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*** To render this publication as complete as possible, we have, in each of the parishes of the North and East Ridings, when the information could be had, stated by whom the living is enjoyed, who is the patrou, and to what saint the church is dedicated: and similar information relating to the parishes of the West Riding is communicated by a table Appended to this Volume.See Fage 605.

ACKLAM, (P.) in the wap. of Buckrose, and partly in the liberty of St. Peter's; 6) miles S. of Malton. The parish church, of which the chancellor of York Cathedral is the patron, and the Rev. James Britton the vicar, is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Here are also a Methodist chapel, and a chapel for the Primitive Methodists. Pop. including Barthorp, 389.

Simpson Rev. John, curate
Gilyard Emanuel, blacksmith
Goodrick William, viet. Half Moon
Skelton Robert
Warde John


Allison Geo,

Heward John

Shoemakers, Johnson Edward Potter William

Farmers, Botterill H. P. Clarkson Thos. Coulton R. and T. Alderson Jonathan


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AIKE, part in the parish of Lockington, and part in the parish of St. John of Beverley, wap. of Harthill, division of Bainton Beacon; 5 miles NNW. of Beverley. This village was formerly upon an island, which by draining is now connected with the

surrounding country. Pop. 98. Farmers, Watson Geo. Whitaker Wm.

Jackson Wm. Thursk John

Norris Robert, vict. Board Plowman John, blacksmith

ALDBROUGH, (P.) in the wap. and liberty of Holderness; 8 miles NE. of Hedon. A flourishing and very lively village pleasantly situated on the declivity of a small eminence, and consists of some elegant and well built houses. The church dedicated to St. Bartholomew, is a large Gothic structure, of which the King is patron, and the Rev. Nicholas Holmes the vicar. In the interior is an ancient circular stone fifteen inches in diameter, commemorating the building of the church, the inscription on which may be translated thus: ULF COMMANDED THIS

CHURCH TO BE ERECTED FOR THE SOULS OF HANUM AND GUNTHARD, Ulf, here mentioned, is supposed to be the same who gave his estate to the church of York, and in this gift was included Aldbrough, where he had a castle, the foundation of which is now entirely levelled. The Roman road from Protorium to Gabrantiesoum Sinies, runs through Aldbrough. The following is a copy of an extract from an old history of York, which was lately found here, "York, 1291 1292. Jo. Spear, Mayor." These years the mayoralty was in the king's hands, and Sir John De Malso, or Meaux, was governor of the city, he was a great warrior and tall in stature, as appears from his armour, which is now to be seen in the church of Aldbrough, where he is buried under a stone monument representing him in full length lying, and also the figure of his wife. A Mr. Towry left a quantity of land, the rent arising from which, is distributed to the old and infirm at the discretion of the minister, over. seers and churchwardens for the time being, about 20l. of which is appropriated to the education of poor children. Pop. including East and West Newton townships, 998. Holmes Rev. Nicholas, vicar Craven Rev. William, curate

Groves Edward, gentleman
Groves Henry, yeoman
Hall John, Esq.

Laverack Geo.

Moore Peter, yeoman
Stephenson Matthew, yeoman

Stephenson Wm. yeoman

Wilson Mrs. Ann, gentlewoman


Cooper Charles

Tarbottom Benj.

(and farrier)

Bricklayers, Anthony John

Foster John


Creasser Matthew
Hobson Francis

Corn Millers,

King John
Longman John
Armstrong Robert
Goldthorp Richd.
Hardy Thos.
Hobson Francis
Hogg Wm.
Longman Robert
Longman Wm.
Smith Geo.
Speck Wm.
Wetherill Charles

Wilson Geo.

Wright Wm.

Wright Francis
Wright Wm. Edw.


Johnson Edward
Mainprize John
Robinson Thos.
Seupham Widow

Harmory Robert
Stamford Joseph

Barritt John
Brook John
Dunn Wm.
Jackson John
Marshall Mark

Surgeons, &c.

Clark John
Simons James
Tailors, &c.
Johnson John
Lamb Robert
Rawson John

Rispin John

Brambridge Robt.

Fewster James
Holmes Thomas
Humble Geo.

