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Registers of Holy Trinity, Hull-continued.
by, Rooksby, Dinah, 195, Jane, 217,
Joseph, 211; Roose, Peter, 189, Thomas,
198; Roper, Jane, 207, Lancelot, 204,
206, 211; Rose, Robert, 190; Rosse,
Alice, 187, Barnard, 188, Ralph, 199;
Rotherforth, Anne, 18; Rowton, Ran-
dal, 211; Rudstone, Elizabeth, 201

SALTMARSH, Alice, 209, Anne, 185,
188, 190, 200, 214, Arthur, 209,
Barnard, 186, Bartholomew, 186, 205,
Edward, 188, 196, 198, Elizabeth, 200,
Frances, 214, Francis, 203, George,
189, Grace, 185, 188, Jane, 191, Joan,
189, Martin, 202, Mary, 215, Mrs.,
210, Robert, 185, 189, 202, Susanna,
202, Thomas, 186, 189, 200, 210,
William, 186, 188, 189; Salterstone,
Samuel, 1993; Saltinstall, John, 193,
Samuel, 1943 Sampson, John, 211;
Sandy, Katherine, 1923 Sandwith,
Henry, 203, Richard, 190; Saunders,
Charles, 215; Saunderson, Robert, 214;
Scales, Lowrance, 201; Sclater, Mrs.
Edward, 208; Scoles, Anthony, 197,
James, 205, Thomas, 187, 197, 199;
Scoley (?), Wm., 194; Scott, Amy,
195, Benard, 214, Elizabeth, 217, Hugh,
198, Jane, 198, John, 193, Joshua, 193,
194, 215, 216, Leonard, 210, Priscilla,
216, Robert, 190, 205, Thomas, 193,
Wm., 214; Scrope, Frederick James,
194; Scudamore, Elizabeth, 194;
Seckes, Richard, 1973; Sedgwick,
Rebecca, 213, Thomas, 212; Selby,
George, 2053 Sellar, Mary, 193;
Sellers, Sarah, 2133 Selvine, George,
208; Settles, Jane, 187; Seymon,
Enoch, 218; Shaw, Dorothy, 191, 206,
George, 200, Hugh, 2003; Sheardon,
Francis, 194; Shelton, Leonard, 211;
Shepherd, Cuthbert, 217, Jane, 209;
Shipman, Charles, 195, John, 195,
Mary, 195, Robert, 195; Shires,
William, 211; Shoares, Christopher,
207; Shore, Christopher, 189, Edward,
202; Short, Henry, 218, John, 190;
Showers, Anne, 205; Sidman, Jane,
204; Sier, Samuel, 206; Sikes,
Rebecca, 204; Simpson, George, 200,
John, 188; Simpkinson, Ann, 202,
Thomas, 1993; Sissison, Robert, 195;
Sisson, John, 192; Skelton, Henry,
206; Skinner, Elizabeth, 192, George,
218, John, 192, 218, Lydia, 192,
Wiliam, 192, 210, 217; Skipwith,
Ellener, 199, Peter, 192, 193, 218;
Smart, Robert, 188; Smartfoote, Jane,
188; Smarthwayte, Janc, 201, William,
201; Smeaton, William, 201; Smelt,
Leonard, 1943 Smith, Alice, 202, Ann,
214, Anthony, 198, Barnard, 203, Mrs.
Budget, 199, Christopher, 213, Daniel,
204, Elizabeth, 195, 214, Frances, 212,
217, Jane, 190, 196, 217, John, 197,

