| Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire - 1897 - 524 pages
...1666-1676, Bur. 1664-1849, A.Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-1676 Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...chronologically. Central Offices, Devonshire House, BC No. 5.— A List of MS. Transcripts. This List is for general information, to prevent the duplication... | |
| British Archaeological Association - 1892 - 580 pages
...1666-1676, Bur. 1664-1849, A. Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-1676 Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...Society, circa 1650 to 1837, arranged in geographical areaa called Quarterly Meetings, the entries for each Quarterly Meeting being also arranged alphabetically... | |
| Huguenot Society of London - 1894 - 546 pages
...1666-1676, Bur. 1664-1849, A. Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-1676 Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...chronologically. Central Offices, Devonshire House, EG No. 5.— A List of MS. Transcripts. This List is for general information, to prevent the duplication... | |
| 1897 - 636 pages
...1666-167(5, Bur. 1664-1849, A.Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-1676 Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...Members (principally of the Society of Friends in Eugland and Wales, from the rise of the Society, circa 1650 to 1837, arranged in geographical areas... | |
| 1898 - 758 pages
...1666-1676, Bur. 1664-1849, A.Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-1676 Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...entries for each Quarterly Meeting being also arranged alphabetical ly and chronologically. Central Offices, Devonshire House, EC No. 5.— A List of MS.... | |
| 1898 - 782 pages
...Bur. 1664-1849, A.Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-lfií>¡ Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...(principally of the Society of Friends in England and Wale«, from thr rise of the Society, circa 1650 to 1837, arranged in geographical areas called Quarterly... | |
| Edward Hungerford Goddard - 1894 - 894 pages
...1666-1676, Bur. 1664-1849, A. Ridley Bax. REIGATE, Friends, Births 1667-1675, Mar. 1665-1676 Bur. 1664-1677, AR Bax. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS.— A Digest of the Registers...entries for each Quarterly Meeting being also arranged/' alpha* betically and chronologically. ^ Central Offices, Devonshire House, EC No. 5.— A List of MS.... | |
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