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Barrick Henry, Ship yards, Bagdale
Barry Robert, ship yards, Bagdale
Brodrick Thomas, (dock) Ship yards,


Campion Robt. (dock) Church street
Jackson & Cato, (dock) Church street
Langborne J. & Co. (dock) Ship yds.

Ship Chandlers.

See also Braziers and Tinsmiths.

Holt Mary, Bagdale
Hunter Benjamin, Silver street
Hunter Thomas, Grape lane
Jameson William, Baxtergate
Johnson John, Baxtergate
Knaggs John, Well close square
Knaggs Zechariah, Church street
Kneeshaw Richard, Baxtergate
Langborne George, 11, New buildings
Langborne Wm. Baxtergate
Langborne Nathaniel, Skinner street
Lawson George, Church street

Clarkson M. and dealer in oils, paints, Martin Jane, Haggersgate

&c. Grape lane

Morley Wm. Church street

Ship Insurance Brokers.

Ayre J. M. West end of the Bridge
Benson and Hunter, Church street
Chilton and Hunter, Church street
Gibson Thomas, Flowergate
Johnson Thomas, Haggersgate

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Addison Joseph, Church street
Agar Francis, Bagdele
Akenhead Matthew, Bagdale
Appleton Robert, Baxtergate
Ayre John Martin, Well close square

Barker Johu, Flowergate
Barker Thomas, Skinner street
Barrick Thomas, Ship yards, Bagdale

Barry John, Bagdale
Barry Robert, Bagdale
Barry Thomas, Bagdale
Benson Wm. Church street
Boyes John, Church street
Brodrick Geo.jun. Silver street
Campion Robert, Bagdale
Campion John, Skate lane
Campion Thomas, Skinner street
Chapman Thomas, Church street
Chapman William, Skinner street
Chapman Abel, Stakesby
Chapman Edward, New buildings
Chapman W. S. New buildings
Chilton Harrison, sen. Union place
Chilton Thomas, Church street
Chilton Harrison, jun. 5, New buildings
Clark Robert, Skinner street
Clark Geo. Pier head

Dale Edward, Skinner street
Darley William, Baxtergate
Davison Christopher, Skinner street
Dixon James, Silver street
Fishburn and Brodrick, Ship yard,


Gowland Benjamin, Church street
Harrison Benj. New buildings
Hill William, Sandgate
Hill William, Church street

Holt John, Silver street

Marwood Thos. New buildings
Miller George, Cragg
Miller Benjamin, Church street
Moorsom Richd. jun. New buildings
Moorsom Richard, sen. Airy hill
Nettleship Edward, Church street
Potter Robert Jones, Bagdale
Richardson Christopher, Field house
Richardson Margt. 16, New buildings
Simpson Thomas, Bagdale
Skinner Wm. New Buildings
Smith George, Church street
Steward John, Flowergate
Storr John, Pier Head
Teasdale Michael, Bagdale
Trattles Seaton, Bagdale
Usherwood William, Bagdale
Usherwood Robert, Bagdale
Ward John, Ropery lane
Willis Richard, Flowergate
Willis George, Church street
Shopkeepers, Flour, Provision, &c.


Blades Jacob, Church street
Carter Elizabeth, Skinner street
Dixon Mary, Church street
Dring Henry, St. Ann's staith
Feaster Thomas, Church street
Fenwick Ann, Church street
Forster Wm. Sandgate

Frank Elizabeth, Flowergate
Garmison Mary, Church street
Goodill Thomas, Church street
Gordon Elizabeth, Church street
Harland Wm. St. Ann's staith
Hartley Thomas, Church street
Jackson Thomas, Church street
Jackson Eliz. Pier head
Knaggs John, Church street
Martin Robert St. Ann's staith
Neesham Jane, Church street
Nightingale Hannah, Church street
Plues Ann, West end of the Bridge
Poskitt Robert, Church street
Potts John, Church street
Robinson Richard, Cliffe lane
Robson Thomas, Church street
Selby John, Cliffe lane
Stephenson Matthew, Haggersgate
Stockton Alice, Church street
Taylor Henry, Baxtergate

Turner Edward, Church street
Walmsley Wm. Baxtergate
Waring John, Haggersgate
Wilson Isabella, Church street
Wilson Ann, Church street
Wren Elizabeth, Church street
Wren Andrew, Church street

Silk, &c. Dyers.
Hall J. and clothes cleaner, Haggersgt.
Hunton Thomas, Haggersgate
Ripley Wm. Well yard, Church st.

Spirit and Wine Merchants.
Brewster and Belcher, Baxtergate
Brown and Gill, Flowergate
Corner Edward and John, St. Ann's


Frankland John & Co. Church street
Hugill John, Grape lane
Hutton Henry, (British wine) New

Market place
Marwood Thos. Flowergate
Stonehouse George, Church street
Watson G. (British wines) Sandgate
Spirit Dealers, Wholesale and Retail.
See also Grocers, &c.