Registers of Holy Trinity, Hull-continued.
Margaret, 189, 194, Marmaduke, 215,
Mary, 194, 212, Melcher, 203,
Nathaniel, 212, Phœbe, 211, Rachel,
209, Sarah, 216, Theophilus, 199,
Thomas, 200, 208, 214, William, 197,
211; Smithson, Samuel, 201; Smyth,
Barnard, 186, 189, Katherine, 189;
Snaith, Joseph, 209: Somerfield, John,
210, Judith, 190; Somerscales, John,
216, 218, Mary, 194, Samuel, 217,
Theo., 218; South, Ann, 195; South-
erne, John, 191; Spencer, Ellin, 210,
Robert, 200; Spilsbury, Lucas, 195;
Spofforth, Cuthbert, 197, John, 197,
Lawrance, 198, Reginald, 194, Robert,
192; Srivener, John, 191: Stancliffe,
Jobn, 192; Standidge, Robert, 193,
209; Stanhopp, Claire, 188: Staniforth.
John, 195, Jonathan, 191, 194, Thomas,
207; Stapleton, John, 197; Stead,
Mary, 193; Steawart, Thomas, 207;
Stevenson, Thomas, 198; Stiles,
Samuel, 204; Stockdaile, Samuel, 215;
Stoney, John, 200; Storme, John, 218;
Storr, Christopher, 189; Story, Leonard,
217; Stott, John, 187; Stovin, Ann
Eastland, 195, Elizabeth Charlotte,
195; St. Quintin, Hugh, 194, John,
194, Richard, 194; Stringer, Thomas,
187; Studley, Richard, 193; Style,
Jane, 186; Sugar, Barnham, 211,
Tristram, 211; Sugars, Margaret, 213;
Sulley, William, 212; Surdibel, Eliza-
beth, 197, Marie, 200, Marmaduke,
213; Sutton, Joseph, 215; Swaine,
Barbara, 206, Miles, 199; Swan,
Alexander, 185, 189, Elizabeth, 187,
John, 189, Margaret, 201, Sarah, 190,
William, 203; Swift, Esther, 194;
Swinfen, John, 209; Sykes, Dorcas,
215, Mary, 216, Richard, 191, 218,
Tabitha, 186

TADMAN, Chris., 193; Taylor, Ben-
jamin, 192, 210, Elizabeth, 216, Francis,
206, Isabel, 187, James, 203, Mary,
191, Rebecca, 191, Robert, 200, Roger,
196, Silvester, 201, Susanna, 191, Wil-
liam, 189; Tell, Ellin, 187: Tempest,
Ester, 216; Tennison, Thomas, 196,
William, 193; Thackerie, Thomas, 201;
Thewe, Thomas, 204; Thompson, An-
thony, 198, Charles, 188, Cuthbert, 202,
Elizabeth, 208, 213, Isaac, 219, John,
198, 203, Katherine, 202, Mary, 194,
Richard, 191, 194, 214, 216, Samuel, 216,
Thomas, 196, William, 191, 199, 204,
218; Thornhill, Mary, 213; Thornsby,
Margaret, 188; Thornton, Barbara, 190,
Edward, 188, John, 218, Peter, 217,
Sarah, 193, William, 208; Thorold,
Thomas, 194; Thorp, Margaret, 217;
Thwing, Edward, 202, Joseph, 202,
Nicholas, 202; Tindel, Elizabeth, 188;
Tirrey, Mr., 204; Todd, Jane, 194;

Registers of Holy Trinity Hull-continued.
Richard, 199, 207, Susaunah, 190,
William, 195; Wilan, Elizabeth, 198,
Leonard, 1973; Williamson, George, 199;
Wills, William, 203; Wilson, Alderman,
192, Anne, 216, Catherine, 195, Chris-
topher, 197, Daniel, 194, Elizabeth,
193, John, 198, Mary, 194, Pockley,
194, Richard, 208; Winchester, Frances,
209, Henry, 204, Richard, 192, 215,
Samuel, 2063 Wincop, Thomas, 200;
Windham, Captu., 213; Winspear,
Jane, 214; Winter, Anthony, 199,
Elizabeth, 202; Withers, Captn., 203;
Wolf, Mary, 1943; Wood, Eliz., 194,
Isabel, 200, John, 194, 216, Richard,
207, Sarah, 191, 194, Stephen. 216;
Woodhouse, Elizabeth, 192, Hanna,
193; Woodmansey, Elizabeth, 190,
John, 187, 201, Mary, 180, Susanna,
207; Wordsworth, Josiah, 194;
Wormley, Francis, 188, John, 204,
Mary, 193; Worsley, Charles, 213,
George, 190; Wray, Henry, 188, Mary,
189, Thomas, 187, 199; Wright, John,
21, Philip, 200, Thomas, 201; Wright
alias Wretham, Alexander, 186;
Wrightington, Margaret, 186, 201;
Wybron, Thomas, 217; Wycliffe, Eliza-
beth, 202; Wyvell, Klizabeth, 202

