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reasoning we can see that Guiteau was a ports that he was and is responsible, but ensue, the extension of the Shenandoah Valley self-conceited fool courting notoriety, de- one duty remains for the judge-the pro- Railroad from Waynesboro to Roanoke, Va siring to make himself known; but is nouncing of the sentence specified by the will be completed by February, 1882, and tha: by the end of March trains will be running through to a connection with the Norfolk and Western Railroad at Roanoke.

self-conceit and desire for notoriety were not sufficient to cause him to commit murder, but for that other reason, that the men he thought he was raising into power by removing Garfield, might in turn reward him by the gift of an office So much for the motive.

There is only one other question, and that regards his sanity. To settle this question no long and expensive trial is required. All the judges that ever sat on the bench, all the lawyers that ever prepared a brief, all the juries that were ever impanelled, all the witnesses that were ever sworn, amount to nothing when the question of insanity arises. Strictly speaking, there is not a sane person in the world, and the majority of persons are subject, more or less, to greater or lesser paroxysms of insanity.

Insanity is a lack of judgment a species of false reasoning, which causes a person to say or do things out of harmony with the accepted common sense of the majority. Such a person is harmless or harinful according to the degree of violence with which he tries to force the

law of the land.


THE survey of the Toronto and Ottawa Railway from Perth to High Falls has been completed.

AN additional section of 25 miles of the Northern Pacific Railroad has been completed, extending into Idaho.

A CONTRACT has been signed at Palisade, Nevada, for grading the first 25 miles of the Eu

reka and Colorado River Railroad.

THE Mexican Pacific Extension of the Gal

veston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad
has been completed to Uvalde, Texas.

TRACK laying on the Georgia Pacific Railroad
was commenced at Atlanta, Ga., on the 1st
inst. J. B. Gordon, president of the company,
drove the first spike.

THE first rail on the Chicago and Great Southern Railroad between Terre Haute, Ind., and Oxford was laid at the latter place on the 8th inst. The road is now being pushed through to Terre Haute.

THE New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company has decided to add two tracks to its road between this city and Stanford, Connecticut, making four tracks in all. Work will be begun at once.

SURVEYS for the Lake George and Lake Champlain Railroad are completed, and it is esti mated that it will cost $50,000 to grade and construct it. It is to start from the Central Vermont Road at Addison Junction.

ceeded in raising the $40,000 demanded by the THE people of Woodstown, N. J., have sueWest Jersey Railroad Company for the building of a branch road connecting them with the Salem branch. The right of way has been secured from Swedesboro, and it is supposed the branch will be speedily finished.

THE Evansville Courier says that the Indianapolis and Evansville Straight Line Railroad between Evansville and the Ohio and Mississippi Railway will be completed in two weeks, and the bridges in three weeks. Laying iron from Evansville will commence at an early day. Over thirty car loads of steel rails are now at Evansville for this purpose.

A NEW railroad has been surveyed parallel with the Muskingum Valley Railroad from Zanesville, Ohio, to McLuney Station, whence it proceeds up Black Fork to the coal region. Ir is stated that the Union Pacific Railway WORK has been completed on contract 15 of Company has completed the survey for a branch the Canadian Pacific Railway, and it is expect of the Utah Northern from Dillon to the Yelacceptance of his judgment by others.ed that the road will be handed over to the syn-lowstone National Park, by way of Virginia

There is no question that Guiteau was insane, and there is no more question but that the haughty Senator from New York was insane when he resigned his senatorial office. One committed murder; the other used no weapons recognized by the law as deadly. Is the Senator responsible for his acts? No one questions it; but if he had shot the President multitudes would have questioned it, and a great plea made in his behalf that he was insane, and therefore not responsible. This, then, is the one point alone that can morally be raised in regard to Guiteau-Was he responsible? With these two facts, the shooting by Guiteau and the death of the President, standing before fifty millions of people, it is not to be wondered at that some one, tired of his long imprisonment, his tedious trial, the law's delay, sought a more summary method of ridding the world of such a monster. The present trial, in the face of these two facts, seems a great farce, for if Guiteau was not responsible, a medical commission should sit in judgment on his case, and so report."

dicate on the 1st of December.

