Dom. Rolandus Burgh," Rectoribid. Dom. Rob. Payth, Rector ibid. Jacobus Sympson, ф. Jacobus Mytchell, ф. Rob. Morelande. 74 William Lupton, inst. 28 Aug., 1543, on the resignation of Cuthbert Hutchenson; patron, the King. Let. Pat. at Walden, 11 Aug., 35 Hen. viii. (1543). John Merser, inst. 20 March, 30 Eliz. (1587-8). 75 William Typpyng, instituted 20 Oct., 1541, on the death of Peter Conder; patrons, Charles Dranfeld, Lancelot Eshe and Marmaduke Wyvell. Reginald Lancaster was inst. 3 Nov., 30 Eliz. (1587). 76 William Sergysantson, instituted 17 March, 1549, on the death of Richard Hodesworthe. - John Peill, vicar of Thornton Stewart, made his will 12 Sep., 1590. To be buried in the Chancel. To the poor of Horton hamlet in Cumberland, xiijs. iiijd. To the poor of Thornton A.D. 1548. Coverham. A.D. 1554. Dom. Lancelotus Futhergill, cur' Dom. Petrus Horsman, cur 4.79 Wilson and Thomas Peill of the tentors. To my keeper Mrs. Wivell xxs., Hewghe Hesselhead, John Hodshon. Lands at Gaoll in Wensedaill aforementioned to Thomas Peill, clerke, my brother curate at Threlkeld. my executor. Witnesses, Francis Wyvell, gent., and Otywell Chambers, Peter Peill, Allane Peill, John Hodshon. Pr. 18 May, 1591, by Mr. Edward Hutton, LL.B., proctor to executor. Inventory made 8 April, 1591, by Ottywell Chambers, Thomas Wawn, John Morland and Richard Scott, 331. 38. 10d. John Pagett, or Patchett, A.B., inst. 28 Nov., 1591, and on his resignation Matthew Wiglesworth, A.B., inst. 11 Dec., 1600. 77 Roland Brough, on his death, was succeeded by Thomas Wells, inst. 25 Sep., 1551. 78 Richard Marshall was priest of the Chantry of the FitzRandolphs in Spenni thorne Church (Surt. Soc., vol. xci., p. 116). 79 He appears at the Visitation of 1562. 80 Thomas Patrick, inst. 8 April, 1542, on the resignation of the previous incumbent; patron, the King. Let. Pat. 28 March, 33 Hen. viii. (1542). Leonard Craven, inst. 29 March, 29 Eliz. (1587). 81 Reginald Hyndmer, inst. 5 May, 1543, on the deprivation of Oswald Metcalfe (patron, John Lord Scrope), and on his death William Bennet was inst. 18 May, 1575. Hyndmer was one of the Durham family of this name, began life as Vicar of Billingham, which he resigned for the living of Wensley; he held the latter for 32 years, dying there in 1575. His will, dated 14 March, 1574, is in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi. Oswald Dykes, A.M., was inst. to this living 5 June, 30 Eliz. (1588). Dom. Xpoferus Kendall, Vic' $ 4d. Dom. Joh. Bakhus, 82 Vic' ibid. A.D. 1548. 82 John Backhouse, inst. 26 April, 1554; patron, the Queen. Let. Pat. 12 April, 1 Mary. Thomas Wilkinson, who was deprived, was succeeded by Tristram Janson, inst. 7 May, 1573. && Sir John Tayliour of Carperbye, clarke. To be buried within the church porche of Askarthe; Church and poor of Askarthe, the bridges of Askarthe and Hescome. I forgive Christopher Tunstall the money he owes me and give him "two sylver spones to remain to which of his children as shall keep the house after him 'if they wears his fyrste wiffe childryng." Brother William wyfe and his childrynge xs., wiche she shall have of Gylbert Robynson wich he dothe owe me. My cousin Mr. Marmaducus Pullayne, 86 Rec tor ibid. ф. Dom. Will. , prest, cur' ibid. . دو دو Henricus Shaw. Will. Inglebye, miles, gard. Gard. Rob. Shaw. Arthurus Beckwith, ф. Joh. Shutt, ф. Inq. Rob. Ripley, ф. دو Joh. Jeffray. Peter Knarisburgh, ф. Arthurus Burton, φ. John Tayliour my gray mayre. Cousins Annes and Elizabeth Jake, Effem Haverinton, Cousin John Metcalfe's wife, Gyles Fauset's wife. My sister Margaret and my brother Jenkyn. Residue to brother Jenkyn Taylior and his son John Taylior. Witnesses, John Thistelwhat, Ranowld Bowes, Roger Metcalfe. Dated 17 March, 1558. Inventory made by John Yorke, Arthur Bowes, John Bowes, Arthur Ton lynge. Sum of goods xxxvijs. ijd. It is clear he was related to Sir Arthur Tailior of Richmond, clerk, of whose goods administration was granted 22 Feb., 1563, to John, alias Jenkyn Tailior and Agnes Symson, widow, the next of kin. An inventory filed the deceased was "slain by Matthew Dom. Will. Sponer, Rector & procur' Dom. Joh. Wawnus, Rector ibid. 8d. Ric. Longfelowe, non. Φ.92 Ing. Rob. Baynes, ф. دو Lionel Emonson, ф. Gard. Xpoferus Baynes, ф. Percivallus Popleton, φ. Robert Gibson. Robert Webster. Sigiswick on suspicion of adultery by him committed with the wife of the said Matthew." 