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In the reign of Edward VI., on the 15th of April, 1551, began that terrible distemper, called the Sweating Sickness. This disease, which first manifested itself in sudden chillness, was succeeded by a violent sweat, which brought on sleep, and terminated in death, spread throughout the kingdom, and produced a great mortality in


Yorkshire, during the reign of Mary, surnamed the bloody, enjoyed repose, and it does not appear, that this ancient city was the scene of any of her persecutions.

provisions. Several of these memorials of the last plague, which ever prevailed here, remain to this day. In 1607, there was a frost of such severity and continuance, that the Ouse became almost a solid body of ice, and a horse race was run on the river, from the Tower, at the end of Marygate, under the great arch of the bridge, to the crane, at Skeldergate postern. Seven years afterwards, there was so heavy a fall of mow, during a frost of about seven weeks, that when it was dissolved by a thaw, the waters of the Ouse so much inundated North-street and Skeldergate, that the inhabitants were obliged to quit their habitations, and to seek safety in more elevated situations.

The long and splendid reign of Elizabeth affords few materials for the historian of York. In her reign, a rebellion broke out in the North, headed by Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland, and Charles Ne vil, Earl of Westmoreland, the object of which was to restore the Roman Catholic religion. The failure of this enterprize in-able, that the same county which afforded volved many of the conspirators in ruin; aud on Good Friday, the 27th of March, 1570, Simon Digby, of Askew, and John Fulthorpe, of Isebbeck, Esqrs. with Robert Pennyman, of Stokesley, and Thomas Bishop, of Pocklington, gentlemen, were drawn from the Castle of York, to Knavesmire, and there" hanged, headed, and quartered." To strike terror into the inhabitants, their heads with four of their quarters, were placed on the four principal gates of the city, and the other quarters were set up in different other parts of the country. The Earl of Westmoreland found means to escape out of the country, but Northumberland was taken, and being attainted by Parliament, was beheaded, August 22, 1572, on a scaffold, erected in the Pavement, at York, and his head set on a high pole on Micklegate-bar. This was the last open attempt made to restore the Roman Catholic religion in this kingdom.

The contests between the prerogatives of the Crown, and the privileges of Parliament, in the reign of Charles I. shook York to its centre; and it is a little remark

the scene of action for the battle which decided the fate of the house of Lancaster, on the field of Towton, should have witnessed the overthrow of the house of Stuart, on the field of Marston. Eight years after Charles had mounted the British throne, and before evil advisers had embroiled him with his Parliament and people, he visited the city of York, on his way from Scotland to London, and received a loyal and cordial welcome. Six years afterwards, on the 30th of March, 1639, the Scots having broken out into open rebellion, the King came down to York, on an expedition against the insurgents. During the king's residence in York, he kept the festival, called "Maunday Thursday," in the Cathedral; when the Bishop of Ely washed the feet of thirty-nine poor aged men, in warm water, and dried them with a linen cloth. Afterwards, the Bishop of Winchester washed them over again in white wine, and dried, and kissed James I. visited York, in the year them. This part of the ceremony being 1603, on his way from Scotland to London, over, the king gave to each of them several and was received by the Lord Mayor and articles of apparel, a purse of money, and citizens, with great magnificence and splen- a quantity of wine and provisions. To add did demonstrations of loyalty. In the year to the royal condescension, his Majesty on 1617, this monarch, with his nobles and the day following, being Good Friday, knights, both English and Scotch, again pas- touched two hundred persons, in the Minsed through York, in his way to Scotland, and ster, for the King's Evil; but with what met with a reception equally cordial. Dur- success, the historian very discreetly chooses ing his residence, this sagacious prince, the not to disclose. Having spent a month in Solomon of the North, touched about 70 York, his Majesty and his nobles, at the persons afflicted with the King's Evil head of the army marched towards ScotIn the second year of his reign, York was once more visited by a plague, of which 3512 persons died. To prevent the spread of the contagion, stone crosses were erected in various parts of the vicinity of York, where the country people, without coming into the city, met the citizens, and sold them

land. On his approach the Scotch laid down
their arms, and swore allegiance; but the
very next year, when the king had dis-
banded his army, Lesley, Earl of Leven,
and the Marquis of Montrose, entered Eng-
land, at the head of a Scutch army,
arrest the progress of the invaters, the


