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Alwoodley Gate 3 21 Inn-King's Arms.

Moor Town
Chapel Allerton
Potter Newton


Cross the Aire


1224 Inn-Black Bull.

14 24

At Chapel Allerton, Glidhowe, J. Dixon, esq. L

2 26 Iuns-Golden Lion, Hotel,

Huntfleet, T. G. 127

Loft House

King's Arms, Rose and
Crown, Talbot.




4314 Middleton-lodge, J. Bramb




Cross the
Calder River

ling, esq. R. Ledsham, W. Smithson, esq. Kippar-park, J. Bland, esq. Methley, Earl of Mexborough, L. Thorpe, Miss Procter, B

11354 Inns-Strafford Arms, W.

Thorn's-house, James Mil-
nes, esq. R. Netherton
T. R. Beaumont, esq. R
The Grange, J. H. Kaye,
esq. R. At Heath, Joha
Smith, esq. and J. Dilli-
on, esq. I. Sharleston,
Earl of Westmoreland.
Hatfield-hall, J. Hatfiel
Kaye, esq. Newland, Sir
Edward Smith, bart. L

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


|2|37|At Sundall, H. Zouch, esq. 38 Between Sandall and New Miller Dam are Pleadwick-hall, J. Roberts, esq. Kettlethorpe, John Armitage, esq. Woodthorpe, John Wood, esq.

New Miller Dam 383



Chevet, Sir Thomas Pilking


Cross the River

Old Mill Inn

24 44 2/


[blocks in formation]

Bank Top Inn




Chapel Town





[blocks in formation]

Parkin. esq.

14 594 Inns-Angel, & Tontine.
Page-hall, - Greaves,
esq. Brush-house,
Booth, esq. and Grange-
hall, Earl of Effingham,






ditto; Dec. 9, 10, 11, hogs and pedlary. Boroughbridge-April horned cattle, and sheep; June 22, do. horses & do. hardware; Oct. 23, horned cattle and sheep. Cawood-May 12, cattle

Sept. 21, sheep.

Aberforth-Last Mon. in April, last Mon. in May, Mon, after Oct. 18, and last Mon. in Oct. Cattle, sheep and pedlary. Adwalton-Feb. 6, Mar. 9, Thursday in Easter week, Thursday fortnight after Easter, Thursday month and wooden ware. after Easter, Whit-Thurs. Clapham St. Matthew, and every Thursday fortnight after till Michael-Dewsbury-Wednesday bemas, horses, sheep, pedlary and tin-ware. Barnsley-Wednesday before 28 Feb. horned tle and swine; May 12, ditto; Oct. 10, ditto, horses, and cheese. Bawtry Whit Thursday, Old Martlemas Nov. 22, cattle, and horses.

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fore May 12, Wed. before Oct. 10, horned cattle, and sheep. cat-Doncaster-April 5, Aug. 5, Nov. 26, and Monday before Old Candlemasday, Feb. 13, horses, cattle, sheep, and pedlary. Gargrave--Dec. 11 and 29, horned cattle, and toys.

Bingley-January 25, hor-Grassington--Mar. 4, horn.

ned cattle; Aug. 25, 26, and 27, horned cattle, sheep and linen. Black Burton-Whit-Mon. horned cattle. Bradfield-June 17, Dec. 9, chiefly for swine. Bradford March 3 and 4, horned cattle, and household furniture; June 17, 18, 19, ditto, sheep and

cattle; April 24, June 29, sheep; Sep. 26 horn. cat. Guisburn-East. Monday, Monday fortnight after Easter, Sat. after Mon. month from Easter, horn. cattle; Mon. five weeks after Easter, pedlary; Sep. 18 and 19, horned cattle and pedlary. Halifur-June 24, horses. Harwood

Harwood-Last Saturday in

[ocr errors]