Harrison Edward, bailiff

Hodgson Thos. riding excise officer
Leak Wm. vict. George Inn
Ockleton Thos. vict. Bricklayer's Arms
Shields Wm. common brewer
Sissons Wm. joiner and auctioneer
Wadsworth John, hair dresser

Siddall Charles

Shaw John, (and Simpson Joseph

cattle dealer) Theaker William

Cook James, shoemaker
Harrison Richard, vict. Plough
Whitaker John, schoolmaster
Winter Edward, wheelwright

ANLABY, in the parishes of North
Ferriby, Hessle, and Kirk Ela, wap. and
liberty of Hullshire; 5 miles W. of Hull,
at the western extremity of the marshy plain
in which that town is situated. Is a pleasant
village, adorned with several elegant seats.
This village formerly belonged to the ancient
family of the Anlabys, who derived their
name from the manor. In the year 1100
the heiress of that house carried it by mar-
riage into the family of Legard, which family
resided here from the conquest, till nearly
the close of the last century. Pop. 307.
Barkworth John, gentleman
Bodley Mrs. gentlewoman
Broadley John, solicitor, (South Ells)
Fields Daniel, gentleman
Smith Charles, yeoman
Vause William, gentleman

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Petfield Matthew, carpenter

ARGAM, (Extra-parochial) wap. of Dickering; 4 miles SSE. of Hunmanby. Population 35.

Farmers, Jordon William
Bell Richard
Towers Francis
Arglam, in the parish of Holme-
on-Spalding-Moor, wap. of Harthill;

Carriers-Edward Foster, John Main-
prize, James Rogerson, David
Wright and Edward Harrison, to 7 miles SW. of Market-Weighton.
Hull, every Tuesday and Friday

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ARNOLD, in the parishes of Long
Riston and Swine, wap. and liberty of
Holderness; 7 mls. ENE. of Beverley.
Population 101.

Fewson Edward, schoolmaster
Palmer Robert, vict. Board


Billany David
Billany William
Carr John
Jackson Robert

Ireland Wm. yeoman and surveyor of Riby Robert

taxes and highways

Stephenson Thomas, yeoman

Farmers, Giles John

Foster Robert

Jackson Thomas

Robinson Benj.
Smith George
Smith Thomas
Taylor William
Walker Thomas
Westerby Christ,

Carrier-Thomas Allison, to Hull

every Tuesday.

ARRAM, in the parish of Atwicke wap. and liberty of Holderness; 4 miles N. of Beverley. Population in- | annual rent of which is to be applied to

cluded with Atwicke.

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Stephenson Wm. farmer
Webster Wm. vict. Buck

ASSELBY, in the parish of Howden, and the wap. and liberty of Howdenshire; 23 miles W. of Howden. Population, 254.

Cook Thomas, farmer & vict. Board
Levett John, blacksmith
Midgley Francis, carpenter
Morritt Wm.corn miller

Singleton Isaac, shopkeeper
Singleton Wm. yeoman
Taylor Geo, tailor

Wood Wm.schoolmaster


Birkett Josiah

Bolden Robert

Greaves John

Humphrey Matth.

Dalby Elizabeth Pears James
Dales John

Underwood John

apprenticing poor boys and giris of Atwicke,
at the discretion of the trustees, of which
the minister for the time being is one.
Population, 326.

Bainton Thomas, Esq. Arran-hill
Allman Major, tailor
Appleby Richard, wheelwright
Booth Thomas, schoolmaster
Coates Robert, parish clerk
Lawson Wm. corn miller
Pool Patrick, vict. and blacksmith

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Carrier.--William Wilson, to Hullon Tuesdays; departs 2 morning, returns 9 evening. To Beverley every Saturday.

AUBURN, in the parish of Fraisthorp, and wap. of Dickering; 3 mls. S. of Bridlington. Population included with Fraisthorpe. Harper Thomas, farmer

AUGHTON, (P.) in the wap. of Harthill; 8 miles NNW. of Howden. A parochial village and vicarage, the present incumbent of which is the Rev. W. Dean, and Mosley the patron. This village was the residence of Robert Aske, who in the year 1536, headed the insurrection called the "Pilgrimage of Grace." Aske is represented in history as a man of daring and enthusiastic courage, a gentleman by birth, and of considerable talents. In the latter part of the reign of Charles 1. Sir Richard Aske was master of the crown office, and one of the council of the regicides. He appears to have been the last of the family that resided at Aughton. There are no remains of the ancient mansion or castle: but the site is marked by ditches or moats one within another, with the interior vallum raised to a great height, which shows it to have been a place of considerable strength. It is situated near the eastern banks of the

