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Gislebert Tison.

Manor. In Bubvid (Bubwith), Aluuin had six carucates and two bovates of land for geld. The land is to nine ploughs. In the same vill, Chetel had two carucates and two bovates; the soke of this belongs to Bricstune (Breighton). The land is to one plough and a half. Now, Richard, Gislebert's homager, has half a plough there, and five villanes with one plough. Wood, pasturable, half a leuga in length and two quarenteens in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth twenty shillings; now, twelve shillings.

Manor. In Fulcartorp (Foggathorpe), Chetel had three carucates of land for geld. The land is to two ploughs and a half. Gislebert has [it], and it is waste. T. R. E., it was worth twenty shillings.

Manor. 10 In Holme (Holme-on-Spalding-Moor), Aluuin had eight carucates of land for geld. The land is to four ploughs. Now, Goisfrid, Gislebert's homager, has half a plough there, and twelve villanes and eight bordars with three ploughs. A priest [is] there, and a church." Wood, pasturable, two leugæ in length and three quarenteens in breadth. The whole manor, three leugæ in length and three leugæ in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth ten pounds; now, sixty shillings.

Manor. In Santune (Sancton), Norman had fifteen carucates of land for geld. The land is to eight ploughs. Now, three knights have [it] of Gislebert. They have one plough and a half there, and six villanes and five bordars having two ploughs and a half. A priest [is] there, and a church, and six acres of meadow. Three leugæ in length and one in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth eight pounds; now, fifty shillings.

Manor. In Houetone (Houghton), Torchil had half a carucate for geld. Land to half a plough. Now, Hunfrid, Gislebert's homager, has one plough there, and three villanes and two bordars with half a plough, and two acres of meadow. The whole, one leuga in length and one in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth ten shillings; now, twenty shillings.

Manor. In Rudtorp ( ), Aluuin had six1a bovates of land for geld. The land is to half a plough, and, in the same vill, two carucates and two bovates for geld. Land to one plough and a half. The soke [is] in Poclinton (Pocklington). Now, Gislebert has [it], and it is waste. T. R. E., it was worth twenty shillings.

Westreding (WEST RIDING).

Manor. In Bramhop (Bramhope), Ulchil had eight carucates for geld. The land is to four ploughs. Now, the same [Ulchil] has [it] of Gislebert, but it is waste. Underwood, half a leuga in length and two

10 Orig., fo. 326b, col. 2.-Facsimile

Edit., page lviiib.

11 The church, dedicated to All Saints, was anciently in the patronage of the Constables. William Constable, of Flambrough, confirmed Adam Tison's grant of Aton-croft, in Holme-on-Spalding Moor, to Selby abbey (see note 2, supra). William, son of Adam Tison, appears to have left daughters and co-heiresses, one

of whom was represented by Constable.

12 This church, anciently a rectory of medieties, was also dedicated to All Saints.

13 The archbishop claimed these six bovates, but the men who had sworn affirmed that Gislebert Tison ought to have them (see The Claims, postea). In the Recapitulation, Rudtorp is placed between Allerthorpe and Everingham.

Gislebert Tison.

quarenteens in breadth. The whole manor, one leuga in length and one in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth forty shillings.

Manor. In Sinitun" ( ), Adestan had three carucates and a half for geld. The land is to two ploughs. Now, Gislebert has eight villanes there with two ploughs. length and one quarenteen in breadth. length and one in breadth. T. R. E., it fifteen shillings.

Wood, pasturable, one leuga in The whole manor, one leuga in was worth sixty shillings; now,

Soke. In Scotone (Scotton) is soke belonging to Burg (Aldbrough) of four carucates of land for geld. Land to two ploughs. Gislebert has one plough and a half there, and one sokeman with one plough.

In Bomeslai (Beamsley), Gislebert has six bovates.

In Ediham (Addingham), Gamelbar had two 15 carucates of land for geld. The land is to one plough. Gislebert has one plough there. Wood, pasturable, one leuga in length and half [a leuga] in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth ten shillings; now, the same.

Manor. In Ledelai (Leathley), Ulchil had one carucate of land for geld. The land is to half a plough. Now, Gislebert has three villanes and one bordar there with two ploughs and two acres of meadow. T. R. E., it was worth ten shillings; now, five shillings and a half.

In Birnebeha' (Brimham), Gamelbar had two bovates of land for geld.

Manor. In Ristone (Rigton, par. Kirkby Overblow), Gamelbar had two carucates for geld. Land to one plough.

Manor. In Becvi (Beckwith), Gamelbar had three carucates for geld. Land to two ploughs.

Two manors. In Rosert (Rosset), Gamelbar and Ulf had two 16 carucates for geld. Land to one plough.

Manor. In Biletone (Bilton, par. Knaresbrough), Gamelbar had three carucates and a half for geld. Land to two ploughs.

Gislebert Tison has these lands, but they are all 17 waste, only 18 Biletone (Bilton) renders three shillings rent.

