Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued. John, 476; Punseby, James, 504; Purdey, Isabella, 488; Pygott, Elizabeth, 485
RADCLIFFE, Roger, 464; Radford, Richard, 220; Radmell, Ralph, 491; Raice, Judith, 230; Railston, Susanna, 472; Raley, John, 499; Ramsdale, Robert, 476; Ramsden, Adam, 496, John, 474, Martha, 237, Robert, 491, Sibel, 222; Ranson, Elizabeth, 487, John, 487, Marmaduke, 483; Raper, George, 505, John, 458; Rasinge, Mar- maduke, 476; Ratliffe, Anne, 489, Grace, 483, Lucy, 503; Ravening, Ellen, 458; Raw, Edward, 221; Raw- den, Frances, 493, James, 230, Lau- rence, 481, Richard, 488, Wm., 235; Rawdon, Elizabeth, 458; Rawlin, Fran- cis, 468; Rawlinson, Abraham, 238, Jane, 464; Rawnsley, Jane, 493; Raw- son, Alexander, 504, Ann, 234, John, 461, Mary, 489, Paul, 229, Thomas, 237, 463, Ursula, 461; Ray, John, 226; Rayley, Sara, 483; Rayner, Isabel, 234, Lionel, 222, Robert, 472; Raynes, Jacobus, 482, Win., 235; Raynold, Eliza- beth, 474; Rayson, Marmaduke, 505; Rea, Jane, 459; Read, Lady Elizabeth, 228, James, 488; Readman, Margaret,495; Redheal, Margaret, 233; Redman, Mary, 230; Redshawe, Jane, 504, John, 223; Reeve, Ellenor, 224; Remington, Ann, 476, 502, Henry, 472, Richard, 500, Wm., 462; Revell, Dionis, 228; Revill, Wm., 497 Reynard, Dorothy, 466; Reynolds, Seth, 232; Rhodes, George, 461, Gertrude, 232, Henry, 220, John, 223, Thomas, 226; Richard, Elizabeth, 462; Richardie (?), Richard, 221; Richardson, Christopher, 49, Isabella, 484, John, 222, Margaret, 504, Meriol, 469, Mr., 506, Peter, 468, Thomas, 467, Wm., 493; Richeson, Juliana, 496, Thomas, 499; Richmond, Thomas, 478; Rickhard, Averilla, 474; Ridiall, Alan, 222, Emott, 234; Rigge, Chris- topher, 478, Elizabeth, 503; Riley, Dinah, 464, Wm., 461; Ringrose, Audrey, 465; Ripley, Barbara, 220, Margaret, 485; Rishworth, Anne, 471, Grace, 459; Roades, Rodes, Agnes, 489, Ann, 472, Hester, 488, Richard, 486; Robert, Laurence, 460; Roberts, Ann, 228, Isabel, 236, Richard, 500, Wm., 228; Robertshaw, Sarah, 462; Robinson, Abell, 485, Agnes, 485, Alice, 233, 467, Ann, 466, 494, Elizabeth, 229, 479, Ellen, 462, Ferdinand, 231, Geoffrey, 232, George, 464, 474, Henry, 223, 235, 493, James, 467, Jane, 497, John, 223, 480, Margery, 504, Ralph, 492, Robert, 464, Thomas, 220, 221, 485, 488, Wm., 225, 464, 496; Robson, Thomas, 493; Rockeley, John, 504; Roe, Francis,
Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.