ATWICKE, (P.) in the wap. and liberty of Holderness; 2 mls. N. of Hornsea. A small, though pleasant village, situated near the sea, from which it suffers greatly by the encroachments of the water, particularly in stormy weather; the greatest part of this village stands at the junction of three roads, in the centre of which stands an old stone cross, which, in the year 1786, was situated at the distance of thirty-three chains and sixtythree links from the sea, from the rudeness of the structure it appears to be of great antiquity, there is round its base a latin inscription, but rendered unintelligible by the dilapidations of time. The church, of which the King is patron, is a plain Gothic struc- Derwent. Population, 259. ture, dedicated to St. Lawrence. The

Rev. James Wilson is the vicar and surrogate, for the dean and chapter: here is

also a Methodist chapel, built in 1821; likewise a public school, endowed with about 30%. per annum, paid out of the several charities of this place. Edward Fenwick, in the year 1689, left by deed one Oxgang of land, situated in Bedford, the

Allan Richard
Brabbs James,

Buttle Thomas
Cottam George
Gowthorp James

Lambert Edward
Lawson Emanuel

Maltby Wm.
Steel John

Stephen Wm.
Webster John
Wilkinson Robert
Young Wm.

Shoemakers, Morley Richard Young George

Coney Richard, blacksmith
Dove John, wheelwright
Wilkinson Robert, tailor
Young Matthew, shopkeeper
Young Thomas, vict. Plough

Carrier.--Leonard Fowler, to York every Saturday.

Aughton Ruddings, in the parish of Aughton, and wap. of Harthill; 8

miles N. of Howden.

BABTHORPE, in the parish of
Heminbrough, wap. of Ouse and
Derwent, and liberty of Howden-
shire; 5 miles ESE. of Selby.
Pulleine Robert, yeoman

BAINTON, (P.) in the wap. of
Harthill, and liberty of Holderness; 6 miles

SW. of Great Driffield. Here is an ancient

parish church, dedicated to St. Andrew. The living is a rectory, of the value of 1000l. per annum, in the patronage of St. John's College, Oxford, and when vacant is bestowed on the oldest B. D. of the college. The present incumbent is the Rev. John Bell, D. D. There are two chapels here, one belonging to the Wesleyan and the other to the Primitive Methodists. In former times a Beacon was erected near this village, for the purpose of alarming the surrounding country on the approach of danger, and this circumstance has given name to that division of Harthill called Bainton Beacon. William le Gross, a Knight of Malta, and Earl of Albemarle, was buried in this church. Population, 300.


Angas Caleb
Hardy Robert

Haycroft Wm. &
vict. Bainton
New Inn

Layburn Wm. & corn miller

Lee Thomas, yeo

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Forge Wm. blacksmith
Hardy Robert, shopkeeper
Hudson Edward, tailor and victualler,

Speed the Plough
Usher Richard, schoolmaster

Carriers-Robert Wallis, to Driffield every Thu. and Beverley every Sat.-Robt. Cole, to Hull, every Fri. BALKHOLME, in the parish of Howden, wap.and liberty of Howdenshire; 24 mls. E. of Howden. Pop. 105. Farmers, Levett John

Andrew Wm.

Harrison John

Laverack John

Laverack Joseph

Martin Thos.

Overend Robert

Wheldrake John

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Blanchard Michael Fish John
Newham John
Phillips Geo.
Smallwood Wm.
Taylor Mrs.

Woodall Wm.
Smith Thos. (and
Wade Wm.

Burkill Thomas, butcher
Davenport Samuel, tailor
Douglas Wm. brick maker
Foster Wm. vict. Bay Horse
Richardson Geo. blacksmith
Smith John, vict. Plough
Thornton John, schoolmaster
Whitehead Matthew, wheelwright

BARMSTON, (P.) in the wap. and
liberty of Holderness; 6 mls. S. of Bridling-
ton. A pleasant village situated at the north-
ern extremity of Holderness; it is very near
to the North Sea, and is much frequented
by the people of the neighbouring villages,
who come here to purchase gravel to repair
their roads with, which is left in abundance
on the shores of Barmston by every tide.-
The church is a very ancient building, dedi-
cated to All Saints, of which the Rev. John
Gilby is rector; in the interior is a marble
monument, representing in full figure a
Scotch Lord, in armour, with a griffin at
his feet. The nobleman whose memory this
monument commemorates was the lord of
the manor, which was given to him for his
valour and essential services rendered to his
country. There are here four alms-houses,
or hospitals, erected in 1726, by Sir Griffith
Boynton, for the comfort of four poor
widows of this place, and endowed with the
annual sum of £15. to be divided equally
amongst them. There is also a school and
master's dwelling-house, built by Sir Francis
Boynton, Bart. for the accommodation of
the place; he is lord of the manor, and pa-
tron of the living. Population, 205.
Day Thos. vict. Bull and Dog
Denis Wm. grocer and blacksmith
Halder Wm. wheelwright
Pickering William, tailor
Sawdon John, schoolmaster
Watson William, parish clerk

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Coach, to Bridlington and Hull, three days per week.