October 30,

April. Holmsfirth horned cattle. Huthersfield-May 14, lean horn. cattle, and horses. Ingleton-Nov. 17, leather and oatmeal. Keighley-May 8, horned cattle, brass, and pewter; Nov. 8, horned cattle, brass, pewter, & pedlary. Knaresborough Wed.after Jan. 18, Thurs. sheep; Wed. after Mar. 12, next day, May 6 and 7, sheep; Wed. after Aug. 12, Tues. and Wed after Oct. 10, and Wednesday after Nov. 22, statute; Wed. and Thurs. after Dec. 10, every Wed. fortnight, cattle. Leyburn-Second Friday in Feb. second Friday in May, second Friday in Oct. second Friday in Dec. horned cattle and sheep. Long Preston-Leap Year. Mar. 1, or Feb. 28, Sep. 29, cattle. Malham-June 25, Oct. 4, sheep. Northouram 21, cattle. Oteley-Wed. in Easter week, every fortnight till Whit-sunday, and then


every three weeks, horn. cattle, household goods; Friday before Nov. 22,


Penniston-Thurs. before
Feb. 28, last Thurs. in
Mar. Thurs. before old
May-day, May 12,Thurs.
after old Michaelmas
day, Oct, 10, sheep,
horned cattle, and horses.
Pontefract-St. Andrew's
fair on the first Saturday
in December; Twenty
days fair the first Sat.
after the 20th day from
Christmas; Candlemas
fair, the first Sat. after
Feb. 13; St. Jiles's fair,
the first Sat. after Sept.
12, April 8 and May 4,
cattle and sheep, &c.;
all the other moveable
fairs, viz. Palm Sunday,
Low Sunday, May 4, and
Trinity Sunday, to be
held on the Sat. before
each of those days res-
pectively. The fortnight
fairs will always be held
on the Sat. next after
York fortnight fairs as
usual. The shew for
horses, formerly called
Palm Sunday shew, will
always for the future
begin on the 5th Feb.
cattle, sheep, &c.
Ripley-Easter Monday,


horned cattle, and horses; Easter Tuesday, sheep August 25, 26, 27, sheep horned cattle and linen. Thursday after


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Jan. 13, horses, horned cattle and leather; May 12, 13, horses, and sheep First Thursday in June, horned cattle, horses, leather, and sheep; first Thursday after Aug. 22, November 22, horses and sheep; every Monday, cattle, and sheep. Rotherham Whit Mon. horned cattle, and sheep Dec. 1, cattle & horses every Monday cattle, and sheep. Sedbergh―March 10, Oct. 29, horned cattle.

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Selby Easter Tuesday, June 22, Oct. 10, cattle, wool, linen, tin, and copper-ware. Settle-Tues. before Palm Sunday, Thursday before Good Friday, and every other Friday 'till WhitSunday, horned cattle; April 26, sheep; June 2, and every Monday fortnight, cattle, and sheep; Aug. 18 to 21, first Tues. after Oct. 27, horn. cattle, leather, wool, sheep, lambs, &c. Sheffield-Tues. after Trin.

Sunday Nov. 28. cattle and horses. Sherbourne-Oct. 6, Flax and horses.

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Skipton-March 25, horn. cattle, and sheep; PalmSunday Eve, horses; Easter Eve, cattle, and sheep; first and third Tues. after Easter, horn-. ed cattle; Whitsun Eve, linen cloth, and mercery. August 5, horses, and cloth; November 20, horned cattle; Nov. 22, broad-cloth, and pedlary. Slaidburn-Feb. 14, April 15, Aug. 1, Oct. 20, cattle. Snaith - First Friday in April, Aug. 10, cattle, horses, and pedlary. Stamford Bridge-Dec. 1, horses, horned cattle, sheep, brass, pewter, hard-ware and woollencloth. Tadcaster-Last Wed. in April, May and Oct. sheep and cattle. Thorne-First Mon. Tues. and Wed. after June 11, and also the said days after October 11, horn. cattle, horses, and pedlary. Wakefield-July 4, and 5, horses, and hardware; November 11, 12. If

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