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the Survey, and evidently held in moieties, one of which became towards the end of the twelfth century, Cridling Park in the Parish of Darrington, and the other Cridling Stubbs in the Parish of Womersley (see Map, Y. A. J., xiii. 287). But Cheme completely eludes me. I find the name nowhere else, and can only suppose that the reading is again corrupt.

The Survey holder of the manor of Stubbs [Walding] was Robert [de Reineville], and this Cheme may be a misreading for that Gerald (father of Robert) who gave half his tithe in Smeaton, in which manor, during the time which elapsed between the date of this Foundation and the Survey, he had been succeeded by his son Robert. This supposition helps us to the following, which I offer as a correction of the early genealogy of the Reinevilles as it appears in Y. A. J. xiii. 134.

[blocks in formation]

William witnessed Rievaux No. 94, had four k. f. in 1166, and by P R. 14 H. II. paid xxs. [The succession of these last can be proved; but their exact relationship is obscure.]


Adam (vetus), seneschal to Roger de Lascy (1190), gave Bramley, the moiety of Campsall, Upton and Rogerthorp to Thomas, his eldest son, and Badsworth to his son Swein. Had land at Hillam (which might have been part of his first wife's dower), and possessed Cudworth in her right. His eldest son, Thomas, predeceased him in 1218 (ing. p. m. 3 Н. ІІІ.).

As for "Henry de Lacy of Skelbrook," there was no such person, at the time, either as lord or tenant. The tenant at Skelbrook (316; xxxvii. col. 1) was Hervey de Campels, for whose name this is clearly a misreading, and who witnessed Robert de Lascy's Foundation Charter to Pontefract Priory.

to senz

THE FOLLOWING is the Document as in Dodsworth, Vol. 118:

* De Fundatione capellæ [originally ecclesie, capellæ being written above] Sancti Clementis in castro de Pontefracto: ex quoddam transcripto penes Dominum Henricum Savile, armigerum, et Baronetum.

Quando Ilbertus de Laceo in honorem dei et sancte Marie, et omnium sanctorum ecclesiam beati Clementis in castello suo pro salute Willelmi regis majoris, Willelmi (filii interlined) ejus et filiorum ipsorum, et pro animabus predecessorum, et pro animabus uxoris et filiorum suorum, et pro salute omnium fidelium vivorum et mortuorum in tempore principis supradicti fundavit.


Donavit et confirmavit eidem ecclesie plenarie decime sue duas partes de dominico suo; videlicet in Camasella, in Daringtona, Rodwella, Barvica, Parlingtona, Chipesio cum Alretona, Ledstona, pro qua habet ipsa ecclesia unum molendinum in Newsam 4; et tertiam partem decime quam habebant monachi de dominio castellanie.

Rursus in Octono, Wulmerslee, Chamsala, Ermesela; in Lindessio, in Chorisbera, Frisbera; in Nottinghamshire, Hekelinga; in Oxenfordshire, Staintona, Lurham [Lineham]; et totam decimam pollorum armenti sui, ac decimam piscatorie Knottingleie; harum rerum omnium supradictorum tenuit Ranulphus Grammaticus dimidiam partem, cum octo bovatis terre in Darthingtona ad servitium ecclesie, et dimidium co ie contra Ranulphum Grammaticum, et Godefridum presbiterum.

Dedit etiam Ilbertus decimam malorum Rodewelle, et malorum Cerswist et Went, et unius molendini in Burgo, et quinque bovatas terre in Knottingley.


Et pater meus Robertus de Laceo dedit ibi sextam partem, pro quibuipse excambuit [excambiavit in the Monasticon] duas partes decime Nors tone, et in Majore Emsala duas partes; in Hemelsword duas partes.

Et Robertus de Laceo dedit in Feria duas bovatas terre ad luminare ecclesie predicte barones [laronæ in 9, baronibus in the Monasticon] ejusdem castellanie.

[ORIGINAL GIFTS BY TENANTS OF THE FOUNDER.] Rogerus Pictavus in Altofta duas garbas. In Cantona scilicet [sclic is omitted in the Monasticon].

* This is dated September, 1622.

Newsam is generally thought to be Temple Newsome; but no mill is recorded to have been there, even in the time of the Domesday Survey, Mr. Hunter (S. Y. II. 482) suggests Newsome Grange in Skellow; but the place meant was probably Humphrey de Villeio's manor at Newton in Ledsham, which had as many as three mills.