THE contract for grading, bridging and piling the Winnipeg and Duluth Railroad from Duluth to the Mississippi River has been let to

E. C. Davis & Co. of Crookston and Boston,

THE Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad Company is considering the subject of bridging the Niagara River near Lewiston. It proposes to connect with the Great Western by a branch eight miles long.

A SYNDICATE of which J. Conduit Smith, of this city, is the head, has been formed to build the Southern Georgia and Florida Railroad, from Macon to Jacksonville via Dupont. It will be 161 miles long and will cost $2,500,000.

THE Contract for the construction of the ex

tension of the Missouri Pacific Railroad from
Atchison, Kansas, to Hiawatha, Brown County,
has been let to Bagnell & Co. The contract
provides for the completion of the road by the

1st of June next.

City, Montana. The road, like the Utah Northern, will be narrow gauge; maximum grade, 160 feet, and 130 miles in length, The construction will not begin till next year.

It is expected that, should the weather prove favorable, the Baltimore and Delta Narrow Gauge Railroad will be completed to Towsontown by Christmas, and the cars running between that point and Baltimore. The distance between the Baltimore terminus and Towsontown on the line of the road is 74 miles, and but three miles of track remain to be laid, the grading being nearly finished, and all the ne cessary material to lay the track as far as Towsontown on hand.

THE Construction of the Louisville, New Albany and St. Louis Railroad is progressing rig orously. The great tunnel in Edwardsville about six miles west of New Albany, and abent a mile long, will shortly be completed. B Dec. 1 the line will be completed from EdwardsTRACK laying was commenced at Pensacola, ville to Mt. Vernon, Ill., on the line of the Florida, on the Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad Louisville and Nashville, making direet conon the 16th inst. The road is to connect East nection, via Huntingburg and Princeton, Ind. and West Florida, and the managers say it with St. Louis. The Louisville section will be will be completed to a connection with the in operation some time during the early spring, Jacksonville Railroad during the year.

THE Austin and Northwestern Railway ComA DISPATCH from Guaymas, Mexico, dated pany of Texas have perfected a contract with November 12th, says that Chief Engineer L. the Dubuque (Iowa) Internal Improvement Zamora has accepted the railroad to Hermosil- Company to complete its entire line of road.

The judge has but one course before to, and rails and ties are going forward for the Of this company H. W. McNeill is preside

him in such an event, and that is to order construction of the road via Magdalene, which J. K. Graves secretary and treasurer, and J. A.

him to be confined where he can never do

ny more harm. If such a commission re

point the company will reach by Dec. 15.

It is ev

Rhomberg general superintendent. All of these should an open winter gentlemen are citizens of Dubuque and are said

to have all the capital required to carry out their for the Chicago and Southeastern Railway Com- art, S. H. Blake, F. A. Wilson, Charles P. Stetcontract. pany, with a capital stock of $700,000, to con- son, H. N. Fairbanks, Sprague Adams and John struct a railroad from a point in Cook County S. Ricker. Noah Woods was elected president to a point on the Indiana State line in the and treasurer and J. F. Leavitt clerk. F. W. county of Kankakee or Iroquois, passing Cram was appointed superintendent and J. F. through Will County. The incorporators are Leavitt, general ticket agent. John L. Beveridge, Eugene Ellery, David B. Dewey, Alexander Schrader and Robert B. Ken

THE survey of the proposed new railway from Danby, Vt., to Whitehall, N. Y., was commenced on the 14th inst. The road, it is stated, will be extended to Sackett's Harbor, on Lake Ontario, and if built will form another line via the Bennington and Rutland Railroad between Chicago and Boston, connecting with the Hoosac Tunnel route at the Hoosac Junction by an extension road, 18 miles long, to North Adams,