Edith, 468, Frances, 235, Robert, 475; Sharpe, Ellen, 232, John, 238, Matthew, 470, Suzanna, 493; Sharples, Edward, 496; Sharrow, Thomas, 491; Shaw, Abigail, 493, Christopher, 473, Frances, 494, George, 459, Jane, 501, John, 462, Robert, 479, Wm., 483; Shearcliffe, Shercliffe, Isabel, 227, Katherine, 480, Nicholas, 469, 479, Richard, 482, Robert, 485; Sheffield, Prudence, 500; Shemell, Mary, 228; Shepley, Elizabeth, 229; Sheppard, Francis, 481, Oswald, 231, Wm., 493; Shepper, Grace, 474; Sherard, Daniel, 465; Sherborne,
Catherine, 467; Sherecrofte, Wm., 505; Shervington, Alice, 228; Sherwin, Wm., 461; Sherwood, Margaret, 483; Shier- locke, Alice, 470; Shillito, Andrew, 486, Ann, 459, Elizabeth, 500, John, 224; Shipley, Richard, 488; Shippen, Richard, 221; Shipton, John, 475; Shires, Ralph, 481; Shirt, Jane, 459; Shute, Mary, 465; Shuttleworth, Katherine, 475; Siddall, Elizabeth, 467; Silling, Henry, 235; Silversides, Elizabeth, 470; Simm, Richard, 467; Simpson, Alice, 476, Ann, 232, 477, Edward, 226, Ellen, 466, Frances, 468, Francis, 500, Henry, 503, Joana, 225, Joshua, 464, Robert, 480, Simon, 505, Stephen, 232, 237, Thomas, 467; Sitton, Wm., 469; Skadlock, Nicholas, 492; Skele, Laurence, 481; Skelton, Agnes, 463, Ellicia, 475, Henry, 220, Richard, 458, Sampson, 222, Wm., 234; Skiers, George, 503; Skinner, Frances, 477; Richard, 498, Wm., 470, 506; Skipwith, Elizabeth, 225; Skynner, Mary, 498; Slacke, John, 488; Sladen, John, 469; Slaide, Anne, 472; Slaiden, Wm., 483; Slater, Abraham, 228, Alice, 236, Margaret, 234, Richard, 483; Sledall, Thomas, 484; Slingsby, Jane, 225, Mary, 462; Smales, Francis, 501, Helen, 481, John, 464; Small, Anne, 501; Smeaton, Wm., 502; Smedley, George, 494; Smith, 468, 469,
Agnes, 506, Christopher, 490, Elizabeth, 238, Ellen, 465, Frances, 499, Gervase, 236, Grace, 467, 476, Henry, 237, Isabel, 465, Jane, 459, John, 490, Josua, 492, Judith, 460, Mary, 226, 227, Peter, 470, Ralph, 237, Richard, 226, 231, 463, Susan, 469, Thomas, 220, 221, 237, 482, Ursula, 231, Wm., 504; Smithies, Margaret, 225; Smith- son, Elizabeth, 501, Robert, 234; Smyth, Alexander, 488, Ann, 496, Beatrice, 472, Christopher, 478, Eliza- beth, 504, Grace, 478, Jane, 484, John, 490, Josua, 479, Margaret, 478, Ralph, 473, Richard, 480, 501, Thomas, 490; Smythson, George, 484; Sneaton, Ann, 468, Jesuam, 235; Snell, Ann, 464,
Paver s Marriage Licenses continued. 471; Snowe, Robert, 490; Somerscales, Claramondia, 500, Gervase, 460; Somerton, Thomasin, 463; Sonman, Katherine, 471; Sotheby, Elizabeth, 504, Thomas, 473, 498; Sotheron, Ambrose, 4753 Sotbill, Ellen, 464; South, Francis, 232; Southwood, Elizabeth, 222; Sowden, Margaret, 490, 495, Mary, 5053 Sowerby, Robert, 496; Spacie, Thomas, 485; Spanton, Jane, 489; Sparks, --, 469; Spar- linge, Ellen, 483; Sparrow, Hugh, 474, 476, Thomas, 221; Speede, Adolphus, 488; Speight, Richard, 469, Thomas, 502, Valentine, 227; Spicer, Anne, 487, Jane, 496; Spotford, Jane, 490; Spragen, Elizabeth, 222; Stable, Richard, 477, Wm., 466, 489, 491; Stables, William, 237; Stackhouse, James, 479; Stagge, Ann, 236; Stain- burn, Catherine, 460; Stainefurth, Wm., 479; Stainton, John, 229, Wm., 487; Stamper, Christopher, 489; Stancliffe, Crace, 234, James, 497; Stanley, Grace, 470; Stansfield. Hesther, 468; Stapleton, Gilbert, 229, Katherine, 473; Starke, Averilla, 487, Elizabeth, 494; Stather, Marmaduke, 493; Stead, Clara, 501, James, 236, Reginald, 487, Thomas, 495, Wm., 476; Steele, Mary, 474; Stephenson, Elizabeth, 228, 463, Wm., 231, 234; Stevenson, --, 469, Ellisia, 