King left London, and came to York, where he convened a great council of all the Peers of England, to meet and attend his Majesty there. This proceeding naturally spread an alarm through the country that the king intended to lay aside one of the three estates of Parliament, and to govern the nation without a House of Commons. Petitions poured in upon his Majesty, beseeching him to call a parliament, and the gentry of Yorkshire pressed this measure upon him with much earnestness. On the 24th of September, 1640, the great assembly of Peers met in the Deanery, at York, the hall of which was richly hung with tapestry, and the king's chair of state was placed upon the half pace of the stairs, at the upper end of the hall, from whence his Majesty delivered a speech, in which he announced his intention to call a parliament in the course of the present year; his majesty asked council, at the same time, of the Peers in what way to treat a petition for a redress of grievances which he had received from the Scotch invaders, and how his army should be kept on foot and maintained until the supplies from Parliament might be had for that purpose. While the sitting of the Peers continued, which was from the 24th of Sep tember till the 18th of October, commissioners were employed in negociating a peace with the Scotch, at Ripon; but these negociations produced merely a cessation of hostilities, till the meeting of Parliament. The accumulated evils of thirty years of mis-government, had now brought the kingdom to the verge of a great revolution. The long Parliament assembled on the 3rd of November, 1640; and their two first acts were to vote down the council court of York, and to impeach Strafford and Laud, the King's chief advisers. The government, which in the hands of Charles had assumed the character of an absolute monarchy, soon became democratical, to a degree incompatible with the spirit of the con stitution. Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants of counties, who had exercised powers for the national defence, not authorized by statute, were declared delinquents. Sheriffs who had been employed to assess ship money, and the Jurors and Officers of the Customs, who had been employed in levying tonnage and poundage, as well as the holders of monopolies by patents, were brought under the same vague charge, and the latter were expelled from the House of Commons. The Judges, who had given their votes against Hampden, in the trial of ship-money, were accused before the Peers, and in a few weeks such a revolution was produced in the government, by the House

of Commons, seconded by the Peers, that the kingly power which had been almost omnipotent, was in danger of being reduced to insignificance. These measures naturally placed the Parliament at issue with the King, and the differences between the con flicting authorities continued to increase during the years 1640 and 1641, till an open rupture became unavoidable. In the early part of 1642, the King, with his son Charles, Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, and several noblemen left London: and on the 18th of March arrived at York where he was received by the nobility and gentry of the North, with suitable demonstrations of loyalty. His Majesty's first care, on his arrival in Yorkshire, was to secure the vast magazines in the fortress of Hull, consisting of all the arms and ammunition of the forces levied against the Scots; with this view he repaired to that port in person, and required Sir John Hotham, the governor, who had received his commission from the Parliament to deliver up the possession. Sir John, perceiving that matters were drawing to a crisis, shut the gates, and refused to admit the King, though he requested leave to enter with twelve persons only. Charles, being thus repulsed, slept that night at Beverley, and the next day returned to York, having previously declared Hotham a traitor. Civil war seemed now inevitable. The armies which had been raised for the service of Ireland were openly enlisted by. the Parliament for their own purposes, and the command of them was given to the Earl of Essex. The Queen, on the other hand, departed the kingdom, and sold the crown jewels, in Holland, to purchase a eargo of arms and ammunition. The King still remained at York, where he employed him. self with great activity in rousing his ad herents to arms. His unhappy prediliction for arbitrary power, had raised him a host of enemies, while his moral virtues, which adorned his station, had procured him a great body of zealous supporters. Negocistions still proceeded, and Parliament pre sented for his acceptance, nineteen propositions, in which the privileges of Parliament so far out-weighed the prerogatives of the Crown that they were deemed wholly inadmissible:-" Should I grant these demands," said the King in reply, "I may be waited on bare-headed; I may have my hand kissed; the title of Majesty may be continued to me; and the King's authority signified by both Houses, may still be the style of your commands; I may have swords and maces carried before me; and please myself with the signs of a crown and a sceptre; but as to true and real power;