Allinson Ann, Church street

Robinson John, Baxtergate


Those marked thus are Woollen Drapers.
Crawford Archibald & John, Church


*Davidson James, Church street
Dotchon Thomas, Baxtergate
Frank James, Flowergate

Gardiner John, Church street

Gardiner Thomas, Baxtergate
Harrison John, Ellerby lane
Havelock Thos, and mattrass maker,

Heselton John, Baxtergate
Hornsby Nicholas, Church street
*Jefferson Wm. Baxtergate
Johnson Robert, Baxtergate
Jordan Leonard, Grape lane
Keirsta Lars, Flowergate
*Lawson John, Bridge street
Martin Wm. Cliffe lane
Stewart Thomas, Skate lane
Wilson Thomas, Flowergate
Tallow Chandlers.

See also Grocers and Tea Dealers.
Frankland and Wilkinson, Church st..

Buck Gideon, (British wines) Grape In. Gallilee Thomas, Ruswarp

Cooper John, Old Market place

Cowart James, Sandgate

Harrison John, St. Ann's staith

Jackson Joseph, St. Ann's staith

Stone & Marble Masons, & Statuaries.

Appleton Peter, Church street
Bolton John, Bagdale; h. Flowergate
Close Jane, Skinner street

Fewster Wm. Skate lane

Fortune Thomas, Haggersgate

Robinson Wm. St. Ann's staith

Frankland John and Co. Church st.
Gallilee Thomas, Ruswarp

Thread Mfrs. Patent and Shoe.
Weatherald Henry & Thos. Baxtergt.
Tile Merchants.

Beaumont Edw. (& brick) Church st.
Bolton John, (& brick, &c.) Flowergt.

Overand Thomas, (slate) Church st. Smales Gideon, Church street

Robinson Henry, Church street

Stainthorp Richard, Flowergate

Tyerman Wm. Pier head

Straw Hat Manufacturers.
Elgie Hannah, Church street
Flintoft Elizabeth, Baxtergate
Foxton Mary, Flowergate
Harrison Isabella, Flowergate
Hayes Ann, Cragg

Lawson Susannab, Bridge street
Maffin Ann, Church street
Plowman Mary, Grape lane
Richardson Mary, Haggersgate
Vasey Margaret, Flowergate
Webster Margaret, St. Ann's staith


Allen Robert, R. N. Flowergate
Boulby Mark, Baxtergate
Brecon John, New Market place
Grenside Wm. 10, New buildings
Loy John Glover, M.D. 4, New buildgs.
Mewburn John, Skinner st.
Ripley Richard, Grape lane

Ripley Richard and John, Baxtergate

Timber and Raff Merchants.

Barker Joseph, Baxtergate
Beaumont and Bovill, Baxtergate
Chapman and Simpson, Church street
Moorsom Richard, Batts
Smales Gideon, Church street

Tobacco Manufacturers, &c.
Chapman Wakefield Simpson, Grape

Cockburn Wm. (dlr.) Grape lane
Turners in Wood, &c.
Foster William, Wheelwright's yard,

Church street

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Boanson John, Church street
Chapman Geo. Baxtergate
Lee Wm. Haggersgate
Rose John, Church street
Vipond Richd, & shipsmith, Baxtergt.

Woollen Draper.
Milnes Geo. Lund's yard, Church st.
Appleby Thos. clerk, Skinner street
Barker Wm. harbour master, Silver st.
Baxter Thos. worsted mfr. & dealer,

Church street Cartner George, supervisor, Prince's street, Bagdale

Dale Thos. Gallilee, chief constable for the wap. of Whitby Strand,

inspector of corn returns & assize of bread, Bridge street

Day Mary, news room, Haggersgate England Jas. umbrella mfr. Baxtergt. Fewster John, clerk, Cliffe lane

Greenbury Ralph, parish clerk, Church


Harrison and Hall, wheelwrights and
machine makers, Church street
Hilton Richard, tobacco pipe maker,

Jackson Thos. tide waiter, Prince's
place, Bagdale
King Anthony, overlooker, Haggersgt.
Kirby Robert, cashier, Cliff
Lamb Charles, gunsmith, Baxtergate
Lempriere Thomas, accountant, St.
Ann's staith

Maxwell Peter, custom warehouse keeper and collector's clerk, Flowergate

Patten Wm. landing waiter, Routh's

buildings Pickernell Francis, engineer, Piers Piercy John, clerk, Flowergate Richardson Robert, landing waiter, Grape lane Smith C. leather seller, Church st. Swallwell Robt. overlooker, Bagdale Wilson John, Church street


From Wm. Yeoman's, Angel Inn. ROYAL MAIL, to York every Sunday, Tu. and Thu. at 12 noon. UNION, to Guisbro', Stockton, Castle Eden, and Sunderland every Tu. and Sat. at 6 morning.

