, the gallant, but in the end, very unfortunate, Earl of Kildare, at this interview had his precedency above all English peers of inferior quality. At the coronation of Edward VI. the Earl of Ormond was ranked next after the Earl of Oxford, and before the inferior English noblemen, who before had been, or then were created Knights of the Bath The Earl of Kildare and Clanrickard signed a letter from the council, concerning the treaty of Breeme, at Queen Elizabeth's death, immediately after the Eart of Lincoln, and before all other inferior nobles. At the funerals of Ann, Queen to James I., and of James I., Queen Caroline and George II., the Irish nobility walked in the processions, preceding all English and



That the public may see the utility of the corporate body of Heralds GEORGE III.

in England, and know the records they possess, there is given, in the Appendix, letter M, a return of the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants of the College at Arms to Parliament, which presents the best possible idea of the institution, and the present state of the College, which are of the greatest importance to the state, a necessary appendage to loyalty, of the utmost consequence to the titled orders, to the gentry, and even to every man claiming honors, or even landed or other property. It were to be wished, that the prayer of the members should be complied with, in erecting them another College, near the royal residence and the houses of parliament, upon a larger scale, it being too small for the numbers occupying it. When the nobility resided in the city, and round the present College, they were where they ought to be. London then was not what it is now.

From the

and Scotch peers of inferior rank. The Countesses of Kildare and Clanrickard were two of the sixteen assistants to the chief mourner at Queen Elizabeth's burial. That they have not walked in coronation procession formerly was owing, I presume, not because Ireland being deemed before Henry VIII's reign, only a dominion or lordship, not a kingdom, but for this reason, scarce ever any Irish peers were in this kingdom at such times; they were allowed it at the coronation of Geo. II. and His present Majesty. So far back as Elizabeth's reign, attempts had been made to consider Irish peers in England as commoners, but she, James I. and Charles I. highly resented such designs. The single instance, the rebel Lord Macquire being tried as a commoner during the civil war in the last century, can never be pleaded as a proper authority; in such times the sword, not law, decides every thing. The Sovereigns I have mentioned resisted every encroachment upon the dignity of the nobility of Ireland, as personal insults to themselves. Anstis, Garter, and all the other members of the College at Arms, were so sensible of what was justice, preremptorily refused to call over the English nobility, unless they were allowed to comply with the just order of precedency established by James I. and Charles I. As is mentioned above, the frequent creations of persons having no connexion with Ireland, and obtaining seats in the English House of Commons, were the great causes, in latter times, of the ignorance of many of those just rights and preeminencies to which the Irish peers are entitled. All this is done away, and the peers of our sister kingdom will now find their rank duly appreciated. The above particulars are chiefly taken from a book or pamphlet concerning, "The Question of the Precedency of the Peers " of Ireland, in England, fairly stated, in a Letter to an English Lord, by a Nobleman of "the other kingdom," published in 1761, and printed for J. Morgan in Pater-noster Row, and C. G. Scyffert in Pall Mall. I have omitted some circumstances which did not apply, and supplied some facts which evidently do.

GEORGE III. College to the Thames is bad, deplorably bad. The building, now about a century and an half old, will soon necessarily want rebuilding, which must be done by other means than by the purse of the members. The nation is incalculably rich, the sum necessary would be unworthy the notice of the most watchful guardian of the public purse. The cause being taken up by a member of either House of Parliament, would reflect honor to his title or name, and he would find, I am convinced, a ready acquiescence, especially when he added, that no body of men proportioned to the small number of its members have produced more skilful persons in their profession, more loyal, learned, or respectable characters every way, nor to whom Britain is more obliged, or by whom she has been more honored. I may, I think, add too, what the modesty of the members of the College have not noticed, that when expenses have multiplied in so prodigious a degree since the salaries of the members were established so many reigns back, Parliament would make good whatever sums His Majesty would be most graciously pleased to adjudge, proportionable for the maintenance of the different Kings at Arms, Heralds, and Pursuivants. Every order of men are now paid according to the present value of the precious metals, why, then, should not these gentlemen? As they give up every other situation, they ought to receive, from their profession, sufficient to support them in the elegant offices they enjoy, independent of the little emolume ts which accidently fall to them. To excel in any profession, the mind ought to be at ease, which is incompatible with a narrow, a very circumscribed income. These are ideas not hastily taken up; they are the result of long observation, though unknown to any one previous to their appearance here. It is not a particular friendship for some of the College, so much as strict justice, that calls forth these observations; for I must, I cannot but most earnestly plead for an institution absolutely essential to a civilized, a polished nation, and for its members, whose incomes ought to be suitable to the greatness of the Monarch whom they serve, a Sovereign whose dominions are immensely large and proportionably rich; I cannot but plead for the members, who, copying the laudable example of their learned precursors, add to our libraries most valuable works, and adorn private life by the most respectable behaviour.


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