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Rob. Messinger. Will. Tristram de Lyrtington, 40

A.D. 1554.

Mr. Owinus Oglesthorpe, Rector ibid.

Dom. Nicolaus Close, cur' ibid. ф.


Rob. Messinger de Laithkirk.39

Johes Jakson, φ.
Georgius Rayne, ф.
Xpoferus Horne, ф.
Will. Newbye, ф.


38 William Knight, LL.D., Rector of this parish, Archdeacon of the East Riding, 1529, Archdeacon of Richmond and Chester and Dean of the Collegiate Church of Leicester, resigned his dignities into the King's hand 20 May, 1541; was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells 29 May, 1541, died 29 Sep., 1547; he was succeeded by Owen Oglethorpe, Patent 14 Oct., 1541. John Rudde, S.T.B., was inst. 16 May, 1570; patrons, John Pilkington, S.T.B., Archdeacon of Durham, and Wm. Hardinge, vicar of Hart, by grant from the Queen. Dr. Whitaker erroneously gives the name of Thomas instead of Owen Oglethorpe, and failed to identify this Rector with the distinguished Yorkshireman who rose to a high position in the Church; he was of the ancient family of Oglethorpe of Oglethorpe, in the parish of Bramham, being the third son of George Oglethorpe of Newton Kyme, at which place he was born; he was educated at Magdalen Coll., Oxon, B.A. 1524, Fellow 1526, M.A. 1529, D.D. 1536, president of his college for 19 years, and Vice-Chancellor in 1551, Canon and Dean of Windsor, and Registrar of the order of the Garter, Bishop of Carlisle 1557, until deprived of his see for refusing the oath of supremacy in May, 1559; he died 31 Dec., 1559, buried 4 Jan. in S. Dunstan's, Fleet Street. He will probably live in history as the Bishop who officiated at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, the Archbishop of Canterbury having died on the same day as Queen Mary and the Archbishop of York and other prelates refusing. There is a monument to him in Carlisle Cathedral, and his arms impaled with those of the see of Carlisle are in the west window of the Founders' Chapel in Magdalen Coll., "Arg. and Sa. a cross ermines and erm. counterchanged between 4 boars heads proper each bearing in his mouth an oak branch;" his arms are also given in the Yorkshire Church Notes taken

in 1585 as being in the Chapel of S. Giles at Pontefract; à Wood says "he also built a fair house in Headley upon Bramham in Yorkshire where there is a memory by verses and his arms over the door I think yet remaining." He founded a school and hospital at Tadcaster, and in the appendix to the 10th Report of the Charity Commissioners there are many particulars relating to this Charity, together with what purports to be a copy of his will which may be referred to, although there are many omissions, and errors have been made in transcribing. The following abstract, taken from the registered will in P. C. C., will supply some genealogical details omitted :"Owynn Oglethorpe Doctor of Divinnitie Whereas ower late Soveraigne Lorde and Ladie of famous memorie Phillipp and Marie Kinge and Queene of Englonde of therre especiall grace certaine knoledge and mere mocion granted unto me by the name of Owynn Oglethorp D.D. and bisshoppe of Carlell and to mine heirs exors and assigns, license and authority to make and have at Tadcaster in the Countie of Yorke one grammar scoolle together with a certaine hospitall or Almshowse nere unto the same scoole as by the grant dated at Westminster 7 March 4 & 5 P. & M. I the said Owyn fearing myne infirmitie and sickness and myndinge above all things to have the saide grammar scoole and hospitall or almes howse to procede or goe forwarde will and charge myne executors to erect and bilde one stronge and able howse yn Tadcaster aforesaide with xij lodgings in the same hansom and warme for xij yonge people together with a common howse or hall to dine yn and a common kitchen for the saide xij poore people. The same howse and other bildinge to be caste and devised a good distance from the scoole towards the Castle hill

