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in the year 1817; a new building, called, "the Lodge," for the accommodation of patients of the higher class of either sex.The quantity of ground appropriated to this institution is twelve acres, and both the exterior appearance and the internal management are such as to discard every appearance of gloom and melancholy. The concurrent testimony of all those who have visited this institution, for the purpose of acquainting themselves with its economy and management, confirm the opinion, that it is one of the best regulated establishments in Europe, either for the recovery of the insane, or for their comfort where they are in an incurable state. "The Retreat," including "the Lodge," is capable of accommodating, and generally contains, about sixty patients, of which about two-fifths are men, and threefifths women. This institution receives all classes of patients, and the lowest sum paid for board, washing, and medical assistance, is 4s. a week; the next class pay 8s. and the gradation is continued according to the circumstances of the patient, till, in some instances, it amounts to several guineas a week. Great stress is laid here upon the benefit of the early removal of the patients to the asylum after the first decisive symptoms of insanity have appeared, and, as an induce ment to the friends of the patients to pursue this course, an abatement of 4s. a week is made in the payment for the first year, for such patients as are sent within six months after the first appearance of the disorder. This institution, since its first establishment, bas been attended with an expense of 12,0001. to the religious community with whom it originated. Its benefits are extended on the recommendation of "a quarterly meeting, donor, or annuitant," to Quakers, and to those who are not strictly members of this society, Dr. Belcombe, a physician eminent in his profession, at York, presides over the medical department, and Mr. G. Jepson is the superintendent. Neither the physician, nor any other officer or servant of this institution receives any fee, but all have fixed salaries for their services. The general management is in a Court of Directors; and visitors, both male and female, are appointed to inspect the institution. Some years ago there was a branch of this establishment formed in a building adjoining Walmgate Bar, called "the Appendage," in which there were, during the last year, ten patients, seven of whom were females.

* Persons wishing to become more intimately acquainted with the economy and management of this establishment, may consult with advantage, Mr. S. Tuke's "Description of the Retreat," published

in 1813,

The Free Schools and Charity Schools, like the hospitals of York, are numerous:

The Free Grammar School within the Close of the Cathedral, was erected by Robert Holgate, D. D. Archbishop of York, in 1546, and endowed with 124. a year for a master, to attend daily, "to read and teach grammar, and other good authors and works, generally to all scholars thither resorting to learn the same." This is a chartered school under the designation of "the Free School of Robert Holgate;" the Archbishop is patron, and the Rev. George Graham, A. B. is the present master.

The free grammar school in that part of the city, called, "Le Horse ayer," is the remains of a large hospital, founded by Robert de Pykering, Dean of York, in 1330. On its suppression, the hospital, with all its possessions, was annexed to the Dean and Chapter of York, who, by a grant from Philip and Mary, founded a grammar school, and perpetually endowed the master with the lands; in addition to which Robert Dallison, Chanter of the cathedral church of Lincoln, granted to the Dean and Chapter of York an annuity of four pounds, issuing out of the manor of Hartesholm, in the county of Lincoln, which was appropriated to this school. The appointment of the master is in the Dean and Chapter of York, by whom the number of scholars is regulated, and that number seldom exceeds 23.The present master is the Rev. J. Grayson. The dilapidated church of St. Andrew's has undergone strange mutations it has been now a house of prayer, then a den of thieves; and at present part of it is used as a stable, and the other part as the free grammar school.

Three Free Schools of a minor des. scription were erected and slenderly endowed by the late Mr. John Dodsworth, an ironmonger, in York, the first of them near the church of St. Lawrence, in Walmgate, erected in 1798, for teaching twenty poor boys to read and write, of the parishes of St. Lawrence with St. Nicholas, St. Peter-le-Willows, St. Margaret, and St. Dennis, to be chosen in equal numbers by the parishioners, in vestry aasembled; the second of Mr. Dodsworth's schools is on Bishophill, for twenty poor children, from the six parishes on that side of the river, in proportion to their size; this school was opened on the first of January, 1804; and they have each an endowment of 10%. a year, bequeathed by the founder. The other school, which is in Friar Walls, is also for 20 children. The present masters of Dodsworth's Schools are, Walmgate-bar, George Brotherton; Friar Walls, James, Smithies; Bishophill, John Forth

