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reader. The clumsy monotonous church of All Saints', erected at a great cost in 1786-96, contains within it one of the finest Flemish brasses in England, the only monument rescued from the old church. All brassrubbers are acquainted with the big and beautifully elaborate brass of Roger and Agnes Thornton, which used to cover an altar-tomb, but is now mounted high on the wall among the mahogany fittings of an ugly

PULPIT OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. vestry. Brass-rubbing has now become far more common, but we have a vivid recollection about a quarter of a century ago of spending a whole wearisome day in getting the necessary permission to take an impression, etc., from a great variety of authorities, from the mayor downwards, if our memory serves us ! Mr. Knowles gives a good and

faithful double-page plate of this brass, which fully illustrates its many and detailed beauties.

Peterborough Gentlemen's Society."


(Continued from p. 209, vol. xxii.)


"1733, October 24.-The Treasurer communicated the inscription upon the boundary stone at Brotherhouse between the abbot of Croyland and prior of Spalding in these characters:



HT SIBI METAM.* "1733, November 14.-Mr. John Clement presented the Society with his Repertorium, or Survey of the Cathedral, containing all the Inscriptions omitted by Gunton and Willis in their histories of this Church with a continuation down to this present year, 1733, in twenty-four pages quarto, wrote in fair hand and taken with great exactness.

"1734, January 2.-Mr. Strong communicated four medals from the collection found at March: one of Mark Anthony, the other three of Domitian, Trajan, and Faustina, great numbers of which three last were found there. "1735, September 3.-The Secretary communicated an Ancient Medow book, belonging to the parish of Alwalton, with the different marks of the proprietors, measured by the 14 foot pole, and made near 200 years ago, and wrote in a fair hand upon Velum. "April 20.-The Secretary presented a coyn of the Emperor Victorinus who, upon the death of Posthumius senr., was made Emperor in Gaul.

IMPC VICTORINVS PFAN.-Cap Victorini radiatum. *The subject of these Croyland boundary-stones has been dealt with in the Archæologia, vols iii., 96; v. 101; vi. 398; and xiii. 214. Mr. A. S. Canham has also printed an excellent illustrated paper on these stones in the last issue of the journal of the British Archæological Association.

"This coyn he found as he was walking

over the old Roman Camp, called the Castle Grounds, in Chesterton, in which place great numbers of medals and other Roman curiosities have been found. "June 23-Society present one of those ancient instruments, called celts, of which there then remained only three in our museum, to B. Bell, Esq. One went as a present to Spalding Society. September 23.-Mr. Kennet presented an ancient seal, lately found at Caster, with the image of St. James the Apostle, neatly carved upon wood, and the arms of Lynn upon it, with this Legend round it :


"1737, May 18.-The Rev. Mr. Bambridge

presented to the Society several fragments of urns or potts, dug up lately in his Church at Gotherstoke. "1738, April 5.-The Secretary presented a

small brass medal of Alectus, the reverse a ship VIRTUS AUG., at the bottom, S.P. This medal was lately found with several others in Chesterton Camp. "1739, January 24.-The Secretary com

municated an account of some ancient painting upon the inside cover of an Ark or Chest in Castor Church, viz. : three portraits of about a foot long each, Our Saviour in the middle, and on each side a female Saint, which he supposes to be the two Sister Saints of Castor, Kynebeorgh, and Kyneswytha, daughter of King Penda, and Sisters of Penda and Wulfere, the founders of this Church and Monastery.

"February 14.-The Secretary communi

cated an original grant upon Velom of Oliver St. John, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Bench at Westminster, and Lord of the Manor of the City of Peterborough and members of the same, to William Parker, of Peterborough, Gentleman and Tenant of the Said Manor, of an immunity and privilege of being free and acquitted of and from the payment of all, and all manner of Tole in, or at all and singular markets, fairs, wayes, passages, bridges, and ports of the sea through England and


without, upon the penalty of ten pounds to be forfeited by such as make destraint or interruption upon the Said William Parker in the lawful exercise of his vocation or trade in buying, selling, or otherwise, according to ancient charters, therein specified, granted, and confirmed by the devout King Edgar, and also Richard the First and other Kings and Queens of England, to the Tenants of the City of Peterborough, dated the 20 day of April, in the year of Our Lord God, according to the account used in England one thousand six hundred fifty and eight.