5 This must be a misspelling for Lineham. Knottingley having been subinfeuded to Ralph Grammaticus, Robert de Lascy had no tithes there, but obtained some by exchange for tithes in three other places then in his hand.

6 Altofts was called Westrebi in the Survey, where it was returned as in the hand of Roger [Pictavus].

Ilbertus de Ramosvilla [Rainisville in the Index to the Monasticon]

duas garbas Camsalie de dominio suo.

Umfredum de Villeios duas garbas in Snitella et Newtona.

Ernulphus in Prestona garbas duas et in Rouedona.

Gilbertus filius Dame in Stapeltona 10 duas garbas.

Radulphus Pincerna de Thorpe " duas garbas, et totam decimam


Radulphus 12 filius Edeline de Stubbs juxta Emesalam duas garbas. Henricus de Laceio 13 dimidiam partem decime de Scalbroke.

Willelmus Pictavus in Scaleilla duas garbas [Skellow, nere Burghwallis, in margin].

Ansgotus Ruffus in Hampole 15 duas garbas.
Cheme 16 in Stubbs duas garbas.

Giraldus de Rameswilla dimidiam partem decime sue in Smeadetona.
Gerbodos in Fristona 17 duas partes decime unius carucate.

Showing that one moiety of the manor had been granted to Ilbert de Reineville before the Survey, and therefore that the Ilbert named therein was a de Reineville. The same remark will probably hold good with regard to Badsworth, Bramley, (South) Elmsall, Frickley, Kirkby (South), Rogerthorp, Upton and Womersley; or some of them. For each was held by an Ilbert at the Survey: and each was in possession of a Reineville throughout the twelfth century and till 1218, when Thomas de Reineville son of Adam died seised of them, and his wife had dower from them.

8 Humphrey held Ackworth also; but Ackworth had its own church which received its own tithe. Ackworth Rectory was never definitely appropriated, though it was given by Hugh de Laval to Nostell, a donation by an intruded lord and not properly confirmed.

9 Called Rovendina in Harl. 2101. It was probably Rawdon in Armley.

10 This Gilbert was the progenitor of the Stapletons of Stapleton in Darrington; his son Hugh being the first to assume the name. (See Yorks. Arch. Journal, vol. xiii. 117.)

11 Thorp Audlin, so called after Aldhelm, the grandson of Ralph Pincerna. Aldhelm's son William (William FitzAudlin) succeeded Earl Strongbow as Governor of Ireland (York. Arch. Journal, vol. xiii. p. 139).

12 This appears to make a clear distinction between the two Ralphs. Otherwise it might be thought that the second name Audlin, now borne by Thorp, had been derived from Edelina The distinction is however clear, and this Stubbs is probably Hampole Stubbs, Emesalam being South Elmsall. There is no Stubbs near Hensall.

13 Although Mr. Hunter (S. Y., ii. 457) accepts this statement without remark, this could not have been Henry de Lascy, who was the younger brother of Ilbert, and died in 1187. He was not of age at the date of this document, and still less could he have been a tenant of his grandfather at the Foundation of St. Clement's, which was thirty years before he was born. There is, moreover, no evidence, if even there is possibility, that he ever possessed Skelbrook, which at the Survey belonged to Hervey de Campels, whose descendants, under the name of Butler, held it till temp. Ed. III.

14 In Domesday, Scanhalla, where the tenant is named William only.

15 In Domesday, Hanpole, where the tenant is called Ansgot only. Its modern spelling is Hamphall Stubbs, Hampole being on the opposite side of the stream, in the fee of Roger de Busli. Hampole and Hamphall Stubbs had a mill between them, each being credited in the Survey with half a mill. With regard to this singular spelling of one Stubbs as Hampole, and the other as Hamphall, whatever may be thought of the carefulness or the knowledge which assisted to attain this result, such is now the official orthography, in other words the modern use; and it will be therefore better probably to adhere to it, even if an explanatory addition is appended.

16 Cheme is probably another corruption, and intended for Gerard de Reineville, who gave half of the Smeaton tithe.

17 The gift was small, for there was a church at Fryston which had already absorbed the tithe. Of all the manors from which grants were made by tenants, this was the only one which had a church.