Amongst the noblest of the York charities may be placed the Blue Coat Boys and the Grey Coat Girls Schools. On the 14th of June, 1705, a school was opened in St. Anthony's Hall, for forty boys, to be clothed, fed, and taught. The out-fit was

= made at the cost of the Corporation, and
the fund for defraying the annual expenses
arose out of voluntary subscriptions, which
amounted, at the first opening of the school,
to £190 per annum. That income has
since been increased in more than a ten-fold
degree, and it appears, from a joint report
of the two schools, published in 1822, that
the expenses of these establishments, from
the 10th of October, 1820, to the 10th of
October, 1821, amounted to £2000 15s. 3d.
which sum was furnished by annual sub-
scriptions, amounting to 4767.; permanent
- annual receipts, from interest of money and
rents of estates, 14257.; children's labour,
=148%; and an annual collection at St. Belfrey's
church, 717. The boys, which now amount
=to sixty in number, are taught to weave as
- well as to read, write, and east accounts;
and the girls, of whom there are forty-four,
are taught to read, write, cast accounts,
spin, wash, and knit, and are, under the
matron's directions, qualified for good use-
ful servants. The increase in the num-
-ber of scholars took place in 1820, in
- consequence of a noble legacy of 4000%. be-
queathed by Thomas Wilkinson, Esq. of
Highthorne, late an alderman of the city.
The ample funds of this charity, which,
as has been already stated, was designed
originally for boys only, induced the be-
nefactors to extend the benefit of the
institution to the children of the other
sex, and their school house was at first
in Marygate, till the year 1784, a build-
ing was erected for the purpose, in Monk-
gate, which is still occupied in that way.
Children are not admitted into either of
these schools till they have attained their
ninth year, and when they are of a proper
age, the boys are put out apprentices for
seven years, to sea, husbandry, manufac-
turing trades, or handicraft businesses, at
the discretion of the committee-1007 boys
have been bound apprentices since the es-
tablishment of the charity. The girls are
placed out to household service, under the
regulations of that school, and 311 girls
have received the benefit of the institution
since its first establishment in 1775. An-
nual subscribers of 10s. and benefactors of
107. become trustees. The gentlemen have
the direction of the boys, and the ladies the
direction of the girls, and by each of them,
in their respective schools, visitors are no-
minated to superintend the same. Mr.

Robert Davies is treasurer, steward, and secretary of both schools: Mr. Thomas Crosby and his wife are master and mistress of the boys; Mrs. Milner is matron, Mrs. Catharine Collier sewing, knitting, writing, and reading mistress; and Mr. John Peckitt secretary to the girls' school.

Haughton's Charities entitle the donator to a distinguished rank amongst the bene factors of this city. Mr. William Haughton, the founder of the charity school which bears his name, was originally a dancing master in York, but had removed to London, where he died in the year 1773, bequeathing 13007. for educating twenty poor children of the parish of St. Crux, in York, to read and write English, with an addition of 290%, payable on the demise of certain annuitants. A school house has been erected near the church of St. Crux, and the Rev. John Overton is the present master, with a stipend of 2007. derived from this institution. Mr. Haughton also left the interest of 500%. to be devoted to paying the rents of poor widows in the parish of St. Crux; and he bequeathed for forty tradesmen, or other persons, ten in each ward, by way of loan without interest, 1000% but which sum was reduced to 2321. 6s, in litigation to establish the will of the testator.

The Spinning School, at York, is an establishment set on foot by two excellent ladies the late Mrs. Cappe and Mrs. Gray, in 1782. In this school sixty girls are instructed in reading, knitting, and sewing; for though it was originally intended to employ the children in spinning worsted, that design was abandoned soon after the night school was given up, and a day school estab lished in its place. The school, which is situate in St. Andrewgate, consists of two divisions-one half the children being taught to read and knit in the junior school, on the ground floor, and the other half taught to read and sew on the second story. The children of this school are principally clothed at the cost of their benefactors, who, in addition to gratuitous learning, supply them with milk to breakfast. The present mistress of the sewing sehool is Mary Gladdin, and of the knitting school Hannah Robinson. Connected with this establishment, and with the Girls Grey Coat School, there is a Female Society, principally consisting of honorary and benefitted members, established in 1788, for the relief, in sickness, of those who have been educated at these schools. There is also a private fund formed by the contributions of the ladies, for the further relief of the benefitted members of the Female Friendly Society and others; and an annuity fund, for affording annuities of forty shillings a year,

for life, to such benefitted members as have attained the age of fifty-five years. The number of members of the York Benefit Society amount to about 300, of which about one-third are honorary and two-thirds benefited members. Upon the subject of these institutions, and upon female charities in general, both for children and adults, Mrs. Cappe's "observations on Charity Schools and Female Benefit Societies," published in 1805, may be consulted with much advantage.