"Ol: St. Johne against his Seal. "February 28.-Secretary communicated copy of an Inscription upon a black marble in the west front of this Minster, near to the door, and now quite worn

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"April 4.-The Secretary acquainted the Society that in ploughing up the high road between Chesterton and Water Newton, the workmen had turned up a leaden coffin adjoining to the old Roman Camp there, now called the Castle Grounds. It lay almost north and south; the bones were in it, which they buried in the ground and carried the coffin, weighing 400 pound weight, to the Cabbin. In throwing up the ground, the labourers found a great number of Coyns of the 'Bass' Empire both Silver and Copper, and several fragments of Roman antiquities. "April 11. The Secretary presented several of the Roman Coyns lately thrown up in the Chesterton Road and an account of some others which he saw in the hands of Mr. Taylor of the Cabbin (Cates Cabbin).


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"April 25.-The Secretary gave Society an account of four stone coffins found in the road betwixt Chesterton and Water Newton. All four lying across the road north and south inclin

ing towards the east. In the first was found a skeliton of a woman, as is supposed, with the small bones of an infant, the ribs not above the 3 inches long and entire. In the other three were found bones, in taking out of which the workmen, with their spades and pickaxes, broke to pieces several small earthen potts; one remains entire in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Old, Rector of Chesterton, in the shape of a common mustard-pot, another, broken, like a narrow neck decanter, being, I suppose, the lachrymatory vessels usually deposited in the graves along with the deceased. There was also one gold earring or jewel found in one of them in possession of Mrs. Child, of Yaxley.

The coffins, three of them, were strait and even like a trough, differing not above one inch in breadth betwixt the head and the feet. The largest, now in possession of Mr. Edwards, of Water Newton, measures outside, from end to end, 7 foot 3 inches, inside 6 foot 4 inches, breadth at the head 2 feet 4 inches, at the foot 2 foot 3 inches, depth within almost 2 foot. It has no device upon it, only on the outside is furrowed with the tool slantwise about

inch deep; the others are all plain. One is of the common shape, wide at the head and narrow at the feet. They had each of them a plain cover of free


"August 8.-The Secretary communicated to the Society:

"The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Soak of Peterborough, within the County of Northampton, containing about forty towns and villages, against the Undertakers their, with exceptions to their Act, setting forth how and wherein they abused the parliament by their false suggestions, and a relation of a new reviving of an Old Court Project terribly to threaten those who oppose self-ended designs, May 28, 1650. This pamphlet, in 4to, contains 13 pages, and sets forth very ingeniously the hardships which the inhabitants of this Soak were like to suffer from the incroachments and oppressions of the Earl of Bedford and his participants, with a copy of a warrant signed by "FRAN QUARLES. "JOHN CLEYPOLE. "WILLIAM LERFIELD. "September 27.-The Treasurer, Mr. Marshall, presented to the Society several pieces of ancient brick plowed up in Oxney fields belonging to Mrs. Bevil, the workmanship of which is curiously wrought with several neat whole figures in the middle and other embelishments on the sides. "December 12.-The Secretary presented a large shell of the mother of pearl kind, found by the workmen under the rock about 20 feet deep, in the ground, as they were digging the well in the

market-place of this City, at the expence of Mr. Wortley. The colours of the different laminæ appeared bright and shining, though it be near to a state of petrifaction. "1739-40, January 30.

Mr. Neve communicated to the Society the original confirmation of Pope Paul to David Pool, the second Bishop of this Diocese, beginning thus: 'Paulus Eps servus Servōr dei Dilecto filio Davidi Poole Elector Petriburgens, Salt, etc.' "Anno Incarnationis dominice Millesimo quinquagesimo sexto Nono Kl. Aprilis Pontificatas nri anno Secundo.


'Penes Decanum et Capitulum Petriburg.'

"1740, June 18.-At which meeting it was agreed, nem. con., to draw up an Ordinance or Statute of Declaration, in order to prevent any misapplication or selfish designs of any future members. That whereas the present regular members have at their own great expence and pains, as well as by the benefactions of many Honourary members, got together a considerable number of books, prints, medals, and other curiosities to a considerable value, we therein declare it our original Intention that none of those things shall ever become the private property of any or all the members thereof; that none may hereafter be tempted to break us only for the hopes of Sharing the plunder. But that in case of a Dissolution of this Society (which we cannot suppose will ever happen, so long as Learning and Friendship shall flourish at Peterborough), then these things to be reposited in the library of this Cathedral Church, and in the meantime a fair catalogue to be delivered into the hands of the Register of the Dean and Chapter to be supplyd once every year at . . with the additions of the past year. September 3.-The Secretary communicated to the Society the original subscription for building of a Public Cross or Town House, 1669, with the names of the several benefactors, and how much each person contributed towards the building.