DILIGENCE to Scarbro' every Sun. & Wed. at pasť 8 morning.

WATER CARRIAGE. From T. Marwood and Co.'s wharf. Vessels to Newcastle every week, and to London & Hull every fortnight. From Dale and Backhouse's wharf. Vessels to London every week, during the Summer, & once a fortnight during the Winter.

STEAM PАСКЕТ. THE TOURIST, from London to Edinbro' every Thursday. -To London every Sunday.

J. Lempriere, agent, St. Ann's staith. LAND CARRIAGE.

Guisbro', Thomas Johnson, from the King's Head, Baxtergate, arr. every Mon. and Thu. aft. ret. 9 morn. Tu. and Fri.

Gutsbro, John Johnson, from the

White Horse, Church street, arr. daily Sat. 9 mg. ret. 4 aft. Guisbro, Robert Knaggs, from the Jolly Butchers, Church st. every Fri. mg. at 9, ret. Thu. night. Lofthouse, Wm. Boyes, from the White


Horse and Griffin, Church street, every Sat. mg. at 10, ret. Fri. aft. at 2.

Pickering, Andrew Allen, from Campion's wharf, Church st. every Tu. at 3 mg. ret. Thu. at 10 night. Pickering, Thomas Keddy, from the White Horse and Griffin, Church street, every Sat. at 10 morn. ret. Fri. 2 afternoon.

Pickering, George Pearson, from the

Jolly Butchers, Church st. every
Tu. at 8 mg. ret. Thu. 8 evg.

Robin Hood's Bay, John Thompson, from the White Horse & Griffin, Church street, every Sat. aft. at 3, ret, at night.

Scarbro', George Franks, Church st. on Wed. and Sat. at 10 mg. ret. 4 afternoon.

Scarbro', Joseph Wardale, Church st. on Thu. and Sun. at past 9 mg. ret. same days, 7 evening. Staithes, Thomas Nisbett, from the White Horse and Griffin, every day 3 aft. ret. 10 morning.

Thornton, Wm. Humphrey, from the White Horse and Griffin, Church street, every Sat. mg. at 10, ret. Fri. aft. at 2.

York, George Pearson, from the Jolly Butchers, Church st. every Tu. 8 mg. ret. 8 Thu. night. York, Andrew Allen, from Campion's wharf, Church st. every Tu. at 3 mg. ret. Thu. night at 10.

Whitewell, in the parish of Catte- mls. E. of Pickering. Hereisa Chapel

rick, wap. of Gilling East, & liberty of Rich mondshire; 61 mls. E.of Richmond. Pop.99.

WHITEWELL, in the parish of Crambe, and wap. of Bulmer; 6 miles SW. of Malton. This village takes its name from a singular well, the water of which is nearly the colour of milk. Pop. 182.

Letters are taken in at Whitewell Inn, and forwarded by the Mail every day. Currer Rev. D. R. Whitewell house

of Ease to Ellerburn. Pop. 203.

Wilton, (P.) in the wap. & liberty of Langbargh; 3 mls. NW. of Guisborough. At the western extremity of this village, formerly stood the ruins of Wilton castle, the baronial seat of the Bulmers, an ancient family of great reputation, and large possessions in Yorkshire, and the county of Durham, in which family this estate continued for many generations, till Sir John Bulmer,

Reed T. Whitewell Inn & posting hs. Knight, the last possessor, (of that family) ■ Tiplady Mary, vict. White Horse

Whorlton, (P.) in the wap. & liberty of Langbargh; 6 miles SW. of Stokesley. The church is an ancient structure, dedicated to the Holy Cross; the living is a perpetual curacy, of which the Marquis of Ailesbury, is the patron; the Rev. William Deason, the incumbent, and the Rev. Thos, Brown, the officiating curate. Here are the remains of a castle supposed to have been erected about the time of Richard II.; little now remains of the ancient fortress, except the lofty gateway tower, on which may yet be seen the arms of D'Arcy, Meynell, and Gray; who seem to have been successively lords of this mansion. -Thomas, the son of Edward Bruce, of Kinlos, was created Lord Bruce, of Whorl

ton, by King Charles I. in whose reign this

estate came into the possession of the ancestors of the Marquis of Ailesbury, the present possessor. The church is remarkable for a beautiful ivy tree, which extends its branches along the interior in a curious and ornamental manner, covering nearly the whole of the east window. Population, 583.

WIDDALEFELL, in the parish of Ayswarth, wap. of Hang West; 2 mls. SW. of Hawes.

Lodge Ottiwell, vict. Newby Head

WIGGINTHORPE, in the parish of Terrington, wap. of Bulmer, 8 miles NE. of Easingwold. Garforth William, Esq.

