20 Ryc. Huus [Shepley? cancelled] in Tettelow [Chetham, or in Tetlow's field?] over ye way, iiij & xj Riders barly. Thoms Brownesword, [v Ryders cancelled] of weatte shorne 20 Riders & j. V Rs 2. Henry Pendelton, vj 20 Riders & iij of weate shorne, Rs 10. & lyke 12 shevs. 20 Mr Hunt, next hes barne in ye fylde, viij Riders [to lead] & iiij thithes yt wer forth [taken away]. 20 Mr Wm Radclyffe, in the becke howse fylde xj Ryders of barly. & x Rs 13. Mr Radclyffe, at the ouderth hede [Old Earth 20 Head] vj Riders & xviij of ottes. Thomas Becke, [Ryc: Hunt cancelled], near the Sowsehilles [otherwise Sot's Hole, near Deansgate] [is tithed?] wth wydo Glouer. Mrs Becke, apon the backe of her barne, otts & a hattock. 20 V Ridgefield, & ii Ryders Rs 4. Ryc Haryson, near adjoyning, a dole xlvj Riders barly. 20 Alexander pater by Mr Tettelow Riders barly & I Rider. vj Thos. Bamford, by Mr Wylsōs [Wilson's], a dole b[arley] xlxvij Riders. 20 Thos Barford, next adjoyning, iiij & xiij of barly. vx. [wife of] Raffe Prowdglou, over agenst ye the sowthe, lxxvij b[arley]. [Mr Toged [Toogood?] in the heathes, cancelled]. [Raffe prodlow [Proudlove], lxiij b[arley] interlined]. 20 James Radclyffe, next adjoyning, xiiij & x of otts. 20 Counted by Sh[eppard] to ffraunces Hough, next [& vi cancelled]. Raffe Rodlaie, next adjoining, Rs xiiij Ridders. vx: ffrauncis pendelt, by grondey's land, vij xiij otts. 20 Antony Mosslaie, xij xij of barly, & som tossers. Ralfe Headley [?], lxxiij of otts. 20 This side ye howse. Robert Radlaie, near his howse, vj of otts shorne, & vij R benes. 20 vx Wyllyam Chettam, viij & xiij Riders otts. James Lankesshere, xl Riders ottes, in howse. 20 James Marshall, iiij Ryders barly. vx Thos Brydocke, lxj Ryders of otts, & xlvj of barly, shorne. Mr Strags [Strangeways], in his near felde, fyrst in the 20 boke, Ryders of barly. Mr Sheperd 2i, in a dole in his meydo, of ottes. Mr Strages [Strangeways], 1 Ryders otts in the Cawsey [site of the old Roman Road, Broughton]. 20 Rs 39. Mr Strangues, in the Oldescroft, xxiiij & iij Riders of otts. 20 20 Mr Sheperd, vij Riders of otts, aft I counted them. 20 Thom Brownesword, a dole of otts, & iiij Ryders, V vij Ryders in bothe, & som tosses, above xij. Thos Brownesword, in the same fylde, ij dole of barly. Thos Brownesword, a lyttell fyld, all otts, & iiij Ryders. 20 V Mr Stragues, vnder James Hyrstes howse, xijo Ryders, lackg. one of barly. R$ 2. Cleg, apon the backe of Edwrd gibson's howse, xxv eightlyigh,* [of thrashed corn?] and one of iiij sheves. * There were two words very similar to each other, which became gradually confused in the minds of the people. One was the middle English eyztyndele, which, in the Promptorium Parvulorum, is explained by the English and Latin words, “mesure, satum," meaning a measure of eight pounds of meal or eight gallons of corn; and this word, which contained a guttural, was at times spelt aghendole, haughendole, haughendo, naghendal [an aghendole, a naghendole], nackendole, nackleton, naghleton. It seems to be based on the word eight. The other word was based on the word half, and was formed from Old English healfan dal, meaning half part. This word also denoted a measurement, and when the guttural of the first word became softened into an F, the distinction between the two words, eightendale and halfendale, was lost. 20 Mr Strangues, Knolls [Stoney Knolls, Broughton], xvj Ryders & vi of barly. John Radclyffe, 20 Riders barly. V John Radclyffe, next adjoyning, xj Ryders of barly shorn. 