4 Introduces an act to amend section 24, chap- ter 95, title XXVI, of the General Statutes of Missouri, concerning auc- tioneers and their licenses..........
6 Moves above act be referred to Committee on
6 Moves to lay on the table papers in the case of Foster vs. Essex......
Introduces an act to repeal an act to amend chapter 137 of the General Statutes, and to revive and re-enact section 21 of the same chapter..........
7 Moves to indefinitely postpone an act to amend chapter 137. General Statutes, and to revive and re-enact section 37 of said chapter.
8 Offers amendment to resolution relative to printing report of Commissioner of Permanent Seat of Government......... 102
printed for the use of th Senate.
Absent at roll call............182, 184, 184, 186 Introduces an act amendatory and supple-
Offers an amendment to a concurrent resolu-
mentary of an act entitled an act to provide for the registration of voters, and to provide for the appointment of judges of election by the board of re- gistration, approved March 21. 1868.. 285
Moves that the above entitled act be referred to the Committee on Retrenchment, and that fifty copies thereof be printed for the use of the Senate.
tion of Senator Cavender in relation to the pay of Hon. C. D. Drake for ser- vices in the case of F. P. Blair vs. Stephen Ridgeley and others........
Demands the ayes and noes on the adoption of his amendment to a concurrent re- solution by Senator Cavender in rela- tion to Hon. C. D. Drake's pay in the case of F. P. Blair vs Stephen Ridge- ley..........
Offers concurrent resolution requesting the Supreme Court of the United States to take up and try the case of Biair vs. Kidgeley
195 Introduces an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Platte City and Fort Des Moines Railroad Com- pany, approved January 4, 1860, and an act amendatory thereof, approved February 12, 1864, to change the name of said company, fix the termini of said railroad, to construct a branch road in the direction of Ottumwa, to issue bonds and mortgages thereon, and to classify the directors thereof... 322
Offers an amendment to an ac to abolish the olice of fund commissioner of the North Missouri Railroad Company.... 204 | Absent at roll call...... Moves to adjourn..
Introduces an act to amend the Constitution
of the state of Missouri, by striking out section 12 of article eleven of said Constitution............
Moves that the above entitled bill be referred to the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, and fifty copies thereof printed for the use of the senate..
Moves that leave of absence be granted to Senator Brown of St. Louis......
Introduces an act to give efficiency to the western court of common pleas in Platte county
Moves to reconsider the vote by which the act to give eliciency to the western court of common pleas in Flatte coun- ty was ordered printed..
Offers a concurrent resolution instructing our Senators and requesting our Repre- sentatives in Congress to secure a re- duction of the tariff on woolen and cotton goods.....
Noves that the above entitled concurrent re- Solution be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations, and that fifty copies thereof be printed for the use of the senate..
Moves to refer the above entitled bill to the Committee on Banks and Corpora- tions....
Introduces an act amendatory and supple- mentary to an act entitled an act to incorporate the Prairie Point Acad- amy, of Pettis township, in Platte county..
222 Moves that the rules be suspended, that an act amendatory and supplementary of an act entitled an act to incorporate the Prairie Point Academy, in Pettis township, in Platte county, Missouri, be read the third time and put upon its passage.
228 Introduces an act to amend an act entitled an act to establish a court of common pleas in the county of Platte, approved March 1, 1851.
Platte to subscribe for the capital stock in the Kansas and Missouri Bridge Company, and to pay the same by issuing bonds of the county, be re- ferred to the Committee on Internal Improvements, and that fifty copies thereof be printed for the use of the
Moves to refer to the Committee on the Ju- diciary, an act amendatory of an act entitled an act to provide for the reg- istration of voters, and provide for the appointment of judges of election by the board of registration, approved March 21, 1868.
Moves that the rules be suspended, that an act to amend an act entitled an act to change the time of holding courts in the Fifth Judicial Circuit, approved February 14, 1868, be considered en- grossed, read a third time and put upon its passage.
368 Moves to take up an act to authorize the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company to increase its capital stock, 491
Moves to suspend the rules, read a third time and put upon its passage, an act to authorize the Haunibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company to increase its capital stock
Moves to reconsider the vote by which an act to authorize the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company to increase its capital stock was passed, and to lay that motion on the table.......
Absent at roll call...... Oders an amendment to House bill No.
383 (?) Absent at roll call Moves that the Senate take a recess from evening of March 3d to March 4.
381 Absent at roll call..
Moves above act be referred to Committee on Banks and Corporations, and fifty copies be ordered printed for these of the Senate.....
Moves substitute for an act to amend section fifty-three of chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the General Statutes be engrossed and passed.
Moves to reconsider the vote by which above bill was passed, and to lay the motion on the table
Offers resolution that the report of the In- spectors of the Missouri Penitentiary be referred to Committee on Peniten- tiary, and that five hundred of tha same be printed, fifty of which shall be for the use of the Warden.
Submits report from the Jodiciary Commit- tee, recommending that an act to en- large the jurisdiction of justices of the peace do not pass.
Moves further action on above act be id fi- nitely postponed..