YATES, John, 197; Yonge, Emanuel,


Zouch, Arabella, 195
Registers, Pocklington, 114-121, Wragby,

Registrar, Parish, appointed at Wragby,

Reineville, Ilbert de, 151, 156

Reynolds, Richard, 448

Rheticus, 82

Riccal, 409

Richardson, Henry, Rector of Wensley,


Richmond, 394; Archdeaconry of, 390;
St. Mary, 328

Ripley, 414

Robinson, Sir Thomas, 445 n.; Sir

William, Bart., 444, 449

Rokeby, 401, John, 40 n.
Ronaldkirk, 402

Rookby, John, 400 n., Alexander, Gen.,

Roos, All Saints, 183
Ross, Ada, 97
Rothwell, 317
Ryther, John, 430


"SAGITTE equites," 239, 241
Saltenstall, Lady, 314

Registers of Holy Trinity, Hull-continued.
Tomkin, Marmaduke, 211; Tomlin,
Ann, 213, Sarah, 193, Thomas, 213;
Tomlinson, William, 213; Tooley, Ger-
trude, 213; Topham, Dorothy, 213,
Francis, 205, Matthew, 206; Towerson,
Joseph, 211; Travase, George, 215;
Trewman, Eliz., 193, Richard, 214;
Trewsdell, Mrs., 198; Trichit, Mark,
192; Trimmingham, Anne, 188, 194,
George, 197, Juniper, 207, Robert, 188,
William, 191, 196; Tripp, Eliz., 192,
Jane, 209; Trippett, Eliz., 193, Strah,
194; Troches, Joane, 202; Troutbeck,
Thomas, 201; Trumbles, Elizabeth, 190;
Tufnell, John, 194, Joliffe, 194; Turner,
James, 205, Martin, 202, Mary, 193;
Turritt, Philip, 189; Tuttell, Matthew,
198, Samuel, 203; Twisleton, George,
188, Henry, 199, Joseph, 189; Tym,
Jona, 216, Jonathan, 193

UNDERWOOD, Mrs., 196; Usher, Mar-
garet, 193, Miriam, 216, Samuel, 216

VAVASOR, Ralph, 211, Robert, 209;
Vaux, Charles, 210, Martha, 192; Venn,
Jacob, 134, Rev. John, 195

WADDIE, Em, 187; Waddington,
Sarah, 195, William, 187; Wade,
Waide, Benjamin, 192, 194, 217,
Blansherd, 216, Mary, 218; Waite,
Hanna, 217, John, 216, Richard, 214;
Wakefield, Edward, 197, Margaret, 188,
Widow, 198; Walker, Armstrong, 218,
Elizabeth, 188, Ezekiel, 210, Mary,
194, Thomas, 212, William, 193, 195,
199, 217; Waller, Apphia, 219, Robert,
192, 194, Thomas, 204, 215; Wallis,
Mary, 211, Tower, 193; Walpool,
John, 213; Wansley, Mary, 207; War-
dell, Emit, 192, George, 195, Rebecca,
194, Richard, 206; Waterhouse, Betteris,
205, John, 198, Mr., 204; Waters,
Captn., 2033 Watkinson, Elizabeth,
200, James, 199, John, 2113 Watson,
Ann, 24, Anna, 193, James, 200,
John, 189, 210, 217, Mary, 193, 214,
Matthew, 196; Watts, Wm., 219;
Webster, klizabeth, 191, George, 212;
Wedbil, Alice, 210; Welfleet, Margaret,
192; Welles, Anthony, 191; Weslid,
Thomas, 1873 West, Hanna 194;
Westby, George, 191, Thomas, 207;
Weeton, Susanna, 212; Whanley, Chris-
tiana, 185; Wharton, William, 203;
Whelpdall, John, 1983; Whitfen, Arnold,
192, Elizabeth, 211; Whisker Frances,
195; White, Ann, 204, Daniel, 212,
Ellen, 208, John, 202, Widow, 196,
William, 212; Whittington, Margaret,
208; Widdall, Wm, 1963; Widdring-
ton, Captn., 208; Wiggens, Maude,
204; Wilberforce, Leonard, 192, Thomas,
195, Wm., 1933; Wilhouse, Edward,
211; Wilkinson, Ann, 194, Christopher,

207, Eliza, 193, Everill, 189, John, 193, ❘ Sandal, St. Helen, 349

[blocks in formation]

St. Quintin, family of, 508, 513
Stringer, Wm., 321
Stubbs, Walding, 154
Sunderland family, 321

Surveys of Church Lands, Parliamentary,

Sydenham, Rev. Humphrey, 113 n.
Sykes, John, M.D., Extracts from the
Registers of Holy Trinity, Hull, by,
185-219; Daniel, 138; John, 433 n.;
Margaret, 442; Richard, 441; Wm.,
441 n.

