Page images

HARTLAND E. SIDNEY). A votive offering from Korea. Folk-
lore, xv. 447-450.

HARTSHORNE (ALBERT). Notes on a pictorial manual of alchemy.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xx. 38–39.

HARTWELL-JONES (REV. G.). The correspondence of Dr. John
Davies of Mallwyd with Sir Simonds D'Ewes. Y Cymmrodor,

xvii. 164-185.

HARVEY (ALFRED). The architecture of the later Renaissance in
Bristol. Clifton Antiq. Club, v. 210–235.

HARVEY (SIR ROBERT). The Incas and other rulers of Peru, with
some remarks on the Pozo stone. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, xvi. 11–27.
HASLUCK (F. W.). Unpublished inscriptions from the Cyzicus
neighbourhood. Journ. Hell. Studies, xxiv. 20–40.

and A. E. HENDERSON. On the topography of Cyzicus.

Journ. Hell. Studies, xxiv. 135–143.

HASWELL (LIEUT.-COL. F. R. N.). Barton Kirk in Westmorland.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, ix. 11–12.

HAVERFIELD (F.). Note on the excavations at Chesters in Sep-
tember, 1900. Arch. Eliana, xxiii. 268.

Catalogue of the Roman inscribed and sculptured stones
Chester and N. Wales

in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester.
Arch. and Hist. Soc. 1900, 1–96.

Report of the Cumberland Excavation Committee for
1903. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 239–249.
Notes on the inscribed tablet, and on the Romano-
British name of Brough. Derby Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc.
xxvi. 197-203.

A Roman inscription from Cirencester, illustrating fourth
century Britain. Arch. Oxon. pt. 4, 215–226.

On Julius Verus, a Roman governor of Britain. Proc.

Soc. Antiq. Scotl. xxxviii. 454–459.

HAWKESBURY (LORD). Catalogue of the portraits, miniatures, etc.,
at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, and at Naworth castle, Cumber-
land. East Riding Antiq. Soc. xi. 35–122.

Hayton notes. East Riding Antiq. Soc. xi. 123–125.
Catalogues of portraits at Compton Place and at Buxted
Park, in Sussex. Sussex Arch. Coll. xlvii. 82–108.

Notes on Osberton, Scofton, Rayton, Bilby, Hodsock,
Fleecethorp, etc. Thoroton Soc. (Notts), 1901 (Supp.), 11-31.
Sturton-le-Steeple, Notts. Thoroton Soc. (Notts), vii.
(Supp.), 79-97.

HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). The Roman city of Silchester. Berks, Bucks and Oxon Arch. Journ. x. 50-54.

Notes on the architectural history of the parish church of All Saints, Wycombe. Bucks Archit. and Arch. Soc. ix. 7-30.

Retford corporation plate and regalia. Thoroton Soc. (Notts), 1901, 31–34.

and W. R. LETHABY. The imagery and sculptures on the west front of Wells cathedral church, with suggestions as to the identification of some of the images. Arch. lix. 143-206.

HOPPER (REV. E. C.). Church plate in the rural deanery of Depwade, Norfolk. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xv. 44-50. HORNBY (RIGHT REV. BISHOP). Ancient deeds relating to Gunnerton. Arch. Eliana, xxv. 106–110.

HOWELL (REV. W.) and R. SHELFORD. A Sea-Dyak love philtre. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. vii. 207-210.

HOWITT (A. W.) and OTTO SIEBERT. Legends of the Dieri and kindred tribes of Central Australia. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. vii. 100-129.

HOWLETT (RICHARD). The household accounts of Kenninghall Palace in the year 1525. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xv. 51-60.

A fabric roll of the Norwich Guildhall, A.D. 1410-1411. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xv. 164-189.

HOWORTH (SIR HENRY H.) Some unconventional views of the text of the Bible. Bibl. Arch. Soc. xxvi. 25-31, 63-69, 94–100. The god Asshur and the epic of "Marduk and Tiamat.” Bibl. Arch. Soc. xxvi. 275-282.

Some coins attributed to Babylon, by Dr. ImhoofBlumer. Num. Chron. 4th S. iv. 1-38.

HUBBARD (E. ISLE). Rotherham church. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. x. 221-225.

HUBBERSTY (H. A.). Arbor Low: the quarrying and transport of its stones. Derby Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxvi. 80-81. HUDSON (REV. H. A.). The Newchurch communion cup. Lancs and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xxi. 172–177.

HUGHES (HAROLD). The architectural history of the cathedral church of St. Deiniol, Bangor. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 17-32.

Discovery of graves in the parish of Llanbedr-Goch, Anglesey. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 82-84.

HODGSON (J. C.). The sources of Testa de Nevill. Arch. Eliana,
xxv. 150-167.

Some brief notices of the family of Dartiquenave, of
Patmer Hall, Herts, and of Ilderton in Northumberland.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, ix. 301-304.

HODGSON (REV. J. F.). Heighington church. Durham and
Northumberland Archit. and Arch. Soc. v. 1--24.

HODGSON (T. H.). An ancient palisade on Bowness Common.
Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 211-212.
Stone axe from Brampton. Cumb. and West. Antiq.
and Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 351.

HODKINSON (EDWARD). Notes on the architecture of Basingwerk
Abbey, Flintshire. Chester and N. Wales Arch. and Hist. Soc.
N.S. xi. 169–177.

HOGARTH (D. G.). Three North Delta Nomes. Journ. Hell. Studies,
xxiv. 1-19.

HOLLINS (NORMAN). Bibliography of Lancashire and Cheshire
antiquities, and biography, 1903. Lancs. and Chesh. Antiq.
Soc. xxi. 224–233.

