THE Collection of Acts of Parliament, Forms, and Ordinances, of which a Second Edition is now offered to the Public, was grounded on a former Work of the fame kind; the plan of which, however, was very much enlarged, as well by giving the Acts in queftion more at length, as by adding others, efpecially fome recently paffed, to which the Parochial; Clergy must often have occafion to refer. Some ufeful Forms alfo, generally received in practice, were fubjoined, taken chiefly from Ecton's Liber Valorum, and Bacon's Liber Regis, together with Rules for the direction of those who might have occafion to make application to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty.
Little doubt was entertained but that such a Publication would be an useful one to the Clergy, from the nature of the information contained in it, the convenient fize of the volume, and, more especially, from the circumftance, that the Laws which are obligatory upon Ecclefiaftical Perfons were brought down to the present time, as well as given in the words themfelves (fo far as might be) of the several Statutes