Treatise on Mathematical Instruments: Their Construction, Adjustment, Testing and Use Concisely Explained

Front Cover
Virtue Bros. & Company, 1866 - 185 pages

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Page 5 - To which is added, a description of the Principles and Practice of Isometrical Projection. By JF HEATHER, MA -With 14 Plates.
Page 59 - ... that the sine of the angle of refraction bears a constant ratio to the sine of the angle of incidence...
Page 86 - ... of this field of view. We must therefore place some fixed point in the field, of view, and in the focus of the eye-piece, and the point to which the measurement will have reference will be that point of the object viewed, which...
Page 6 - Gd. 131. READY-RECKONER FOR MILLERS, FARMERS, AND MERCHANTS, showing the Value of any Quantity of Corn, with the Approximate Values of Mill-stones & Mill Work.
Page 185 - THE ENTIRE SERIES IS FREELY ILLUSTRATED ON WOOD AND STONE WHERE REQUISITE. The Public are respectfully informed that the whole of the late MB.
Page 5 - Gd. 55. NAVIGATION ; the Sailor's Sea Book : How to Keep the Log and Work it off, &c. ; Law of Storms, and Explanation of Terms, by J. Greenwood. 2s.
Page 14 - From the center at a draw the line ag for the axis of the gnomon agi, and from g let fall the perpendicular gi upon the horizontal meridian line an, and there will be formed a triangle ag i.
Page 131 - ... of them, those which apply to the eye-end of the telescope will answer much better ; the former having their errors magnified by the power of the telescope, will, in proportion to this power, and those errors, be less distinct than the latter. " In taking distances, when the position does not vary from the vertical above thirty or forty degrees, the handles which are attached to the circle are generally most conveniently used ; but in those which incline more to the horizontal, that handle which...
Page 3 - Denison. 3s. 6d. 78. STEAM AND LOCOMOTION, on the Principle of connecting Science with Practice, by J. Sewell. 2s. 78*.

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