Friday ......... Saturday Tuesday.. creditor of such estate, should be forthwith brought by Saturday such official assignee, together with a separate list thereof Monday. under each estate, to any one or more of the commis- Tuesday. sioners of her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy, who Wednesday should thereupon be at liberty to cancel the same, and Thursday. to direct such several lists to be filed with the proceedings of the respective bankruptcies: And whereas the said order further authorized any one or more of the said commissioners to make such order or orders as should be necessary for the preparation of a new draft or drafts for the dividend or dividends due to any such creditor or creditors, upon his or their applying for the same, and directed that such new drafts should be prepared in the form described in schedule B, annexed to the order of the Lords Commissioners for the custody of the Great Seal, dated 31st October, 1835, and should be signed and countersigned in the same manner as the original draft, and afterwards paid by some one of the cashiers of the Bank of England, out of the monies standing to the credit of the general account of the Accountant in Bankruptcy. We do therefore order, that, on the application of a creditor for any dividend or dividends, the official assignee of the estate from which such dividend is payable, shall, if satisfied that the creditor is entitled to receive it, and upon the production of the securities (if ny) exhibited on the proof of the debt, make a new draft [Here follows the form of draft, which creditors on applying for their dividends may get at every official assignee's office in London.] And which draft shall be left with one of the commissioners, who will compare it with the list of cancelled drafts filed with the proceedings; and, if correct, make an order upon the draft, directing the Accountant in Bankruptcy to sign the same, which the said Accountant will afterwards return to the official assignee of that estate; and when so signed and countersigned by the official assignee, may then be issued to the creditor, or to some party duly authorized by him on signing a receipt for the dividend. CHAS. FRED. WILLIAMS. R. G. C. FAne. J. H. MERIVALE. J. S. M. FONBLanque. EDWARD HOLROYD. ...... ......... Friday.... Saturday Monday. Tuesday; Wednesday Thursday Friday Unopposed Petitions, Short Causes, General 25 Motions. Before VICE-CHANCELLOR KNIGHT BRUCE, at Westminster. Friday Saturday Monday.. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday.. Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday Friday ... 3 Petitions and Causes. 4 5 י7 8 9 Pleas, Demurrers, Exceptions, Causes, and Further Directions. Unopposed Petitions, Short Causes, and Ditto. Pleas, Demurrers, Exceptions, Causes, and Further Directions. 10 Motions and Ditto. ....... 18 {land Further Directionsins, Causes, { Unopposed Petitions, Short Causes, and Ditto. Pleas, Demurrers, Exceptions, Causes, and Further Directions. Motions and Ditto. Pleas, Demurrers, Exceptions, Causes, and Further Directions. 19{Unopposed Petitions, Short Causes, 2171 Saturday Monday. 22 Pleas, Demurrers, Exceptions, Causes, and Further Directions. 23 25 Motions and Ditto. t PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES. 5 & 6 VICTORIÆ.-SESSION 2. CAP. LVII. An Act to continue until the 31st day of July, 1847, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the Poor Law Commission; and for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England. [30th July, 1842.] Whereas by an act passed in the 5 Will. 4, [c. 76], intituled "An Act for the Amendment and better Administration of the Laws relating to the Poor in England and Wales," provision was made for the appointment of poor-law commissioners, assistant commissioners, secretaries, and other officers, and for their continuance in office until the end of the session of parliament held next after the 14th August, 1839, and by other acts passed respectively in the 3, 4, & 5 Vict. provision was made for their further continuance in office until 31st July, 1812, and it is expedient to extend such provisions; be it therefore enacted &c., That every poor-law commissioner appointed by his late Majesty, or appointed or to be appointed by her Majesty the Queen, her heirs and successors, and every assistant commissioner, secretary, and other officer and person duly appointed by the poor law commissioners, shall be empowered (unless he shall previously resign or be removed) to hold his office, and exercise the powers thereof, until the 31st July, 1847, and thenceforth until the end of the then next session of parliament; and until the expiration of the said period it shall be lawful for her Majesty, her heirs and successors, from time to time, at pleasure, to remove any of the said commissioners for the time being, and upon every or any vacancy in the number of commissioners, either by removal or by death or otherwise, to appoint by warrant under the royal sign manual some other fit person to the said office, and until such appointment it shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing commissioner or commissioners to act as if no such vacancy had occurred. 