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[blocks in formation]

LACY, Ilbert de, 16 n., 149, 150, 156;
Robert de, 149-157; Roger de, 148

Lambert, General, 424
Lame, George, 415
Langdale, Lord, 104, 425
Langfello, Sir Richard, 417
Langley, Francis, 210
Langton-on-Swale, 396
Lant, Thomas, 400 n.
Latimer, Lord, 407 n.
Laval, Hugh de, 148

Lawrance, Thomas, Citizen and Merchant

Taylor of London, 244
Lawson, Sir John, 430; Nicholas, 321
Leach, Joseph, 434; Mr. Sheriff, 447
Leadman, Alex. D. H., F.S.A., Pockling-
ton Church, by, 85-146; Pocklington
School, by, 133-146; Obituary Notice
of George William Tomlinson, F.S.A.,
by, 514-518

Lermont, Robert, 423, 426
Levitt, George, 439, 440
Linton, Thomas, 96

Lister, Mr. John, 438; Dr. Martin, 433;
Thomas, 447

Litany, translation of, into English, 391
Literates, appointments of, 472-505
Lockay, John, 420 n.
Lockhart, Mr., monument to, 166
Lodge, family of, 443; John, 441; Richard,
442; Thomas, 442; William, artist and

Loftus window, Pocklington Church, 94
London, the Rev. H., 138

"London," the ship, 430

Lorde, Elizabeth, Prioress of Wilberfoss,


Lovett, the Rev. Thomas, 96

Lowe, the Rev. Joseph, 97

Lowther, Sir John, 425 n., 427; Wm.,

425, 442

Lowthorpe, 510

Lund, John, 111

Lupton, Wm., 412 n.

Lynham, Reginald de, 148 n.

Lyster, John, 434


MAGNUS, Archdeacon, 410 n.

Maltravers, William, 149

Manfield, 405

Markham, East, co. Notts, 474

Marmion, Avice de, 406 n.

Marrick, 404

Marsh, Thomas, 82

Marshall, Richard, 413 n.; Robert, 421

Marske, 405

Marston Moor, 316

Marton, 420

Marvell, Andrew, 202; Andrew, yeoman,


Masham, St. Mary, 165
Mauleverer, Henry, 397
Mayor, John, 454 n.
Melsonby, 399

Melton, St. James, 336
Meltonby, 122, 199

Metcalfe, Nynan, 415 n.
Mexborough Church, 336

Middleham, St. Mary and St. Alkeld, 160

Middleton, John, 315; Tyas, 399

Midgsby, Richard, 442

Mitford, Mrs. Ellinor, 423, 432
Mitley, Charles, 455

Mody, Wm., Incumbent of Pocklington,


Montford, of Hackworth, family of, 396 m.
Monumental Brasses in the East Riding,
by Mill Stephenson, B. A., F.S.A., 507-
513; see Brasses

Monuments in Pocklington Church, 100-


Moor, Mr. John, 111; Mrs. Isabella, 110
Moore, Mr. John, 247; Mr. Temple, 96
Moorewood, Rowland, gen., 248
More, John, 349 п.
Morgan, Sylvanus, 423-440
Mountaige, family of, 332
Mountforth, the Rev. Thomas, 136
Moxon, Mr. James, 437, 438
Muster Roll of Cavalry, A, by Henry
Appleton, M.D., 239-241


NEVILL, Sir Anthony, 410 n.; Henry, of
Chevet, 248; Mr. Sanfforth, 316
Newcastle, 426; Marquess of, 422, 427
Newton Wallis, 150

Nicholson, John, 411 n.

Norcliffe, the Rev. C. B., M.A., Paver's
Marriage Licences (continued from Vol.
XIII., p. 386), 220-238, 458-506
Northallerton, All Saints, 169
Normanton Monuments, paper on the, by
the late Mr. Tomlinson, 517
Nostell Priory, 157 n., 315
Notes:-On the Domesday Book for York-
shire, by Isaac Taylor, M.A., Litt. D.,
LL.D., 242; On the Pedigree of the
Cravens of Appletreewick: Brass at
Burnsall Church, by W. J. Stavert,
M.A., 244, 245; Funeral Certificates,

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Parish Clerks, 95, 101; "Literates'