The Central Diocesan Society, at York, established on the 13th of March, 1812, under the patronage of the Archbishop, for promoting the education of the poor in the principles of the Church of England, have two schools in this city, one in a spacious apartment under the Banqueting Room, at the Manor, containing 485 boys, and another in Merchant Taylor's Hall, containing 250 girls. It appears from the last annual report that there are at present, in connexion with this Diocesan Society, 131 schools, and that they have under tuition 15,377 children of both sexes, of whom 8911 are boys and 6466 girls. Mr. Samuel Danby is the master of the boys' school at York, for which duty he receives one hundred guineas a year; and Mrs. Ann Danby of the girls' school, with a stipend of forty pounds a year.

ing of these schools. Ninety bibles, the gift of Lord Wharton's trustees, are annually distributed amongst the scholars.Every scholar to be entitled to one of these bibles has to say by heart the Church catechism, and the 1st, 15th, 25th, 87th, 101st, 113th, and 145th psalms, and to be well acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion. In these schools the National system of education has been lately adopted with considerable success.There is a Sunday school for boys, belong. ing to the parish of All Saints, North-street, under the direction of the worthy rector, the Rev. W. L. Pickard, but it is quite unconnected with the Sunday school com mittee. The Sunday school committee also superintend the schools established by the late John Dodsworth, Esq. and also the con cerns of the Charitable Society.

The Methodist Sunday Schools in York contain 600 scholars, of whom 332 are girls, and 268 are boys; of this number 220 girls and 210 boys receive instruction at the schools in Fossgate, of which there are two; and 113 girls and 58 boys are taught in the chapel in Albion-street. The Primitive Methodists have a small Sunday school in Grape-lane, consisting of twenty. five boys and the same number of girls.

In the Sunday School of Lendal Cha pel held in a spacious room in the basement story of that edifice, 320 Sunday school scholars receive instruction from twentyfive teachers.

A school, partly on the Lancasterian plan of education, was established in Newtgate, in 1813, and removed into St. Saviourgate in 1816, where 120 girls, of all religi- The York Emanuel is an institution ous denominations, are instructed in read- without any building attached to it, establish ing, writing, and accounts, at the charge of ed in the years 1781-2, for the benefit of mi. cies for ninety pounds per anmum, and who, in a declining state of health, had no other means of supporting a wife and ten children, five of whom were blind. To provide an annuity of fifteen or twenty pounds a year for each of those blind children, a subscription was set on foot, and the appeal made to the benevolent on their behalf produced a sum of £4000. With the surplus which this subscription afforded the York Emanuel originated, and at the period of the publication of the last report, the fund for its maintenance was swelled by the contributions of the benevolent to £10,800 stock in the three per cent. consolidated annuities.

one penny a week. The deficiency in the funds is made up by annual subscriptions and donations, to which the Society of Friends are the principal contributors. Treasurer, Mrs. Hannah Catton; mistress, Hannah Wilkinson.

At the Catholic School, in Castlegate, of which Mr. Thomas Bolland is master, sixty boys are educated gratuitously in read ing, writing, and arithmetic; and particular regard is had to instruct them in their religious and moral duties.