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should remain but the outside, but the pic-with their united forces, commenced the ture, but the sign of a King." Charles ac- blockade of York, on the 19th of April. cordingly resolved to support his authority The parliamentary army not being suffiby arms. His towns, he said, were taken ciently numerous to invest the city, the from him; his ships, his arms, his money; Northern side remained open; and the Earl but there still remained to him a good of Newcastle, having between four and five cause, and the hearts of his loyal subjects, thousand cavalry in the place, could, by which, with God's blessing, he doubted not, means of a bridge over the Ouse, transport would recover all the rest. Having consti- them to either side of the river, and attack tuted the Earl of Cumberland supreme any corps that he might see divided from the commander of his forces, and appointed Sir rest. The Earl of Manchester, however, Thomas Glenham governor of York; his soon after arrived with his troops, consisting Majesty, after a residence of five months in of 6000 foot and 3000 horse, provided with this city, took his departure for the South, 12 field pieces, took a position near Bootham and erected his royal standard at Notting- bar, towards Clifton, and thus completely ham, on the 25th of August. invested the city. The siege of York was now vigorously prosecuted by the three parliamentary generals, Fairfax, Levens, and Manchester, with an army of from twenty to thirty thousand men; several batteries were opened against the place, and particularly one on a hill, near Walmgate bar, from whence four pieces of cannon played incessantly on the tower, castle, and city, while the garrison and armed inhabitants, from their different platforms, kept up a heavy fire on the works of the besiegers. The siege was pressed forward with great spirit, and with various success, till the 30th of June, in the evening of which day, the besiegers, to their surprise and consternation, received information that Prince Rupert, with an army of twenty thousand men, was advancing to the relief of the city, and would that night take up his quarters at Knaresbro' and Boroughbridge. The parliamentary general, having called a council of war, resolved to raise the siege. Accord

Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Denton, and Captain Hotham, son of the governor of Hull, at the head of a body of forces in the service of Parliament, advanced from the West, so far towards York, as to fortify Tadcaster and Wetherby, and twice repulsed Sir Thomas Glenham, in two vigorous assaults which he made on their forces, in the latter of these places. The success of the parliamentarians induced the loyal party in Yorkshire to solicit succour from the Earl of Newcastle, who had raised a considerable force in the North. The Earl immediately marched to their assistance, and on the 30th of November arrived at York, with 6000 men and 10 pieces of artillery. The Earl of Cumberland then resigned his commission to the Earl of Newcastle, who, after having staid only three days in York, to refresh his troops, marched out with 4000 men and 7 pieces of cannon, to attack the enemy at Tadcaster. At the same time, the Earl sent his Lieutenant-general, the Earl of New-ingly, on the 1st of July, they drew off port, with 2000 men to attack Wetherby. from their entrenchments before the city, In both these expeditions, the loyalists were and marched to Hesseymoor, 6 miles West successful, and the King's affairs in this of York. His Royal Highness, aware of this quarter began to wear a more promising as- movement, caused only a body of horse to pect. At the beginning of the year 1643, face the enemy, at Skipbridge, and interLeeds, Wakefield, Skipton, and Knaresbro', posing the Ouse between him and the adwere all in the hands of the loyalists; and verse army, safely joined his forces to those Bradford, which had stood a siege, sur- of the Marquis of Newcastle. His arrival rendered to them after the battle of Ad-in York produced the most unfeigned dewalton. On the 22d of February the monstrations of joy, and a council of war Queen landed at Bridlington Quay, with 38 was immediately called, in which the Marpieces of cannon, and 10,000 stand of small quis of Newcastle, having received intelliarms. The Lord-general, as the Earl of gence that dissensions prevailed amongst Newcastle was called, on receiving intelli- the parliamentarian generals, who gence of her arrival, set out from York, and about to separate, and expecting at the conveyed her Majesty, with the military same time a further reinforcement of 5000 stores to this city, where she remained three men, under Colonel Clavering, gave it as monthe. For this service he was created a his decided opinion, that it was unnecessary Marquis. Early in the following year, Sir and inexpedient at the present moment to Thomas Fairfax, having gained a consider- hazard an engagement. To this reasoning, able victory over the royalist force near Prince Rupert, whose marshal ardour was Selby, was joined by the Scotch general, the not sufficiently tempered with prudence, Earl of Leven; and these two commanders, insisted upon the propriety of an immediate



