The Thoroton Society: An Antiquarian Society for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. REPORT OF INAUGURAL MEETING, Ist JUNE, 1897. NOTTINGHAM: JAMES BELL & SON, PRINTERS, CARLTON STREET. President: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ST. ALBANS. Vice-Presidents : HIS GRACE the Duke of PORTLAND THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL MANVErs THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF SOUTHWell THE RIGHT HON. LORD Belper THE MAYOR OF NOTTINGHAM, ALDERMAN FRASER THE VERY REV. R. GREGORY, DEAN OF S. PAUL'S, LONDON JOHN E. ELLIS, Esq., M.P. JOHN G. B. THOROTON-HILDYARD, ESQ. Council: THE RIGHT HON. LORD HAWKESBURY, F.S.A., Chairman WILLIAM BRADSHAW, ESQ. REV. A. J. L. DOBBIN, B.A, JAMES GOW, Esq., M.A., LL.D. M. I. JOYCE, Esq., LINCOLN'S-INN G. W. MARSHALL, ESQ., LL.D., ROUGE Croix MRS. CHAWORTH MUSTERS, of Wiverton JOHN RUSSELL, ESQ., M.A. MRS. STAUNTON, OF STAUNTON REV. CANON TREBECK, M.A. G. H. WALLIS, Esq., F.S.A. REV. R. H. WHITWORTH M.A., F.R.H.S. JOHN C. WARREN, ESQ., M.A., Hon. Treasurer REV. J. STANDISH, B.A., Hon. Secreta W. P. W. PHILLIMORE, ESQ., M.A., B.C.L., Secretaries Bankers: Messrs. I. & I. C. WRIGHT & Co. The Objects of the Society are: I.-To promote, generally, the study of the History and Antiquities of the Shire. II. To print ancient records relative to the County, and an annual illustrated volume of Transactions, containing accounts of the Society's Meetings and Papers read, relating to the Antiquities of the County.* III.-Local Meetings and Excursions to places of interest within the County. * e.g.-Prehistoric and Roman Antiquities, Ecclesiastical, Military, and Domestic Architecture, Brasses, Church Bells, Monumental Inscriptions (which are nearly all unrecorded), Ancient Wills in the Probate Registries at York and Nottingham, ham. Inquisitiones Inquisition Post Mortem, Marriage Licences, Church Goods, Feet of Fines, Monastic Chartularies, etc. Terms of Membership. Member's Annual Subscription, 10s. 6d.; Associates*, Ladies, 5s., Gentlemen, 7s. 6d. After the 20th June, 1897, the Council may, if they deem it expedient, impose an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d. on new Members. * N.B.-Associates may attend all meetings of the Society other than business meetings, but are not entitled to receive any of the Society's publications. |