2. And whereas by the said first-recited act it is provided, that it shall not be lawful for the poor-law commissioners to appoint more than nine assistant commissioners to act at any one time, unless the Lord High Treasurer, or the Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury, for the time being, or any three or more of them, shall consent to the appointment of a greater number; be it enacted and provided, That after the 31st day of December in the year 1842 it shall not be lawful in any case for the poor-law commissioners to appoint or continue in office more than nine assistant commissioners to act in England and Wales: Provided always, that after the passing of this act, whenever it may seem fitting to the said commissioners, or whenever they may be thereunto required by her Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, the said commissioners, with the consent of the Lord High Treasurer or the Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury for the time being, or any three of them, shall appoint some person, being a doctor in medicine, a barrister at law, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of London or Dublin, an architect or surveyor, and not being one of the assistant commissioners as aforesaid, or some two or more of such persons, to act either in England or Ireland as an assistant commissioner or assistant commissioners, for the purpose of conducting any special inquiry, for a period not exceeding thirty days; and the said commissioners shall delegate to every person so appointed for the purpose of conducting such inquiry all such of the powers of the said commissioners as they may deem necessary or expedient, for summoning witnesses and conducting such inquiry; and every such appointment shall be subject to the approval of one of her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State; and every person so appointed as aforesaid to conduct any special inquiry shall, before he enter on the execution of his duties, take the following oath before one of the judges of her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench or Common Pleas, or one of the barons of the Exchequer in England or Ireland, as the case may be: 'I, A. B. do swear, that I will faithfully and honestly, according to the best of my skill and judgment, inquire into 'all matters and things which I may be lawfully directed to ' examine into, and will truly and impartially report thereon.' And it shall not be necessary to notify the appointment of any such person, or the taking of the oath aforesaid, otherwise than by publishing a notification of the same in the London Gazette, and by signifying the same, under the seal of the said commissioners, to the clerk of the peace of the county or coun. ties within which the inquiry in question is to be made: Próvided always, that if any person be charged with any miscon duct in any matter relating to the administration of the laws for the relief of the poor, and if any such special inquiry as aforesaid be directed to be made into such charge, the person bringing such charge shall be entitled to make the same at such inquiry by his counsel or attorney, and the person charged with such misconduct shall be entitled to make his defence at such inquiry by his counsel or attorney; but nothing herein con tained shall release any person charged with any misconduct, or bringing any charge of misconduct, from the liability to be himself examined at any such inquiry in respect of the matter of such charge, in the same manner and subject to the same penalties as under the said firstly-recited act. 3. That whenever any general rule of the said commission. ers shall be in force, it shall not be lawful for the said commis. sioners to issue any particular rule, order, or regulation, ad dressed to any single parish or union, by which such general rule or any part thereof would be rescinded or suspended, unless one of her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State have first signified to the said commissioners his approval of such particular rule in writing. 