84 Percival Atkinson, clarke, late curate of Askrigge. Will dated 1 May, 1587. To be buried in the church yearde of Askrigge, bequeaths all his goods "unto my host Nynyan Metcalfe and Agnes his wife, in consideration they have been good unto me and keepte and releved me in this my great neede and miserie with meate drinke apparell and other necessaries when all other did refuse to do yt." Makes Nynyan Metcalfe executor. Witnesses, Symonde Metcalfe of Dale Grange and Alexander Metcalfe of Askrigge. Pr. 31 May, 1587. 85 Anthony Belasyse, D.C.L., prebendary of Skelton, in the Church of Ripon, chaplain to Henry viii., was second son of Thomas Belassye of Henknowle, co. Durham. He died in July, 1552, and bequeathed his valuable estates at Newburgh Abbey, &c., the spoils of the dissolution, to his nephew Sir William Belasyse, the ancestor of the Earls of Fauconberg, see Surt. Soc., vol. lxxviii., p. 210. * Marmaduke Pulleyn, inst. 20 Aug., 1552, after the death of Anthony Bellases; patrons, William Tankred and James Pulleyn, by grant from William Inglebye, esq.; he was deprived, and Robert Percival, S.T.B., inst. 21 Sep. 1554; patron, Ninian Percival, for that turn by grant to him, and Richard Percival from William Ingleby of Ripley, esq. Grant dated 7 Sep., 35 Henry viii. (1543). William Pullein was inst. 1 Feb., 25 Eliz. (1582-3); patron, Wm. Ingleby of Ripley. 87 I suggest that this is meant for William Thomson, the assistant priest. 88 See Surt. Soc., vol. xcii., p. 266. 89 Henry Shaw was priest of the Chantry of S. John Baptist in the Church of Ripley (ibid.). 90 The Will of this Robert Airton, proved in 1558, is printed in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi. George Crakenthorp had held this rectory, and on his death was succeeded by Thomas Ughtred, S.T.B., inst. 9 March, 1542; Thomas Goldesburgh patron. Edmund Lowson appears at the Visitation of 1562. I find Roger Acroyde, S.T.B., inst. 15 Jan., 31 Eliz. (1589), followed by Henry Darneton, M.A., inst. 14 April, 32 Eliz. (1590), who resigned the living on his appointment to West Tanfield in 1601. 91 George Lame died 19 Nov., 1565. Will in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi. Richard Hutchinson, inst. 19 June, 1574; patrons, John and Robert Withes. 92 John Waynhouse, on the resignation of William Spooner, was instituted Dom. Joannes Robinson, Vic, Dom. Joh. Knarisburgh, Vic' ibid.* دو دو دو Joh. Woddall, ф. Thomas Symson, ф. Edmundus Wayde, ф. Joh. Rowndaille. Rob. Stanton. 30 Dec., 1550; patron, the King; Let. Pat. 16 Dec., 1550, and on his resignation was succeeded by Robert Gibson, inst. 6 Feb., 3 & 4 P. & M. (1557); patrons, the King and Queen. Let. Pat. 6 Nov., 3 & 4 P. & M. He appears at the Visitation of 1562. Subsequently, Thomas Lister held the living, but on his resignation, when instituted to Tanfield, he was succeeded by Edmund Lowson, inst. 24 Sep., 1582; patron, Francis Slingsby, esq. On 14 Jan., 30 Eliz. (1588), Lawrence Curtis was instituted. 93 Will dated 6 Sep., 1557, in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi. 94 Grey was in 1548 a Chantry priest at Boroughbridge, and the schoolmaster (Surt. Soc., vol. xcii.); he appears to have been appointed vicar of Kirkby on the Moor (after the death of George Fish); he was inst. 14 Sep., 4 & 5 P. & M. (1557); patron, Christopher Fenton, gent., by grant from the prior of Newburgh, and held the living until his death in 1576. His Will pr. 23 Aug., 1576, is in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi. On the 26 Sep., 1576, Wm. Atkinson was inst. to Kirkby on the Moor. William Dawson was at Borobridge at the Visitation of 1562. 95 Thomas Huntrod, or Huntrowte, was priest of the Chantry of S. Saviour in the Church at Boroughbridge (Surt. Soc., vol. xcii.). 96 John Knaresborough, inst. Oct., 1548, on the death of John Robinson; patrons, Wm. Mygeley, Robert Collinson. clerks, Gilbert Waditer, Martin Wyldes and Brian Makelay, laymen, by a grant from John Brandsby, S. T.P., Canon of York and Prebendary of Knaresborough, presented 21 Sep., 1548: on Knaresborough's resignation Percival Broadbelt was instituted 2 June, 1569. 97 This William Dearlove was priest of the Chantry of S. John the Baptist in the Church of Knaresborough, and appears to have been nearly related to Robert Derelove, priest, who made his will 26 March, 1534. To be buried nyghe the chauncell of S. John Baptist in Knaresburgh Church. To S. Robert's vis. viiid. for one dirige and messe for the helth of my soule, my fathers and |