39 For notes 39 and 40, see p. 404.

with a retorne at thende to make the same quadrant with a faire dore into the Churche yarde betwixt the scoole and the hospetall above the place where the holde barne standeth, and no other doore into thospitall but that with a faire image of Christe standinge oppon the toppe of the doore, and the saine howse erected made and finished to have to name and be cawled Christis hospitall. My exors to purchase lands to the clear yearly value of xll to the use of the Informer

or Scoolemaster. I give my exors in plate and money 600l to pay for the building of the house and also for the full and absolute purchase of so moche landes and tenements as will make the full some of xll with the mannor of Badcrofte (sic) in possession of the saide informer or scoolemaster and the rent of Smedallie co. Yorke towards making up the aforesaid rent of xll which rent I charge my brother Androw Oglethorpe to limit and appoint as my exors shall advise. Said brother Androwe standing jointly seised with me of the manor or farm of Hedley co. Yorks I will that he assure the same to Johne Oglethorpe one of my brother William's sons for lack of heirs male to himself that it may continue in the blood and name so long as any heir male be living. I give unto the saide John Oglethorpe and to Owin Oglethorpe sonne; and unto my brother William Oglethorpe all my landes and tenements yn Bramham co. York. I will that all landes &c given to the use of the said school and hospital which may not legally remain to that use shall remain to my brother William Oglethorpe and his heirs male remainder in tail male to John Oglethorpe, to brother Andrew, to nephew Clement Oglethorpe and to heirs male of William Oglethorpe of Oglethorpe. My exors shall be bound in a sum of 1000l to William Rastalf a Justice of the Queen's Bench, Cuthbert Scott, D.D., late bisshoppe of Chester and Christopher Vavasour and John Elles gent" whom I make my supervisors. I give my dammaske gowne to my nephew Clement's wife, my chimere of satten to my sister John Oglethorpe his wief, one scarlet gowne to my brother Androwe's wife-Mysister Anne, and my sister Elizabeth Ragdesdall-My sister Alice-Robert Thoresbye-James Robinson-William Cooke-Thomas Gurnarde -John Grene a kitchen boy-Xpofer Hasyer, Edmunde Smith-My godson Owin son of my brother John-Master Good, his wife and my godson-Margaret Wirton Mother Adams - Residue of goods to my brother Andrew, my nephew Clement and my brother Richard Shipley,

and my cousins Robert Oglethorpe and Robert Thorisbye so that it exceed not vl each. I make my brother Androwe, nephew Clement, brother Richard Shipley and my cousins Robert Oglethorpe and Robart Thowsby exors. Whereas I by the name of Owin Oglethorpe Clarke Deane of the Kinge and Queen's Majesties free Chappell of S. George the Marter within the Castell of Winsor and the Cannons of the same place did demise graunte and to farme lett unto John Oglethorpe gent. son to my brother William the site of the manor of Great Hasslaye co. Oxon from the end of William Litchelordes lease for 32 years as by the lease appeareth bearing date 2 Oct. 3 & 4 P. & M. and whereas I have given the said John things to a greater value I now give the said lease to my right well beloved James Good of London physicion in consideration of his great paines takinge with me in my extremes of sicknes." Witness James Robinson, William Cooke. Dated 10 Nov. 1559, Owinus Oglethorpe, proved 15 May, 1560, by Christopher Robinson proctor to exors-P. C. C. 29 Mellerche - Mathew Oglethorpe of Oglethorpe and Roundhay predeceased his brother Owen; he made his will z Aug., 1552, describing himself as of Thormar, co. York, gent., bequeaths "to wife Esabell 10l yearly for life by the handes of my sonne Clement out of fermeynge callyd Rounday Grange also 2 kye 1 silver spoon all her apparel 1 bed and 1 mattress for her maid Rounday Grange to William son of Clement Oglethorpe and his heirs, son Clement's wife my best geldynge, Dowghter Grace Leadbetter 10lt in full of her portion-Syster Alice - Syster Katerynge Geo. Holfkynson Stead-Katerynge Levet-Rauffe, Elizabeth and Margaret Bowmer, My dau Marie children for the last parte of hir childes porsion unpayd 20 markes. Sonne Robert Calbecke 61 13s 4d yf he tayke yt gentlye for truethe yt is I do owe hime nothinge Syster Anne To Robert Rycherson the tythe hay of Thornam doynge my sonne Clement service after my decease, John Randynge 36s. 8d. yf he be orderyd by my sonne Clement. Every servant and every godchild. Sonne Clement lease of Dukes land and to his children all my playtte. Sir Wm. Adcoke curate. Son Clement exor and if he refuse to pay annuity wife to enter to the Dukes lande with the house in Thornam that Vyncent Johnson doythe dwell in durynge her liffe. Witnesses Mr. Clement Oglethorpe gent., Rychard Shiplaw yoman Charles Genyng and Sir Wm. Adcoke curate To the poor of


