Liverpool Mercury, Fri. Liverpool Mercantile Advertiser, Mon. Liverpool Saturday's Adver- Sat. Newcastle-on-Tyne Courant (or Hue and Cry), Sat. Newcastle-on-Tyne Mercury, Tues. Plymouth Dock Telegraph, Portsmouth & Portsea (Hamp- Sheffield Iris, Tues. Sheffield Mercury, Sat. Sherborne (Dorchester Journal), Th. Sherborne Mercury, Mon. Shrewsbury Chronicle, Fri. Shrewsbury Salopian Journal, Wed. Southampton Chronicle, Th. Southampton Luminary, Mon Stafford Advertiser, Sat. Stamford Mercury, Fri. Stamford News, Fri. Stockport Advertiser, Fri. Swansea (Cambrian), Fri. Taunton Courier, Wed. Truro (Cornwall Gazette), Sat. Truro (West Briton), Fri. Wakefield Journal, Fri. Warwick Advertiser, Sat. Weymouth Gazette, Th. Whitehaven (Cumberland Pacquet), Mon. Whitehaven Gazette, Mon. Winchester (Hampshire Chronicle), Mon. Windsor Express, Sat. Wolverhampton Chronicle, Wed. Worcester Herald, Sat. DAILY. Carrick's Morning Post Saunders' News Letter MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. Dublin Journal (Faulkner's) MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Dublin Hibernian Journal TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND Dublin Evening Post Patriot Dublin Gazette (by Authority) TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Dublin Evening Herald Mercantile Advertiser WEDNESDAY. Commercial Gazette IRISH PROVINCIAL PAPERS. Armagh Volunteer, Tues. and Clonmell Advertiser, Wed. Dungannon(UlsterChronicle) and Sat. Cork Advertiser, Tues. Th. Cork Mercantile Chronicle, Mon. Wed. and Fri. Cork Constitution, Mon. Wed. Cork Southern Reporter, Sat. York Pick's Racing Calendar, DUBLIN PAPERS. MONDAY. Antidote SATURDAY, Dublin Observer Dublin Weekly Register ONCE PER QUARTER. Racing Calendar Sat. and Fri. Sat. Th. Ennis Chronicle, Wed. & Sat. Enniskillen Chronicle, Th. Sat. Galway (Connaught Journal Limerick Advertiser, Tues. | Mullingar (Westmeath Jourand Fri. Limerick Chronicle, Wed. and Sat. Limerick (Evening Post) Mon. and Th. Limerick Journal, Wed. & Sat. Limerick Telegraph, Sat. Londonderry Journal, Tues. and Fri, nal), Th. Newry Telegraph, Tues. and Sat. Sligo Journal Wed. and Sat. Tuam Gazette, Wed. and Sat. Tullamore Packet, Tues. and Fri. Waterford Chronicle, Tues. Th. and Sat. Waterford Mirror, Mon. Wed. and Sat. Wexford Herald, Mon, and Th. Days and Hours for Buying and Accepting, or Selling and Transferring THE SEVERAL STOCKS, OR GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, And Receiving the Interest or Dividends due thereon at the Bank, India House, and South The Dividends (at the Bank) of the 3 per Cent Consols, are paid from 9 to 3 o'clock, of all the rest from 9 to 11, and 1 to 3 o'clock. The Dividends (at the India House) are paid from 9 to 2 o'clock, Saturday from 9 to 1 o'clock, 1813 Henry Boyle. Edward Harbord Carleton • Suffield . 1791 Arth. Hen. Carleton Dorchester George Kenyon. Kenyon *London, Dr. Wm. Howley Litchfield & Coventry, Dr. J. Cornwallis Gloucester, Hon. Dr. H. Ryder Excter, Dr. William Carey BARONS, 144. 1781 1819 Rd. Aldw. Neville Griffin Braybrook 1808 *William Pitt Amherst. Amherst 1797 Geo. Augustus Chichester Fisheruick 1802 Archibald Douglas. • Douglas 1803 Henry Hall Gage. 1805 *Wm. Wyndham Grenville Grenville 1807 George Douglas . Gage Douglas Auckland 1807 Edward Hovel Thurlow. Thurlow 1807 *George Eden 1808 George Fulke Lyttleton. Lyttleton 1809 Henry John Peachey. • Selsey 1812 Henry Welbore Agar Ellis Mendip 1812 Lawrence Dundas. 1815 Charles Anderson Pelham Yarborough 1815 Francis Stuart. 1815 George Stewart. Dundas Stuart . Stewart 1819 *James George Stopford, Saltersford 1820 John C. Burton Dawnay. Dawnay • 1820 George Brodrick • 1820 George G. Calthorpe 1820 Peter R. D. Burrell Francis Basset.. John Rolle John Frederick Campbell *Richard C. Wellesley Robert Smith, Brodrick Calthorpe . Gwydir • De Dunstanville Rolle Cawdor Wellesley Carrington Charles F. P. Townshend Bayning Dacre .. De la Zouch Glastonbury.. *James Grenville*. William Orde Powlett, • Bolton CLERKS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF PEERS. 1 Clerk of the Parliaments, Right Hon. Sir Geo. Clerk of Enrolments, Mr. Robt. Haw Strahan. Henry Rose.. Clerk Assistant, Henry Cowper, Esq. Edward Stracey, Esq. Other Clerks in the Office, Henry Stone Smith, Short Hand Writer, W. B. Gurney. Tyrwhitt, Knt. Yeoman Usher, Robert Quarme, Esq. |