HOLMES (E. CARLETON). A levy by the Parliament during the
Commonwealth on the tything of Angmering. Sussex Arch.
Coll. xlvii. 159–160.

HOLMES (MISS MABELLE). Stonehenge : Old theories and new
discoveries. Hampstead Antiq. and Hist. Soc. 1902-3, 134-

HOLMES (SHERITON). Notes on a trough on Harehope Moor,
Northumberland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, ix. 142–143.
HOMOLLE (J. T.). Le trésor de Cnide, et les monuments de l'art
Ionien à Delphes. Journ. R.I.B.A. xi. 29–42.

HONE (NATHANIEL). Letters of the last abbot of Reading: from
originals among the State papers. Berks, Bucks and Oxon
Arch. Journ. i. 58-60, 117-119.

Oxfordshire church goods. Berks, Bucks and Oxon
Arch. Journ. viii. 86–87, ix. 71-73, x. 58-59.

HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). Note on a small stone slab, with armorial
bearings, found at Brockworth, Gloucestershire. Proc. Soc.
Antiq. 2nd S. xx. 62–63.

Notes on the abbey church of Glastonbury. Arch.
Inst. lxi. 185-196.

On the early working of alabaster in England. Arch.
Inst. lxi. 221-240.

HOPE (W. H. ST. JOHN). The Roman city of Silchester. Berks,
Bucks and Oxon Arch. Journ. x. 50-54.

Notes on the architectural history of the parish church
of All Saints, Wycombe. Bucks Archit. and Arch. Soc. ix.


Retford corporation plate and regalia. Thoroton Soc.
(Notts), 1901, 31–34.

and W. R. LETHABY. The imagery and sculptures
on the west front of Wells cathedral church, with suggestions
as to the identification of some of the images. Arch. lix.

HOPPER (REV. E. C.). Church plate in the rural deanery of Dep-
wade, Norfolk. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xv. 44-50.
HORNBY (RIGHT REV. BISHOP). Ancient deeds relating to Gunner-
ton. Arch. Eliana, xxv. 106–110.

HOWELL (REV. W.) and R. SHELFORD. A Sea-Dyak love philtre.
Anthrop. Inst. N.S. vii. 207-210.

HOWITT (A. W.) and OTTO SIEBERT. Legends of the Dieri and
kindred tribes of Central Australia. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. vii.

HOWLETT (RICHARD). The household accounts of Kenninghall
Palace in the year 1525. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xv.


A fabric roll of the Norwich Guildhall, A.D. 1410-1411.
Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. xv. 164-189.

HOWORTH (SIR HENRY H.) Some unconventional views of the
text of the Bible. Bibl. Arch. Soc. xxvi. 25–31, 63–69, 94–100.
The god Asshur and the epic of "Marduk and Tiamat."

Bibl. Arch. Soc. xxvi. 275-282.

Some coins attributed to Babylon, by Dr. Imhoof-
Blumer. Num. Chron. 4th S. iv. 1-38.

HUBBARD (E. ISLE). Rotherham church.
Rotherham church. Brit. Arch. Assoc.

N.S. x. 221–225.

HUBBERSTY (H. A.). Arbor Low: the quarrying and transport
of its stones. Derby Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. xxvi. 80-81.
HUDSON (REV. H. A.). The Newchurch communion cup. Lancs
and Chesh. Antiq. Soc. xxi. 172–177.

HUGHES (HAROLD). The architectural history of the cathedral
church of St. Deiniol, Bangor. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 17–32.

Discovery of graves in the parish of Llanbedr-Goch,
Anglesey. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 82-84.

HUGHES (HAROLD). Hafod Lwyfog. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 151.
Ancient stone found at Bangor. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv.


Church of Saints Mael and Sulien, Cwm, Flintshire.
Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 213–238.

Aberystwyth castle

excavations carried on in he year

1903. Arch. Camb. 6th S. iv. 317–323.

HUGHES (PROF. T. MCKENNY). Some notes on mound opening,
with a description of one recently explored on Sizergh Fell,
Westmorland. Cumb. and West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S.
iv. 71-79.

On another tumulus on Sizergh Fell. Cumb. and West.
Antiq. and Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 201–204.

HUGHES (MR.) and W. PRICHARD WILLIAMS. Welsh Catholics on
the Continent: the two Hugh Owens. Y Cymmrodor, xvi.

HULL (ELEANOR). The story of Deirdre, in its bearing on the
social development of the folk-tale. Folklore, xv. 24–39.
HUMPHREYS (JOHN). The Wyntours of Huddington and the Gun-
powder Plot. Birmingham and Midland Inst. xxx. 47-88.
HURST (HERBERT). Two medieval cellars in Oxford. Arch. Oxon,
pt. 5, 273–276.

HUTCHESON (ALEXANDER). Notice of the discovery of the remains
of an earth-house at Barnhill, Perth. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotl.
xxxviii. 541-547.

IAGO (REV. W.). Notes on three Ogham-inscribed stones in Corn-
wall. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, xii. 172–174.
IRVINE (WM. FERGUSSON). Chester in the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries; being notes on a number of recently discovered
documents relating to the city, dating from the year 1178.
Chester and N. Wales Arch, and Hist. Soc. N.S. x. 13–52.

JACKSON (REV. C.). History of the church of Middleton St. George.
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, ix. 65–69.

JACKSON (RICHARD J.). Woolwich and the Dutch wars of the
Commonwealth and Charles II. Woolwich District Antiq. Soc.

viii. 34-47.

Sir Walter Raleigh and Woolwich, Woolwich District

Antiq. Soc. x. 39-45.

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