[ADDITIONAL GIFT FROM A TENANT OF ROBERT DE LASCY.] Robertus de Somervill dedit in tempore Roberti de Laceo in Seacroft 18 tertiam partem unius carucate.

Hec autem beneficia confirmavit authoritate (sic) Thome 19 senioris archiepiscopi, dedicavit ipsam ecclesiam cum scolis 20 de Kirkhby et Pontisfracti (sic), et sicut antecessores mei has donationes et confirmationes statuerunt in suis temporibus; ita ego Ilbertus 21 concedo et confirmo eas cum autoritate Turstini archiepiscopi apud Brothertonam cum omnibus que [littere Sancti Clementis tenebant is put within brackets, and canonici is added as a marginal correction, in vol. 118] ad servitium ejusdem ecclesie die qua Deus per manum suam dederit 24 mihi hereditatem meam.

Testibus: ipso Turstino archiepiscopo, 25 episcopo Karliel, 26 Waltero, abbate Selby : 27

et Rogero Pictavio et
Roberto Malvilla.

18 The tenant of Seacroft is in Domesday dismissed as "Quidam Robertus."

19 Ilbert founded the Chapel, and this is no assistance in fixing the date of the confirmation of the Foundation by Robert his son, except that it was between 1070 and 1100, the term of Thomas's archiepiscopate. It would have been soon after the accession of Robert to the Honour; i.e. about 1090.

20 There must be another corruption here. Kirkby and Pontefract were not two separate places. Kirkby was in Pontefract, one of its hamlets, so that the school was "de Kirkby in Pontefracto." This is an indication of the early existence of this Pontefract School, doubtless the rudimentary foundation which by degrees developed into the present King's Grammar School, so called because Edward VI. refounded it with a contribution from the ancient revenues of a chantry in All Saints' Church. There is another such indication in the Chartulary of St. Nicholas, where in 1267 an allowance to the scholars of the school is prescribed.

21 The name is most clear in both vols. 9 and 118. But it is misprinted "Her

bert" in the Monasticon (another illustration of the carelessness with which this part of the Monasticon was edited, consequent upon the illness of Roger Dodsworth in the summer of 1655), and copied as Helbert into Harl. 2101.

22 Brotherton was an ancient residence of the Archbishops of York.

23 See also note 1. This implies that the original Foundation was one for Canons. In the Taxation of Pope Nicholas, their holdings are called Prebends.

24 This use of the conditional future shows that Ilbert was not yet in possession of his heritage, when he entered into this bond, as it may be called.

25 Died 1140.

26 Adelwald, who had been prior of Nostell, and was first bishop of Carlisle.

27 A former monk of Pontefract. But he was not abbot till 1139, so that Thurstan and he were contemporaries as archbishop and abbot for but a few months, and those of illness on the part of the archbishop. Walter's title was probably added by the copyist as a description only.


By the late SIR STEPHEN GLYNNE, Bart



THIS is a large church consisting of a nave and chancel, each with side aisles, and a tower standing in the centre between the nave and chancel, but there are no transepts. The aisles running past the tower. There is much mutilation both without and within. The parapets are plain, and in the nave all the windows have been deprived of tracery; there is a large west window and a doorway below it, the string course lowered under the window and on each side, under the window, a Perpendicular niche with crocheted ogee canopy. There is a south porch rather plain, the buttresses intended for pinnacles which are unfinished. The nave is divided from each aisle by four pointed arches upon lofty octagonal columns. The tower rises upon four high and elegant pointed arches which spring from large piers of clustered shafts, and open respectively to the N., S., E. and W. The upper part of the tower is plain and seems to have been modernized. It is crowned by an extinguisher spire. At the S.W. corner of the tower is a staircase turret, and between the south aisle of the nave and that of the chancel is a fine Early English arch enriched with the toothed ornament.

The chancel with its side aisles or chapels retains much more of good original work than the nave. There is a pointed arch on either side dividing it from the aisles, which however are continued a little further eastward, the northern quite to the east end. There are three clerestory windows on each side of the chancel which are Perpendicular. The east window is good Decorated of five lights. On the south side of the altar is a plain small niche with piscina, also a stone seat with a Tudor arch. In the east wall externally is an early string course with the rope or spiral moulding filled with

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