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point out the successful efforts of Mr. Prichard and Mr. Wynn Williams in systematically searching out, delineating, and describing the Early Remains of their own county, Anglesey.

The Editorial Sub-Committee have again to thank members for their effective cooperation; and they hope that equal activity will be shewn in contributing to the new or Fourth Series now about to commence.


Ar the Bridgend Meeting, in August last, it was unanimously resolved to begin a new series of the Archæologia Cambrensis in 1870. By this arrangement new members may have complete sets without the trouble and expense of procuring back volumes. Moreover, the two first volumes of the present series are out of print.

Members wishing to complete their sets of the present series, may, on application to either of the General Secretaries, be supplied with such back volumes as are on hand, at half price.

An important change will be made in the new Series, by reserving a portion of each Number for the printing of records, wills, &c. These portions will be separately paged, so as to admit of being bound up at the end of the year in a distinct volume.

It was also resolved at the same time to issue in 1870 a classified Index of the Archæologia Cambrensis, from 1846 to the end of 1869. This will form a separate volume, and will be sold to members at a price to be determined by the Committee.

This resolution can however only be carried out by individual members undertaking the index of one volume at least. Such members as shall render this service in an efficient manner will be entitled to receive the volume gratis.

Members wishing to assist in this important work, are requested to communicate their wishes, without delay, to either of the General Secretaries, who will supply them with full directions as to the manner of compiling the index.

C. C. BABINGTON, Chairman of Committee.
General Secretaries.



Archaeologia Cambrensis.



THE authority for the names of the sheriffs in the following list, is an old MS. entitled "The Names of the Sheriffs of Denbighshire ever since the same became Shire Ground," preserved among the Harl. MSS. in the British Museum, and numbered 2,122. This list terminates at the year 1682. It has been compared with

1. A curious old Welsh MS., probably written about 1597 (the last sheriff mentioned in it having served the office that year), found at Gwaunynog in the last stages of decay. The document was styled "Llyma afv o siryddion yn sir ddinbech er pan aeth Kymrv yn dir Siroedd" (here are such as have been sheriffs in Denbighshire since Wales became a land of shires). This list has been published in the Records of Denbigh.

2. A list existing at Denbigh in MS., which appeared in a Welsh magazine called the Gwyliedydd (for 1828), edited by the late Rev. Walter Davies, and subsequently in the Records of Denbigh. This list, which comes down to 1828, will be followed from 1682 to that date, differs but slightly from the Harl. MS. The discrepancies will be noticed.

In referring to the three lists, for the sake of brevity we shall call them respectively the Harl., Gwaunynog, and Denbigh lists.




1541. John Salusbury, Chamberlain of Denbigh, was the second son of Sir Thomas Salusbury of Llyweni, Knt., who greatly distinguished himself at the battle of Blackheath, June 22nd, 1497, when Lord Audley and the Cornish insurgents were defeated. Upon that occasion he had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him by King Henry VII. Sir Thomas married Joan, daughter of Sir William Vaughan, Chamberlain of North Wales; died in January, 1505, and was buried in the chapel of the Priory of the Carmelites, or White Friars, at Denbigh, which was founded by his ancestor, John Salusbury, who died A.D. 1298. The Salusbury family traces its descent from Adam de Salzburg, who was a younger son of the Duke of Bavaria, and came into Wales with Edward I, who gave him Llyweni.

Arms. Gules, a lion rampant argent, ducally crowned or, between three crescents of the third.

1542.-Sir John Salusbury of Llyweni, Knt. He was the son of Sir Roger Salusbury, and was grandson of the above Sir Thomas. In 1530 he was made constable of Denbigh Castle, and was also chancellor and chamberlain of Denbighshire. He was made one of the knights of the carpet, by royal mandate, in the first year of the reign of Edward VI, and was chosen to represent the county in the Parliaments of 1553 and 1554. He married Jane, daughter and coheir of David Myddelton of Chester, Esq., fourth son of David Myddelton of Gwaunynog, co. of Denbigh, Esq., receiver-general for North Wales in the reign of Edward IV. Sir John died in 1578, and left the following issue by Elizabeth, daughter of John Puleston, Esq., and sister of Sir John Puleston of Bersham, Knt. :

1. John Salusbury, heir of Llyweni, and M.P. for Denbigh in 1554. He died before his father; and was married to Catherine of Berain, sole daughter and heiress of Tudor ab Robert Fychan of Berain, Esq.

11. Robert married Margaret, daughter of Edward

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