409, Isabella, 475, John, 475, Mary, 502, Thomas, 479; Steward, Elizabeth, 500; Stilburne, Dionis, 220; Stirk, Francis, 233; Stockdale, George, 465, Jane, 501, Jerome, 491, Laurence, 227, Margaret, 462, 470; Stocks, Joan, 467; Stockton. Henry, 466, Margaret, 464, Samuel, 476; Stones, Elizabeth, 234, 466; Storie, John, 478, Thomas, 500; Storke, James, 468; Storre, John, 497, 505, Mr., 478; Stott, Ann, 224; Stow, Anne, 481; Straker, Mary, 233, Robert, 496, Wm., 469; Strangewayes, Alice, 460, James, 462, Margery, 470; Strangwidge, Ann, 488; Straw, Henry, 463; Strickland, Anne, 496, Margaret, 483, Robert, 480 Strutt, Thomas, 235; Stubbin, Dorothy, 237; Stubbs, Reynold, 238; Susan, 226. Wm., 497; Stubley, John, 463, Richard, 467; Sudley, Margaret, 234; Sugdell, Jacobus, 500; Sugden, Isaac, 505, Janet, 465, John, 468, Thomas, 500; Sunderland, Abraham, 494, Edward, 492; Sunman, -, 469; Sutcliffe, Abraham, 237, John, 221, 225, Mary, 237; Sutton, Cecily, 235, Margaret, 225, Robert, 231; Swaile, Jane, 479; Swailes, Anne, 502; Swainson, George, 496; Swale, John, 233, Richard, 229; Swales, Anne, 502, Ellens, 473; Swallow, Jane, 493; Swan, Jane, 481;
Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued. Swane, Martha, 486; Swayne, Ellen, 228; Swift, Grace, 495, Isabel, 469, Mary, 234, Penelope, 496; Swire, Anne, 497
TANKERD, Wim., 4863; Tate, John, 237; Tattersall, Faith, 473; Taylor, Alice, 458, 476, Barbara, 233, Christo- pher, 229, Elizabeth, 228, 465, Ellena, 504, Godfrey, 463, Hellena, 474, Jane, 228, John, 225, 230, 232, 461, 505, Katherine, 475, Margaret, 486, Mary, 227, 473, Richard, 220, 470, Suzanna, 505, Wm., 222, 468, 497; Teasdell, John, 498; Tempest, Elizabeth, 463; Temple, Cecily, 231; Tennant, Agnes, 227, Isabella, 485, John, 225; Terry, Elizabeth, 467; Tesdesley, Ellen, 459; Tetlay, Elizabeth, 484: Tetlow, Cath- erine, 226, Mary, 238, Thackray, Thackwray, Ann, 406, Geo., 505, Jane, 226, John, 493, Mary, 493, Wm., 470; Theakeston, Agnes, 493; Thirkell, Richard, 233; Thomas, Elizabeth, 236, Hester, 473; Thomasson, Thomas, 462; Thompson, Agnes, 224, Alice, 236, Alison, 227, Ann, 462, Cecily, 237, Elizabeth, 237, Henry, 468, Isabella, 472, Jane, 235, 468, John, 469, 485, Margery, 223, Mary, 483, Robert, 225, 464, Thomas, 473, Wm., 228, 465, 475, 477; Thomson, Elizabeth, 487, John, 488, Mary, 504, Suzanna, 486, Thomas, 486: Thornbury, William, 458; Thorndike, Nicholas, 235; Thorne, John, 234; Thornebrough, Anne, 488, Katherine, 497; Thornes, Ann, 465; Thornhill, Edward, 237; Thornton, Caleb, 492, Isabel, 461, Richard, 403, Robert, 499, Thomas, 227; Thoreld, Katherine, 488, Rachel, 224; Thorpe, Alice, 228, 471, Eden, 495, Eva, 227, Robert, 476, Wm., 231; Thrift, Ann, 237; Throfts, Thomas, 460: Thurley, Agnes, 504; Thurscrosse, Henry, 494; Thwaytes, Ann, 468, Frances, 458; Tillitson, Clarimonde, 495; Tillotson, Elizabeth, 458, Sara, 482, Thomas, 465; Tilson, Grace, 502; Tinker, -, 469; Tipler, George, 502; Tippin, Ann, 223, 458; Tockell, Nicholas, 464; Tockley, Wm., 479; Tod, Todd, Alice, 238, Edward, 236, Lionel, 478, Mary, 223, 496; Toller, Robert, 459; Tolson, Ann, 230, Henry, 470; Top- cliffe, Elizabeth, 479; Topham, Ann, 469, Ellen, 462, Humphrey, 223, Matthew, 498, Thomas, 482, 503, Wm., 458; Toppin, Clara, 227; Tomlinson, Christopher, 494, Elizabeth, 498, George, 485, Mary, 490, Ralph, 468; Tompson, Anne, 477, Geo., 502, John, 478, Mary, 482; Torry, Thomas, 462; Tottie, Anne, 496; Toule, Margery, 226, Towneley, -, 471, Blanche,
Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.
