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sword belt is narrow, the misericorde or dagger, large. At the feet is a lion. The background of the figure has not been cut away. In some details this figure resembles that of Sir Thomas de St. Quintin in the neighbouring church of Harpham, and appears to have come from the same workshop.

The writer is indebted to Mr. A. Ridley Bax, F.S.A., for the rubbing from which the illustration is taken, and for notes of the stone in the ruined chancel.

George William Tomlinson, F.S.A.

THE Yorkshire Archæological Society has most deeply to regret the loss of Mr. George William Tomlinson, whose death occurred on the morning of the 21st of August, 1897, at his residence, Wood Field, Huddersfield, after a most useful and honourable life, at the comparatively early age of 60 years.

In the springtide of this year he had been travelling in Italy, where he contracted some form of malaria, which lingered in the system, producing other and serious complications, and terminating fatally in spite of every effort. After a memorial service in the Parish Church of a most impressive character on the 24th of August, his mortal remains were laid at rest in the Cemetery. He has left behind him a widow, three sons, and three daughters to mourn his decease.

He was the only surviving son of Mr. George Dodgson Tomlinson, a well-known artist, of Huddersfield, who married Miss Anna Maria Clay, the daughter of Mr. Samuel Clay, also of Huddersfield, and one of the chief promoters of the Infirmary. His education was received at the Huddersfield College, where he made many life-long friends. He married Miss Charlotte Heron, the daughter of Mr. James Herou, then manager of West Riding Bank at Huddersfield. Starting in business in that town he established himself as a machine maker and iron-founder, but his special branch of mechanical engineering was the manufacture of machinery for dyeing and finishing cloth, &c.

He was a man of high intellectual power, and a great supporter of all educational schemes. He served on the School Board from 1877-80, was a member of the Committee of the Technical School, and, up to the time of

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