ARTICLES of incorporation of the Cincinnati,


AT a recent meeting at Marshalltown, Iowa, of the directors of the Central Iowa Railway Company the articles of incorporation were amended as follows: First-The object of the corporation shall also be to construct, acquire and operate branches in connection with the main line. Second-The capital stock is in

Ar the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Boston and Providence Railroad Company, held in Boston on the 16th inst., the following directors were unanimously re-elected: Henry A. Whitney, Thomas P. I. Goddard, J, Huntington Wolcott, William R. Robeson, Francis M. Wild, Joseph W. Balch, Royal C. Taft. At a meeting of the directors, Henry A. Whitney was re-elected president, B. B. Tor

Shawnee and Wheeling Railway Company were creased by $6,000,000. Third-The indebted. rey, treasurer, Winslow Warren, clerk, and A.

filed with the Secretary of State of Ohio on the 14th inst. The capital stock of the company is fixed at $3,000,000 in shares of $100 each, and the incorporators are: Jonas M. McCune, of Columbus; Wm. C. Maholm, of Newark; Levi J. Burgess, of Logan, and L. M. Lawson and David R. Sickels, of New York. The purpose of this incorporation is to construct and operate a line of railroad from Cincinnati to Wheeling. It is estimated that the length of the entire

road will not exceed 220 miles.

A. Folsom, superintendent.

[ocr errors]

ness is not to exceed two-thirds of the capital
THE directors of the Lynn and Boston Rail-
road Company, elected on the 9th inst., are :
A CERTIFICATE of incorporation of the Balti-Amos F. Breed, Asa A. Breed and Philip A.
filed at the executive department, with the Pearmain of Chelsea, William Sprague, John
more Union Passenger Railway Co, has been Chase of Lynn, Isaac Stebbins and William R.
following incorporators: Osmun Latrobe, Jos. Reed, Thomas P. Proctor and E. Francis Oli-
Sloan, Jr., John K. Cowan, E. J. D. Cross and ver of Boston, and George W. W. Dove of An-
Hugh L. Bond, Jr. The termini of the pro- dover.
posed road in Baltimore are at Conway street,
where it intersects the westernmost line of
Light street, and at Brunswick street, where
the same intersects the centre line of Wilkens
The capital stock is $250,000, of 5,000
shares at $50 per share.


THE Canal Dover and Cleveland Railroad Company has been incorporated at Columbus, Ohio, with a capital of $750,000, in shares of $100 each. The road will run from Canal Dover, Tuscarawas county, to Cleveland, passing through the counties of Tuscarawas, Stark, Summit and Cuyahoga. It is the virtual building over of the old line of railway from Canal Dover to Canton, on account of not being able to come fo terms with existing lines. THE charter of the Galveston and Rio Grande | Jamison and George F. Huff. Railway Company, which was filed at Austin, Texas, on the 8th inst., provides for a line

through the counties of Galveston, Brazoria,

Matagorda, Jackson, Victoria, Duval and Encinal to Laredo, Webb County; also a branch from a point on the main line in Live Oak

THE directors of the Monadnock Railroad

Company, elected at a meeting of the stockholders held at Peterboro, N. H., on the 15th inst., are: John H. Fairbanks, Peter Upton, Oscar H. Bradley, Henry K. French, Willis Phelps, James S. Rumrill, William G. Livingston. Subsequently H. K. French was elected President and W. G. Livingston Clerk and


A CHARTER has been granted at Harrisburg, Penn., to the Mutual Mining and Manufacturing Company of Greensburg, Westmoreland county. The company is organized for the purpose of mining coal, manufacturing coke, boring for oil, etc. The directors are Richard Coulter, A. W. Logan, William A. Huff, B. S. Company, held on the 21st inst., the following