4. That every order of the said commissioners suspending or dismissing any paid officer from the exercise of his office, in which the said commissioners shall declare that the urgency of the case requires that such order should take effect within the period of fourteen days, shall come into force at such time as the said commissioners shall in such order direct, notwith. standing that fourteen days shall not have expired since a writ ten or printed copy of the same shall have been sent by the said commissioners, as required by the first-recited act. 5. That it shall be lawful for the guardians of any parish of union, subject always to the powers of the poor-law commissioners, to prescribe a task of work to be done by any person relieved in any workhouse, in return for the food and lodging afforded to such person; but it shall not be lawful to detain any person against his will for the performance of such task of work for any time exceeding four hours from the hour of breakfast in the morning succeeding the admission of such person into the workhouse; and if any such person, while in such workhouse, refuse or neglect to perform such task of work suited to his age, strength, and capacity, or wilfully destroy or injure his own clothes, or damage any of the property of the board of guardians, he shall be deemed an idle and disorderly person within the meaning of an act passed in the 5 Geo. 4, [c. 83, s. 3], intituled "An Act for the Punishment of idle and disorderly Persons, and Rogues and Vagabonds, in that Part of Great Britain called England." visions of the said first-recited act, or acting under the regula 6. That every board of guardians appointed under the protions of the said commissioners for the relief of the poor, and the relieving officers of such guardians, shall have the like powers as overseers have with respect to insane persons under tituled "An Act to amend the Laws for the Erection and the provisions of an act passed in the 9 Geo. 4, [c. 40], inRegulation of County Lunatic Asylums, and more effectually minal Lunatics in England," or of any act or acts passed to to provide for the Care and Maintenance of Pauper and Cri amend the same; and every such board of guardians shall from time to time pay or cause to be duly paid to the treasurer, managers, or keepers of any county lunatic asylum, public hospital, or licensed house respectively, all costs lawfully due in respect of any poor person maintained in such county lunatic asylum, public hospital, or licensed house; and if such costs shall not be duly paid by such board of guardians or overseers of the parish to which such poor person may have been chargeable according to the provisions of the said recited acts, then and in such case it shall be lawful for any two justices to proceed to the recovery of the said costs, by making and enforcing an order for the same on the overseers of the aforesaid parish, according to the provisions of the said recited acts; and it shall be lawful for any such board of guardians to contract with any person duly licensed to practise as a medical man to certify as to the state and condition of insane persons under the provi sions of the last-recited act; and whenever any insane person is relieved by any such board of guardians or any of their officers, the relieving officer within whose district the parish is situate to which such person may be chargeable, or in which 15. And whereas doubts have been entertained whether jussuch person may be found destitute, shall give the like infor- tices of the peace who are ex-officio members of boards of guarmation to some justice of the peace acting for the division of dians of parishes or unions under the provisions of the firstthe county within which such parish is situated as is required recited act can lawfully act as justices of the peace in cases in by the said act of 9 Geo. 4 of overseers, and subject to the which the guardians of such parishes or unions are complainlike penalties for neglect; and the clerk to every such board of ants, or are otherwise interested or concerned, and it is expeguardians shall on the 15th August in every year, or as soon dient that such doubts should be removed; be it therefore after as may be, make out and sign two true and faithful lists enacted, That no justice of the peace shall be disabled from of all insane persons chargeable to the parish or union in the acting as such justice at any petty or special or general or quar. form in the schedule hereunto annexed, and shall on or before ter sessions in any matter merely on the ground that such justhe 1st September next succeeding transmit one copy of such tice of the peace is an ex-officio member of any board of guarlist to the clerk of the peace acting in and for the county dians complaining, interested, or concerned in such matter, or within which the parish to which