suit of the other wing. Both sides were not a little surprised to perceive that they must renew the combat; for that victory which each of them thought they had already obtained. The front of the battle was now exactly counter-changed; and each army occupied the ground which had been possessed by the enemy at the beginning of the day. This second battle was equally furious and desperate with the first; but after the utmost efforts of courage by both parties, victory wholly turned to the side of the parliament. The Prince's train of artillery was taken, and the whole royalist army pushed off the field of battle." This battle sealed the fate of the royal cause. The day after the battle, the brave Marquis of Newcastle resolved to quit the kingdom; and Prince Rupert drew his army from the city of York and marched into Lancashire.

attack, and strengthened his reasons by asserting, that he had positive orders from the King to bring the enemy to action. Fairfax, and the other generals of the parliamentary army, were divided in their opinions. "The English," says Fairfax, in his Memoirs, were for fighting; the Scots for retreating, to gain, as they alleged, both time and place of more advantage. This being resolved on, we marched away for Tadcaster, which made the royalists advance the faster. Lieutenant-general Cromwell, Lesly, and myself, were appointed to bring up the rear. We sent word to the Generals that it was necessary to make a stand, or else, the enemy having this advantage, might put us in some disorder; but by the advantage of the ground we were on, we hoped to make it good, till they came back to us, which they did. The place was Marston fields,* which afterwards gave name to this battle." "This action," says Hume, fought on the 2nd of July, 1644," was obstinately disputed between the most numerous armies that were ever engaged during the course of these wars; nor were the forces on each side much different in number. Fifty thousand British troops were led to mutual slaughter; and the victory seemed long undecided between them. Prince Rupert, who commanded the right wing of the royalists, was opposed to Cromwell, who conducted the choice troops of the parliament, inured to danger under that determined leader, animated by zeal, and confirmed by the most rigid discipline. After a short combat, the cavalry of the royalists gave way; and such of the infantry as stood near them were likewise borne down, and put to flight. Newcastle's regiment alone, resolute to conquer or to perish, obstinately kept their ground, and maintained by their dead bodies the same order in which they had at first been ranged. In the other wing, Sir Thomas Fairfax and Colonel Lambert, with some troops, broke through the royalists; and transported by the ardour of pursuit, soon reached their victorious friends, engaged also in the pursuit of the enemy. But after that tempest was passed, Lucas, who York has little share in the annals of commanded the royalists in this wing, re- the Protectorate. Cromwell does not ap storing order to his broken forces, made a pear to have been ever in this city, except at furious attack on the parliamentary cavalry, the time of its capture after the battle of threw them into disorder, pushed them upon Marston Moor; and another time on his way their own infantry, and put the whole wing into Scotland, when the royal arms were to route. When ready to seize on their displaced to substitute those of the existing carriages and baggage, he perceived Crom-government; when he partook of the Lord well, who was now returned from the pur- Mayor's hospitality at a public dinner, and the day following he pursued his journey * Marston Moor, the scene of this me-northward. One of the assizes at York dumorable battle is near the highway, between Wetherby and York, from each of which ring the Commonwealth, was rendered replaces it is about 7 miles distant. markable by the attendance of that extraor

In this state of desertion, Sir Thomas Glemham, the governor, was reduced to the painful necessity of surrendering the city, which he did, thirteen days after the battle of Marston Moor, on the most honourable terms. The siege of York had continued nearly thirteen weeks, during which time the city had sustained twenty-two assaults, and between four and five thousand of the enemy had perished before its walls. On its surrender, the parliamentary generals entered the city in solemn procession, and went directly to the Cathedral, where a psalm was sung, and the following day was observed as a day of general thanksgiving. York, being thus subjected to the parliament, Lord Ferdinando Fairfax was made its governor; and he, and his son, the General, surnamed the hero of the commonwealth, received commissions to reduce all the garrisons in this county, that still held out for the King-a commission which, in a short time, they effected. After the whole kingdom was brought under subjection to the parliament, York was dismantled of its garrison, with the exception of Clifford's tower, of which the Lord Mayor was appointed governor, and continued to hold that commission for several years.

