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See The Journal, Vol. XII., pp. 195-229.

BAINTON, p. 198, line 2. For "paviatus" read "pamatus," i.e., peramatus.

The writer is indebted to the Rev. C. G. R. Birch, of Brancaster, for the following metrical paraphrase of the inscription :

"He lies here below o'erthrown
Once as Roger Godeale known,
To the church by life approved
As Baynton's rector well-beloved,
By zeal of sacred duty led
Many youths he here up-bred,
For holy orders to be trained
By which he praise and honour gained.
From this sphere he took his way
On St. Philip and St. James' day,
So did he Christ's true joys attain
Where shall his soul for aye remain,
When the thousandth and four hundredth year
Twice ten and nine was numbered here."

BARMSTON. The inscription mentioned in Poulson's History of Holderness, Vol. I., p. 211, is apparently lost. According to Poulson

"On a grave-stone, between the font and the north door, is a brass plate, the only one in the church, with this inscription :-Of your charitie pray for the soules of Thomas Baske, late citizen and fishmonger of London, and of Johane his wife, the which Thomas departed oute of thys present lyfe the 24th day of May the year of our lord God 1505, on whose soule Almighty God take pitie and mercy. Amen."

BEVERLEY MINSTER, p. 199. No I. is also engraved in W. H. Dawson's History of Skipton, 1882, p. 213.

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BISHOP BURTON, p. 200. No. I. Since this account was written an earlier example of a "chalice" brass has been noted at Ripley in the West Riding. It is the memorial of Richard Kendale, M.A., rector of Ripley, 1429. No. II. The original slab, measuring 7ft. by 3ft., showed the indents of a shield, and of one son and two daughters, all below the inscription. No. III. An old rubbing taken when the slab was in better condition than it is at present, shows the indent of the dexter figure to have been that of a man in armour, with sword suspended diagonally behind the body, no doubt representing Sir John Ellerker.

BRANDSBURTON, p. 204, line 21. For (gu.) three chevronels (or) etc., read (or) three chevronels (gu.). Sir John de St. Quintin may have had two brasses. Amongst the church notes in the Visitation of 1584 is the following under Brandsburton: "Upon the monument of a knight with his two wives "

“Orate pro animabus Johis de Sco. Quintino et Lore de Sco. Quintino et Agnete uxoribus ejus.”

This may have been the brass referred to in Sir John's will.

COTTINGHAM, p. 205. No. I. has recently been raised a few inches above the floor level. The Rev. C. G. R. Birch has given the following metrical paraphrase of the inscription :

"This church's rector Nicholas of Louth doth buried lie
Founder and builder also he, I pray now blest on high,
Working the works of Christ, while here, as Prebendary he
Held stalls in Beverley hard by, and Sarum's distant see.
The hungry he fed and those who quarelled brought to peace,
He clothed the naked, and the pledge, doubled, did he release.
But since, unstained by sin, 'neath heaven, no man his life can lead,
O Virgin Mother, pray thy Son, to aid him in his need."

No. II. has been taken up and fixed to the chancel wall. It is illustrated in the Reliquary, N. S. Vol. VII. p. 109, and his will printed in full.


Black letter inscription to Raufe

Buckton, 1540, and wife Margaret, 1545. Size of plate 18, by 5 inches.

Were vnder lyeth Kaufe Buckton of Hemswell in the
Countie of yorke Esquyer and Margaret his wyfe ye
whiche Kaufe deceessed the xxvii day of October in
ye yer' of or lord god M1 be xl and Margaret deceessed the
xxbiii day of July in the yer' of or lord god M1 b° xlv
on whose soules and all Christen Ehu have mercy.

HARPHAM, p. 211. No. I. The marginal inscription is given nearly complete in Dodsworth's MSS., Vol. CLX., fol. 255. The additions from this source are here shown in brackets.

die mensis

a° dni

hic iacet dis Thomas de sancto Quintino miles quondam [dis istius ville qui obiit millmo] CCCC

Et domina Agnes uxor eius [millmo CCCC° decimo octavo quor' aiabz p misericordiam Ehu Xpi] in pace requiescant Amen.

This fixes the date of the brass as 1418, and shows that it was laid down on the death of Agnes. The date of her husband's death has never been filled in.

HESSLE. Black letter inscription to Dame Ann, wife of Sir Henry Percy, 1511. Size of plate 13 by 5 inches. It was found in 1868 under the gallery stairs, and is now on the wall of the north chapel; being much worn a reproduction has been added on another plate.

Mere vnder lieth Daim an percy wyff
to sir Menri percy and to him bair xbii
children which An departed the xix day
of desember the vere of oure lord Ave
Z xi on wohis soullis Ehū haue merci.

From the curious style of lettering this may be taken as the work of some local engraver.

KILNWICK PERCY. Black letter inscription and shield of arms to Thomas Wood, 1584. Size of inscription plate 19 by 10 inches, of armorial plate 7 by 54 inches. Mural. Chancel.

Thomas Wood Gentilman who in warfare hathe be
In yought in scotland in Koyall armyes Thre
Lyeth now buried in this grave here vnder

Of Bulloign when yt was Englishe Clerkcomptroller
Of the ward' court sixe and Twenty yeres Together
Depute Receyvor of Yorkshere once eschetor
Clerke of the statut' in London Noble cytye
Collector of Selby with tenne pound' yerely ffe
For thought' wordes or deid' which to God or man were yll
Of bothe he askt forgyvenes with glad hart and will
We buylt thowse hereby z this churche brought in good cace
God graunt his wyfe and sonnes to passe a godly race. amē.
which Thomas Dyed ye xxiii daye of October Ao dñi 1584.

The shield, with helmet, crest and mantling, is on an arched plate over the centre of the inscription. It bears (sa.), on a bend (arg.) three fleur-de-lys (of the first), with a crescent (gu.) surmounted by another (of the second) for difference. WOOD. Crest :-A wolf's head erased (sa.), collared and ringed (or).

The workmanship of this plate is very good, the arms being especially well engraved. From the peculiarities in the spelling it may safely be attributed to the local school of engravers.


According to the Visitation of 1584, Thomas Wood married Jane, a daughter of Holmes, of Lincolnshire, by whom he had two sons, Bernard and William. The former signed the Visitation.

LOWTHORPE. A man in armour, c. 1420. This figure, measuring 26 inches in height, is now preserved in a cupboard in the vestry. The original stone still remaining in the ruined chancel, shows the indents for this figure, a lady, no doubt his wife, two shields and a foot inscription. With the exception of a fringe of mail attached to the taces, the figure is represented in complete plate armour. The top of the bascinet is broken, and one quillon of the sword is gone. The right armpit is protected by a roundel, the left by a palette, somewhat resembling the later form of the shield with the upper and lower edges curved forwards. The

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