each such insane person is has acted as such at any meeting of such board of guardians. chargeable is situated, or to his deputy, to be by him laid be- 16. That it shall be lawful for every board of guardians confore the justices acting for such county at their next general stituted under the said first-recited act to accept, take, and quarter sessions, and the other copy of such list to the said hold, on behalf of the union or parish respectively for which commissioners; and from and after the passing of this act the they may act, any lands, buildings, goods, effects, or other prooverseers of any such parish, or of any parish within any such perty as a corporation, and in all cases to sue and be sued in union, shall not be required to make the annual return required their corporate name. of them by the said act of the reign of King George the Fourth. 7. That whenever the whole of any parish or parishes is situated at a greater distance than four miles from the place of meeting of the board of guardians of the union of which such parish or parishes may form part, it shall be lawful for the commissioners, on the application of the board of guardians, to form such parish or parishes into a district, and to direct the said guardians from time to time to appoint a committee of their members to receive applications of poor persons requiring relief in such district, to examine into the cases of such poor persons, and to report to the said guardians thereon. 8. That in case any question shall arise as to the right of any person to act as an elective guardian, it shall be lawful for the commissioners, if they shall see fit, to inquire into the circumstances of the case, and to issue such order or orders therein, under their hands and seal, as they may deem requisite for determining the question; and no such order shall be liable to be removed by writ of certiorari into the Court of Queen's Bench unless the application for such writ shall be made during the term next after the issuing of such order. 9. That if any person put in nomination for the office of guardian tender to the officer conducting the election of guardians his refusal in writing to serve sach office, the election of guardians, so far as regards such person, shall be no further proceeded with. 10. That in every case in which no person shall be elected for the office of guardian in any parish at any annual election of guardians, the persons elected for the previous year may continue to act as guardians until the next annual election. 11. That the said commissioners may accept the resignation of any person elected as a guardian tendered for any cause which the commissioners may deem reasonable; and in every case of omission to elect, or of vacancy in any board of guardians, by death, resignation, or disqualification, the said commissioners shall be and shall be deemed to have been empowered to order a new election for the completion of such board. 12. That in case the full number of guardians shall not be or shall not have been elected at any election of guardians, or in case of any vacancy in any board of guardians by the death, removal, resignation, refusal, or disqualification to act of any elected guardian, the other or remaining members of the said board, being not less than three, shall be and be deemed to have been competent to act until the next election, or until the completion of the said board, as if the number of such board were complete, and that no acts or proceedings shall be liable to be questioned on account of any failure to elect any guardian or guardians, or on account of any vacancy as aforesaid. 13. That no defect in the qualification or election of any person acting as a guardian at a board of guardians, the majority of persons assembled at which shall be entitled to act as guardians, shall be deemed to vitiate or make void any proceedings of such board in which he may have taken part. 14. That no person, during the time for which he may serve or hold the office of assistant overseer of any parish, nor any paid officer engaged in the administration of the laws for relief of the poor, nor any person who, having been a paid officer, shall have been dismissed within five years previously from such office, under the provisions of the said first-recited act, shall be capable of serving as a guardian; and no person receiving any fixed salary or emolument from the poor-rates in any parish or union shall be capable of serving as a guardian in such parish or union. 