New Albany and Jeffersonville Belt Railroad
ARTICLES of incorporation of the Louisville,
Company were filed at Indianapolis, Ind., on
belt road round the Ohio falls connecting the
the 12th inst. The proposition is to build a
cities of New Albany, Jeffersonville, Portland

Ar the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

board of directors were elected: William F.
Burns, Robert Garrett, John Spear Nicholas,
James Carey Coale, G. A. Von Lingen, Decatur
John Gregg, William W. Taylor, Samuel Kirby,
H. Miller, Joshua G. Harvey, George W. Dob-

bin, and Henry Smith.

THE directors of the Old Colony Railroad

County through Duval County to Rio Grande and Louisville. The capital stock is $1,000,000. Company elected at a meeting of stockholders

City in Starr County. The total mileage is about 500. The principal business office is to be located at Galveston. The capital stock is $12,500,000.

CHARTERS have been taken out in Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio for a railroad from Baltimore to Cincinnati, midway between the Bal timore and Ohio and Chesapeake and Ohio Railroads, a distance of 601 miles. A construction company has been formed under the laws of New Jersey, with a capital of $10,000,000.

ARTICLES of incorporation of the Chicago and Northern Railway Company were filed at Springfield, Ills., on the 14th inst. The object of the company is to construct a road from some convenient point in the city of Chicago through the counties of Cook and Lake to the northern boundary line of the State of Illinois to some convenient point in the county of Lake. The capital stock of the company is $1,000,000, and the incorporators and first board of directors are John W. Ulm. M. C. Springer, George M. Sargeant, H. H. C. Miller, all of Cook county, and Frank P. Hawkins of Lake county. ARTICLES of incorporation have been filed in the office of the Secretary of State of Illinois


THE directors of the New Haven and Derby
Railroad Company, elected on the 15th inst.,
are: J. N. Bartholomew, Charles L. English,
N. S. Dawson, E. N. Shelton, G. P. Cowles,
Thomas Wallace, N. D. Sherry, Isaac Anderson,
Joel A. Sperry, G. W. Shelton, M. F. Tyler, F.
Farrell, Charles Atwater.

THE stockholders of the Memphis andCharles-
ton Railroad Company have unanimously
elected the following board of directors: V. K.
Stevenson, John L. Cadwalader, Chas. Y. Swan,
Daniel L. Evans, New York; W. R. Rison,
Huntsville; W. M. Farrington, J. A. Hayes, Jr.,
R. D. Trayser, Memphis; G. M. Fogg, Wm.
Duncan, James D. Porter, Jere Baxter, Nash-
ville, Tennessee; C. H. Phinizey, Augusta,
Georgia. The directors elected V. K. Steven-
son, president; Jere Baxter, vice president.

held at Middleboro, Mass., on the 22d inst., are Charles F. Choate, Cambridge; Frederick A. Ames, Easton; Thomas J. Borden. Fall River; John E. S. Brayton, Fall River; Samuel C. Cobb, Boston; Uriel Crocker, Boston; Samuel L. Crocker, Taunton; Francis C. Hayes, Boston; George Marston, New Bedford; John J. Russell, Plymouth; Royal W. Turner, Randolph; Elisha W. Willard, Newport.

We have been requested by Allen Middleton, President of the Continuous Draw Bar Co., whose principal office is at 945 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, to state that they have purchased the "Salvater Draw Bar," and now own the Middleton's two patents, D. Hoits, Caum, and Patterson and Griffith's patents, giving them the control of the legitimate Draw Bars of the United States.

THE Contract for grading, bridging and pilAr the annual meeting of the stockholders of ing that portion of the Duluth and Winnipeg the European and North American Railroad Railroad, extending from Duluth to the MissisCompany, held at Bangor, Me., on the 16th sippi, about 150 miles in length, has been let inst., the following board of directors was to E. C. Davis & Co., of Boston. Work is to elected: Noah Woods, N. C. Ayer, T. J. Stew-be commenced at once.

