T Elephant Beetle 391 Grayling......... 316 Elk Electric Ray ... 332 Grampus 34 Grasshopper.... 395 Lama 39 Great Shrike 130 Lapwing......... 241 291 Lady-cow 425 49 Lantern Fly 401 .... ... Emmet 405 Greyhound...... 70 Lark 207 Falcon, moun- Guinea-hen..... 174 Leech 439 Sturgeon Sucker 292 Viper 340 Viper, horned.. 362 Zoophytes....... 44 Sucking-fish..... 278 Vulture.......... 118 360 Zebra............. 25 EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN NATURAL HISTORY. AMPHIBIOUS. Capable of living both on the land and in the water. Animalcules. Cetaceous. Cinereous. Columbine. Cordiform. Crustaceous. Digitated. Dorsal. Elytra. Small animals, visible only with the assistance of the microscope. Marked with rings. The horns or feelers of insects. Horns overhanging the brows. With two spots, or two series of spots. With two shells or openings. A hard lump, an excrescence. Of the dog kind. Feeding on flesh. A skin over the bill of birds; sometimes moveable, as in parrots. Of the whale kind. Of the colour of ashes. Of the dove or pigeon kind. Heart-shaped. Covered with a shell or crust; as lobsters, crabs, &c. cats and dogs. Belonging to the back. The wing-cases of insects of the beetle tribe. Exsanguineous. Without blood, as worms. Entomology. A description of insects. The antennæ or horns of insects. Feelers. The horny substance that protects the external part Ichthyology. Imbricated. Incubation. A description of fishes. Tiled or plated over each other. The act of hatching eggs. Insectivorous. Feeding on insects. Laminated. Larva Lateral. Mandibles. Migratory. Multivalve. Nictitating. Obfuscated. Olfactory. Operculum. Ornithology. Oviparous. Parturition. Passerine. Pectoral. Pendulous. Piscivorous. Predaceous. Proboscis. Quadrifid. Reptiles. Ruminating. Scabrous. Scapulars. Semilunar. Setaceous. Spiral. In the form of, or covered with, plates or scales. The young of insects. Belonging to the side, placed sideways. Upper and lower, the two divisions of a bird's beak. Coming and going at certain seasons. With many shells or openings. Winking: applied to a membrane with which birds cover their eyes at pleasure. Of a darkish colour. Relating to smell. A shield or cover. A description of birds. That lays eggs. The act of bringing forth young. Belonging to the sparrow kind. Belonging to the breast. Hanging down. Feeding on fishes. Formed to pursue prey. The flexible trunk of the elephant, bee, &c. Divided into four parts. Animals of the serpent tribe, with legs. Chewing the cud. Rough. Shoulders. In the form of a half-moon. Having bristles or strong hairs. Winding like a screw. Striated. Subulated. Tentacula Testaceous. Trifurcated. Truncated. Umbrageous. Univalve. Ventral. Vertebrated. Viviparous. Streaked or striped. Formed like an awl. The feelers of worms. Covered with a shell, as oysters. With one shell or opening. Belonging to the belly. Having a jointed spine-bone. Bringing forth the young alive. Webbed. Zoologists. Zoophite. Connected with a membrane, as the claws of aquatic birds. Writers on animated nature. The history of animated nature. An animal plant, or sensitive vegetable. |