broad and genial type, befitting his stature. The esteem in which his parishioners held him was evinced by their placing a stained glass window to his memory in Newton Heath Church. This was unveiled on 5th November, 1905. In the Manchester Courier of 6th November, 1905, will be found an interesting article on Mr. Letts, by his friend Mr. H. E. Campbell. Robert Dauntesey, who died on the 14th April, 1904, was the son of the Rev. Robert Pennyman Hull Brown, and grandson of Thomas Hull, M.D., and was born on the 10th July, 1839. He was formerly a lieutenant in the 5th Northumberland Fusiliers. On the death of his cousin, Mrs. Dauntesey Foxton, in 1878, he succeeded to the Agecroft estates, and assumed the name of Dauntesey by royal licence. He married on the 12th January, 1882, Mary Alice, daughter of Charles Marsh Schomberg, of Stone House, London. He joined the Society as a life member in September, 1883, and in 1886 invited the Council to Agecroft Hall, where his fine collection of family papers was examined. They were afterwards described by Mr. J. P. Earwaker, in a paper read before the Society, and printed in Vol. IV. of our Transactions. Mr. Dauntesey was a kind and popular landlord, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was buried at Kersal Church. Karl Lobenhoffer died on 3rd June, 1904, aged seventysix. He was a native of Stuttgart, kingdom of Wurtemberg, and came to Hawthorn Hall, Wilmslow, as a master in the academy kept there by Thomas Somerville, LL.D. He married in 1857 the third daughter of Dr. Somerville, and resided at Wilmslow for the rest of his life, where his wife conducted a girls' school. He was a man of culture and wide reading, and was capable of much larger scope in educational work had it presented itself. He was a member of the Manchester Arts Club, and advocated the establishment of a municipal theatre. He joined our Society in November, 1892. Richard Knill Freeman, surveyor of ecclesiastical dilapidations for the diocese of Manchester, died on 24th June, 1904. He began practice as an architect at Derby, and removed to Bolton before 1870. There he distinguished himself in his profession, building a hospital and several churches in and about the town. He effected alterations at Worsley Church, and built St. Margaret's Church, Hollinwood, and Holy Trinity Church, South Shore, Blackpool; also the Wesleyan chapel and schools at Pendleton, besides other ecclesiastical and domestic work. He was president for two years of the Manchester Society of Architects, and was a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He joined our Society in July, 1885. George Haward Adshead died on the 17th September, 1904, at his residence in Bolton Road, Pendleton, at the age of seventy-eight. He was born at Saddleworth on 28th August, 1826, the son of George and Ann Adshead (née Winterbottom). He was for sixty years in the service of Messrs. Armitage & Rigby, cotton spinners and manufacturers, of Manchester and Warrington. A lover of art and literature, he collected an interesting library, and as a Congregationalist in religion he devoted much attention to acquiring books and curios relating to Puritan and Congregational history. This portion of his collection he left to the Lancashire College Library. He was a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and a member of most of the societies that have been formed during the last thirty years for the promotion of the study of the antiquities, traditions, folk-lore and dialects of Lancashire and the adjoining counties. He joined our Society in September, 1883, and for a time was a constant attender at its meetings, freely placing his wide and accurate knowledge of local history at the service of the members. William Ford Smith died at his residence, Woodstock, Didsbury, on 29th September, 1904, in his seventy-fourth year, and was buried at St. Catherine's Church, Barton-upon Irwell. He was the founder and chairman of the firm of Smith & Coventry, engineers, Salford. He joined the Society in June, 1886. John Harper, of Fallowfield, who died in 1904, was a member of the Society from November, 1888. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-The Society have again to thank most heartily the Feoffees of Chetham's Hospital for their kindness in allowing the use of the reading-room for the winter meetings and for a room for the meetings of the Council; to the Art Gallery council for the use of their room for the Old Manchester and Salford Exhibition. Thanks are also due to the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress for the reception given by them at the closing of the exhibition; also to Mr. Walter T. Browne, the governor of Chetham's Hospital; to Mr. Daniel Morrison for his kind hospitality at Agecroft Hall, and to Mr. C. J. Holt Gradisky for the same at Mottram St. Andrew; to Mr. C. W. Sutton, M.A., for editing the Transactions; Mr. Wm. Harrison, the Hon. Treasurer; Mr. Geo. C. Yates, F.S.A., Hon. Secretary; and to Messrs. Seed and Long, the Auditors. Dr. TREASURER'S ACCOUNT FROM THE 27TH JANUARY, 1904, TO THE 24TH JANUARY, 1905. Expenses at Winter Meetings 6 16 9 142 16 O 9 19 6 5 19 I I 17 9 2 5 O ... Postages: Hon. Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor Clerical Help 13 I 8 £222 17 10 Fire Insurance ... ... Printing and Stationery-J. Roberts and Son Subscription to Congress of Archæological Societies, Printing Transactions, Vol. XXI., on account Balance (out of which is to be paid the rest of the cost of Vol. XXI.*) 45 O 090 CAPITAL ACCOUNT. Balance on General Account, as above (subject to payment of balance of cost of Vol. XXI.) Balance on Life Membership Account ... Audited and found correct, 24th January, 1905. *This, as afterwards paid, amounted to £66. 13s. 6d. RULES. Revised January, 1897. I. PREAMBLE.—This Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and illustrate ancient Monuments and Records, and to promote the study of History, Literature, Arts, Customs, and Traditions, with particular reference to the antiquities of Lancashire and Cheshire. 2. NAME, &C.-This Society shall be called the "LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY.” 3. ELECTION OF MEMBERS.-Candidates for admission to the Society must be proposed by one member of the Society, and seconded by another. Applications for admission must be submitted in writing to the Council, who shall, as soon as possible after the receipt of the application, determine the election or otherwise of the candidate. Each new member shall have his election notified to him by the Honorary Secretary, and shall at the same time be furnished with a copy of the Rules, and be required to remit to the Treasurer, within two months after such notification, his entrance fee and subscription; and if the same shall be thereafter unpaid for more than two months, his name may be struck off the list of members unless he can justify the delay to the satisfaction of the Council. No new member shall participate in any of the advantages of the Society until he has paid his entrance fee and subscription. |