[blocks in formation]


$1,566,728,750 00 $11,499,372 50
13,746,305 26 833,955 93

[blocks in formation]

6 per cent loan, 1861-'81, continued at 3 per ct. 6 per cent loan 1863-'81 continued at 3 per ct 5 per cent funded loan of 1881....

$113,926,350 00 $1,329,140 75 Debt on which interest has
ceased since maturity.

4%1⁄2 per cent funded loan of 1891.....

[blocks in formation]

per cent funded loan of 1907..

738,749,750 00

[blocks in formation]

2,462,499 16
1,993 50
105,000 00

tender notes...
Certificates of deposit....
Coin & silver certificates.
Fractional currency

8,310,000 00 71,535,590 00 7,093,151 92 $433,679,797 92

Unclaimed interest......

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

charge of the tower at the City Hall station. explaining the system of interlocking switches, "unless the engineer of a train runs by a danger signal. Now all the switches are locked, and I can't change one of them unless I begin by dropping that danger signal." To prove this Dodds tugged vigorously at the upright levers, but did not succeed in budging one of them. Then the incoming train that was expected arrived, and Dodds, dropping the red disk to keep other trains from entering the depot, was able to throw one lever after another till the track was ready for the outgoing train. Last of all, the red disk which held this train was raised, and the train drew slowly out. For each train from five to twelve changes are made in the switches and signals, and in the eight |hours he is on duty the switchman at this point throws the levers four or five thousand times. "When the trains are running on two minutes' headway," said Dodds, "one passes here every half minute, and we are kept so busy that to 833,955 93 look up here you would think a prize-fight was going on."

7,256 51

[blocks in formation]

The levers are thrown in the same order for every fourth train, and consequently the switchman does the work intuitively after a short ex2,945 00 Debt, less am't in Treasury Oct. 1, 1881.. 1,798,855,925 77perience, as a pianist plays a familiar air. The $13,321,458 87 interlocking system makes it impossible to $55,064,345 08 throw the wrong lever.

Decrease of debt during the month.....
Decrease of debt since June 30, 1881....



Interest due

& unpaid.

$64,174 81

Gold and silver certificates..

1,104 91
1,250 00

85 74
22 00

6 per cent. bounty land scrip, 1847

[blocks in formation]

5 per cent. Texas indemnity bonds, 1850..

5 per cent, bonds, of 1858.

5 per cent. bonds, of 1860.

[blocks in formation]

6 per cent. 5-20 bonds, 1862, called.

[blocks in formation]

6 per cent. 5-20 bonds, June, 1864, called.

58,650 00

6 per cent. 5-20 bonds, 1865, called..

5 per cent. 10-40 bonds, 1864, called.

170 95 77,050 00 18,912 52 534,450 00 112,093 65 426,100 00 19,536 75 1,199,300 00 207,669 42 371,850 00 26,027 05 174,000 00 7,800 00 7,596,850 00 208,564 72 142,950 00

6 per cent. Consol. bonds, 1865, called..

6 per cent. Consol. bonds, 1867, called..

per cent. Consol. bonds,
1868, called.

6 per cent. loan, Feb. 8, 1861,
matured Dec. 31, 1880..
per cent. funded loan 1881,

Oregon War Debt, March 2,
1881, matured July 1, 1881.
6 per cent loan of July 17 and
Aug. 5, 1861, matured June
30, 1881..

6 per cent. loan of March 3,
1863, matured June 30, 1881.
1-10 to 6 per cent. Treasury
notes, prior to 1846..
1-10 to 6 per cent. Treasury
notes, 1846..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

$64,623,512 00 $1,292,470 24 Interest paid by the United States, $51,467,272 02; in7,084 50 terest repaid by transportation of mails, &c., $14,662, 941 06; interest repaid by cash payments: 5 per cent. net earnings, $655,198 87; balance of interest paid by United States, $36,149,132 09.