17. That wherever a board of guardians is empowered to make any order, or to prefer any complaint, claim, or application, before justices or otherwise, if any such board resolve to make such order, or to prefer such complaint, claim, or application, a copy of the minute of such resolution, signed by the presiding chairman of such board, and sealed with their seal, and countersigned by their clerk, or person acting as their clerk, shall be deemed and taken to be sufficient proof of the making of such order, or of the preferring of such complaint, claim, application, or otherwise, as the case may be; and that whenever, either for the purpose of making an order for the removal of a pauper, or on the trial of an appeal against such order, or for any other purpose, it shall be necessary to prove to what parish a pauper has become chargeable, (if in such parish the laws for the relief of the poor shall be administered by a board of guardians or a district board), a certificate of such pauper having so become chargeable, signed, sealed, and countersigned as aforesaid, shall be sufficient proof to what parish and at what time such pauper became and was chargeable, unless the contrary shall be proved by other legal evidence; and that in all cases in which the guardians of any parish or union are or may hereafter be empowered to make any application or complaint, or to take any proceedings before any justices at petty or special or general or quarter sessions, it shall be lawful for any officer of such guardians empowered by any board of such guardians, by an order in writing, under the hand of the presiding chairman of such board, and sealed with the common seal of such guardians, to make such application or complaint, or to take such proceedings on behalf of such guardians, as effectually to all intents and purposes as if the same were made or taken by such guardians, or any of them, in person. 18. That the said act of the 4 & 5 Will. 4, [c. 76,] and the act passed in the 5 & 6 Will. 4, [c. 69,] intituled "An Act to facilitate the Conveyance of Workhouses and other Property of Parishes and of Incorporations of Parishes in England and Wales," and the act passed in the 6 & 7 Will. 4, [c. 96,] intituled "An Act to regulate Parochial Assessments," and so much of an act passed in the 1 & 2 Vict. [c. 56,] intituled "An Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland," as relates to the style of the poor-law commissioners, their appointment, the delegation of powers to one of their number, the sittings of their board, their common seal, and the residence of one of their number in Ireland, and all acts to amend or extend any of the said acts, or the said provisions of the act last recited, and the present act, shall (except so far as the provisions of any former act shall be expressly altered or amended by the provisions of any subsequent act) be construed as one act; and that in each and every such act (except the said act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland) the words "auditor," guardian,' 'justice or justic s of the peace," "oath," "officer," "overseer," 99 66 owner," "rack-rent,' ""parish," 99 66 person,' 'poor," poor laws," "laws for relief of the poor,' 59 66 poor rate,' "general quarter sessions," "union,' "united workhouse,' ," "vestry," "workhouse," and words importing the singular number or the masculine gender only, shall be interpreted as is provided in the first-recited act; and that the provisions of the said first-recited act shall extend to every rule, order, or regulation directed or authorized to be made by the said commissioners under the provisions of an act passed in the 6 & 7 Will. 4, [c. 86], intituled "An Act for registering Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England," or by an act passed in the 3 & 4 Vict. 66 6560 T.; Samuel Sturgis, (in the room of Robert Pollock and INSOLVENT DEBTOR'S DIVIDEND. MEETING. Henry Waller and Wm. Waters, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, timber merchants, Sept. 27 at 11, King's Head Inn, Newport, aud. ac. joint est.; at 12, aud. ac. sep. est. of E. H. Waller; at 1, aud. ac. sep. est. of W. Waters.-D. Davies, sen., and D. Davies, jun., Glanclywedog, Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, flannel manufacturers, Sept. 16 at 11, Oak Inn, Welshpool, aud. ac. joint est.; at 12, aud. ac. sep. est. of D. Davies, sen. ; at 1, aud. ac. sep. est. D. Davies, jun.-Thos. Goldney, Chippenham, Wiltshire, clothier, Sept. 16 at 11, Commercial-rooms, Mary Barnett, Kingston-upon-Hull, widow, Sept. 7 at 2, Bristol, aud. ac.; Sept. 17 at 11, div.-Ayshford Wise, Ford George Inn, Kingston-upon-Hull, sp. affairs. FRIDAY, AUgust 26. BANKRUPTS. JAMES PALMER, Lynn, Norfolk, draper, Sept. 7 at 1, and JONATHAN WACEY, Beech-street, Barbican, bookseller, House, Wolborough, N. Baker, Newton Bushel, Highwick, and Wm. S. Bentall, Totnes, Devonshire, bankers, Sept. 17 at 12, Clarence Hotel, Exeter, aud. ac. sep. est. of A. Wise and N. Baker; Sept. 20 at 12, div. sep. est. of A. Wise.