The York Sunday Schools, belonging to the Established Church, were begun in the year 1786, and are under the direction of a committee, consisting of the clergy and several laymen. At present there are in these schools between six and seven hundred children. The school-room for the boys is situate at the Merchants' Hall, Fossgate, on Bishophill, and in Bootham; and those for girls on Bishophill, in Coppergate, Bootham, Walmgate, and Bedderu. Seve ral ladies take an active part in the conduct

nisters of all denominations, and the wives, widows, and children of ministers in any part of the kingdom, labouring under the misfortune of blindness or idioey, who appear to the governors to be proper objects.The term blindness is construed liberally, and such a deprivation of sight as disables the candidates from performing the usual duties of life, renders him or her eligible: idiocy is such a deprivation of reason as is not deemed lunacy. Persons applying for relief transmit a statement of their case in writing to the secretary, (Richard Townend, Esq.) previous to the general meeting, held in York half-yearly, on the second Thursday in April and October, authenticated by one justice of the peace and two neighbouring ministers. The annuities granted fluetuate between fifteen and fifty pounds.This institution owes its origin to the distressed situation of a clergyman of the name of Daniel Hall, of Leven, in the EastRiding, who, at the age of sixty-five, was obliged to perform the duties of three curs

The other charitable institutions of York are: The Charitable Society for the relief of the distressed actually resident in York; and the Benevolent Society, for the relief of strangers in casual distress, both which societies visit those they relieve. The Lying-in Society; the Bible Society; the Church Missionary Society; the Religious Tract Society; the Hibernian Society; and the Society for the Conversion of the Jews. The Clothing Society; the Faithful Female Servant Society; and the Society for the Suppression of Vice and Immorality, the main object of which is to co-operate with the Hull Penitentiary, and to send unfortunate females who wish to relinquish their vici ous courses, to that asylum. There is also a Vagrant Office, in Little Shambles, by which vagrancy is checked and the distressed traveller relieved. Formerly there was in this city a Society called the Humane Society, for the recovery of drowned persons, &c. on the plan of the Royal Humane Society in London. The York institution now no longer exists, but as the directions of those establishments for relieving the apparently dead, cannot be too generally promulgated, they are here subjoined :



On the alarm of any person being DROWNED, SUFFOCATED, &c., send to the hearest RECEIVING-HOUSE; and also, if it can be done, send another person for medical assistance.

The RECEIVING-HOUSE will instantly prepare the couch, light a fire in the room, and provide two or three gallons of boiling


The Body, in the mean-time, must be conveyed gently to the Receiving - House, wrapt in a blanket, coat, or other warm covering, with the head raised.

on any account, to enter the room where the body is placed.

When the body is in the room, strip and dry it; clean the mouth and nostrils; lay it on the couch, in cold weather near the fire, and cover it with a warm blanket; and gently rub it with warm flannels. In summer, expose the body to the rays of the sun; and in hot close weather, air should be freely admitted.

Not more than four or five persons, besides the medical assistants, to be allowed,

YOUNG CHILDREN to be put between two persons, in a warm bed.

If MEDICAL ASSISTANTS do not speedily arrive, then let the body, if DROWNED, be gently rubbed with flannel sprinkled with spirits or flour of mustard, and a heated warming-pan, covered, may be lightly moved over the back and spine.

TO RESTORE BREATHING-Press or pinch the mouth or nostrils exactly close, fer the space of half a minute, or a minute, then let them free; but if no perceptible sign of life appears, then introduce the pipe of a bellows (when no apparatus is at hand) into one nostril; the other, and the mouth being closed, blow into or inflate the lungs, till the breast be a little raised; the mouth and nostrils must then be let free. Repeat this process till life appears.

TOBACCO-SMOKE, or the SMOKE of MYRRH OF FRANKINCENSE, is to be thrown gently into the fundament, with a proper instrument, or the bowl of a pipe covered, so as to defend the mouth of the assistant.

The BREAST to be fomented with hot spirits-hot bricks or tiles, covered, &c. to be applied to the soles of the feet, and palms of the hands.

If no signs of life appear, the body is to be put into the warm bath.

Electricity is recommended to be early employed by the medical assistants, or other judicial practitioners.

IN CASES OF INTENSE COLD. Rub the body with snow, ice, or cold water. -Restore warmth by slow degrees; and, after some time, if there be no appearance of life, the above means for restoring the drowned must be employed.

HANGING. A FEW OUNCES OF BLOOD may be taken from the jugular vein, or the arm;-Cupping glasses may be applied to the head and neck; ---Leeches also to the temples. The other methods of treatment, the same as recommended for the apparently


SUFFOCATION, BY NOXIOUS VAPOURS or LIGHTNING. COLD WATER to be repeatedly thrown upon the face, &c., drying the body at intervals. IF THE BODY FEELS COLD, employ gradual warmth, and theabove process for restoring the drowned.