67,198 50
21,822 00
2,668 06
206 00
57 00

The foregoing is a correct statement of the public
debt, as appears from the books and Treasurer's returns
in the Department at the close of business, October
31, 1881.

Acting Secretary of the Treasury.

The levers are nine in a row in the top room of the little iron tower at the entrance to the City Hall station of the elevated railroad. Three are for raising or dropping the three red signal disks, three are for changing the switches, and the remaining three for locking them 32,000 00 after they have been put in position. One signal is beside the track for incoming trains north of the tower; when the disk is down, incoming trains are stopped till the switchman, by raising it, shows that the switches are in position and the track clear. The other two signals are in front of the starting points, and until they are raised the trains cannot start. Two of the three switch-levers move two switches each, while the third moves one. Each of the three is connected with one or more of the green - armed and green-lighted semaphores which show whether the track is straight or Mr. Jay Gould, upon being elected President whether switches are to be crossed. The of the Manhattan Railway C., began to consid-switches, once in position, are locked from the er how the rapid-transit sy stem could be im- tower by means of the remaining three levers, proved. He reported to the Board of Directors and as an additional precaution against the oc that he had found that by means of interlock-currence of accidents through the over hasty ing switches trains could be run to and from change of switches, long strips of iron, known the City Hall and South Ferry stations by the as protecting-bars, are laid along the switches, 244 19 Second and Third avenue roads without trans- and while they are pressed down by the flanges fer of passengers at Chatham Square. In view of the wheels of a passing train, it is impossible of the grratly increased comfort and conven- for the switchman to unlock or change a switch. ..$13,746,305 26 $833,955 93 ience and saving of time which such a change interlocking of the signals and switches, which The great safeguard of the system lies in the renders it impossible for any lever to be moved at the wrong time. Each lever is connected at the lower end with an iron plate in which are

6 per ct. Treasury notes,1861.
73-10 per cent. 3 years' Treas
ury notes, 1861..

5 per cent. 1 year notes,1863..
5 per cent. 2 year notes, 1863.
6 per ct. compound interest
notes, 1863-64..
73-10 per cent. 3 years' Treas-
ury notes, 1864-65..

6 per cent. certificates of in-
debtedness, 1862-63...

4 to 6 per cent. temporary loan, 1864..

3 per cent. certificates, called.

Aggregated of debt on which Interest has ceased since maturity.......

16,300 00
43,605 00
35,250 00

99 00 364 50

1,104 43
2,192 35

1,784 80 226,920 00 46,290 11

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

394 31

7,256 51

Interlocking Switches.

would result in to passengers, he had ordered
the improvement to be made without delay.
To better accommodate the increasing travel, he
had ordered the building of five new stations

on the Second avenue line-at Seventieth, six slots.

Eightieth, Ninety-second, One Hundred and
Fifth, and One Hundred and Fifteenth streets,
and of three new stations on the Sixth avenue
line, namely, at Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, and

Forty-seventh streets.

parallel to the row of levers are six steel bar, Above and beneath the plates and each one of which is connceted with one of the locking or switch levers, and which have clamped on them at intervals steel dogs. When a lever is thrown, the bar is moved backwards or brought by the motion

"It is impossible for an accident to occur forwards. The dogs are

$433,679,797 92 $7,256 52 here," said Stephen Dodds, the switchman in either over the slots or the edge of the plate of

some other lever. If the dog is over the slot, it passes through and the lever can be moved, but if it touches the plate the lever is held immov

able. The levers are all made interdependent in this way. The dogs are placed at such interals and the bars in such a mannar that until he proper lever is thrown no other can be ncved. Consequently, if the signals are regarded by the engineers, only one train can be moved at a time. To enable a second to move It would be necessary, for example, to raise a ignal disk. This is interlocked with a switch, which is held immovable by the locking lever, and this locking lever cannot be unlocked while the first train is passing over the switch, n consequence of the action of the protectingpar. Perhaps the best proof of the excellence of the systsm is the fact that accidents do not ccur at the City Hall station, although trains ass the tower at the rate of one every half minute during the commission hours. Someimes they are even more frequent.