WIGGINTON, (P.) in the wap. of Bulmer, and liberty of St. Peter's; 4 miles N. of York. Here is a church, peculiar of Alue and Tollerton; the living is a rectory, in the patronage of the crown. Pop. 309. Dealtry Rev. F. W.

Smith Charles, Esq. Plainville house
Barker Thomas, gentleman
Lockey Mrs. Sarah

Wilden Grange, in the parish of Coxwold, wap. of Birdforth, and liberty of Ripon; 7 miles ESE. of Thirsk. Pop. 29.

Wilton, in the parish of Ellerburn, wap. & liberty of Pickering Lythe; 4

engaging in "The Pilgrimage of Grace," was attainted for high treason; when this, and his other estates were forfeited to the crown. The castle has been re-built according to its ancient order of architecture, by the Hon. John Lowther, M.P. the lord of the manor, by whom it is now occupied. The church, dedicated to St. Cuthbert, is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the lord of the manor, and the Rev. Thos. Saul is the incumbent. Pop. 405.

Winton, in the parish of Sigston, wap. & liberty of Allertonshire; 4 mls. ENE. of Northallerton. Pop. 138.

WITTON EAST, (Within & Without), (P.) in the wap. of Hang West, and liberty of Richmondshire; 2 mls, SE. of Middleham. There is here a very good school

chiefly supported by the Marquis of Ailes

bury, who is lord of the manor, and who built a school room for its use in 1817, master's salary 60l. per ann. This place is noted for its excellent quarry of free-stone, in great repute for making grind-stones. The parish church, dedicated to St John the Evangelist, is a handsome Gothic structure, built in a commanding situation at the sole expense of the late Earl of Ailesbury, in commemoration of his Majesty George III. having lived to enter on the 50th year of his reign. This church, which was commenced in 1809, was opened on the 29th of March, 1812, under the authority of a license from Dr. Spark, Bishop of Chester, and consecrated on the 1st of Oct. in the same year, by Dr. Law, Bishop of that diocese. The living, which is in the patronage of the Marquis of Ailesbury, is of the value of 100l. a year, exclusive of the vicarage and glebe. Population-parish within,444; parish without, 303: total, 747.-Jerveaux Abbey is in this parish, for which see page 463.

Letters arrive 9 morn. return 2 afternoon. Howson Thomas, gentleman Jones Rev. Wm. A. M. vicar King Samuel, gentleman

Basket Makers, Hammond Thos. Irwin Wm.

Carpenters, &c. Raper Harry Raper Reuben

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Buckton Christopher, blacksmith Buckton Peggy, vict. Fox & Hounds Clarke Christopher, stone cutter and

dealer in grind stones

Dixon Johu, saddler
Leonard Joseph, schoolmaster
Reynolds Ann, vict. Blue Lion
Williams John, parish clerk
Wilson W. & R. common brewers
Wellock Wm. corn miller

Wood John, governor of poorhouse

WITTON WEST, (P.) in the wap. of Hang West, & liberty of Richmondshire;

4 miles WSW. of Leyburn. The church is a

modern structure, of which the Rev. Jeffery

Wood, is the curate; the living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of Lord Bolton; here is likewise a Catholic chapel. There is immediately on the north side of this village a beautiful piece of ground, commonly called the Gill, situated on the side of a hill, surrounded by a natural walk or promenade, the

highest part of which is finely sheltered by trees arising out of the rocky side of it, which have a grand and imposing appearance.

About the centre is a small waterfall, which

adds greatly to the beauty of the scene. Po

pulation, 519.

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Woodale Houses, in the parish of Lythe, wap. & liberty of Langbargh; 9 miles W. of Whitby.

WOODHALL, in the parish of Aysgarth, wap. of Hang West, & liberty of Richmondshire; 1 m. E. of Askrigg. Alderson C. A. Esq.

Farmers, Snowden Geo.
Baynes Oswald Tennant Robert
Orton Ralph
Winn George
Robinson Stephen
Knowles John, vict. King's Head
Pease John, corn miller

Wool Knowle, in the parish of Hovingham, and wap. of Rydale; 8 miles from Helmsley.

Worsall (High) in the parish of Northallerton, wap. and liberty of Allertonshire; 4 miles SSW. of Yarm. Here is a Chapel of Ease, under the vicar of Northallerton, Rev. John Graves, of Yarm, perpetual curate; the living has lately been en. dowed with Queen Ann's bounty, the principal inhabitant in this village is Thomas Meynell, Esq. Pop. 154.

WORSALL (Low), in the parish of Kirklevington, wap. and liberty of Langbargh; 3 miles SW. of Yarm.Pop. 217.

Hutchinson & Co. timber merchants! Wilkinson Mrs. Hannah, hall

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