Manor. In Rofell[i]nton (Rudfarlington), Gamelbar had fourteen bovates for geld. The land is to one plough. Now, it is cultivated, and renders five shillings. Wood, pasturable, one leuga and a half in length and nine quarenteens in breadth. The whole, two leugæ in length and eleven quarenteens in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth eight shillings.

Manor. In Plontone (Plumpton), Gamelbar had two carucates for geld. The land is to one plough. Half a leuga in length and three quarenteens in breadth. Now, it is cultivated, and renders five shillings. T. R. E., it was worth twenty shillings.

Manor. In Michel Bra' (Great Braham), Gamelbar had four caru

[blocks in formation]

Gislebert Tison.

cates of land for geld. The land is to two ploughs. It is waste. T. R. E., it was worth twenty shillings. Wood, pasturable, five quarenteens in length and five in breadth. The whole manor, eleven quarenteens in length and eleven in breadth.

IN Crave 19 (CRAVEN).

Manors. In Ghersintone (Grassington), three carucates, in Lipton (Linton), two carucates, in Freschefelt (Threshfield), two carucates, in Estbrune (Eastburn), two carucates and two bovates, in Stiuetune (Steeton), three carucates. Gamelbar had these; now, Gislebert Tison has [them].

Manors. In Glusbrun (Glusburn) and Chelchis (Melsis), three carucates. Gamel 20 had [these]. Gislebert has [them].

In Acurde (Oakworth), Gamelbar [had] one carucate. Gislebert has [it].


[Annesti Wapentac (AINSTY WAPENTAKE).]

In Torp (Bishopthorpe), Christ's church,23 two carucates of land for geld. Land to one plough and a half. Richard, son of Erfast has [it], and it is waste. Nevertheless it renders eight shillings.

In Mileburg (Bilbrough), Christ's church, eight carucates of land for geld. Land to four ploughs. Richard has one plough there, and six villanes and two bordars with two ploughs. Wood, pasturable in places. The whole, one leuga in length and half [a leuga] in breadth. it was worth forty-four shillings; now, twenty-two shillings.

T. R. E.,

In Monechetune (Moor Monkton), Christ's church, nine carucates for geld. Land to as many ploughs. Richard has now four villanes and two bordars there with four ploughs, and six acres of meadow. Wood, pasturable, six quarenteens in length and four in breadth. The whole, one leuga in length and half [a leuga] in breadth. T. R. E., it was

worth forty shillings; now, twenty shillings.

Manor. In Esdesai (Hessay), Haldene [had] two carucates, less

19 The rest of this Fee is not entered in the Recapitulation.

20 Apparently an error for "Gamelbar."

21 See note 18, supra. 22 The son, it is probable, of Arfast, Bishop of Thetford, 1070-10..). In the reign of Henry I., William Bigot, the king's dapifer, confirmed to the priory at Thetford, founded by his father, all the lands and tenements that had belonged to Bishop Arfast and his son Richard in Thetford, and which had been given by Hugh Bigot.

He acquired three mansions in the city, and the church of the Holy Trinity, York (see vol. xiii., page 324). The latter

came into the possession of Ralph Pagenel, and, together with three crofts belonging to the same church, lying adjacent to the western portion of the city, were given by him to the monks of Marmoutier, who established a priory on the site (see page 257, antea). To this donation Ralph added the church of St. Helen in the same city, several vills in the county, and others in Lincolnshire.

23 After "Torp," the Original has "Christi ecclesia"; and the same words follow "Mileburg," "Monechetune" and "Cnapetone." The church of Bilbrough, anciently appropriated to the priory of the Holy Trinity, became a frce parish before 1291.

Richard, son of Erfast.

two bovates, for geld. Land to two ploughs. Richard has there three bordars and two ploughs. T. R. E., it was worth ten shillings and eight pence; now, five shillings and four pence.

In Cnapetone (Knapton), Christ's church, three carucates for geld. The land is to three ploughs. Richard has there four villanes with two ploughs. T. R. E., it was worth sixteen shillings; now, the same.

In [the district belonging to] Christ's church (Holy Trinity), near the city of York, half a carucate of land and three tofts for geld. Richard has [it], and it is cultivated. From the church and the land he has thirty shillings.


Westreding 26 (WEST RIDING). Gerlestre Wap. (Birdforth


Manor. In Cucualt (Coxwold), Copsi 27 had ten carucates of land for geld, in Iretone ( ), three carucates, Eureslage (Yearsley), three carucates, Ampreforde (Ampleforth), one carucate, Ansgotebi (Osgodby), three carucates, Turchilebi (Thirkleby), eight carucates, Baschebi (Baxby), fifteen bovates. Together, for geld, twenty carucates of land, less one bovate. The land is to fifteen ploughs. Hugh, son of Baldric, has there now four ploughs and fiftyfour villanes having twenty-nine ploughs. Wood, eight leugæ in length and three leugæ and four quarenteens in breadth. The whole manor, nine leugæ in length and four leugæ in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth six pounds; now, twelve pounds.