-D. Whatley, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, scrivener, Sept. 27 at 11, King's Head Inn, Cirencester, aud. ac.-J. Thompson, Sunderland, Durham, chain and anchor manufacturer, September 19 at 11, Thompson Arms Inn, Sunderland, Durham, aud. ac. -Saml. Lennox, Liverpool, sail maker, Sept. 16 at 11, Clarendon-rooms, Liverpool, aud. ac.; at 12, fin. div.-W. Haslett, Liverpool, provision dealer, Sept. 17 at 11, Clarendon-rooms, Liverpool, aud. ac.; at 12, div.-E. B. Holland, Manchester, and Atherton, near Leigh, Lancashire, power-loom manufacturer of calicoes, Sept. 19 at 11, Commissioners'-rooms, Manchester, aud. ac.; at 12, first and fin. div.-Thos. Toney, Birmingham, draper, Sept. 21 at 11, Waterloo-rooms, Birmingham, aud. ac.; at 12, fin. div.-Bernard Sheridan, Liverpool, provision dealer and grocer, Sept. 16 at 1, Clarendonrooms, Liverpool, aud. ac.; at 2, div.-E. Clarke, Leamington-Priors, Warwickshire, builder, Sept. 12 at 12, Lansdowne Hotel, Leamington-Priors, first and fin. div.-Wm. Jones and Jos. B. Windle, Liverpool, wine merchants, Sept. 16 at 1, Clarendon-rooms, Liverpool, div.; at 2, aud. ac. joint and sep. est.-J. W. Bogie, Liverpool, underwriter, Sept. 17 at 12, Clarendon-rooms, Liverpool, aud. ac.; at 1, div. CERTIFICATES TO BE ALLOWED, - Lewis Unless Cause shewn to the contrary, on or before Sept. 16. Geo. B. Scholes, Lostock-hall, Lancashire, muslin manuJOHN EARLAND, Lower Thames-st., victualler, Sept. 6 Barrat, Great Pulteney-st., Golden-sq., builder.-Jas. Goodfacturer.-B. Fisher, Walsall, Staffordshire, ironmonger.-J. at 1, and Oct. 7 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy. Off. ass. Bel-win, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, innkeeper. cher; Sols. Martineau & Malton, Carey-st., Lincoln's-inn. Fiat dated Aug. 23. THOMAS BENSON, Darlington, Durham, grocer and druggist, Sept. 13 at 3, and Oct. 7 at half-past 10, King's Head Inn, Darlington: Sols. Peacock, Darlington; Lever, 10, King's-road, Bedford-row.-Fiat dated Aug. 5. JAMES SEYMOUR MOTTRAM, Alrewas, Staffordshire, Woolstapler, Sept. 17 and Oct. 7 at 12, Three Queens Inn, Burton-upon-Trent: Sols. Smith, Rugeley; Dove, 9, New Millman-st.-Fiat dated Feb. 28. ROBERT JEFFERSON, Beverley, Yorkshire, grocer, Sept. JOHN CLARK, Huttoft, Lincolnshire, cotton winder, dealer Green, Cranbrook, Kent, grocer.-Elihu Willson, King's-st., London, wine merchant.-H. Stevens, Willian, near Hitchin, St. Giles's, stationer.-H. F. Delamain, St. Mary-at-Hill, Hertfordshire, and John Stevens, Clophill, near Silsoe, Bedfordshire, builders.-P. Humphreys, Cholmondeley, Cheshire, builder.-Wm. Finden and Edw. F. Finden, Southamptonplace, New-road, engravers. FIAT ANNULLED. John Walsh and Elijah Halford, Nottingham, tailors and drapers. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. Thos. Carthew and C. C. Brooke, Woodbridge, Suffolk, attornies and solicitors. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. Edw. Ranson, Aberdeen, china and glass merchant.-Geo. Sim and Son, Glasgow, candle manufacturers.-P. Wilson, Kilucadzow, Lanarkshire, spirit dealer.―Jas. Whyte, Charlestown, Fifeshire, ship builder.-J. & J. White, Auchtermuchty, manufacturers.-James Easson, Blelock, Auchtergaven, Perthshire, grazier. MASTER IN CHANCERY.-The Lord Chancellor has CHARLES JAMES TOWNLEY, Liverpool, share broker INSOLVENT DEBTOR'S MEETING. and commission-agent, Sept. 5 and Oct. 7 at 1, Clarendon- Thomas Yemm, Bailey Pound, St. Briavells, Gloucesterrooms, Liverpool: Sols. Kaye, Liverpool; Dean, 16, Essex-shire, farmer, Sept. 12 at 12, Collins's, Ross, sp. affairs. street, Strand.-Fiat dated Aug. 18. WILLIAM ELAM, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, livery-stablekeeper and omnibus proprietor, Sept. 13 at 12, and Oct. 7 at 2, George Hotel, Huddersfield: Sols. Cornthwaite, Liverpool; Cornthwaite, Dean's-court, Doctors'-commons.Fist dated Aug. 12. MEETINGS. Edward S. Messiter and Fredk. Messiter, Malmesbury, 10 at 12, Town-hall, Brighton, last ex.-Henry M. Walker appointed John Barnard Turner, of Ilfracombe, Devonshire, Gent., to be a Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery. MEMBERS RETURNED TO SERVE IN PARLIAMENT. Esqrs., for the borough of Ipswich, in the room of the John Neilstone Gladstone and Sackville Lane Fox, Earl of Desart and Thomas Gladstone, Esq., whose election for the said borough has been declared to be void.-Charles Wellesley, Esq., commonly called Lord Charles Wellesley, for the county of Southampton, (Southern Division), in the room of John Willis Fleming, Esq., who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. |