The switch-room is in charge of one man, who at night and in foggy weather has a flagman with him, ready with lighted lanterns to go along the track to warn trains, if that should be thought necessary. A switchman is on duty In the tower at all hours of the day and night, so that the City Hall terminus of the road could be used if anything should occur to prevent the running of trains to the South Ferry. Train lespatcher Gilroy said that to run trains acording to the new plan a signal tower would be needed at Chatham Square like that at the City Hall. Switches and signals would be arranged on the interlocking plan, and while one train was passing, all others approaching Chatham Square would be stopped by signals, which would be set by the action of the switchman in signalling the first train to go on.


J. P. BRINTON has been re-elected President of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company.

Tax officers of the Baltimore and Catonsville Railway Company, elected on the 19th inst., are: President, John C. Holland; treasurer, Herman H. Graue; secretary, Wm. W. Orndorff; ticket agent, F. Megenhardt.

ginia, where it will connect with the Richmond
and Alleganey Railroad.

THE officers of the Naugatuck Railroad Com

pany, recently elected, are: E. F. Bishop,
President; Horace Nichols, Secretary and
Treasurer; George W. Beach, Superintendent.

SAMUEL SPENCER has been elected President

and Edward W. Mealey Secretary and Treasurer
of the Washington County Branch of the Bal-
timore and Ohio Railroad.

ALFRED C. HARVEY, of St. Johnsbury, Vt.,
has received the appointment of traveling
agent for New England of the Union Pacific

THE officers of the Hannibal and St. Joseph
Railroad Company, elected on the 17th inst.,
are: President, William Dowd, of New York;
Vice-President, John R. Duff, of Boston; Secre-
tary, John A. Hilton, of New York; Treasurer,
Walter J. Hilton, of Hannibal, Mo.
HON. R. R. Bridgers has been unanimously
re-elected President of the Wilmington and
Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta
Railroad Company.

Commerce of New York.

[blocks in formation]

·95,153 3,689,081 3,036,203 22,214 933,000 792,813 Central R. R. of New Jersey 106,294 3,801,882 3,265.942 936,105

United R. R. of New Jersey 36,609 1,350,875
Pennsylvania Coal....

36,652 1,220,230 969,471
Delaware and Hudson Canal 86,049 3,099,828 2,594,370
Huntingdon and Broad Top

Penn. and New York...
Clearfield, Pa


The foreign imports at New York for the crease of 15,892 tons. The total amount of bitumonth of October were:




10,996 457,397 378,899 38,137 1,437,851 1,073,228 57,413 2,0.5,744 1,462,361 The total tonnage of anthracite coal from all the regions for the week ending Nov. 12, as reported by the several carrying companies, amounted to 677,373 tons, against 635,867 tons of 41,506 tons. The total amount of anthracite in the corresponding week last year, an increase mined for the year is 24,431,830 tons, against 20,332,392 tons for the same period last year, an increase of 4,099,438 tons. The quantity of bituminous coal sent to market for the week amounted to 107,666 tons, against 91,774 tons in the corresponding week of last year, an inminous mined for the year is 4,287,746 tons, against 3,739,728 tons for the corresponding Ent. for cons....... $16,262,046 $15,544,936 $19,940,594 period last year, an increase of 548,018 tons. Do.for warehouseing 4,504,436 6,920,298 Free goods..... 5,596,230 The total tonnage of all kinds of coal for the 9,939,689 11,560,527 11,558,117 Specie and bullion.. 18,303,539 16,248,590 week is 785,039 tons, against 727,641 tons in 6,969,304 corresponding week last year, an increase of Total ent. at port.... $49,009,710 $50,214,351 $44,064,243 57,398 tons, and the total tonnage for the coal is 28,749,576 tons, against 24,072,120 tons, 7,140,151 9,036,002 9,831.590 year tons. The quantity of coal and coke carried over same date last year, an increase of 4,647,456 the Pennsylvania Railroad for the week ending November 12 was 196,521 tons, of which 150,229 tons were coal and 46,295 tons coke. The total tonnage for the year thus far has been 7,845,240 tons, of which 5,783,957 tons were coal and 2,061,283 tons coke. These figures embrace all the coal and coke carried over the minous coal from the mines of the Cumberland road east and west. The shipments of bitucoal region during the week ended November 12 have not yet been reported. The Reading Railroad shipment for last week, ending No