466; Townend, Richard, 479, Thomas, 465; Trainham, Thomas, 223; Tran- more, Thomas, 501; Trewman, Wm., 462; Trimingham, Margery, 221; Tripp, Edward, 460; Trippet, Richard, 470; Trott, John, 467; Trusley, Elizabeth, 485; Tuke, Ephraim, 493, Robert, 228; Turner, Beatrice, 467, Bridget, 222, Edward, 493, Ellena, 503, George, 503, Hugh, 496, Jane, 469, John, 496, Margaret, 229, Suzanna, 503, Wm., 459, 466, 473; Turnham, Jane, 481; Tutfield, Elizabeth, 484, Mary, 228; Twend, Ann, 229; Twisleton, Anne, 488, Beatrice, 497, George, 473, Thomas, 236; Tyas, Thomas, 470, Wm., 234; Tyers, Suzanna, 505; Tyndale, Alice, 476
ULIETSON, Roger, 490; Urton, alias Stephen, George, 504; Usherwood, Hugh, 475; Utley, John, 227
VARLEY, George, 236, Nicholas, 482; Vaughan, Ann, 468, Margaret, 460; Vawse, Jane, 477; Ventrisse, Edward, 493; Vicars, Thomas, 493; Vickerman, Ralph, 467, Wm., 465; Vilcocke, Amy,
WADE, Benjamin, 468, James, 475, Joan, 220, Judith, 502, Sarah, 458, 459, Wm., 477; Waddilove, Ambrose, 224, Wm., 230; Waddington, Alice, 234, Ann, 462, Elizabeth, 471, Grace, 460, Isabel, 225, Rosamund, 498; Wadsworth, Christopher, 464, Gertrude, 483, Jane, 236, 474; Waide, Jeronimus, 489; Wailsbe, Jane, 501; Wainhouse, Agnes, 257; Wainwright, Elizabeth, 478, John, 225; Waite, Jane, 504, Suzanna, 498, Wm., 236; Walke, Robert, 472; Walker, -,469, Agues, 500, Dorothy, 495, Edmund, 234, Effam, 490, Elizabeth, 220, 474, 484, 491, 498, 503, Frances, 470, Grace, 491, James, 472, John, 460, Maud, 223, Mary, 225, 460, Richard, 224, 476, Thomas, 463, 501, Wm., 221, 490; Walmsley, Thomas, 496; Wallocke, Agnes, 471, Robert, 470; Walsh, Agnes, 229, Francis, 466; Waitball, John, 472; Walton, Alice, 41, Elizabeth, 483, Nicholas, 225; Wandesford, Wm., 497; Warcupp, Grace, 485; Warde, Anne, 468, 484, 489, 499, Anthony, 494, Dinah, 487, Elizabeth, 235, Estber, 229, George, 497, Margaret, 228, Thomas, 225, 235, Wm., 475; Wardell, Leonard, 464; Wardman, Amos, 222, Francis, 479, Thomas, 464; Ward- ropper, Thomas, 224; Ware, John, 474, 485, 506; Waring, Richard, 234; War- mouth, Matthew, 234; Washburne, Susan, 229; Waslinge, Thomas, 471; Water, Christopher, 496; Waterhouse, Dorothy, 471, Elizabeth, 488, Ellen,
Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued. 463, Janet, 476, John, 235, Joshua, 237; Watkin, Gabriel, 228; Watkin- son, Alice, 501, Anne, 490, Frances, 464, Mary, 464, 492; Watson, Alice, 226, Ann, 237, Bridget, 466, Christo- pher, 467, Eleanor, 470, Elizabeth, 464, 473, Ellen, 463, Elliciam, 227, Emota, 499, George, 465, Henry, 499, Isabella, 480, Jane, 220, 482, Janet, 224, John, 230, 459, 46, Mary, 459, Prudence. 