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Thorner 3s. 4d. yearly for 6 years every Friday in Lent and on Good Friday 68. 8d." Proved 23 July 1558 by the Exors (York Wills, xv. ij. 383). Another brother, Andrew, died shortly after; his inq. p. m. was taken at the Guildhall, York, 16 March, 1578; the jury found that he was seised of lands, &c., in Thwayte, Tockwith and Bilton, a capital messuage called Thwayte house, &c., also free fishing in the water of Nidd. The premises in Tockwith and Bilton, held of Thomas Metham, esq., as of his fee of Bruse, service unknown, worth clear 26s. 8d. p. an.; also premises in Thwayte, Tockwith and Bilton, held of Francis Gascoign, esq., as of his manor of Thorp Arch, service unknown, worth clear 40s. per annum; he died 17 Nov., 1569. Owen Ragsdale is his kinsman and next heir, to wit, son and heir of Elizabeth Ragsdale, sister of said Andrew, and was then aged 30 years and more. John Oglethorpe, late of Headly, gent., took the issues and profits from the death of Andrew until 30 Oct. then next following. The 17th century Oglethorpes suffered severely for their loyalty in the Civil War. One of their descendants, General Oglethorpe, was founder of the State of Georgia. U.S.A. A later incumbent of Romaldkirk, one Richard Livelie, made his will 19 Feb., 1596, "now as touching my wife Alice with whom by God's mercy I have lived many years in the honourable state of wedlocke by whom also through God's bless

Xpoferus Paycок, ф.

Dom. Will. Pratt, cur' ф.

Georgius Hayking, ф.
Thomas Cowling, ф.
Joh. Tiplady.
Gregorius Hayking, eger.

Inq. Henricus Bordman, .

ing I have had twelve children of whom nyne are yet living viz 4 sonnes William, Timothy, James, Samuel and 5 daughters Johan, Emma, Damaris, Sara and Jaine and albeit her desertes at my handes in respect of her honestie and huswifery be greater than I can possiblie requite," &c., gives her two-thirds of his goods, onethird to children. To wife during widowhood all land purchased of Mr. Clopton and Mr. Wandesforde in the town fields of Barnardcastle co. Durham, and Scabbed Newton co. York, at her death, firstnamed lands to son William, others to children as wife pleaseth, and she executrix. Brother Mr. Edward Livelie and friend Mr. William Barber, or Barker, of Forcett, supervisors. Witnesses, Andrew Jeffreason, Gabriel Horne, Chr. Newton, Thomas Hugonson. Codicil gives four burgages out of lands given to son William, to son Timothy. To son James "if he proceed in school in the Universitie till he be 21 and so further till he be M.A. all my books Latin or English printed or written with all papers that do concern divinitie," he being bound in 601. to proceed in the study of divinity. Dated 20 Oct., 1598. Pr. 8 Feb., 1598-9. Thomas Malorie, A.M., was inst. 27 May,


39 Laithkirk, in Lunedale, was a chapel in this parish.

40 William Tristram was Chaplain of the Chantry of Our Lady at Lartington (Surt. Soc., vol. xci. and xcii.).

41 Alexander Stocke, inst. 7 Nov., 1586,


A.D. 1548.

Dom. Thomas Myer, Rector ibid. $.43 Dom. Matheus Blaymyer, Rector

Gard. Will. Symson.

[ocr errors]

Will. Cowling.

[blocks in formation]

A.D. 1554.

ibid. $.43

Will. Sympson, ф.

Will. Cowling, φ.

Jacobus Wedderheld, ф.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Xpoferus Hutchenson, ф.

Magna Cowton.

Dom. Egidius Parker, Vic' ibid. $.44

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

and Henry Simpson, inst. 9 Oct., 1587; patrons, John Blenkerne, John Cradocke and others.

