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On a raised tomb, below it, are the same arms as those given above;

and on the west end,

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" MARGERIA, uxor WILL. DUGDALE, eq. aur., obiit 18. Dec. 1681.

Ætatis 75.

I have been more particular in the life of this Garter, because he was so great an antiquarian and ornament to the College, whose history might be swelled to a large volume*HT-01

Sir THOMAS ST. GEORGE, Knt. See next reign.
Signet, Feb. 1685-6. -Patent Mar. 9, 1686.

* There are original portraits of Sir William Dugdale, Garter, at Blythe Hall, in the Picture Gallery at Oxford, and at Warwick Castle. There is an engraved one of him in a hat, ætat. 50, 1656, by Hollar, as a frontispiece to his Warwickshire. He employed that artist much in his works which enhances their worth in a very great degree. Mr. Dallaway has given another portrait of him as Garter, the medat and chain of that office being round his neck, with Garter's arms, empaling his, surmounted with the crown of a king at arms in one corner, engraved by J. Burche: but it represents a young, not an old man.


Garter. JAMES. II.





Cha. 11.-Sir HENRY ST. GEORGE, Knt. See next reign.

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Dying Feb. 13, 1686-7, he was buried in St. Ann's church, Holborn,

and was succeeded by his brother-in-law.

1687.-THOMAS HOLFORD, Esq.-See next reign.

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Мау 3, 1686-THOMAS HOLFORD, Junior, Esq. - See Portcullis.


Pursuivant Extraordinary.


WILL. & M.


Proclaimed February 12, 1688-9. She died December 28, 1694.-He died
March 8, 1701-2.

NOTHING can more, or better shew the sentiments of the College of Arms at the Revolution, than the artless manner in which King, afterwards Lancaster, speaks of it. "Now though," says he, " Mr. King " had great respect to the succession of the Crown by legal descent, and "therefore could not but have a due resentment for the misfortunes of "King James, yet it hindered not, but that, in obedience to the Earl " Marshal's order, grounded upon a particular order from the House of "Lords, he assisted at the proclaiming of King William and Queen "Mary." This order, together with the proclamation agreed to by the two Houses of Parliament, was delivered to Garter by Lord Halifax.

We learn, also, from Mr. King, that he proclaimed the Court of Claims, previous to the coronation, and he assisted at several sittings of the Committee of Bishops, for drawing up the coronation service. He acquaints us, that four books for that ceremony were prepared, one for the King, another for the Queen, a third for the Princess Ann, and a fourth for the Bishop of London, as had been done previous to the coronation of James.

Mr. King was peculiarly useful at the coronation, giving more than ordinary assistance at the office, in forming the ceremonial of that solemnity, and upon the coronation day undertook the fatigue of calling into order the Peers and Peeresses in the House of Lords and Painted Chamber, their Majesties sitting during that time; and he also took the principal care of managing the ceremonial, attending there as Lancaster herald, by the Earl Marshal's order.

The fees were due to the College for the coronation, and unpaid at the latter end of the summer 1694. Whilst Mr. King, Lancaster, was soliciting them, the Queen was unhappily taken off by the small-pox: the




officers of the wardrobe then sent for him, to undertake the escocheons, WLL. & M. and other heraldry work, for her Majesty's funeral. Having given them a scheme of what was necessary for Whitehall, he received the several quantities of silk that would be wanted; but the Earl Marshal having, by order of council of January 9, "the direction as to the number and manner of "the escocheons, and other trophies, for that occasion, committed to him, " and being willing to gratify Mr. Pink, who was his Grace's coach-painter, " and one of the arms-painters who principally promoted the decree of 1683, "his Grace claimed the nomination of the painter, which the Earl of

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Montagu claimed also, as master of the wardrobe. At last they each " resolved to nominate one, January 19, 1694-5; but the next day the " Earl Marshal prevailed upon the master of the wardrobe to let him have "the sole nomination, whereupon Mr. Pink was nominated entirely, with

" a reservation, that what had been delivered to Mr. King should be made

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use of. Whereupon (on considerations valuable) it was agreed, that Mr. "King should perfect what he had began, which he ordered his painter, "Mr. Champion, to do accordingly; but it amounted only to the value of

"£200, which was not above an eighth part of the whole heraldry work " done upon this occasion. Mr. King's employing Mr. Champion, who

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was no friend to the agreement between the heralds and painters, as be

ing a considerable loser thereby, gave occasion to incense the Earl " Marshal against Mr. King for undertaking the funeral work, insomuch " that he transferred the registrar's place from Mr. King to Dr. Plot, who

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was then newly nominated Mowbray herald extraordinary. But Mr. King's qualifications were so well known to the Earl Marshal, that he " treated Mr. King with a handsome respect, as Mr. King, on the other " side, expressed all suitable deference to his Grace." I shall add, that Queen Mary's funeral was grand, beyond example, having both Houses of Parliament to attend the solemnity, which never before could have happened, nor perhaps never may again: for by the death of the Sovereign the Parliament is dissolved, but then there were two, equally vested with the regal honors. I have an engraving of the herse used at the funeral of this Queen, under which the body was placed: it is very magnificent.

The Revolution much changed the political system of this kingdom, which is visible in what relates to the Heralds' College; for the provincial kings of arms had, until then, visited their divisions, receiving commissions for

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