"1740, October 29.-Mr. Neve, V.P., communicated an ancient deed on parchment, with the seal appended, of Acharius, one of the Abbots of this Monastery, I 200. Willo fil Robti de Dodestrop, the legend round the seal :

Signum Burgense Cruce, Clave. refulget et Eube. "September 17.-The Secretary communicated an original Petition, with the hands of above an hundred subscribers of the principal Inhabitants of this City to the Right Honourable Oliver St. John, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Bench at Westminster, wherein, in the first place, they acknowledg his Lordship's many and great favours towards them, particularly for preserving the Minster and assigning it as a place of Publick Worship for them, and for procuring his Highnesses Letters Pattents for the relief of the late sufferers by a fire here, etc :

"1. The first article of this petition is that the flagg Fenn should be stinted or rated in proportion to the quality and quantity thereof, and the number of estates of the respective Commoners in the same.

"2. That upon regulating the said common Fenn, a certain yearly rate or payment of money be set upon the said Tennants not exceeding £200 per Annum towards the maintainance of two preaching Ministers to officiate in the Minster and Parish Church, and for reparation of the said Churches.

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3. That the Reversion of the Impropriation and the lease of the great Tythes and other oblations be granted by the State for the uses above.

'4. That his Lordship would use his Interest for procuring an Act of Parliament for the same use, etc.

1741, October 21.-The Secretary communicated a fair Index of all remarkable things contained in the Ancient and Valuable MS. belonging to the Dean and Chapter of this Church, called Swapham.

"October 28.-The Secretary communicated out of the Cottonian Library a

catalogue of all MS. and papers relating to the history of this Monastery, with references to each class where to be found, being about forty in Number. "1742, June 2.-Dr. Balguy, V.P., and five other members: The Secretary gave an account to the Society of a curious paper MS., in the custody of Mrs. Mitchell in Spalding, of the Book of Psalms in French, written in all the hands in use in Europe by one Mrs. Esther Anglois, a French Lady at Listebourg in Escose, 1599, dedicated to Prince Maurice, of Nassau, with a complimentary copy of Latin Verses to him, by B. K., her husband, and general other complimentary copies of Verses, in the Ladies most elegant writing, by Andrew Melvin, Robert Rollas, John Johnson, etc.; and on her person and abilities, under a picture finely drawn by her with a pen, as also the arms of the Prince and the headpieces and tailpieces to each psalm. "This curious Book is bound in Velvet, embroidered with gold, the leaves finely gilt and painted, with a running foliage stamped thereon. The Princes Cognizance, or device, is embroidered on the covers, and drawn at the end of the psalm within a laurel wreath; a branch of palm with this word on a scroll, viresut,' and his coronet over it."

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It is an unfailing spring, a little above the church, and at the foot of the steep bank leading up the Brown Clee Hill. It was reputed to be good for sore eyes, and was also much used for "bucking" clothes, which were rinsed in the well water and beaten on a flat stone at the well's mouth; but some ten years ago it was covered in, and altered, and I am told is now in a ruinous and unsightly condition. The legend still current in the village relates that St. Milburga was a very holy and beautiful woman, who, nevertheless, had so many enemies that she was obliged to live in hiding. Her retreat, however, became known, and she took to flight, mounted on a white horse (most authorities say a white ass), and pursued by her foes with a pack of bloodhounds, and a gang of rough men on horseback. After two days and two nights' hard riding she reached the spot where the well now is, and fell fainting from her horse, striking her head upon a stone. Blood flowed from the wound, and the stain it caused upon the stone remained there partly visible, and has been seen by many persons now living.

On the opposite side of the road some men were sowing barley in a field called the

Holy Wells: their Legends and Plock (by others the Vineyard), and they ran


BY R. C. HOPE, F.S.A., F.R.S.L. (Continued from p. 206, vol. xxii.)



HE only ancient dedication (in Shropshire) to a Welsh saint is that of St. Owen's Well at Much Wenlock, the existence of which in the sixteenth century is known to us from the Register of Sir Thomas Boteler, vicar of the parish.-Shropshire Folk Lore, p. 621.

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to help the saint. Water was wanted, but none was at hand. The horse, at St. Milburga's bidding, struck his hoof into the rock, and at once a spring of water gushed out. Holy water, henceforth and for ever, flow freely," said the saint. Then, stretching out her hands, she commanded the barley the men had just sown to spring up, and instantly the green blades appeared. Turning to the men, she told them that her pursuers were close at hand, and would presently ask them, "When did the lady on the white horse pass this way?" to which they were to answer, "When we were sowing this barley." She then remounted her horse,

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