Recapitulation. the Count of Mortain six car. and two bov. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric two bov. In Euertorp 50 (Everthorpe), the Count of Mortain five car. In Hundeslege (Hunsley), the Bishop of Durham two car. and a half. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric two car. and a half. In Niuuebold (North Newbald), the Archbishop twenty-eight car. and two bov. In Torp (Kettlethorpe), Ro. Malet three car. In Hode (Hotham), the Bishop of Durham three car. In the same place, the King one car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain five car. and a half. In the same place, Ro. Malet three car. In Cliue (South Cliff), the Bishop of Durham three car. and a half. In the same place, the King two car. 50a In Setton (Seaton Ross), the King four car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain four car. In Fulcartorp (Foggathorpe), the Count of Mortain one car. and a half. In the same place, Ra. Mortemer two car. In the same place, G. Tison three car. In Gripetorp (Gribthorpe), G. Tison two car. In the same place, Ra. Mortemer two car. In Ladon (Laytham), the Count of Mortain two car. and five bov. In the same place, G. Tison one car. and three bov. In Actun (Aughton), the Count of Mortain six car. In Elreton (Ellerton), the Count of Mortain two car. In the same place, the King two car. 50a In Coteuuid (East Cottingwith), the Count of Mortain two car. In the other Coteuuid (West Cottingwith), the Count of Mortain two car. and six bov. In the same place, Erneis one car. In Midelborne (Melbourne), Ra. Mortemer six car. In Tornetun (Thornton), Ra. Mortemer six car. In Iugufled (Yokefleet), the Bishop of Durham one car. and a half. In the same place, Ro. Malet one car. Houeden Hundret (Howden Hundred). In Houeden (Howden), the Bishop of Durham fifteen car. In Hidon (Hive), one car. In Duuestorp (Ousethorpe), one car. and a half. In Portinton (Portington), one car. and a half. In Birland (Burland), one car. In Cheuede (Caville), two car. and two bov. In Estrinton (Eastrington), six car. In Chelpin (Kilpin), three car. and two bov. In Iugufled (Yokefleet), half a car. In Cotes (Cotness), half a car. In Saltemersc (Saltmarsh), six car. In Laxinton (Laxton), one car. In Schilton (Skelton), three car. and two bov. In Berneheld (Barnhill), one car. In Ballebi (Belby), four car. and six bov. In Torp (Thorpe, par. Howden), one Recapitulation. 50 "Euertorp" is not included in the 'Land of the Count of Mortain.' 50a In the margin, opposite to this entry, is a + with the letter N over it. This probably indicates cancellation, as the item does not occur in the 'Land of the King.' car. and a half. In Cledinton (Knedlington), six car. In Aschilebi (Asselby), five car. In Barnebi (Barmby-on-the-Marsh), six car. In Babetorp (Babthorpe), one car. In Bracheneholm 51 (Brackenholme), one car. and six bov. In Achetorp (Hagthorpe), one car. In Boletorp 1 (Bowthorpe), four car. In Bardulbi (Barlby), one car. In Richale (Riccall), one car. All these are the Bishop of Durham's [and belong] to Houed' (Howden). In Ballebi (Belby), the King half a car. In Aschilebi (Asselby), the Count of Mortain one car. In Brachenelholm (Brackenholme), G. Tison five bov. In Cliue (Long Cliff), the Count of Mortain three car. In Achetorp (Hagthorpe), G. Tison half a car. In Suddufeld (South Duffield), the Count of Mortain seven car. and five bov. In Dufeld (North Duffeld), the Count of Mortain seven car. and two bov. In the same place, G. Tison one car. In Schipeuuic (Skipwith). Hugh son of Baldric five car. In Brachenelholm (Brackenholme), Ernuin two bov. In Ansgotebi (Osgodby), the Count of Mortain three car. In Hamiburg (Hemingbrough), the Bishop of Durham three car.52 In Bardulbi (Barlby), the King one car. 53 In the same place, the Bishop of Durham one car. In Cotinuui (East Cottingwith), Ra. Pagenel one car. and two bov. In Richale (Riccall), the Archbishop two car. In Turgisbi (Thorganby), Ra. Pagenel three car. Wicstun Hundret (Weighton Hundred). In Wicstun (Market Weighton), the King twenty-four car. In Epton (Shipton), the King six car. In Oueton (Houghton), the King or Ro. Malet three car, and a half. In Cliue (North Cliff), the King one car. [See below.] In Holme (Holme-on-Spalding-Moor), G. Tison eight car. In Gudmundha' (Goodmanham), G. Tison one car. and a half. In the same place, the King one car. and five bov. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car. and two bov. In Santun (Sancton), G. Tison fifteen car. In Houeton (Houghton), the King four car. and a half. In the same place, G. Tison half a car. In Cliue (North Cliff), the King one car. [A repetition of the previous entry.] In Gudmundha' (Goodmanham), the Archbishop four car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain five car. and six bov. In the same place, W. Perci two car. In the same place, half a car. No one has it. In 54 Estorp (Easthorpe), W. Perci seven car, and two bov. In the same place, the Count of Mortain two car, and six bov. 51 "Bracheneholm" and "Boletorp" are omitted in the manorial returns. 52 See vol. xiii., page 331, where these three car. are included in the Land of the King. 53 This car. is omitted in the 'Land of the King,' and entered in that of Ralph Pagenel. See page 257, antea. 54 Orig., fo. 3816., col. 2.-Facsimile Edit., page lxxxvib. Recapitulation. In Lodenesburg (Londesbrough), the Archbishop seven car. and a half. In Toletorp (Tolthorpe), the Archbishop three car. In Erseuuelle (Harswell), the King one car. In Torpi (Thorpe Harswell), the King four car. In Cleuinge (Cleaving Grange), the King three car. In Clinbicote (Kiplingcotes), the Archbishop two car. and a half. In the same place, the Count of Mortain two car. In the same place, W. Perci one car. In Burton (Cherry, or North Burton), the Archbishop seventeen car. Sneculfcros Hundret ( Hundred). In Midelton (Middleton-on-the-Wolds), the Archbishop five car. and six bov. In the same place, the Count of Mortain and his homagers twelve car. and one bov. and the third part of one bov. In Brachen 55 (Bracken), Erneis six car. In Watun (Watton), the King three car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain thirteen car. In Chileuuid (Kilnwick), the King five car. Count of Mortain five car. In the same place, the In Baseuuic (Beswick), the Count of Mortain three car. In the same place, the King three car. In Locheton (Lockington), the Count of Mortain nine car, and a half. In the same place, the Archbishop two car. and a half. In Ach (Aike), the Archbishop six bov. In the same place, the Count of Mortain six bov. In P'sene ( the Bishop of Durham two bov. ), W. Perci four bov. In the same place, In Scogerbud (Scorbrough), the Bishop of Durham one car. In the same place, W. Perci half a car. In Eton (Etton), Hugh son of Baldric nine car. and two bov. In Torp ( In Steintorp ( ), Hugh son of Baldric one car. ), the Count of Mortain one car. In Eton (Etton), the Archbishop eight car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain six car. and six bov. In Lachinfeld (Leckonfield), W. Perci three car. and five bov. In the same place, the Count of Mortain one car. and two bov. In Neuson (Newsham), the Count of Mortain one car. In Rageneltorp (Raventhorpe), the Archbishop three car. In the same place, the Count of Mortain four car. and a half. In Burton (Bishop, or South, Burton), the Archbishop fourteen car. and two bov. In the same place, the King one car. 56 In Neuton (Newton), the Bishop of Durham two car. [In Neuton (Newton), the Archbishop one car. A marginal addition.] În Molecroft (Molescroft), the Archbishop three car. In Gerdene (Gardham), the Bishop of Durham six car. In Delton (South Dalton), the Archbishop twelve car. In Hougon (Holme-on-the-Wolds), the Bishop of Durham twelve car. 55 This place is not mentioned else- 56 Sce note 50a, supra. where. VOL. XIV. DD Recapitulation. In Scornesbi (Scoreby), W. Perci six car. In Ianulfestorp (Owsthorpe), W. Perci two car. In Do'niton (Dunnington), the Archbishop four car. place, W. Perci five car. and six bov. In the same In Grimeston (Grimston), the Count of Mortain two car. In the same place, W. Perci one car. In Beureli (Beverley), St. John one car. of land, quit. Drifelt