[ocr errors]

appointed as, 472, 475
Patrick, Thomas, 413 n.
Patrington, St. Patrick, 179

Paver's Marriage Licenses (continued from
Vol. XIII., p. 386), with notes by the
Rev. C. B. Norcliffe, M. A., 220-238,
458-506 :-

ABBEY, Ann, 462, Isabella, 496;
Abbot, Isabel, 461; Abbott, Robert,
488; Ableson, Wm., 499; Abson,
Thomas, 472; Acclam, John, 484;
Acklam, John, 496, Peter, 221,
Thomas, 228, Wm., 481; Adamı,
Laurence, 498, Marmaduke, 496;
Adams, John, 237, 497, Mary, 492;
Adamson, Katherine, 502, Henry, 493,
Richard, 225; Addingdale, Frances,
469; Addy, Ellen, 223; Adler, Mary,
468; Admirgill, John, 238; Adwin,
Ellen, 488; Agar, John, 469, Thomas,
489; Ainsley, Ann, 466; Airey,
William, 505; Akeroyd, Grace, 461,

Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.

Jane, 468, Sampson, 463, Wm., 475;
Aldbrough, Mary, 483; Aldburgh,
Mary, 222; Aldus, John, 478; Alford,
Anne, 493, Margaret, 480; Allan,
Bridget, 236, Sara, 483; Allanson,
Francis, 237, Joanna, 494; Allatson,
Wm., 481; Allen, Ellen, 496, Robert,
459; Allenson, Ann, 461, Elizabeth,
234, Thomas, 459; Allerton, William,
228; Allott, Jane, 231, Margaret,
465, Mary, 463; Almack, Frances,
231; Almer, Nathaniel, 503; Alvey,
Jane, 493; Anderson, Ann, 228, Ellen,
237, Fortune, 461, Francis, 498,
Gregory, 491, Isabella, 489; Andrew,
Isabella, 472, William, 226; Anlaby,
Ann, 467; Annesley, Cecil, 221,
Michael, 475; Anstruther, Robert, 234;
Appleby, Joanna, 478; Appleyard,
Wm., 505; Archan, Elizabeth, 470;
Archer, Wm., 467; Armistead, Mabel,
230, Thomas, 235; Armytage, Dorothy,
227, Robert, 223; Arnott, Wm., 476;
Arthington, Ann, 220; Arthur, John,
221; Artles, Agnes, 220; Asay, James,
466; Asie, Wm., 487; Ashley, Ann,
222, Janet, 495; Ashman, Margery,
466; Ashmore, Frances, 503; Ashton,
Anne, 490, Elizabeth, 501; Askew,
Margaret, 470; Askrith, George, 484;
Ask with, Elizabeth, 497; Atkinson,
Anne, 494, Apthiam, 229, Edward, 500,
Elizabeth, 228, 495, Francis, 494,
George, 496, Henry, 498, Jane, 466,
John, 222, Lucy, 459, Margaret, 462,
465, Margery, 472, Mary, 468, Oliver,
488, Robert, 479, Thomas, 463, 499,
Wm., 460; Atmer, Margaret, 479, 489;
Aubrey, Barbara, 234, Mary, 458;
Audsley, Wm., 465; Aulthame, Anne,
503; Auneby, Jane, 494; Austin,
Mary, 465; Auston, Robert, 229;
Austwick, Elizabeth, 474, Mary, 465;
Awder, Henry, 461; Awdesley, John,
495; Awdus, Anne, 480; Ayre, Na-
thaniel, 501; Ayrey, Agnes, 482

BACKHOUSE, Ellen, 504, Jane, 464,
Wm., 478; Bacon, Alice, 484, Elizabeth,
465, Francis, 470, Jane, 233; Bailey,
Caleb, 221, Thomas, 460; Baine,
Dorothy, 477, Elizabeth, 491; Bainton,
Mary, 482; Bairstow, Prudence, 498;
Baister, Judith, 495; Baites, Katherine,
490; Balby, Richard, 237; Baldwen,
Wm., 499; baledon, Dorothy, 489;
Bamfurth, John, 472, 481; Bancas,
Thomas, 495; Banester, Richard, 489;
Banister, Felix, 229, Frances, 497,
Suzanna, 485; Banke, Isabella, 481,
Wm., 497; Banks, Bankes, Christopher,
481, Francis, 492, George, 497, John,
502, Margaret, 231, 238, Mary, 229,
Philip, 491, Simon, 488, Thomas, 231,
Wm., 462, 493; Barbar, Joauna, 482;

Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.
Barber, Ellen, 499; Barcherd, Elizabeth,
230; Barcroft, Elizabeth, 468; Barden,
Anne, 503; Bardon, Alexander, 463;
Bardsey, Edmund, 488; Barefoot,
Francis, 493; Barge, John, 488;
Barker, Alice, 221, 231, Robert, 481,
Thomas, 461, 462; Barkeston, Richard,
471; Barlow, Anne, 471; Barnaby,
Wm., 472; Barnard, James, 462, 465,
Thomas, 473; Barnat, Marcy, 499;
Barnby, Margaret, 237, Mary, 470,
Susan, 469; Barne, Robert, 475; Barnes,
Cicilea, 477, Elizabeth, 226, Margaret,
478, Thomas, 496; Barouse, Elizabeth,
479; Barraick, Francis, 223; Barrett,
Agnes, 467; Barrowe, Henry, 502;
Barry, Joan, 463; Barstow, John, 483,
500, Susanna, 472, Thomas, 463;
Barton, Dorothy, 223, Elizabeth, 497,
John, 499; Bartricke, Anne, 504;
Barugh, William, 223; Bashler, Wm.,
501; Batchelor, Anthony, 225; Bateley,
Isabella, 474; Bateson, Ann, 468,
Cecilea, 471, Isabella, 492, John, 482,
Wm., 489; Batmanson, Magdalen, 491;
Battersby, John, 503, Thomas, 500;
Batty, Elizabeth, 222; Baxter, Eleanor,
222, John, 228, Thomas, 475, 476;
Bayldon, Roger, 232, William, 231;
Bayles, Anthony, 231, Christopher, 488,
Margaret, 485; Bayley, Abraham, 490;
Bayne, Edward, 494, John, 497, Mary,
235; Baynes, Isabel, 465, Ralph, 238;
Baytes, Suzanna, 497; Bealbie, Isabella,
483; Beale, Anne, 485, Geo., 502;
Beamond, Richard, 492, Wm., 486;
Beane, John, 487, Mary, 466, 504;
Beasacle, Robert, 486; Beaumont,
Dorothy, 222, Richard, 232; Becke,
Katherine, 474; Beckett, Ann, 465;
Beckitt, Agnes, 505; Beckwith, Mary,
476, 505, Susanna, 475; Beecroft,
Henry, 501, Mary, 498, Thomas. 490;
Beele by, Isabella, 494; Beeston, Elizabeth,
484, Mary, 232; Beighton, Eliza, 465
Beilby, Arthur, 500, Nicholas, 228;
Belhouse, Mary, 462; Bell, Anne, 502,
Francis, 478, George, 231, Henry, 474,
477, Jane, 235, John, 463, Josiah, 228,
Richard, 228, Thomas, 463, Wm., 473;
Bellasis, Margaret, 476; Bellingham,
Alice, 238, Allan, 478, Ann, 223;
Belwood, Isabella, 478, Margaret, 462;
Benet, Anne, 470; Benicke, Elizabeth,
488; Bennington, Rowland, 225, Thomas,
504; Benson, Anne, 485; Brian, 483,
Ralph, 465, Thomas, 472, 478, Wm.,
486; Bentley, Ann, 221, John, 222,
462, Jonas, 500, Mary, 474, Michael,
226, 462, Sara, 491; Benwicke, Hester,
-501; Bernard, Wm., 484; Berry,
Anne, 487; Best, Bridget, 464, Grace,
476, Thomas, 460, Walter, 232; Bes-
wick, John, 464; Bethell, Elizabeth, 464;

Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.
Betson, Ralph, 490; Beverley, Dorothy,
237, Eleanor, 464; Bew, John, 496;
Bewshaw, Emot, 465; Bickerdike.
Catherine, 220; Bilbrough, Ann, 231,
Richard, 221; Bilby, Merial, 475; Bil-
cliffe, Isabella, 497, John, 235; Billamy,
Wm., 491; Billop, Christopher, 226;
Bingley, Ann, 231, Ellen, 470, John,
224; Binks, William, 234; Binns,
John, 466, 503, Susan, 229; Birch,
William, 236; Bird, Alice, 235, Anne,
479, Anthony, 486, Jane, 224; Bird-
sall, John, 234; Birkbeck, Edward,
458; Birkby, Marie, 492; Birkdell,
Anne, 500; Birkhead, Jane, 227,
Richard, 221; Birstal, Catherine, 233;
Birtwisle, Robert, 482, Wm., 461;
Biscarr, Grace, 221; Bishop, Wm., 484;
Blackbeard, Jane, 227; Blackburn,
Adam, 221, Alverey, 464; Blacklock,
Alexander, 233; Blades, James, 479;
Blakey, Suzanna, 489; Blakiston,
Marmaduke, 492; Blamires, John, 235;
Blanchard, John, 466, Wm., 478;
Bland, James, 462, Richard, 230; Bla-
shall, Henry, 492; Bleanners, Suzanna,
490; Blessing, Ann, 464; Blithe, Wm.,
459, 504; Blunt, Charles, 233; Blythe,
Wm., 481; Blythman, Jane, 498, Mary,
469; Bollinge, Edward, 493; Bolton,
Ann, 236, Elizabeth, 232, 238; Bond,
Isabella, 478; Bonnie, Priscilla, 500;
Bonwick, Ann, 220; Booth, Elizabeth,
236, Francis, 494, James, 484, John,
236, 468, 504, Katherine, 477, 500,
Mary, 225, Sara, 480; Boothroyd,
Nicholas, 229, 496; Bosville, Roger,
458; Botterell, Thom., 496; Boulton,
Anne, 487, Edmund, 504, Hester, 480;
Bovell, Wm., 489; Bower, Janet, 458;
Bowerchier, Anne, 480; Bowes, Ann,
224; Bowlen, Francis, 504; Bownde,
Grace, 466; Bowth, Elizabeth, 496,
Matthew, 495; Box, Elizabeth, 230;
Boyne, Elizabeth, 497; Boynton,
Huanus, 483, Roland, 490, Thomas,
494; Brabbes, Elizabeth, 489; Brabiner,
Robert, 224; Bracken, Matthew, 223;
Bradford, Robert, 222, 476, Thomas,
236, 459; Bradley, -, 469, Dorothy,
222, 458, Elizabeth, 479, Lawrence,
497, Mr., 495, Robert, 222, 474, 499;
Bradshaw, Richard, 238; Braithwaite,
Mary, 226; Bramby, Rosamund, 480;
Bramhall, John, 477, Nicholas, 228;
Bramham, Wm., 480; Bramhill, John,
476; Bramley, Arthur, 501, George,
489; Brashaw, Richard, 467; Brathell,
Elizabeth, 221; Brathwaite, Marma-
duke, 495; Bray, James, 501; Bray-
shaw, Wm., 460; Breamer, Mary, 499;
Brearcliffe, Robert, 228; Breare, Brian,
471; Brecks, Kllen, 222; Brenand,
Robert, 476; Breres, John, 463, Wm.,


Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.

460; Brewster, Alice, 503; Brid,
Katherine, 454; Bridekirk, Alice, 494;
Brigg, Geoffrey, 223, Henry, 500, Isaac,
461; Briggs, Brian, 483, Elizabeth,
496, Isabel, 465, John, 461, 492, 496;
Brigham, Wm., 504; Brighouse,
Richard, 468; Bright, Alice, 497, Eliza-
beth, 236, James, 236, Joan, 459;
Brighton, Alice, 501; Brise, John, 494;
Britton, Simon, 228; Broadley, Michael,
467; Brockden, Stephen, 489; Brockle-
banke, Wm., 479; Brodbelt, Robert, 494;
Brodley, Mary, 478; Brogden, Wm.,
482, 494, 495; Bromell, Nicholas, 475;
Bromhead, Ann, 459, Mary, 492,
Nicholas, 502, Ralph, 230; Brooke,
Anne, 477, Catherine, 230, Elizabeth,
235, Ellen, 466, Humphrey, 489, Isa-
bella, 223, 487, Joan, 224, John, 234,
501, Luddinden, 464, Margaret, 463,
466, Thomas, 224, 487, 505; Brooks-
bank, John, 490, 495, Prudence, 233;
Brotherick, Robert, 465; Brough,
Robert, 483; Broughton, Frances, 495;
Browne, Ann, 463, 466, Christopher,
230, David, 471, Elizabeth, 469, 476,
480, Ellen, 232, 237, George, 477,
Isabel, 465, James, 485, Margaret, 222,
224, 465, 474, Robert, 458, 479,
Suzanna, 479, Thomas, 235, 488, Wm.,
494; Brownehill, Elizabeth, 493;
Broxup, Richard, 226; Bubwith,
Richard, 223; Buck, Ann, 238, 461,
499, George, 233, John, 227, Thomas,
461, Wm., 471; Buckle, John, 466,
Lionel, 236; Bullasse, Bridget, 491;
Bullivant, Anne, 500; Bullock, James,
465, John, 497; Burd, Dionisia, 491;
Burdet, Robert, 225; Burdit, George,
481; Burgan, Wm., 488; Burgoyne,
Thomas, 495; Burman, Wm., 486;