499. Robert, 224, 502, Roger, 463, Thomas, 236, Wm., 472, 478; Watters. Ralph, 220; Watterson, Edward, 461; Watts, Mary, 221, Roger, 464; Way- coe, Alice, 490, Wm., 477; Wayde, Isabella, 494; Wayne, Thomas, 468; Wayte, Robert, 486; Webster, Ann, 231, 459, George, 460, Miles, 475, Mr., 475, Peter, 499, Thomas, 238, Wm., 480, 495; Weddell, Anu, 226, Christopher, 484, James, 499, Wm., 461; Weighton, Isabella, 481; Wel- burne, Dorothy, 496; Wells, Mary, 471, Wm, 469; Wentworth, Thomas, 486; West, Ann, 471, Elizabeth, 468, Ellen, 224, Francis, 471, Nathaniel, 227, Robert, 479, Thomas, 501; Westerman, Agnes, 222, Wm., 500; Westobie, Elizabeth, 472; Westropp, Elizabeth, 480; Westwood, John, 227; Wetherell, Dorothy, 490, Elizabeth, 485, John, 480, Robert, 467; Wetwam, John, 502; Whaller, Cibilla, 478, George, 501; Whalley, Grace, 460; Wharfe, Eliza- beth, 225, Joan, 460; Wharton, Sir Michael, 489; Wharum, Rebecca, 478; Whealens, Robert, 490, Wheath, Philip, 500; Wheatley, Alice, 477, Elizabeth, 224, Nicholas, 226, Wm., 462; Whel- dale, Jane, 228; Whieley, Millison, 488; Whincopp, Thomasin, 502; White, Frances, 491, John, 226, Jone, 486, Richard, 468; Whitehead, Ann. 459, Edward, 490, Thomas, 495; Whiteley, Sarab, 493; Whiteside, John, 470; Whitfield, George, 458, Jane, 461; Whitley, Alice, 225, Jane, 234, Mary, 477, Samuel, 469, Susan, 467; Whit- skell, Elizabeth, 460; Whittaker, Gama- liel, 461; Whittingham, Wm., 475; Whitwell, Ann, 499, Beatrice, 226, Margaret, 499, Wm., 499; Wicliffe, Jane, 490; Wigfall, George, 220; Wiggan, Mary, 225; Wigglesworth, John, 222, Margaret, 221, Win., 481; Wightman, Roger, 503; Wilbore, Alice, 466; Wilburne, Ruth, 467: Wildbore, Augustine, 472; Wildon, John, 481; Wiles, John, 485; Wilie, George, 496; Wilkes, Robert, 464; Wilkinson, Anne. 472, 476, 477, 505, Christopher, 485, Eleanor, 223, Elizabeth, 221, 458, 478, Ellen, 461, Frances, 496, Jane, 227, Mansfield, 494, Mary, 483, 486, 493,
Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued. Michael, 466, Richard, 236, 479, 500, Simon, 476, Susan, 467, Thomas, 463, 481, 505, Wm., 460, 461; Willans, Francis, 502; Willey, Elizabeth, 224; Williamson, 233, Alice, 482,
Anne, 502, Dorothy, 221, Henry, 465, Judith, 237, Martha, 470, Mary, 484, Richard, 229, 475; Wilson, Ann, 469, 502, Christopher, 236, 463, 472, Dorothy, 466, 500, Edith, 503, Eliza- beth, 226, 234, 236, 237, 480, Euphania, 485, Gabriel, 499, George, 492, Isabella, 482, Jane, 477, John, 502, Kenyon, 458, Laurence, 226, 492, Margaret, 221, Mary, 233, 465, 496, Mercy, 234, Nathaniel, 468, Richard, 462, 464, Robert, 505, Susan, 236, Thomas, 475, 477, 480, Wm., 458, 470; Wilton, Francis, 467; Wind, Adam, 237, Eliza. beth, 229, Joan, 222; Windle, Edward, 465, Wm., 486; Wingfeild, Humphrey, 474; Wintringham, John, 236, Wm., 221, 487; Wise, Margaret, 475; Wisk, John, 222; Wisperbie, Richard, 482; Witham, Anne, 477; Withers, Cuthbert 485; Withes, Thomas, 484; Wittendale, Ann, 227; Wittie, Ellen, 461; Woffen- dale, Anne, 496; Woffinden, Ann, 231; Womersley, Elizabeth, 225; Wood, Ann, 461, 504, Edward, 505, Elizabeth, 499, Frances, 234, Jane, 467, John, 459, 484, 498, Margaret, 229, Richard, 504, Robert, 483, Stephen, 471, Thomas, 237, 467, 491, Wm., 231, 