20 Mr Becke, iiij Riders & iiij, in the Ouer Akers. Thomas Bamford, lxj of otts. Thomas Bamford, in another xlij. Thomas Bamford, a dole of barly. Corne vewED IN SALLFFORD, 1584. Lesse c. thith [tithe) xj. Thomas Bolton, in a lyttell croft [Sontyn corfoot, sometime Kerfoot's or Sondy Mrs Torkenton, 88 R. weatte. Rs ii. Mrs Torkenton, apon the backe Side of Clueworth, vx John Bolton, xxx R, weat. R$ 5. Robart Bolton, in ij Croftes adjoyning, lj Ryders of barlie. Mr Byron, near his dufcot [Dove-cote], 20 Rs 6. Mr Byron, Brear crofte, * & x Riders, b[arley]. Mr Cartter, 20 Ryders, Rie [rye]. RS 10. Mr Byron, weate shorn, in the intacke near 20 & vj Rs 8. vx: Wilhurst, over agenst Rothwell's, iiij Ryders of barlie. 20 Lawrans Robynson, in the groundie Holle, & ij Ryders & a hattack b. viij 20 R$ 14.) M2 Pilkynton, in the Est, viij & x Ryders of Rs weat shorn, & lyke go to shear. Lesse to thith 6. Thomas Bolton, in the Cliue [Clive 20 or Cliff] doles,ij & viij Ryders of weatt. James Holland, in the littell croft, in Sallford, by the crosse, xlj R. of barly. Georg Holtte, xxx Riders of beane, & lyke iiij to shear. R$ 10. Mr Byrom, in the intake, Riders & vij of wheat shorne. 20 V 20 Edmonde Howeworth, in the Claye Bancke, vj Rids & a Hattacke of barly. & viij Edmonde Howeworth, a dole in the mydle fylde, Riders of barly shorne lx. Thomas Bolton, apon the backe side of the howse, xl Riders of barly. Rs x. 20 Thomas Bolton, by the grene lane, & xl Ryders of ottes shorne. V Mr Byron, in the backe mydle fylde, 1 Ryders [of otts shorn, & above xvj to shere cancelled] iiij & x Ridders ottes. 20 Mrs Traifort [Trafford of Trafford], in the same felde, xl Ryders of beanes. Mr Byron, in a croft next the barne crofte, lxxj of barly. R. Raffe Holland, 20 & viij Riders barly. Rs 8.) V Mr Hunt, in Barlowe's backe fylde, xlviij Ryders of weate. 20 iiij R. 8. Mr Hunt, his dole in theyr mydle fyld, barly & ij Ryders. Thos Bolton, in the gret Oldfelde, xlvij Ryders of otts, about iiij tosses. Rs ij. Mrs Trafort xx & a hattack of barly in the gret Oldfelde. Rs 3. Raffe Byron, at Brere Croft, xxxij Ryders otts. Rs 3. Mr Byron, in another Croft next yt, xxxij otts. Mrs Torkenton, 20 & viij Ryders barly, next cartteng by Georg Holles. X RS 10. Mr Pilkynton, in the Cornel Hil, weate Ryders & ij of barly. t 20 20 V Mr Pilkynton, in a lyttell fylde above y', iiij Ryders wthin one, barly. Mr Pilkynton in the wthes towrd Stforth [warths toward Stretforth] xl Ryders otts. 20 Rs ij. Mr Byron, in the neythe Oldfelde, apon the backe syde of Rothwells, in a dole, vij Ryders barly, & lyke ij to shear. 20 Rs ix. Robart Bolton, a dole next ajoyning, barly iiij Riders shorne. Thos Huet [Holt, cancelled], a dole apon the backe side of his howse, xlvj Ryders otts. 20 Mrs Trafort, in the oldfelde, next her meydo, viij Ryders of barly & ij. 20 20 Adam Massy, iiij & xij Riders of weate, & a hattack. 20 Mr Pilkynton, in the Oldfelde, Ryders of otts. V James Holland, a lyttell fylde of otts next John Oldam, iij Ryders shorn, & above vij to shear. 20 Mrs Trafort, in the oldefeld, viij Riders otts. 20 Mrs Trafort, in the beecroft, iiij Ryders & ij ottes. 20 Thos Sorowcolde, in golliefyld [Gallow-field], Ryders otts. Thos Sorocold, next adjoyning, a close of barley, lxxvj Riders. 20 Rix. Thos Bolton, iiij xiiij Riders of beanes, in the Lower Oldfeld. Rs 2. Glebe sett, by the fotway yt leadeth to Ordsall, xxvij Ryders of otts, & lyke v tossers, in the same fylde, oldfeld. |