493; Burnam, Eliza-
beth, 503; Burne, Elizabeth, 237, 460;
Burnet, Alice, 234; Burnley, Jane,
228; Burnsall, Mary, 458; Burr,
Thomas, 491; Burrell, Francis, 459;
Burruse, Jane, 476; Burton, Dorothy,
485, George, 495, John, 468, Margaret,
224, 474, Matthew, 479, Robert, 484,
Sarah, 504, Thomas, 503, Wm., 459,
475, 482, 485; Busfeild, Christopher,
493; Bushell, Richard, 473; Bushey,
Stephen, 470; Buskeld, Richard, 466;
Bussie, Elizabeth, 499; Bussy, Janet,
227, Margaret, 498; Bustard, George,
469; Bute, Eleanor, 222; Butler,
George, 493, Isabel, 230, Richard, 230,
Robert, 238, 501; Butterfield, Anu, 220,
Elizabeth, 228, Jane, 494, Roger, 220,
Thomas, 235; Butterworth, Mary, 229,
Ralph, 458; Byard, Thomas, 458; By-
cliffe, Mary, 47; Bylett, Thomas, 490;
Bynkes, John, 504; Bynnes, Anne, 482,
John, 475, Michael, 501, Thomas, 506;

Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.
Byron, Thomas, 459 Byshop, Thomas,
488; Bywater, Isabel, 477

CALBECKE, Suzannah, 480; Caley,
Thomas, 506, Wm., 471; Callis, Eliza-
beth, 475; Calverley, Anne, 492,
Dorothy, 238; Calvert, Robert, 224;
Calvart, Wm., 482; Candler, Thomas,
472; Cannonie, Thomas, 468; Capper,
Christopher, 471; Carleil, Bridget, 237,
Grace, 473, Hesther, 468, Laurence,
237, Priscilla, 485; Carlton, -, 468;
Carr, Anne, 226, 501, Catherine, 465,
Edmund, 490, Elizabeth, 233, Ellen,
230, Jacobus, 500, Jane, 236, 495,
John, 487, Thomas, 495, Wm. 474;
Carradon, Jane, 465; Carrocke, Thomas,
495 Carter, Almond, 502, Jenet, 499,
John, 238, Mary, 225, Susan, 224;
Cartwright, Francis, 233, Wm., 464;
Carver, Francis, 491, Wm., 505; Car-
ville, Dorothy, 468; Cass, Henry, 462;
Casson, Isabel, 465, Robert, 478;
Castle, Lucy, 237; Castleford, Eliza-
beth, 221; Catterton, Elizabeth, 469;
Cave, Isabella, 489; Caverd, David,
492; Cawand, Elizabeth, 470; Caward,
Rachel, 483; Cawaud, Elizabeth, 506;
Cawood. Thomas, 221; Chadderton, Anne,
472; Chambers, Dor', 492, Faith, 475,
Frances, 460, 482, Francis, 462, Peter,
502; Champneys, Richard, 477; Chap-
linge, Robert, 495; Chapman, Amy,
493, Giles, 501, Margaret, 493, Mary,
503, Robert, 467, Win., 462; Chappell,
Anne, 492, Isabella, 500; Charlesworth,
Ann, 226; Chatburne, Jane, 481; Cha-
worth, Mary, 232; Child, Alice, 228,
Jane, 224, 464; Childers, Wm., 459;
Chimley, Theophilus, 481, 486; Chip-
ping, Elizabeth, 464; Christolson,
Henry, 225, John, 494; Clapham, Mar-
gery, 500; Claphamson, Robert, 505;
Clareburne, Margaret, 504; Clarson,
Katherine, 492: Clay, Dorothy, 224,
Jane, 489; Clayton, Andrew, 502, Ann,
231, Elizabeth, 460, Hesther, 461, John,
470, 474, Wm., 502; Clement, Wm.,
465; Clerke, Clarke, Ann, 328, Bar-
bara, 480, 481, Elizabeth, 238, Isabel,
469, Mary, 460, Robert, 489, Thomas,
228, 465, 504, Wm., 222, 460, 468;
Clerkson, Thomas, 460, Wm., 501;
Cleveland, John, 466; Cliborne, Thomas,
229; Cliffe, Anne, 489; Clifton, Bar-
tholomew, 481, Wm., 478; Clɔugh,
Giles, 230, Robert, 464, Wm., 503;
Clowdesley, Elizabeth, 478; Cnite,
Anne, 495; Coates, Cotes, Elizabeth,
465, Grace, 478, Richard, 231, Thomas,
488, Wm., 470; Cobb, Elizabeth, 231;
Cock, Ann, 225, Henry, 503; Cockerell,
Thomas, 504; Cockerill, Henry, 481;
Cockhead, Agnes, 236; Cock in, Mar-
garet, 464; Coe, Grace, 482; Colby,

Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.
Wm., 481; Coldwell, Mary, 470;
Collett, Mary, 222; Collie, Katherine,
482; Collier, Jane, 464, Jeronimi, 465;
Collingwood, Hellen, 477, Wm., 229;
Collinson, Frances, 468; Colman, Susan,
236; Colson, Thomas, 486; Colthurst,
Isabel, 220; Coniers, Edmund, 474,
John, 477; Coniston, Pentecost, 228;
Conn, alias Anderson, Isabella, 473;
Consett, Elizabeth, 468, Wm., 482;
Constable, Agnes, 487, Averil, 220,
Christopher, 220, Francis, 492, John,
502, Marmaduke, 489, Mary, 502, Ralph,
480, Suzanna, 478; Conway, Jacobus,
491, Wm., 226; Cooke, Agnes, 231, Alice,
481, 503, Ann, 460, 478, Bridget, 225,
Elizabeth, 465, 505, Henry, 461, Jane,
498, Joanna, 501, Katherine, 471, Mar-
garet, 236, Matthew, 463, Mary, 469,
Thomas, 460, William, 234; Cookson,
Judith, 221, 458; Coombe, Henry,
236; Cooper, Robert, 474, Thomas,
488; Copley, Alverey, 223, Ann, 462,
Elena, 497, Elizabeth, 228, 229, 481,
497; Mary, 229; Cordingley, Walter,
225, 472; Cordley, James, 493; Corker,
James, 232; Cornewell, Anne, 473;
Cornwall, Ann, 467; Cosyn, Matthew,
224; Cotton, John, 225; Couldecote,
Brian, 498; Coulson, Jane, 498, Lau-
rence, 460, Margaret, 226, Wm., 497;
Coulthurst, John, 500; Coulton, Pos-
thumous, 230; Cowburne, Alice, 488;
Cowper, Christopher, 475, 502, Edmund,
498, James, 463, Richard, 503, Thomas,
233; Cowton, Mary, 487, Roger, 490;
Cowtus, Alice, 499; Coyne, Samuel,
479, Wm., 497; Crabtre, Thomas, 479;
Cragg, Elizabeth, 226; Cragges, Wm.,
484; Craike, Frances, 492; Crake, John,
487; Crashaw, Thomas, 473; Cra-
thorne, Jane, 500; Craven, Alice, 458,
Bridget, 461, George, 237, Jane, 480,
John, 227, Marmaduke, 491, Mary,
471, Myles, 473, Wm., 488, 496;
Crawe, Dorothy, 232, Isabel, 224;
Crawshaw, Sibel, 460; Creighton, Wm.,
496; Creswick, Francis, 225, Margaret,
469, Richard, 483, 496; Croft, Chris-
topher, 467, Frances, 470; Cromock,
Mary, 463; Crookedicke, Cristiana,
482; Crosby, Ellinora, 491, John, 504;
Crosfield, John, 468, Wm., 466; Cros-
land, Grace, 467, Judith, 468, Wm.,
472; Crosley, Jane, 501, John, 228,
Mary, 475; Crosse, Bartholomew, 482;
Crowe, Richard, 489; Crowther, An-
thony, 492, Ralph, 460, Robert, 491;
Cryer, Sarah, 501; Cudworth, Jane,
470, Richard, 229; Cuite, Thomas,
481; Cundall, Thomas, 469; Cundle,
Edmund, 491; Cunnell, Anne, 471;
Cunvill, Ayis, 506; Currer, Wm., 459;
Currett, Alice, 468; Curtis, Agnes, 229