42 Vide note 72.

43 In 1562 Blaymyer was present at the Fishop's Visitation at Richmond with John King, his curate. John Conyers, presented 27 July, 1545, and inst. same year on the death of John Woodall; patron, Wm. Conyers of Marske, esq.

44 Giles Parker died circa 1572; his will, formerly at Richmond, cannot now be found. John Campion was inst. 5 Oct., 1581 (on the deprivation of Richard Wells), and John Fulthorpe on 14 March, 1586.

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45 Robert Pearson, inst. 38 Hen. viii; patron, the King. Let. Pat. 9 May. Thomas Benion, inst. 6 Sep., 29 Eliz. Benion made a nuncupative Will 19 April, 1605. To Thomas Benion his son Ralph Benion 20 nobles. To Thomas nephew half a spurr riall. To servant Dorothy Residue to his three youngest sons Joseph Daniel and Ralph Benion the tuition of whom with their goods he did commit to Robert Benion his eldest son. nesses, Robert Benion, Allan Barker, Bartholomew Barnard. Pr. 4 May, 1605, by Robert Benion and Allan Barker,


Dom. Rob. Pereson, Vic' ibid. ф.

Gard. Thomas Preswik, ф.

Joh. Wilson, ф. Ing. Rob. Robynson, ф.


Joh. Richardson, ф.

witnesses. Administration granted the same day to Robert Benion, gentleman, to the use of Joseph Daniel and Ralph Benion, children of testator. "A note of my fathers mynd and appoyntment for disposing of his worldly things his debts and funeral expenses being discharged he giveth to Thomas Benyon his sonne 20 nobles. To his son Ralphe 20 nobles. To Thomas Benyon his nephew half a spur riall. Residue to be equally divided between his three younger sons Joseph Daniel and Ralph and their tuition assigned to Robert his eldest son." Inventory priced by Richard Thomas, Thomas Jackson, Christopher Myles and John Peareth, 28 April, 1605, beginning with "his gownes clokes and the rest of his apparrell vil. xvs. Total value of goods, 971. 13s. 6d. Debts were owing to the deceased by Thomas Rippon of Pearsbridge, Peter Sowersbie and Ed. Thewe of Emeldon. Item, lent to ye Quenes Majestie late deceased upon a privie seale xxxl. Among the debts owing by deceased "To his son Joseph for xl ewes wch was given unto him by his godfather Sir Thomas Gray, knight, xl. To his daughter Marie Hill by the gift of ye said Tho. Beynon."

A.D. 1548.

Catterick Deanery.


A.D. 1554.

Dom. Jacobus Seller, Rector ibid. $. Dom. Jacobus Seller, Rector ibid.

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Robert. Bushell.

Thomas Grey.
W. Kechin.
Thomas Hornbie.

46 Henry Stubbes was instituted to this living 9 March, 1569; patron, William, Marquis of Northampton.

47 Armyn was priest of the Chantry of S. Cuthbert in the chapel at Norton Conyers, founded by Richard Norton, Lord Chief Justice in 1422, and died about 1558; his will, formerly at Richmond, cannot now be found.

48 Best was priest of the Chantry of S. John Baptist in the parish church of Wath. His Will, dated 23 April, 1557, is in Surt. Soc., vol. xxvi.

49 Thomas Lister was instituted to this living 6 May, 1582, on the resignation of Ralph Tunstall, and held it until 1601, when he resigned, and was succeeded by Henry Darneton, M.A., inst. 8 June, 1601; patron, Lord Burghley. Darneton had previously held the livin

of Goldsborough.

50 Jakes, Thomson and Place were priests of the chantries at Tanfield, founded in 1343 by Maude de Marmion (Surt. Soc., vol. xci., p. 108).-Edward Thomson, clarke, late curate of Tanfield, made his Will 12 April, 1585, desires to be buried in the churchyard of Tanfield. To Isabel Tate my best cloke. To Elsabeth Carter one old gowne. John Tate's wife one little olde cheste. Residue to Nicholas, Henry and Francis Tomson, my executors, sons of Marmaduke Tomson of Binsse. Witnesses, Marmaduke Jonson (sic) Edmond Gibson. Pr. 4 June, 1585, by Henry and Francis Tomson.

51 Gill was priest of the Chantry of Our Lady in the church of Tanfield, founded by Avice de Marmion.

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