Manor. In Chileburne (Kilburn), Archil had six carucates of land for geld. Land to three ploughs. Now, Hugh has there one villane and two ploughs. One leuga in length and half [a leuga] in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth ten shillings; now, six shillings.

Soke. In Wilema (Wilden Grange?) is soke of this manor three carucates of land for geld. Land to two ploughs. Eleven villanes are there now, having eight ploughs.

Two manors. In Calvetone (Cawton), Turbrant and Salomon had four carucates of land for geld. Land to two ploughs. Hugh has now there three villanes and three ploughs and four acres of meadow. One leuga in length and three quarenteens in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth sixteen shillings; now, twenty shillings. Gerard holds [it].

24 Orig., fo. 327a, col. 2.-Facsimile Edit., page lixb.

25 "Of what Norman family Hugh came is not known" (Yorks. Arch. and Top. Journal, iv., 237). Before 1067, he "witnessed the charter of Gerold, granting to the nuns of St. Amand, at Rouen, the church of his fief of Roumare," &c. (Ibid.). Immediately after the capture of York in September, 1069, Hugh fitz Baldric appears to have been made sheriff of the county by the king, in which office he was succeeded, before the date of the Survey, by Erneis de Burun, the ten

ant in capite. Before 1088-89, he gave lands in Hutton-in-the-Hole, Normanby and Kirkby Misperton to St. Mary's abbey. He appears to have had a son-inlaw, Wido, who has not been identified. Little else is known of this tenant in capite; and, with the exception of "Cru'beclif, Lelun et Danebi, xij car.," and Camisedale j car.," what he held is not entered in the Recapitulation.

26 An evident error. See the Recapitulation, where "Gerlestre wapentac" is entered under "Nort Treding."

27 See vol. xiii., page 327.

Hugh, son of Baldric.

Manor. In Tresch (Thirsk), Tor had twelve carucates of land for geld. The land is to six ploughs. Hugh has ten villanes there, having two ploughs and eight acres of meadow. T. R. E., it was worth four pounds; now, ten shillings.

Berewicks. In Torp (Thorpe Underwood?) and Neuhusu' (Newsham, par. Kirkby Wiske?), eight carucates of land for geld. The land is to four ploughs. Now, they are waste. The whole manor, two leugæ in length and one leuga in breadth.

Manor. In Bagebi (Bagby), Orm had five carucates of land for geld. The land is to two ploughs and a half. Hugh has there, now, half a plough, and four villanes with one plough, and ten acres of ineadow. Wood, pasturable, half a leuga in length and as much in breadth. The whole, one leuga in length and one leuga in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth eight pounds; now, forty shillings.

Berewicks. These belong to Baghebi (Bagby): - Chirchebi (Kirkby Knowle), three carucates, Carleton (Carlton Miniot), three carucates, Iselbec (Islebeck), one carucate, Sudtune (Sutton-underWhitestone Cliff), one carucate, Ardene (Arden), three carucates, Chipuic (Kepwick), one carucate. Together, for geld, twelve carucates of land. Land to six ploughs. Now, two villanes and one bordar are there with one plough, and a priest. Wood, pasturable, five leugæ in length and five quarenteens in breadth. The whole, nine leugæ and a half in length and three leugæ and a half in breadth.

Manor. In Sudtune (Sutton-under-Whitestone Cliff), Ligulf had five carucates of land for geld. The land is to two ploughs. Girard, Hugh's homager, has one plough there, and eight villanes with two ploughs. A priest is there, and a mill. Wood, pasturable, one leuga and a half in length and five quarenteens in breadth. The whole manor, two leugæ in length and five quarenteens in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth twenty-six shillings; now, twenty shillings.

Manor. In Martrebi (Mardeby), Gamel had three carucates of land for geld. The land is to one plough. Girard, Hugh's homager, has one plough there, and 28 seven villanes with four ploughs. A priest [is] there; and wood, without pasture, four quarenteens in length and two quarenteens in breadth. The whole manor, six quarenteens in length and four in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth twenty-six shillings; now, twenty shillings.

Two manors. In Fridebi (Felixkirk), Ligul and Gamel had three carucates of land for geld. The land is to one plough. Girard, Hugh's homager, has two ploughs there, and one villane with one plough. Wood, eight quarenteens in length and four in breadth. The whole manor, one leuga in length and half a leuga in breadth. T. R. E., it was worth twenty-six shillings; now, five shillings.

Berewick. This belongs to Fridebi (Felixkirk) :- Rauenetorp (Raventhorpe), one carucate for geld. Land to half a plough.

Manor. In Boltebi (Boltby), Sumerful had three carucates of land for geld. Land to one plough. Girard, Hugh's homager, has two ploughs there, and five villanes with two ploughs, and six acres of meadow. Underwood, four quarenteens in length and as much in

Orig., fo. 3276, col. 1-Facsimile Edit., page lx.

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