The measured walk, the quincunx, and the etoile imposed their unsatisfying sameness on every royal and noble garden. Trees were headed, and their sides pared away; many French groves seem green chests set upon poles. Seats of marble, arbours and... The Antiquary - Page 111edited by - 1890Full view - About this book
| SEVERAL HANDS. - 1781 - 588 pages
...of marble, arbours, and fumrrrer-houfes, terminated every vilto; and fymmetry, even where the fpace was too large to permit its being remarked at one view, was fo effcniial, that, as Pope obferved, each alley has a brother. And half the garden juit reflects the... | |
| Mr. Marshall (William) - 1785 - 698 pages
...of marble, arbours, and fummer-houfes, terminated every vifto ; and fymmetry, even where the fpace was too large to permit its being remarked at one view, was fo eflentia), that,as Pope obferved, each alley has a brother, Anil half the garden juft reflefts the... | |
| Horace Walpole, George Vertue - 1786 - 360 pages
...Seats of marble, arbours and fummer-houfes, terminated every vifto ; and fymmetry, even where the fpace was too large to permit its being remarked at one view, was fo eflential, that, as Pope obferved, •each alley has a brother, And half the garden juilreflects... | |
| Mr. Marshall (William) - 1803 - 460 pages ' chests set upon poles. Seats of marble, arbours, t and summer-houses, terminated every visto; and ' symmetry, even where the space was too large...being remarked at one view, was so ' essential, that, as Pope observed, -each alley has a brother, And half the garden just reflects the other. ' Knots of... | |
| 1808 - 408 pages
...of marble, arbours, and summer houses, terminated every vista ; and symmetry, even where the spare was too large to permit its being remarked at one view, was so essential, that, as Pope observed, each alley has a brother. And half the garden just reflects the other. Knots of flowers... | |
| Encyclopaedia Perthensis - 1816 - 772 pages
...many ages been peculiar7 termed a garJea, and by our anceftors in this fymmotry, even where the fpace was too large to permit its being remarked at one view, was fo effential, that, as Pope obfervcd, •each alley has a brother, And half the garden jtift reflects... | |
| 1823 - 872 pages
...French groves seem green chests set upon poles. Seats of marble, arbours, and summer houses, terminate every vista ; and symmetry, even where the space was...being remarked at one view, was so essential that,, as Pope observed, i each alley has a brother, And half the garden just reflects the other. Knots of... | |
| Horace Walpole - 1827 - 400 pages
...seem green chests set upon poles. Seats of marble, arbours and summer-houses, terminated every visto ; and symmetry, even where the space was too large to...being remarked at one view, was so essential, that, as Pope observed, each alley has a brother, And half the garden just reflects the other.* Knots of... | |
| Thomas Curtis (of Grove house sch, Islington) - 826 pages
...their sides pared away: many French groves seem green chests set upon poles. Seats of marble, arbors, and summer-houses, terminated every vista; and symmetry,...being remarked at one view, was so essential, that, as Pope observed, — — — — — Each alley has a brother, And half the garden just reflects the... | |
| Thomas Curtis - 1829 - 808 pages
...: many French groves seem green chests set upon poles. Seats of marble, arbors, and summer-hoeses, terminated every vista; and symmetry, even where the...being remarked at one view, was so essential, that, as Pope observed, — — — — — Each »lley has a brother. And half the garden just reaects the... | |
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