Paver's Marriage Licenses-continued.

DAKINS, Ann, 236, John, 227, 476;
Dale, Margaret, 461; Dalton, Anne,
501, Edward, 474, Francis, 505;
Danby, George, 496; Daniell, Ellen,
225, Matthew, 229; Danser, Jane,
228; Darcy, Conyers, 230; Darley,
Henry, 497; Darneton, John, 495;
Darwin, Catherine, 458, Dorothy, 231,
Jane, 467; Davie, Deborah, 471; Davile,
Thomas, 475; Davy, Jane, 459; Daw-
son, Anne, 489, Elizabeth, 222, George,
477, Ralph, 466, Samuel, 501, Thomas,
483, William, 225, 487; Day, John,
494, Robert, 496; Dayles, John, 503;
Deacon, John, 503; Deane, Agnes, 496,
Henry, 238, Isabella, 485, Richard,
496; Dearinge, Richard, 480; Dear-
man, Philip, 502; Deereman, Anne,
474; Deighton, Richard, 467; Denni-
son, Timothy, 232; Dent, Alice, 222,
Anne, 475, Edward, 476, Elizabeth,
462, Michael, 476, Peter, 503, Thomas,
498; Denton, Elizabeth, 484, 502,
Janet, 224; Dew, Suzanna, 489; Dew-
hirst, William, 220; Dewsberie, Ed-
ward, 485; Dibney, Margaret, 225;
Dickins, Elizabeth, 470; Dickinson,
Beatrice, 471, Elizabeth, 463, Ellen,
222, Mary, 484, Robert, 224, Thomas,
460, Wm., 461; Dickson, John, 469,
Wm., 491; Dighton, Robert, 475, 502;
Dinmoor, John, 227; Dinnie, Elizabeth,
502; Dishforth, John, 228, Matthew,
474; Dison, Abraham, 497; Dixon,
Ann, 468, 476, 485, Mary, 479, Richard,
480, Robert, 238; Dobbs, Robert, 489,
499; Dobson, Elizabeth, 475, John, 237,
502, Suzanna, 502, Thomas, 224, Wm.,
224, 499; Dobson, alias Harrison, 499;
Dockrey, Robert, 503; Dodson, Mar-
garet, 236, Marmaduke, 484; Dodgson,
Christopher, 231, Elizabeth, 499, Hugh,
231, John, 501; Dodsworth, Francis,
222, Israel, 497, John, 237; Doleman,
Anne, 484; Dolliff, Edmund, 226,
Daniel, 233, Sarah, 459; Donford,
Jerome, 497; Donne, Wm., 480; Don-
ninge, John, 504; Donwell, Richard,
502; Doughty, Dorothy, 222, Margaret,
479, Mary, 467, Mildria, 484, Ralph,
504, Richard, 222, Wm., 228; Doughti-
man, Bridget, 491; Douthwaite, Jane,
460; Dove, Richard, 463, Thomas,
475; Dowbiggin, Thomas, 229; Dowgill,
Hellen, 479; Dowglasse, Samuel, 498;
Downes, Robert, 503; Drake, Hum
phrey, 229, Tobias, 484; Draper, Wil-
liam, 226; Drewe, Robert, 497; Drew-
ley, Hester, 504; Driffield, Wm., 465;
Drummanby, Alice, 499; Duckworth,
Gertrude, 227, Marmaduke, 475;
Dudding, Elizabeth, 221, Robert, 460;
Dudydell, Nicholas, 496; Duffield, John,
480, Simon, 232; Dughtie, Wm., 484;

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