A TALE OF FLODDEN FIELD. BY SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. TENTH EDITION. Alas! that Scottish Maid should sing That Scottish Bard should wake the string, EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND CO. EDINBURGH; AND JOHN MURRAY, LONDON. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction to Canto I... TO WILLIAM STEWART ROSE, Esq. 7 CANTO I. THE CASTLE, . 27 Introduction to Canto II. . To the Rev. JOHN MARRIOT, A. M. 63 81 Introduction to Canto III.. TO WILLIAM ERSKINE, Esq. 121 Introduction to Canto V... TO GEORGE ELLIS, Esq. 231 V. THE COURT, Introduction to Canto VI. TO RICHARD HEBER, Esq. VI. THE BATTLE, .. |