Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, Volume 3The Society, 1900 List of members in each volume. |
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Page 11
... Retford CHICKEN , THOMAS WILLM . , 20 , Bentinck Road , Nottingham CLEMENTS , FREDK . , 23 , Park Row , Nottingham COKAYNE , GEORGE E. , M.A. , F.S.A. , Clarenceux King of Arms , Heralds ' Coll . , London COLLINSON , Rev. C. B. , B.A ...
... Retford CHICKEN , THOMAS WILLM . , 20 , Bentinck Road , Nottingham CLEMENTS , FREDK . , 23 , Park Row , Nottingham COKAYNE , GEORGE E. , M.A. , F.S.A. , Clarenceux King of Arms , Heralds ' Coll . , London COLLINSON , Rev. C. B. , B.A ...
Page 12
... Retford Rectory , Retford H. , Hartland , Pelham Terrace , Nottingham y Rev. R. , D.D. , The Deanery , St. Paul's , London , E.C. CARY ( per Charles Welch , F.S.A. ) , London , E.C. SARAH , 23 , Lenton Avenue , The Park , Nottingham ...
... Retford Rectory , Retford H. , Hartland , Pelham Terrace , Nottingham y Rev. R. , D.D. , The Deanery , St. Paul's , London , E.C. CARY ( per Charles Welch , F.S.A. ) , London , E.C. SARAH , 23 , Lenton Avenue , The Park , Nottingham ...
Page 13
... Retford Mellish , HENRY , J.P. , Hodsock Priory , Worksop Mellors , RobERT , Locksley House , Sherwood Rise , Nottingham MIDDLETON , Right Hon . Lord , J.P. , D.L. , V.D. , Wollaton Hall , Nottingham Millar , James , M.D. , 2 ...
... Retford Mellish , HENRY , J.P. , Hodsock Priory , Worksop Mellors , RobERT , Locksley House , Sherwood Rise , Nottingham MIDDLETON , Right Hon . Lord , J.P. , D.L. , V.D. , Wollaton Hall , Nottingham Millar , James , M.D. , 2 ...
Page 14
... Retford Craythorpe , Tenterden , Kent L. Lord , J.P. , Rufford Abbey , Ollerton , Newark A.R.I.B.A. , Bank Street Chambers , Lincoln Rev. C. E. , M.A. , Blyth Vicarage , Rotherham SMA SMA SM SMI SM SM SM SM SM So Sp ST as ST S S S S ...
... Retford Craythorpe , Tenterden , Kent L. Lord , J.P. , Rufford Abbey , Ollerton , Newark A.R.I.B.A. , Bank Street Chambers , Lincoln Rev. C. E. , M.A. , Blyth Vicarage , Rotherham SMA SMA SM SMI SM SM SM SM SM So Sp ST as ST S S S S ...
Page 15
... Retford THORPE , W. B. , Lenton House , Derby Road , Nottingham THORPE , Mrs. W. B. , Lenton House , Derby Road , Nottingham THORPE , JOHN , 62 , Park Road , Lenton , Nottingham THORPE , HENRY ROBY , 5 , Lenton Avenue , The Park ...
... Retford THORPE , W. B. , Lenton House , Derby Road , Nottingham THORPE , Mrs. W. B. , Lenton House , Derby Road , Nottingham THORPE , JOHN , 62 , Park Road , Lenton , Nottingham THORPE , HENRY ROBY , 5 , Lenton Avenue , The Park ...
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Common terms and phrases
A. J. L. Dobbin ancient Anne Hutchinson Antiq Archæologia Archit Assoc Baron von Hube Bishop Bristol and Glouc Brit Bromley House Library bronze Burton century Charles Chaworth Musters church Clements Clifton coins Committee Council Cumb Duke of Newcastle Duke of Portland E. M. Kidd Earl Edward Eleanor cross Engraved Frank Frank E George Gotham Hall Harby Henry Hist History Inscribed Ireland J. T. Spalding James Ward John Jour king Lent Lent by Miss Lent by Rev Lenton Lincoln London Lord Byron M. I. Preston manor Mansfield Mary Medal Members Newark Notes Nottingham Castle Nottingham Mechanics Nottinghamshire Notts Park Percy Cropper portrait Priory Rectory Retford Road Robert Roman Rufford Rufford Abbey Rushcliffe Samuel Page Scarrington Scot Sherwood Shrop Southwell Street THOROTON SOCIETY Tokens Transactions Vicarage viii Welbeck Abbey West Bridgford Worksop xviii xxiii xxiv xxxii
Popular passages
Page 8 - Every question at a meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting on that question, and in case of an equal division of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
Page 1 - Index to archaeologists is now recognised. Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong the plan is to include them in the following year ; and whenever the papers of societies are brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means...
Page 1 - Many of the Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies of the yearly Index to issue with their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the less will be th cost of the Index to each society.
Page 1 - ... brought into the Index for the first time they are then indexed from the year 1891. By this means it will be seen that the year 1891 is treated as the commencing year for the Index and that all transactions published in and since that year will find their place in the series. To make this work complete an index of the transactions from the beginning of archaeological societies down to the year 1890 needs to be published. This Index is already completed in MS. form and it will be printed as soon...
Page 9 - ... dissolution, signed, by not less than twenty Members, shall be delivered to the General Secretary not less than three calendar months before the Meeting at which it is to be discussed.
Page 1 - Single copies of the yearly Index may be obtained. Many of the societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries take a sufficient number of copies to issue with their transactions to each of their members. The more this plan is extended the less will be the cost of the Index to each society.
Page 6 - ... General Meeting in each year, elect a Chairman, from their own body, to preside at their meetings, for the ensuing year. They shall make all such By-Laws for the internal management of the Museum premises as they shall think necessary. The Council shall meet not less than four times a year. 5. — The President shall take the chair at all meetings of the Society, or in his absence the senior Vice-President or Member of Council, and have an original and casting vote on all questions before the...
Page 51 - I only intended to present you with some phases of outward life and manners — such things as would strike or interest a stranger in our beloved Gotham, and in the places to which regular Gothamites — American cockneys, so to speak — are wont to repair.
Page 1 - Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries. Its success being assured the Congress have placed it in the hands of the publishers to continue yearly. The value of the Index to archaeologists is now recognised. Every effort is made to keep its contents up to date and continuous, but it is obvious that the difficulties are great unless the assistance of the societies is obtained. If for any reason the papers of a society are not indexed in the year to which they properly belong...
Page 9 - XXIX.—Alterations of the above Rules shall only be made in the manner following : (a) Notice of the proposed change shall be forwarded to Members of the Society, together with the notice of the Meeting at which it is to be considered. (b) No such proposal shall be considered at any Meeting at which less than twenty Members are present, and it shall not be deemed to be carried unless at least two-thirds of the Members present vote in favour of it. (c) A change in the Rules which has been duly carried...