The foreign imports at New York for ten
months from January 1 were:
Ent. for cons.......$133,501,823 $197,844,038 $189,447,447
Do. warehouse.. 58,204,038 100,213,196 72,424,935
Free goods....
76,802,040 104,418,365 103,720,307
Specie and bullion.. 58,503,528 49,758,972 52,915,893

Total ent. at port...$237,011,429 $452,234,571 $418,508,582
Withdrawn from
57,427,658 77,464,532 84,691,291

The duties received at New York for the ten
months ending with October were:





[ocr errors][merged small]

Six months. $48,176,931 66
August..... 10,562,138 82 14,492,361 87
September. 11,790,902 26 12,856,636 10 14,104,647 58
October.... 10,952,554 48 10,574,333 53 13,011,426 27
Total.....$90,812,412 39 $122,322,249 03 $123,041,556 38
The exports from New York to foreign ports
in the month of October were:
Dom. produce..
For. free goods..
Do. dutiable
Specie and bullion...
Total exports.....
exclusive of spe-

THE Executive Committee of the Western Union Telegraph Co. have appointed Cyrus W. Field and E. D. Morgan a committee to arrange with J. S. Morgan & Co., of London, for the transfer of stock and payment of dividends there, and for the placing the stock on the Lon-Do,

don Stock Exchange.

$37.041,310 $37,129,593 $27,118,543
80,955 366,914 214,238
281,942 649,801 522,547
524,753 1,195,043 1,171,272
$37,928,958 $39,340,951 $29,026,590
37,404,205 38,145,908 27,855,328

vember 19 was, 191,000 tons, of which 43,000 tons were sent to and 44,700 tons shipped from Port Richmond, and 19,000 tons sent to and 17,500 tons shipped from Elizabethport.-Phil Ledger, Nov. 21.


Ar a meeting of the Allegany Central Railroad Company, held at the office of the company, 34 Pine street, this city, on the 18th inst., articles of agreement and consolidation with the Olean Railroad Company and the FriendThe exports from New York to foreign ports ship Railroad Company were unanimously


A. A. HOBART. formerly Superintendent of for ten months from January 1 were:

[blocks in formation]

adopted. The lines of the Consolidated Alle

the Boson and Lowell Railroad, has been ap- Dom. produce.....$286,866,171 $339,717,413 $302,846,048 gany Central Railroad Company extends from

[blocks in formation]

1879. 1,715,336 2,313,541 6,556,742 Olean, New York, to Swains, New York, on the 3,703,329 4,205,096 4,940,221 Specie and bullion. 13,516,332 7,019,816 10,512,742 Buffalo division of the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad, a distance of sixty-one miles. Some thirty miles of the road are com. pleted.

Total exports...... $305,801,568 $353,255,869 $324,855,753
Do. exclusive of
292,285,236 346,236,050 314,343,011

THE Somerset and Cambria branch of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Som-
erset and Johntown, Pennsylvania, 36 miles,
connecting Maryland and West Virginia coal
fields and ore mines with coal and iron centers
of Pennsylvania, was formally opened on the
3d inst.

[blocks in formation]
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