side, and may be traced almost throughout its whole course. A general idea of the arrangement of the wall, etc., may be obtained from the accompanying groundplan. A winding path, indicated on the ground-plan by a black line, leads up to the main entrance, which is sixteen feet wide, and is placed near the centre of the above-mentioned indentation at the south side of the enclosure. The entrance was defended, on the left hand side, by a wall running inwards for a distance of twenty-two feet, and having a breadth of five feet at the inner end. The main wall seems to have joined it at an obtuse angle on the inside, and also to have been continued along the edge of the precipice outwardly. The right hand side, as you enter, is not prolonged inwards, and contains in the centre of the wall what appears like a rude cistvaen, six feet long by two broad. The entire arrangement will be best explained by consulting the annexed ground-plan of the entrance. For some distance to the left of the entrance the course of the wall is marked by a double row of stones. The ground here rises considerably until you come to the point where the wall turns sharply to the north. From hence to the next turning, the wall is to be met with in its most perfect state. A sketch is given of the inner side of that part of it which faces Red-wharf Bay. At the point where the wall turns to the east a quarry has been worked, and has encroached on the camp, destroying the wall for some distance. A short space before the wall bends again to the south, there are traces of another entrance which appears to have been protected at the rampart by strong works. From hence there is a paved pathway leading down to a fine spring of water on the declivity of the hill, which seems to have been included within a kind of outwork. The wall on the side next to Llanfihangel Church, as far as the next turn to the west, has been for the most part removed, and its place supplied by a modern fence. This is more particularly the case from the east corner, until you come over against the church. The wall becomes more easy to trace as you approach the next bend to the west, after which it leads up to the right hand side of the main entrance. Where most perfect, the wall consists of a double row of large limestone slabs set endwise, interspersed with occasional upright pillars, the space between the parallels being filled with loose stones. The breadth varies from nine to sixteen feet. In workmanship it closely resembles the wall at Lligwy (see Arch. Camb., vol. xiii, p. 54, 3rd Series), and also the inner rampart at Dinas Dinorwig (Ib., No. xxvii, p. 236,July,1861). I shall now proceed to describe the foundations of chambers still traceable, in the order given in the annexed block of ground-plans. They all, with one exception, abut upon the outer wall. Semircular Chamber, South Wall. The first is a semicircular chamber, fifty-six yards to the south-east of the chief entrance. It is twenty-six yards long where it adjoins the main wall. The thickness of its wall in the semicircular part is five feet. At a distance of forty-five yards from the west corner, towards the north, there are traces of square buildings; but all the stones, excepting three or four, have been carried away. About eighty-five yards further on, in the same direction, there is a double chamber tolerably perfect: the larger, twenty-six feet by sixteen; the smaller, which is rounded at the outer side, ten feet by eight. The entrance to the larger of these chambers appears to have been at the northward end. Most of the large stones composing the wall have been removed, but enough remain to shew that the breadth was a little over two feet. Double Chamber, West Wall. One hundred and ten yards further to the north, on the same side, there is a larger double chamber: the greater being a square of about fifty-eight feet, the lesser sixty-three feet long by eighteen broad, rounded off at one corner. Between these chambers and the quarry at the north-west corner there are traces of foundations, but so much disturbed as to render any attempt at a plan impossible. Larger Double Chamber, West Wall. |