Heralds. EDW. VI. VI., in his Journal, mentions it thus: "May 26, 1551, certain of the heralds, Lancaster and Portcullis, were committed to ward, for counterfeiting Clarenceux's seal, to get money by giving of arms." His crime was declared treason, but to save the honor of the College, and that it should not be reported that a man of his place, who had worn the King's coat, should suffer so shameful an end as dying a traitor, he was first expelled the College, then degraded, and then executed. Lant does not give In the thirteenth volume of the Archeologia, the signatures, &c. of the unfortunates confined in the Tower, made by themselves upon the walls, are given, amongst others, in Lancaster Herald. The words, Francis Eul, under, and the two crosses, have probably no relation to Lancaster. Mr. Eul might, perhaps, be a fellow prisoner. his arms. NICHOLAS TUBMAN, Esq.-See next reign. Pursuivants. Rouge croix. Blue-mantle. Rouge-dragon. PURSUIVANTS. ROUGE-CROIX. Hen. VIII. LAURENCE DALTON, Gent.-See Richmond. SIMON NYMBOLTHE, Gent. In Edward VI.'s charter of exemption, his name is thus written; but Lant calls him Newbald. He died in this office, 1550-1. His arms were Azure, two Bends; a Chief Argent. NICHOLAS TUBMAN, Gent.-See next reign. Created on January 19, 1550-1. BLUE-MANTLE. Hen. VIII.-EDMOND ATKYNSON, Gent.-See Somerset. ROUGE-DRAGON. Edw. VI. MARTIN MAROFF, Gent. PORTCULLIS. Hen. VIII. ROBERT FAYERY, Gent. 147 Weaver calls him Fairy. By Edward's relation he was taken up, and sent to prison, as implicated in ap Howell, Lancaster's guilt; but I do not find any positive proof that he was either deposed or suffered. Mr. Nayler's MS. takes no notice of either. Lant's Roll says no more than that he died anno third Edward VI. His arms were Or and Azure, a Chevron between three Eagles displayed, the whole countercharged; on a Chief Gules, three Lozenges Ermine. Edw. VI. RICHARD WITHERS, Gent.-See next reign. PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. ROSE. RICHARD Gent. See next reign. ATHLONE. This office was taken from the name of a place, called Athlone, a strong town in Ireland, situated on the river Shannon, in the county of Westmeath, and province of Connaught, about sixty miles west of Dublin. This pursuivant was under Ulster king at arms. The place is still retained in Ireland. I do not know why Ulster and Athlone should have been fixed upon for the names of these offices. June 22, 1552.-PHILIP BUTLER, Gent.-See next reign. At his creation, he had delivered to him one coat of sarcenet of the King's colours, with the arms laid on with gold and purple. BERWICK. Hen. VIII.-HENRY RAY, Gent.-See next reign. CALAI S. Hen. VIII. NICHOLAS FAIRLEWE, or FELLOW, Gent.-See next reign. U 2 Fow. VI. Puisivats. Portcullis Pursuivants Extraor dinary. Rose. Athlone. Berwick. Calais. Hampness. Rise-bank, Boulogne. Hen. VIII.-RICHARD WITHERS, Gent.-See Portcullis. - HAMP NESS. Hen. VIII. NICHOLAS TUBMAN, Gent.-See Rouge-croix. RISE-BANK. Hen. VIII-WILLIAM LAMBARDE, Gent.-See next reign. BOULOGNE. Hen. VIII. SIMON NYMBOLTHE, Gent.-See next reign. Edw. VI. NICHOLAS NARBOONE, Gent.-See Blue-mantle. In him this office of Boulogne expired, the King having by treaty surrendered up the town which gave name to it. MARY I. Acceded July 6, 1553;-Died November 17, 1758. THE College of Arms found a benefactress in Mary, though it must have been painful to her to have had them proclaim her rival. When the council of Edward VI. could no longer keep the secret that he was dead, July 10, four days after his decease, his loss was promulgated in London, at the same time that it was declared, that the late Monarch had made a settlement of the Crown in favor of Lady Jane Grey. This was done by two heralds, and a trumpet blowing before them, first in Cheapside, then in Fleet-street, none opposing it but a young man, a vintner's apprentice, who alone spoke for Mary's "true right and title, for which he was im 66 mediately taken up, and the next day at eight o'clock in the morning, "set on the pillory, and both his ears cut off, an herald present, and trum pet blowing, and incontinent he was taken down, and carried to the "Counter." We find that the herald was in his coat, and read the pretended offence of the unfortunate youth, in the presence of William Gerrard, one of the sheriffs of London. When Norfolk, and other counties, had shewn their disapprobation of changing the order of succession, the Lord-Mayor and his brethren met the council at Baynard's Castle, where they all agreed to ride to Cheap, attended with the heralds, and proclaims the Lady Mary's Grace; "but so great was the concourse of people, that the lords could not ride by them " to the Cross, where was Maister Garter, king at armes, in his rich coat " of armes, with a trumpet readie. The trumpet was sounded, and then they proclaimed the Ladie Mary, daughter to King Henry VIII. and Queen Katherine, Queene of England, France, and Irelande, Defender " of the Faith, &c.; which proclamation ended, the Lord-Mayor and all "the councell rode to Paul's Church, where the canticle of Te Deum was "soong."* This put an end to all farther attempts in London to establish Lady Jane upon the Throne. * Mary I. was proclaimed in London by four trumpets and three heralds. The Mary I. MARY I. The apology which the College would offer, could be no other, than that they had been under compulsion to do as the Duke of Northumberland and the council commanded: afterwards they had done as duty and inclination dictated. Mary accepted the excuse with some exceptions. She appeared so satisfied, that Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, having represented, as Earl Marshal, the intentions of the late King in favor of the heralds, of granting them Derby-house, she gave them a charter, dated at Hampton-court, July 18, 1554, of that mansion, to "enable them to as" semble together, and consult, and agree amongst themselves, for the good of their faculty, and that the records and rolls might be more safely " and conveniently deposited."* From this time the heralds have been more fixed, and their affairs more uniform, and better conducted, than when they were scattered. This house was destroyed in the great fire in London, in the reign of Charles II. It was rebuilt of brick, in a very handsome manner, after the design of Sir Christopher Wren, and is still the residence of their officers at arms, and the depository of their valuable collections, which are as useful as curious. Here, too, they hold, every first Thursday in each month, their meetings, called chapters, where all affairs are determined by a majority of voices of the kings and heralds, each of the former having two voices: they meet oftener if there is a necessity. One of the heralds, and one pursuivant attend now daily in the public office, by a monthly rotation. There are belonging to the College, a register, a treasurer, and a messenger, with two watermen having badges. Formerly some of the members always attended in the royal residence; now their duty is limited to these particular times, New Year's-day, Christmas-day, Easter-day, Whit-sunday, Saint George's-day, April twenty-third, these are ordinary days: the extraordinary ones are, when his Majesty goes to parliament, coronations, royal baptisms, marriages, funerals, installations, public trials of peers, or others, before the House of Lords, public funerals given by the state to subjects, as great and illustrious characters, grand ceremonials decreed by the Sovereign, reception of foreign potentates, and whatever, in a peculiar manner, calls the British Court to display itself. Each of the kings at arms have an official seal; bespeaking their respective places. The College, as a body corporate, have their common seal, * See Appendix, Letter C. |