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On a beam in the north aisle :

I. S: R. I: CW. 1751.

On the outer wall of the south aisle is a Sundial with this inscription above :- Quis solem dicere falsum audeat? and under:-R. English and W. Cook. Churchwardens, 1820. It was formerly over the entrance to the porch, and ought to have been replaced.

On the east buttress of the south transept :

[blocks in formation]

In the belfry:- "Thomas Lovett, vicar, 1739; Thomas Linton & William Chambers, Church-wardens; James Harrison of Barton-on-Humber in Lincolnshire, Bellhanger."

The altar-table is an ordinary wooden structure, and the reredos is poor and unworthy of the church. The credencetable is of stone, Early Decorated in style, with a carved oak top. It was anciently the pedestal of the font, and was found covered with brick and hidden. In the chancel there are twelve stalls all on the south side. The pulpit is of carved oak, and was erected at a cost of 100 guineas by Messrs. Elwell of Beverley. One panel represents "the Good Samaritan," another "Peter healing the lame man at the gate of the Temple," and the other two have figures bearing shields. Inside the pulpit is :-" In memory of Thomas Wilson, M.D., died 1879." The money was raised by public subscription, and the panels were designed by Mr. Temple Moore.

The font is old and worth notice. Its basin, of 11th century work, is cut into a single square piece of fossil limestone. It has been "restored"-to wit raised on a central smooth stone pillar flanked by four polished marble shaftshardly in harmony with the ancient rough work. It used to stand in a corner upon a red brick structure.

There are four 15th century desk-ends in the chancel, and a double stall and later oak work in St. Nicholas' Aisle. Renovation is much needed inside, as the present fittings

are mean both in design and material, new church furniture worthy of the edifice and open benches are urgently wanted, and the screen ought to be removed.

The Communion Plate consists of a plain bell-shaped silver chalice with the Hall marks y: a York rose: and I.P.2 Around the body: "The Gift of Mrs. Jane Belt. For the Use of the Church of Pocklington, 1673." and this shield, Argent, a chevron gules charged with a cross pattée fitchée and two mullets or, between three torteaux. Also another silver chalice, plain without hall marks, but with M.B. stamped on six times. Round the body is :- " Renewed 1744. The Revd Tho. Lovett. Vicar. Tho. Jackson & Robert Wright Churchwardens of Pocklington." The paten is electro-plate and worthless. There are two pewter plates, each stamped P.P.C., and also Rodwell under a York rose. And a large quartbellied pewter flagon with lid and flat band handle. The only marks are at the bottom of the inside X, and a rose, crowned. On the front is :- Charles Cross. John Baldarson Church-Wardens 1764.

The Alms-dish is gilt. The centre represents the Last Supper, and on the rim is :- " In loving memory of Ada Ross. and her work for Christ and this Church. at rest. 1887. aged 22. "

The Organ is well-toned and a good instrument. It has two manuals with swell and pedal organs. It was damaged by a heavy fall of snow in December, 1891, and repairing it

cost £50.

The Bells are five in number. The first bell weighs 860 pounds, and cost £50 3s. 4d., towards which £39 17s. was raised by subscription. They bear the following inscriptions :

1. Te Deum Laudamus. Tho. Lovett vicar.

R. Walker. I. Gartham Ch Wardens. 1754. G. Dalton. York.

2. Voco veni precare. 1712. Io. Lowe. vic.

J. Manby. G. Baitson. Church Wardens. SS Ebor.

3. Gloria in altissimus Deo. 1739.

Will. Chambers. Tho. Linton Church Wardens. E. Seller, Ebor.

4. Soli Deo Gloria Pax Hominibus inet.

M. P. P. B. I. L. S. P.
5. Memento mori. Joseph Lowe vicar.
George Overend. John Horsley.
Church Wardens. 1722. S. S. Ebor.

John Plummer, goldsmith, York. 3 The arms of Belt.



4 A York Pewterer.


The Curfew is still rung in this parish every evening, and on December 1st the ringing is continued for an hour, for which one shilling is paid. The money was left by a man, name now unknown, who was lost when coming home from Stamford Bridge Fair. For hours he wandered on the moor and at last recovered his way by hearing the bells of Pocklington Church. This was before the Enclosure Act, which was passed in 1756-57.

The Feast-day has long ceased to be observed, but in charter granted 28 Edward I. (1299-1300) to Henry, Lord Percy he was empowered to hold a market every Saturday in his manor of Pocklington, and two fairs (or feasts) on the eves of St. Margaret 19 July, and All Saints=31 October. A later charter granted to his son Henry, 18 Edward II. (1324-25), gave leave for two more fairs.

The Allerthorpe people were buried at Pocklington until 1828; Yapham up to 1654 and occasionally after; Thornton until March 12. 1415, when the right of sepulture was conceded to the parishioners by John Prophete, Dean of York, "by reason of inundations which frequently happen both in summer and winter," so that those attending funerals "were hardly preserved from drowning" as they went to Pocklington.

