Alwoodley Gate 3 21 Inn-King's Arms. Moor Town LEEDS Cross the Aire River 1224 Inn-Black Bull. 14 24 At Chapel Allerton, Glidhowe, J. Dixon, esq. L 2 26 Iuns-Golden Lion, Hotel, Huntfleet, T. G. 127 Loft House King's Arms, Rose and Temple-Newsam, Irvine. Lady 4314 Middleton-lodge, J. Bramb Newton 234 WAKEFIELD Cross the ling, esq. R. Ledsham, W. Smithson, esq. Kippar-park, J. Bland, esq. Methley, Earl of Mexborough, L. Thorpe, Miss Procter, B 11354 Inns-Strafford Arms, W. Hart. Sandall |2|37|At Sundall, H. Zouch, esq. 38 Between Sandall and New Miller Dam are Pleadwick-hall, J. Roberts, esq. Kettlethorpe, John Armitage, esq. Woodthorpe, John Wood, esq. New Miller Dam 383 Staincross 342 Chevet, Sir Thomas Pilking ton. Cross the River Old Mill Inn 24 44 2/ BARNSLEY Bank Top Inn Worsborough Woodbill 3252 Chapel Town 153 Mortomley. Ecclesfield 1454 Parkin. esq. 14 594 Inns-Angel, & Tontine. END OF THE ITINERARY. CORRECT LIST OF THE FAIRS IN THE WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 27, ditto; Dec. 9, 10, 11, hogs and pedlary. Boroughbridge-April horned cattle, and sheep; June 22, do. horses & do. hardware; Oct. 23, horned cattle and sheep. Cawood-May 12, cattle Sept. 21, sheep. Aberforth-Last Mon. in April, last Mon. in May, Mon, after Oct. 18, and last Mon. in Oct. Cattle, sheep and pedlary. Adwalton-Feb. 6, Mar. 9, Thursday in Easter week, Thursday fortnight after Easter, Thursday month and wooden ware. after Easter, Whit-Thurs. Clapham St. Matthew, and every Thursday fortnight after till Michael-Dewsbury-Wednesday bemas, horses, sheep, pedlary and tin-ware. Barnsley-Wednesday before 28 Feb. horned tle and swine; May 12, ditto; Oct. 10, ditto, horses, and cheese. Bawtry Whit Thursday, Old Martlemas Nov. 22, cattle, and horses. fore May 12, Wed. before Oct. 10, horned cattle, and sheep. cat-Doncaster-April 5, Aug. 5, Nov. 26, and Monday before Old Candlemasday, Feb. 13, horses, cattle, sheep, and pedlary. Gargrave--Dec. 11 and 29, horned cattle, and toys. Bingley-January 25, hor-Grassington--Mar. 4, horn. ned cattle; Aug. 25, 26, and 27, horned cattle, sheep and linen. Black Burton-Whit-Mon. horned cattle. Bradfield-June 17, Dec. 9, chiefly for swine. Bradford March 3 and 4, horned cattle, and household furniture; June 17, 18, 19, ditto, sheep and cattle; April 24, June 29, sheep; Sep. 26 horn. cat. Guisburn-East. Monday, Monday fortnight after Easter, Sat. after Mon. month from Easter, horn. cattle; Mon. five weeks after Easter, pedlary; Sep. 18 and 19, horned cattle and pedlary. Halifur-June 24, horses. Harwood Harwood-Last Saturday in October 30, April. Holmsfirth horned cattle. Huthersfield-May 14, lean horn. cattle, and horses. Ingleton-Nov. 17, leather and oatmeal. Keighley-May 8, horned cattle, brass, and pewter; Nov. 8, horned cattle, brass, pewter, & pedlary. Knaresborough Wed.after Jan. 18, Thurs. sheep; Wed. after Mar. 12, next day, May 6 and 7, sheep; Wed. after Aug. 12, Tues. and Wed after Oct. 10, and Wednesday after Nov. 22, statute; Wed. and Thurs. after Dec. 10, every Wed. fortnight, cattle. Leyburn-Second Friday in Feb. second Friday in May, second Friday in Oct. second Friday in Dec. horned cattle and sheep. Long Preston-Leap Year. Mar. 1, or Feb. 28, Sep. 29, cattle. Malham-June 25, Oct. 4, sheep. Northouram 21, cattle. Oteley-Wed. in Easter week, every fortnight till Whit-sunday, and then September every three weeks, horn. cattle, household goods; Friday before Nov. 22, statute. Penniston-Thurs. before horned horned cattle, and horses; Easter Tuesday, sheep August 25, 26, 27, sheep horned cattle and linen. Thursday after Ripon Jan. 13, horses, horned cattle and leather; May 12, 13, horses, and sheep First Thursday in June, horned cattle, horses, leather, and sheep; first Thursday after Aug. 22, November 22, horses and sheep; every Monday, cattle, and sheep. Rotherham Whit Mon. horned cattle, and sheep Dec. 1, cattle & horses every Monday cattle, and sheep. Sedbergh―March 10, Oct. 29, horned cattle. Selby Easter Tuesday, June 22, Oct. 10, cattle, wool, linen, tin, and copper-ware. Settle-Tues. before Palm Sunday, Thursday before Good Friday, and every other Friday 'till WhitSunday, horned cattle; April 26, sheep; June 2, and every Monday fortnight, cattle, and sheep; Aug. 18 to 21, first Tues. after Oct. 27, horn. cattle, leather, wool, sheep, lambs, &c. Sheffield-Tues. after Trin. Sunday Nov. 28. cattle and horses. Sherbourne-Oct. 6, Flax and horses. Skipton-March 25, horn. cattle, and sheep; PalmSunday Eve, horses; Easter Eve, cattle, and sheep; first and third Tues. after Easter, horn-. ed cattle; Whitsun Eve, linen cloth, and mercery. August 5, horses, and cloth; November 20, horned cattle; Nov. 22, broad-cloth, and pedlary. Slaidburn-Feb. 14, April 15, Aug. 1, Oct. 20, cattle. Snaith - First Friday in April, Aug. 10, cattle, horses, and pedlary. Stamford Bridge-Dec. 1, horses, horned cattle, sheep, brass, pewter, hard-ware and woollencloth. Tadcaster-Last Wed. in April, May and Oct. sheep and cattle. Thorne-First Mon. Tues. and Wed. after June 11, and also the said days after October 11, horn. cattle, horses, and pedlary. Wakefield-July 4, and 5, horses, and hardware; November 11, 12. If |