Syrian princes visit York, 453

Swaldell, Thomas, 410 n.

Sword and mace of Lord Mayor of York,


TADCASTER, Grammar School, 402 n.
Taillior, Sir John, clerk, 414

Tancred, Christopher, 444 n., Sir Richard,

Tanfield, 406

Tankersley, St. Peter, 334

Tanqueray or Tanckerd family, 319

Tax on Male Servants in 1780, List of
Persons in Yorkshire who paid the, com-
municated by J. J. Cartwright, F.S.A.,

Telford, Mr. John, 454

Tempest, Arabella, 456

Testamentary Burials, Pocklington Church,


Thompson, Mr., 439

Thomson, Wm., 415

Thoresby, George, 422 John, 422-440;

Paul, 440; Ralph, 428 n.; family, 423
Thornton Steward, 412

Thornton Watlass, 408

Thorp Audlin, 156 n.; Barron, 430
Thorpe, John, 315

Thry bergh, St. Leonard, 337
Todd, John, 95

Tombrell, Richard, 425

Tomlinson, George William Tomlinson,
F.S.A., Obituary Notice of, by Alex. D.
H. Leadman, F.S. A., 514-518; Christo-
pher, 494; George, 485; Mr. George
Dodgson, 514; Joseph, 448
Towne, Mr. Alderman, 451
Tressham, Sir Thomas, 411 n.
Turchil and Godwin, 152
Typping, Wm., 412 n.


Usburne, Mekle, 418



VAUX, Mr. Charles, Town Clerk of Hull,

[blocks in formation]

Westoby, William, 111

Livelie, 404 n.; Dr. Magnus, 410; Mr.
J. Marshall, 98; John More, 394 n.;
Lawrence Nailor, 83; Dr. Nevil,
407 n.; John Nowell, 83; Bishop
Oglethorpe, 402 n.; Giles Parker,
405 n.; Sir JohnParker, 418 n.; Mr.
Henry Powell, 112; John Prophete, 109;
Bryan Richardson, 399; John Robinson,
14 п., 407 n.; Sir Thomas Saddelar,
395 n.; John Scorbrough, 112; Mr.
John Seymour, 111; Wm. Sergysantson,
412 n.; George Smith, 111; Josua
Smith, 492; Edward Smythson, 396;
Sir John Tayliour, 414 n.; Edward
Thomson, 406; Dionisius Warton,
408 n.; John Watson, 418; Wm.
Westoby, 111; Richard Wilson, 409 n.;
Thomas Wilson, 421; Thomas Wood,
111; see Testamentary Burials, 116-120

Wilson, Dr. Thomas, 96, 108
Wilstrop, Sir Miles, 448

Winwick, Sir Wm. Craven, of, 244

Wise, Lionel, 451 n.

[blocks in formation]

William, the Rev. Cuthbert, 322

White, John, printer, 453 n.; Mr. Sheriff, Witton, East, 413

[blocks in formation]

Wilkinson, the Rev. C. G., 137, 138
Willoughby, H., Esq., of Birdsall, 105
Wills:-Robert Airton, 415 n.; Percival
Atkinson, 415; Francis Barker, 432 n.;
Richard Baynbridge, 417 n.; Thomas
Beckwith, 316; Anthony Belayse, 415;
Thomas Benyon, 405 n.; John Birnand,
419; Mrs. Ann Blackbeard, 110;
Bowling, 83; Ellis Braidley, 112; John
Brandsby, 397 n.; John Brockell,
394 n.; Robert Chapman, 110; John
Cole, 111; John Coots, 409 п.;
Darninge, 83; Robert Derelove, 416 n.;
Dr. Dolman or Dowman, 135, 142-146;
Jane Field, 84; Richard Field, 81;
Hon. and Rev. H. Finch, 98; George
Fish, 416; Robert Gest, 398 n.; Wm.
Grey, 416 n.; H. Griffith, 98; Mar-
maduke Hewitt, 111; Archop. Holgate,
320; Cuthbert Hutchinson, 395 n.;
Reginald Hyndman, 413 n.; Alderman
Lister Kaye, 454 n.; Giles Lambert,
401; Richard Lodge, 442; Wm. Lodge,
441; Gabriel Lofthouse, 394 n.; Richard

Wolstenholme, Elizabeth, 317; Sir John,

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