UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MARCH 1930 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE. FIRST DAY-WEDNESDAY, January 7, 1885. The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock м., by Hon. Robt. A. Campbell, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate. Prayer by the Rev. John Gierlow. The President appointed F. C. Nesbit Secretary and Wm. G. McCarty Minute Clerk pro tem. The President laid before the Senate the following communication from the Secretary of State: CITY OF JEFFERSON, January 7th, 1885. To the Honorable, the President of the Senate of Missouri: SIR: As required by law, I have the honor to lay before your honorable body herewith a list of the names of members of the Senate of the State of Missouri, elected at the general election held on the fourth day of November, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, as the same appear from the returns in my office; and also a list of the members of said Senate holding over. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, MICH'L K. McGRATH, SENATORS ELECTED TO THE THIRTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI AT THE NOVEMBER ELECTION, 1884. |