Hundret (Driffield Hundred). In Drifeld (Great Driffield), the King thirty-two car. and a half. In Calgestorp (Kelleythorpe), the Archbishop two bov. In the same place, the King four car. and a half. In Cheldale (Kendale Farm), the King six car. In Sudburne (Southburn), the King seven car. In Tibetorp (Tibthorpe), the King eight car. and a half. In Schirne (Skerne) and Cranzuic (Cranswick), the King two car. and a half. In Drifeld (Great Drifield), the Count of Mortain six bov. In Nesseuuic (Neswick), the Count of Mortuin nine car. In Cranzuic (Cranswick) and Hotune (Hutton), the Count of Mortain eight car. and three bov. In the same places, Hugh son of Baldric two car. In Bagenton (Bainton), the Count of Mortain thirteen car. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric eleven car. In Sundrelanuuic (Sunderlandwick), the King one car. and a half. In the same place, Gospatric one car. and a half. In Tibetorp (Tibthorpe), the King three car. and two bov. ), the King two car. Wartre Hundret (Warter Hundred). In Wartre (Warter), the King twenty car. In the same place, W. Perci four car. In Naborne (Naburn), Ro. Todeni four car. In the same place, the King two car. 58 In Dalton (North Dalton), the Count of Mortain six car. In the same place, the King three car. and five bov. In the same place, Ro. Todeni twenty-two car. and one bov. In Brunha' (Nunburnholme), the King eleven car. In Wetuuangha' (Wetwang), the Archbishop thirteen car. and a half. In Hughete (Huggate), the King eight car. and a half. In the same place, Ernuin eight car. 7 Omitted in the survey of the Count's land. 58 Eight car. are assigned to the Coun on page 519, vol. xiii. Recapitulation. In Holde (Hotham), the King five car. In the same place, the Archbishop one car. In Chileuuic (Kildwick Percy), the King sixteen car. In Torp ( ), the King three car. In Iapun (Yapham), the King eleven car. In Geuedale (Great Givendale), the King eight car. In the other Geuedale (Little Givendale), the King four car. In the same place, the Archbishop two car. In Grintorp (Grimthorpe), the King four car. In Milleton (Millington), the King fifteen car. the Archbishop three car. In the same place, In Fuletorp 59 (Fulford), the Archbishop one car. and two bov. In the same place, Earl Alan one car. and three bov. In the same place, Erneis one car. and three bov. In the same In Eslinton (Heslington), the Archbishop four car. place, Earl Alan five car. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric three car. In Languelt (Langwith), Earl Alan one car. and a half. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric half a car. Poclinton Hundret (Pocklington Hundred). In Poclinton (Pocklington), the King thirteen car. In Belebi (Beilby), the King three car. In Haiton (Hayton), the King nine car. and a half. In the same place, W. Perci two car. and a half. In Brunebi (Burnby), the King one car. and a half. In the same place, the Archbishop four car. In the same place, Ro. Malet two car. In the same place, W. Perci two car. and a half. In Waplinton (Waplington), the King two car. In Aluuarestorp (Allerthorpe), the King six car. In Rudtorp ( ), G. Tison three car. In Euringha' (Everingham), the Archbishop three car. In Sudton (Sutton-upon-Derwent), the Count of Mortain six car. In the same place, W. Perci six car. In Caton (Catton), Earl Hugh forty car. In Chelchefeld (Kelfield), Earl Alan two car. and one bov. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric one car. and seven bov. In Steflingefeld (Stillingfleet), the King two bov. In the same place, Earl Alan two bov. In the same place, Erneis two car. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric one car. and a half. In Ascri (Escrick), Earl Alan four car. In Morebi (Moreby), Earl Alan one car. In the same place, Hugh son of Baldric one car. In Diston (Deighton), Earl Alan four car. In Chetelstorp ( ), Earl Alan four car. In Wilton (Bishop Wilton), the Archbishop fifteen car. 58 This "Geuedale" is not mentioned elsewhere. 59 'Fuletorp" is a clerical error. See page 91, antea, where ten carucates are assigned to Earl Alan in "Foleforde." |