Pocklington Church is not mentioned in the Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV. (1288-92). It is valued in the King's Books at £10 2s. The living was augmented in 1757 with £200, to meet a benefaction of £500 from the Hon. and Rev. Henry Finch, Dean of York, and Mr. E. Finch in their wills. In 1818 its value was £140 per annum. In 1821 Parliament granted £300 to meet £200 from the will of Mr. J. Marshall, gentleman, and in 1822 another £200 to meet benefaction of £200 from Mrs. H. Griffith. It is a Peculiar belonging to the Church of York, and the living is a discharged vicarage formerly in the gift of the Dean of York, but now the patronage is vested with the Archbishop. The dedication is to All Saints and does not appear to have ever been changed, though in Archbishop Sharpe's MSS. it is given as "All Souls." It is in the Diocese of York, Wapentake and ancient Deanery of Harthill-but now is the head of the Deanery of Pocklington, Archdeaconry of the East Riding, the Hundred of Pocklington, and Wilton Beacon. The parish consists of Pocklington, to which are united the

two hamlets and chapelry of Yapham-cum-Meltonby and Owsthorpe, containing in all 4,680 acres. The ancient parish had in addition Allerthorpe with Waplington, Barmby Moor, Bolton, Fangfoss with Spittle, Great Givendale with Grimthorpe, Hayton and Beilby, Millington with Little Givendale, Thornton with Melbourne and Storthwaite, bringing the area up to 26,360 acres. Bolton is a chapelry in Bishop Wilton parish-the others form seven independent parishes which have been carved out of the ancient Saxon parish of Pocklington, and small sums were reserved and paid annually to the mother church in name of subjection: Allerthorpe and Thornton twelve pence; Barmby and Fangfoss two shillings; Givendale and Millington two shillings; and Hayton-with-Beilby, four shillings. Burton says "that Pocklington and Halifax were the first to sub-divide their large parishes."

The town of Pocklington was by Ulfus given to the Church of York, wherein the Prebendary of Barmby hath divers tenements going together on the west side of Hungate St. leading towards the South. Also one carucate of freehold land held of him by William Jackson at the rent of 30s. per ann. and suit of court: and 9 tofts held by Robert Dowman and other tenants by rent of suit of court. The Church of Pocklington, in which a Chantry was founded, was given by Henry I. to Gerard, Archbishop of York, and the Deans of York, together with the chapels within the soke thereof, to be as free and quit from episcopal jurisdiction as are the possessions of the Prebendaries of York. The tythes, corn, hay growing in the fields of Pocklington with four oxgangs of land, cottages, closes, and a water-miln were for a term of years by the Deans of York demised for the annual rent of £21, and a vicarage was ordained 8th Ides of November 1252.

At the request of Dean Sewell the Archbishop and Chapter of York ordered that there be a perpetual vicarage in this church of Pocklington who shall have cure of the parishioners and sustain the burdens of the church, and besides other necessary ministers shall maintain one chaplain for his assistance, and shall have in the name of his vicaridge the whole Altarage of Pocklington excepting the three principal oblations, the tythes of hay and all fotherland, the tythes of lamb, wooll, and of the milns, excepting the mortuaries of living cattle, but should have the tythe of curtelage, and of line, and of hemp.

Owsthorpe is a hamlet in the parish of Pocklington, and is a parcel of the Dean and Chapter. The tythes of wool and lamb are demised at a rental of 33s. 9d., and the tythe of a Water-Myln at 3s. 4d.

Meltonbye is another town in the parish of Pocklington. So also is Yapham: the tythe of corn and hay of both places belonging to the Deanery of York is let for the rent of £10 per ann.

(Torre's Peculiars.)


Against the South Wall of the Chancel.

Sacred to the memory of Robert Denison Esq. of Kilnwick Percy who died Fehy 19th, 1829, aged 68. He married Frances daughter of Sir Richard Brooke Bart. of Norton Priory Cheshire. She died Decr 28th, 1837 aged 71. This monument is erected to their memory in token of his filial love by their only surviving son Robert. Also Thomas their eldest son who died July 16th, 1802, aged 10. Robert, eldest son of the last-named Robert Denison by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Col. Geo. Hotham, died Dec. 2nd 1831, aged 5 years. Harry, second son, Capt in 90th Light Infantry, being dangerously wounded in the advance of the British Troops under Gen1 Havelock for the relief of Lucknow in the East Indies, died of his wounds in that city Oct. 29th, 1857, aged 27. Robert, son of the first-named Robert and Frances Denison, who died May 5th, 1868, aged 72. Charlotte, widow of the last-named Robert Denison who died July 19th, 1875, aged 73.

Over this monument is a fine series of elaborate oak carvings brought from Italy by Robert Denison Esq. They are fronted with glass except two figures on the top. The work is German, date about 1500, good of its kind and well preserved. The Crucifixion occupies the centre. On either side of Our Lord are the thieves. Roman soldiers with spears and mounted on horses, the Virgin fainting and other disciples complete the group.

To the left is Christ bearing the cross, on his head a crown of thorns -a crowd following, with a monkey.


To the right is a scene after the taking down from the cross. Virgin Mary is holding in her arms the dead Christ, surrounded by other disciples.

2. A

4. A

Above are handsome canopies and the style is florid throughout. Below are six compartments :-1. A nun praying in a cloister. child kneeling on a board placed upon an altar: against it is a castle with embattled wall. 3. Joseph, Mary, Jesus and the wise men. castle. 5. A bed. 6. A lady on a camel. At the top of the case are two statuettes Moses and Aaron. There are about 53 figures in this piece of wood-work, which has evidently been intended for a reredos.

South Transept.

James Powell, attorney-at-law, died Nov. 11. 1848, aged 75. Jane, wife of Henry Powell, attorney-at-law, died Jan. 5. 1851, aged 46. Henry Powell died Sept. 8, 1862, aged 59. James Powell, his son, solicitor died Sept. 15, 1882, aged 51.

William Cook of this parish, yeoman, died May 4, 1847, aged 72; buried at Barmby Moor. Mary his relict died Oct. 15. 1870, aged 90. William Cook died Nov. 17, 1825, aged 82. Ellen, his wife, died May 8, 1809, aged 60.

Charles Cross, gent., died May 12, 1790, aged 71. Erected by his niece Sarah Debraw.

George Smith of London, citizen and stationer, died at Pocklington suddenly July 2. 1845, aged 48.

George Clarkson, a native of this town, died suddenly March 23, 1843,

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