BARNBY-ON-THE-MARSH, in the parish of Howden, wap. and liberty of Howdenshire; 4 miles W. of Howden; situated near the Derwent, which here falls into the Ouse. Here are two extraordinary springs of sulphuric and chalybeate water, denominated St. Peter's and St. Helen's Wells, the former of which is represented to possess the rare virtue of curing scorbutic eruptions by external application. The places of worship are a Chapel of Ease, dedicated to St. Helen, of which the Rev. Ralph Spofforth, vicar of Howden, is incumbent and patron; and a small Methodist chapel; there is also a Free Grammer school for ten boys. The inhabitants of this village have the singular privilege of electing their own pastor; all the male adults (with the exception of paupers) have the right of voting. This place is noted for its manufacture of sacking. There are races held here the last Thursday in June, which continue three successive days. Barnby was granted by William the Conqueror, to forty of his soldiers, each of whom received an Oxgang, or (twenty acres) in the whole eight hundred acres of land, and these Oxgangs still bear the names of their original owners. Population, 525.

Atkinson John, gentleman
De La Noy John, yeoman
Fox Robert, gentleman
Fox Thomas, gentleman
Fox William, yeoman
Holmes Henry, gentleman
Noble Robert, yeoman
Poole Rev. Robert, v. Robert, curate
Smith William, gentleman

Andrew John
Cobb George
Douglas Joseph
Wilson Robert


Fox Wm. jun.
Hall John
Hind Thomas
Spence John
Stiles Thomas
Turton Thomas

Howdle Benjamin Chapel Wm.

Lamb Robert

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Anchor, Robert Robinson
Bull and Butcher, John Swales
Half Moon, James Norton
Sloop, Wm. Potter, Barnby ferry
Bealby William, tailor
Crosley John, blacksmith
Holdsworth Samuel, lock-keeper
Hord Watson, tailor
Noble John, master mariner
Pycock John, joiner
Thompson R.
Watson Thomas, schoolmaster

Water Carriage-Two Packets to Selby, every Mon. at 7 mg. for goods and passengers.

Carrier-Thos. Hodgson, to Be verley & Howden, every Saturday.

Barnby-Moor-Inn, in the parish of Barnby, and wap. of Harthill; 11⁄2 mile W. of Pocklington. This is a large and commodious inn, where travellers are accommodated with post chaises. It has been kept by its present owner and occupier, Mr. Thomas Heard, thirty-six years. The letter bags to, and from Pocklington, are received and delivered here, and the coaches from York to Hull, make it their house of call.

the wap. of Harthill, and liberty of St. Pe-
ter's; 2 miles W. of Pocklington. It is a per-
petual curacy, under the patronage of the
Dean of York, and the present incumbent is
the Rev. James Addison, the church is dedi-
cated to St. Catharine. This is a place of
great antiquity; it was formerly a market-
town, and has still one market-day annually,
on the Thursday preceding St. Peter's day.
The annual feast is kept on the day following.
The inhabitants enjoy considerable privileges
and immunities, on payment of 6s. to the
Dean and Chapter of St. Peter's, such as
freedom from toll, &c. Pop. 440.
Cooper Tabitha, gentlewoman
Cross John, gentleman
Goldsbrough Richard, gent.
Hornby Thomas, surgeon
Stephenson Edward, gent.

Farmers & Yeomen, Houlden Wm.
Berryman Wm.

Houlden James

Blanchard Francis Hudson Richard
Cook John

Sacking Mfrs.

Thompson John


Ship Owners,

Atkinson Robert

Gilderdale Geo.

Battle John

Wright John

Birkitt Thos.


Brown John

Middlewood Danl.

Houlden Thos.

Brooksbank Thos. Johnson Thos.

Dennis Thos.

Gawtry Thos.

Houlden Matthew

Jackson John
Kemp Robert
Leadbeater Richd.

Newhy James

Ranson John

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