INTOXICATION. The BODY is to be laid on a bed, with the head a little raised; the neck-cloth, &c. removed. Obtain immeniately MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, as the modes of treatment must be varied according to the circumstances of the patient.

GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. ON SIGNS OF RETURNING LIFE, a tea-spoonful of warm water may be given; and, if swallowing be returned, warm wine or diluted brandy.

The patients must be put into a warm bed, and, if disposed to sleep, they will generally awake perfectly restored.

The MEANS above recommended, are to be used for THREE OR FOUR Hours. It is an absurd and vulgar opinion to suppose persons irrecoverable, because LIFE does not SOON make its appearance.

Bleeding and Salt never to be employed, unless by the direction of the Medical Assistants.

Benevolent persons, by immediately pursuing and persevering in the above directions, have restored many lives.

At the same time, it is proper always to recommend the attendance of the Faculty, as their professional knowledge will induce them to direct and vary the above means of restoring life, according to accidental cir

[blocks in formation]

The commercial and trading establishments of York are numerous, amongst which the Banks naturally take the precedency: There are here three banking establishments exclusive of the Savings' Bank, namely,

Messrs. Raper, Swann, Clough, Swann, Bland, and Raper, Coney-street, who draw on Sir R. C. Glyn, Bart. Mills, Halifax, Glyn and Co. No. 12, Birchin-lane, London.

Messrs. Wilson, Tweedy, and Wilson, High Ousegate, who draw on Sir William Curtis, Bart. Robarts, and Curtis, 15, Lombard street, London.

Messrs. Wentworth, Chaloner, Rishworth, and Co. Low Ousegate, who draw on Messrs. Wentworth, and Co. No. 25, Threadneedle street, London.

All the York Banks open at nine, and close at four o'clock.

The Savings' Bank, established in 1816, in New street, is in a flourishing situation, and has investments to the amount of 70,9237. Os. 1d. made by 1854 depositors, consisting chiefly of servants and labouring persons.Mr. Francis Carbutt is the secretary, and the hours of business are from 12 to 1 on Tuesdays, and from 11 to 1 on Saturdays.

There are four newspapers published in York:

The Courant, published in Coney street, on Tuesday, by Mr. Henry Cobb.This is the senior paper in York, and bein

established in 1720, is of course upwards of a century old. Its present politics are favourable to the Whig principles.

The Chronicle, published on Thurs. day, in Coppergate, by Mr. Wm. Blanchard, was established by Mr. Christopher Etherington, on the 18th of December, 1772. The politics of this paper are Tory, but not ultra.

The Herald, published in the Pavement, on Saturday, by Messrs. Hargrove, Gawthorp, and Hargrove. This paper was established on the 1st of January, 1790, by Messrs. Wilson, Spence, and Mawman; it was afterwards published by Mr. Alexander Bartholoman, (who had been many years the overseer of their printing office,) and has always been decidedly a Whig publication.

The Yorkshire Gazette, published in the Minster yard, on Saturday, by Messrs. Wolstenholme and Co. This paper was established on the 24th of April, 1819, and is a decided Tory publication.

Pick's Racing Calendar was begun in 1786, and has been yearly continued to the present time. Mr. Thomas Sotheran, bookseller, is the proprietor and publisher. He also produces annually, in March, the Turf Companion.

A new Racing Calendar was commenced in 1821, by Mr. Robert Johnson, and will continue to be issued from his press, gene rally early in March.

In this city there are nominally three market days, namely, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, but the principal market is on Saturday. There is also a market for Swine, heldevery Wednesday, near Fossbridge.

The merchants of the staple having long since ceased to reside in York, the trade in wool in this city was for some ages discontinued; but on the 6th of May, in the year 1708, the wool market was revived, and there is now a wool fair, as it is called, held in Peaseholme green, every Thursday, from Lady-day to Michaelmas, which is well attended, and at which the growers from the North and from the East, meet the consumers from the West to sell their fleeces. There is also a leather fair, held in this street, on the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December, which, though so recently established as 1815, is become a mart of considerable consequence.

These flourishing branches of trade serve to compensate for the declension of business at the "Butter Stand" in Micklegate. Formerly great quantities of this article was brought to York, and after being weighed here by officers appointed for the purpose, was purchased by contractors, and shipped to London. Thirty years ago 80,000 firkins of butter were annually re

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