465; Wood- head, Suzanna, 475; Woodhouse, Wm., 499; Woodrue, Thomas, 476; Wood- ruffe, James, 226, Richard, 497; Woods, Elizabeth, 220; Woodward, Richard, 460; Wooller, Michael, 465, Mary, 470, Thomas, 495; Woosman, Judith, 234; Worfolk, Francis, 466, Wm., 221; Workfolk, Anne, 477; Wormeley, Chris- topher, 492; Wray, Hannah, 476, Jane, 227; Wreggan, Richard, 461; Wregley, John, 488; Wrigglesworth, Wm., 468; Wright, Barnard, 224, Edward, 221, 470, Ellen, 469, Ellena, 479, Jane, 500, John, 486, Mary, 462, Ralph, 504, Robert, 462, 463, Ursula, 496, Wm., 232; Wrightson, Anthony, 224, John, 485; Wroe, Elizabeth, 225; Wyersdale, Nicholas, 495; Wyeth, Margaret, 223; Wynde, Francis, 494, Mary, 490; Wynn, Bridget, 474; Wyrrall, John, 464; Wythes, Elizabeth, 471, 473, Wm., 482
YATES, Henry, 476, Robert, 465, Wm., 499; Yeadon, George, 237; Yonge, Michael, 475, Nicholas, 504, Ninian, 500; Yoole, Henry, Young, Elizabeth, 464, 495, Robert,
Pearson, family of, 320
Peckitt, Wm., 455
Pedigrees :- - Cravens of Appletreewick, 244; Reinevilles, 154; Rooses of Ing- manthorpe, 518; Thoresby, 423, 432 Peill, John, 412 n.
Pele, Christopher, 411
Pelling, Thomas, "The Flying Man," death of, 127
Pembroke, Ann, Countess of, 172 Penistone, St. John, 183
Percy, Henry, Lord, 98; Sir Henry, 509
![[ocr errors]](,369,15,8)
Perth, Ville of St. John of," 239
Perrott, Andrew, Alderman of York, 210 Pickering, Edmund, 428 n. Pickhill, 409
Pictavus, Wm., 152, 153 Pilkington monuments, Sandal, 341 Pincerna, Ralph, 153, 156 Pinkney, Grace, 442
Place, Francis, engraver, 428 n., 433 n. Pocklington Church and Pocklington
School, by Alexander D. H. Leadman, F. S. A., 85-146
Pontefract, 157; Castle, 16 n., 317; St. Clement's in the Castle, 147-157; Priory of St. John, 148; School, 157 . Popely, Edward, 408
Powell, Mr. Henry, his bequests to Pock- lington, 112; window, 94 Preaching Ministers, 122
Preston, Darcy, 447; family, 447 n.; St. Mary, Long, 173
Prickett, George, 446; George, of London, merchant, 210; monuments, 104 Prophete, Canon of York, 109 Pulleyn, Marmaduke, 415
RADCLIFFE, Dr., 428 n. Raw, Wm., 411 n. Recusants, 116
Registers of Holy Trinity, Hull, extracts from the, communicated by John Sykes, M.D., 185-219:-
ACHURCH, Thomas, 194; Adams, Samuel, 217; Addison, Robert, 205, Sarah, 190; Adwick, George, 188; Aldred, Aldredd, Ann, 188, 217, Elline, 187, John, 198; Algood, Lancelot, 212; Allanby, Mary, 193; Allen, Ann, 210, Mary, 214; Allmon, John, 199; Alured, Ebenezer, 218, Edward, 193, 217, 218, Henry, 201, Mary, 218, Thomas, 197; Anby, Ann, 187, Robert, 192, William, 209; Anderson, Alice, 192, Eleanor, 209, Jane, 186, 209, Nicholas, 192, 212, Susanna, 205, William, 209; Anderton, Francis, 209; Andrews, William, 211; Appleton, Henry, 206; Appleyard, Lt. Col., 203; Archer, Margaret, 187; Arlush, Ann, 190, Steven, 191; Armine, Armyn, Elizabeth, 185, 199, Hugh, 188, 199,
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