PAGE. Submits report from Committee on the Ju- diciary, recommending that an act to amend section twenty-three of chap- ter two hundred and thirteen, Gener- al Statutes of Missouri, in relation to witnesses, be referred back to the House of Representatives, and offer- ing the following resolution: That the Secretary of Senate is hereby di- rected to return to the House of Rep- resentatives House bill No. 46, with the information that the same has not been engrossed, and with the request that the same be engrossed, and with the further request that the House re- quire all bills to be engrossed before they are transmitted to the Senate.... 120
Submits report from Committee on the Ju- diciary recommending the passage of an act extending the time in which the Secretary of State shall lay before the present General Assembly, an ab- stract of the enumeration of the resi- dent inhabitants of each county in the State...
chapter ninety-five of the General Statutes of Missouri.
Moves that the above entitled bill be refer- red to the Committee on Ways and Means, and fifty copies thereof print- ed for the use of the Senate.
Submits a report from the Committee on the Judiciary, recommending that an act requiring the governor to issue com- missions do not pass.
Moves to indefinitely postpone further con- sideration of an act requiring the gov- ernor to issue commissions..
Moves to refer an act to give efficiency to the western court of common pleas in Platte county to the Committee on the Judiciary, and that fifty copies thereof be printed for the use of the Senate.
Withdraws the motion to print fifty copies of an act to give efficiency to the west- ern court of common pleas in Platte county
121 Absent at roll call 233, 247, 249, 254, 255, 121 Offers an amendment to a concurrent reso- 131 lution instructing our Senators in Con- gress to vote for the repeal of the civil tenure of office act.
256, 258, 261. 262, 280, 280
Moves above act be engrossed for a third reading to-morrow... Absent at roll call Introduces an act to aid in the establishment of Normal Schools..
Moves the above act be referred to the Com- nittee on the Permanent Seat of Gov- ernment, and fifty copies ordered printed for the use of the Senate....... 138
Submits report from the Committee on the Judiciary, recominending the passage of an act as amended, being an act to authorize the different county courts to appoint additional justices of the pence
Moves to lay on the table a motion of Sen- ator Gottschalk to recoininit to the Committee on Banks and Corpora- tions, an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the town of Chillicothe and the several acts amendatory thereof.
Demands the ayes and noes on an amend- ment of Senator Reed, to an act to amend section one of chapter thirty- one of the General Statutes of Mis- souri, concerning the salaries of cer- tain civil officers..
Submits a report from the Committee on the Judiciary, recommending the passage of a substitute for an act in relation to the court of common pleas in the county of Buchanan.
Moves the above act be put upon its pass- Moves an act be indefinitely postponed, be- ing act extending the time for the Sec- retary of State to lay before the pres- ent General Assembly, an abstract of the enumeration of the resident in- habitants of each county in the State 153 Moves to reconsider the vote by which an
Moves that an act in relation to the court of common pleas in the county of Bu- chanan be considered as engrossed, read a third time, and put upon its passage
act in relation to the court of common pleas in the county of Buchanan was passed, and to lay that motion on the table.....
Moves to reconsider the vote by which an act to amend an act entitled an act to in- corporate the city of Chillicothe, ap- proved March 1, 1855, and the acts amendatory thereof, and to lay that motion on the table.
Submits a report from the Committee on the Judiciary recommending that a sub- stitute for an act to amend an act en- titled an act to establish a court of common pleas in the county of Lafay- ette, and a court of common pleas in the counties of Ray, Daviess and Pet- tis, with probate jurisdiction in the last three counties, and repealing all laws in conflict with the same, ap-
Submits a report from the Committee on the Judiciary, recommending the pas- sage of an act establishing a court of common pleas in Saline county........ Moves to reconsider the vote by which an act establishing a court of common pleas in Saline county was passed, and and to lay that motion on the table... 368
Moves to lay on the table a resolution of Senator Rogers to grant the use of the Senate chamber to the Rev S. W. Marston, of St. Louis, for a lecture on the temple Solomonis....
Absent at roll call.................373, 373, 379, 435 Obtains leave of absence........ Moves to refer a communication from the
Commissioner on Permanent Seat of Government, to the Committee on Per- manent Seat of Government...
.......449, 458, 466 Submits a report from the Committee on the Judiciary, recommending the passage of an act to establish the salary of the judge of the probate court of Benton county
Moves that an act to establish the salary of the judge of the probate court of Ben- ton county, be read a third time, and 1 ut upon its passage..
Moves to reconsider the vote by which an act to establish the salary of the judge of the probate court of Benton county
Moves the above act be referred to the Com- mittee on Internal Improvements, and fitty copies be printed for the use of the Senate
Submits report from Committee on Printing, reporting back an act to provide for the execution and supervision of the State printing and binding, and moves fifty copies be ordered priuted for the use of the Senate......
Submits a report from the Committee on Printing, recommending the passage of "an act to provide for the execu- tion and supervision of the State printing and binding," with amend- ments thereto.
Submits a report from the Committee on Ways and Means, recommending the passage of a substitute for "an act to define the annual taxatian of the revenue for the years 1869 and 1870," 231
Submits a report from the Committee on Ways and Means, recommending that "an act to provide the annual rates of taxation for State revenue, and for the payment of all State indebtedness, and to repeal certain acts and parts of
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