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dinary instance of human longevity, Henry (dred and fifty-two years and nine months; Jenkins. The cause was heard in the year and that his remains rest among the eminent 1667, and was between the vicar of Catter-dead in Westminster Abbey.


ick and William and Peter Mawbank, wherein the witness deposed that the tithes of wool, lamb, &c. had been paid, to his knowledge, one hundred and twenty years or more! Jenkins had appeared at York two years before, to prove the existence of an ancient road to a mill for one hundred and twenty years. He remembered the dissolu-dence had for some time been maintained tion of the monasteries, and said that great between the General and Lord Fairfax, who lamentation was made on that occasion. In had imbibed the same principles, and on the early life he was butler to Lord Conyers, of 11th of May, 1660, Charles II. was proHornby castle, and was often at Fountain's claimed with great solemnity at York. On Abbey during the residence of the last abbot, the 5th of August, 1666, the Duke and who, he said, frequently visited his lord, and Duchess of York visited this city, and were drank a hearty glass with him. He was born received with every demonstration of loyalty at Ellerton-upon-Swale, in this county, be- and affection; but in the year 1679, when fore parish registers were in use; but Bishop the bill of exclusion was brought forward in Lyttleton communicated to the Society of parliament, the Duke in passing through Antiquarians, on the 11th of December, York on his way to Edinburgh, was received 1766, a paper copied from an old household here with much less cordiality. This defect book of Sir Richard Graham, Bart. of Nor-of ceremony drew on the magistrates the ton Conyers, the writing of which says, that resentment of the court; they received a upon his going to live at Bolton, Jenkins severe reprimand from the secretary of state, was said to be about one hundred and fifty and the city being afterwards considered disyears old, that he had often examimed him affected, its charter was in the year 1684 in his sister's kitchen, where he came to suspended. This year the notorious Jefferys beg alms, and found facts and chronicles attended at York as one of the Judges of agree in his account. He was then one hun- Assize. dred and sixty-two or one hundred and sixtythree years of age; and said that he went to Northallerton, with a horse load of arrows for the battle of Flodden field, with which a bigger boy went forward to the army, under the Earl of Surrey, King Henry being at that time at Tournay, and he believed himself then eleven or twelve years old. This was in 1513, and four or five people of the same parish, said to be one hundred years old or near it, declared Jenkins to have been an old man ever since they knew him. He died in December, 1670, at the place of his birth, aged one hundred and sixty-nine years, From this period to the rebellion in where a monument is erected to his memory, 1745, the annals of York are not marked the epitaph of which was composed by Dr. by any extraordinary transactions; but at Thomas Chapman, master of Magdalen Col- that momentous crisis, the city, as well as lege, Cambridge. Jenkins was cotempo- the county, gave the most unequivocal tary with Thomas Parr, the patriarchal proofs of its loyalty and attachment to the Shropshireman, of whom it is recorded that reigning dynasty, and to the reformed rehe was born in 1483, and lived in the reign ligion. On the 23d of July, 1746, his of ten kings and queens; that the general Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, habits of his life were temperate and frugal, on his return to London from the defeat of that he was able, even at the age of one hun- the rebels at Culloden, visited York, and dred and thirty to do husbandry work; and was received with the honours due to his that at the age of one hundred and five, he illustrious rank and eminent services. In penance in Alderbury church, for lying 1757, the new regulations for levying the with Katherine Milton, and getting her with militia produced a spirit of insubordination child, that he died in 1635, aged one hun-in Yorkshire, and a vast body of farmers, labourers, and artizans, from upwards of

The county of York was well disposed

promote the restoration, and General Monk, on his arrival here in 1659, found the publie disposition so favourable to the royal cause, that he was for some time in a state of suspense, whether he should not proclaim the king in this city. A secret correspon


See Ellerton-upon-Swale.

On the death of Charles II. his brother James, Duke of York, succeeded to the throne; and on the petition of the citizens restored their charter, which was received with the greatest solemnity, and nothing was omitted to display their joy on the occasion. The inhabitants of York continued to show their gratitude and loyalty to this infatuted monarch, till the moment of his abdication, after which, this city followed the example of the rest of the kingdom, by recognizing the Prince of Orange as sovereign of the kingdom, under the title of William III.

↑ Oldys's M.S. notes on Fuller's Worthies. thirty parishes, assembled at York, and de

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