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folke at myn obytt And to the welth of the said Churche Also for delapidacon I had nought I haue nought but I trust to haue aft x11 a yere yf ther be ony that hath ought in their hande I requyre them in Visceribus Iħu xõi that they see yt layde on the said Churche. Yf the goode be not well spendyd In Repayryng the Channcell the Chirche and the houses of the psonage, my lorde of Wynchestere and his officers be to blame for ther is a preist putt yn by my lorde mynde and Auctoritie to Receyue the ffruytte with all maner obuentions of the same churche to make Repacoñe accordyng to his pleasure And as shalbe best semynge to his goode lordshippe And yerely he or his officers visytt that Churche psonally wt other Churches that ys Michelmers with Wonston to se Repacions well to be doon and to se what is to be reformed ther. And my said lord hath yerely of the said Churche viis vd ob And his officers meete and drynke for them and their sunte (servants) And ther horses And for all them that they brynge with them at their visitacions Item in myn Archideaconry of Suffolke I bequëth legate & dispose x Chalessis to be disposed by thands of Roger Kente my Scribe for suche Churches as he shalle thynke moost nede with the Counsell of myn officiall of my said Archdeaconry Item I wille and bequethe all my chieff booke of Councelle and Docteurs of the lawe whiche be in my Studye or in my howse to the vniuersitie of Cambridge to Remayne in the Comen libraries or els where it shalbe seen tomyn executours by thaduyce (the advice) and Councell of the Vice Chanuceler and the Reders of thordynaries of lawe. And the pryncipall of Clement hostell for the tyme beynge The other booke of lawe that be duplicate I wille that they Remayne in Clemente hostell in Cambrigge. Item I giff and bequethe all my booke of Diuinte that be of greate Volumes to the College of Seint John in Cambrige. And as tochyng my small volumes of sermonds. Itm I giff and bequeth to eche of my god children vis viiid Item I bequethe to the fyve howses of ffreis in london to be at my buriall and to synge a trentall of Masses the same daye or assone as they may conuenyently to eche howse for their labors and for their Trentalle xxs that is in all vli Item I bequẽth to the iii howses of the Obpunte[Observance] that is for to saye Richmond and Southampton within the dyoces of royuchestere & Grenewich in Kent towards the Reparacons and ther moost necessarye vse to eche xls that is in all vili Itm I bequëth to the pore prsons in Newgate and ludgate to be disposed in brede and drynke or chese as they shall moost nede vs to either p'sone the daye of my buryall. And vs to eche howse at my moneth day that is in all xx3 Item I bequethe xls to the Redempcon of prissoners that lyeth onely for their ffees in either of the said prisons Immedyatly after my decease to be doon after the discrecion of myn executours Item I gyff and bequethe to mr Doctor Sampson Deane of the Kinge Chapell my best gray ammes Item I bequeth to mr Doctor Wolman my waggyn and the harnes for horses that longith to the draught of the same wagyn Item I gyff to the Crafte of the Haberdasshers ii greate stondyng Salte wt a Cover pcell gylted Itm I gyff to William Raschall a ffether bed and a bolster wt all that longith to a bedde. And a Cownter a cupbord a chaier thre joyned stoles six cusshyns a carpett for a table wt flowers lyned with lynen cloth ii Sylver Salts with a cover with wyres a pewter basen with an Ewer ii lattyn Candelstykę And the hangyng of the new plot of grene saye [silk]. Itm

to my Brother Xpofer Dowman I giff and bequeth ii great fflat bowlles with a cover A gowne a jaket a Dowblet a horse Sadyll aud bugille with harnes complete. Item to Elizabeth Dowman doughter to my said Brother I giff and bequethe the trussyng bedde that standith withyn the plot Chambr wt the testor and curtens paaned of yelow and blewe saye to the said bedd belongyng A ffetherbed a bolster with ii pillowes of (sic) paier of blankette with the cordynge for the same bedde lyned wt whitte lynnen cloth A table cloth ii pewter charge Six pewter platess six disshes six sawcers a basen & an ewer A potell pott a quarte potte A pynte pott of pewter ii pewter pottengers A nutt paynted with a Cover Sylver and gilted A cupborde a Cawdron of brasse a brasse pott a brasse panne a chasyng disshe of latton iii latton Candelstike a brason morter with a pestell of yron a water chafer of brasse a broche with ii small Rackę a drippyng pañe of yron a ffrying panne a paier of pothookę Item to eche other of my Brother Xpofer Dowman ffower doughters I giff and bequeth ii pewter chargers six platters iiii disshes iiii Sawcers ii pottengers of pewter ii Ale potte of pewter iii latton Candelstikę A brasse potte a brasse pan a broche of yron a maaser a table cloth a towell iii table napkyns Item I giff and bequethe to my lord Cardynalle grace ii Sylver potte gilted humbly besechyng his grace to be good and gracious lord in helping myn executours to the pformans of this my pore wylle & testament as I may praye for his noble grace. Itm I giff and bequeth to eche of myn Chapelyns fownded in powles a blak gowne at the day of my buriall. Item I bequeth to Maister Robert Russelle Mr John Baas Sir William Bullok person Sir Thomas Mowforth to eche of them and euy one of them one of my weryng gownes. Item I will that eche of my punts (servants) haue at my buryall a gowne and mete and drynke afterward by the space of a quarter of a yere And a qt wage eche of them after my decesse on this condicon' that they be trewe and diligent and puysable (serviceable) to myn executo's And to all suche as shaft mynestre for me to helpe to fourder them in suche busynes as they shall haue for me and all other causes concernynge the same. And also I giff and bequethe to eu'yone of my said punte xxs a pece to pray for me

Residuū vero oïm bonorū meoz sup ius non Legatoru do & lego executoribą meis infra nõiatis vt ipi disponant ea pro Salute anime mee sedm discretionem et sanas conscientias eorund huius q3 pisente mei testamenti Ordino facio et constituo magisteros Ricardum lyster gen'osū Galfridu Wharton decretorū doctorem Robertum Russell in decrete bach Willmū Raschall in vtroq3 Jure bacħ et Willm Cherteseye grocer

Cuiem london meos executores Et dmū Dominū Cuthberta Tunstall dei gra' london epm Supvisorem Cui do et lego duas ollas argenteas partim deauratas Et cuilibet executoz meoz prius nõiatorā do & lego decem marcas & omiodas expensas circa prmissa et in prmissis quocusmodo faciend'. Hiis testiba Willmo Esyngton (sic) gen'oso Johane Bas in legibz back et Notario publico Wittmo Bullok Johne Persye & Thoma Mowforth Clice ad hec specialiť Rogate et vocate

Probatū fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram Comissarijs prescriptor Reuerendissimorň prũm in ecclia diui pauli London sexto die mens Decembris Anno dñi Mittimo quingentesimo xxvio Ac approbatum et insinuatum comiesa q3 fuit aucte predicatore Roz patrum admistratio



õlm et singuloą bonorum Jurium et creditorum predict defunct ete Executoribs in moi testamento noïate De bene et fidelir admistrand eadem Ac de pleno et fidet Inuentario oïm et singuloz bonorum Jurium et creditoz hmoi conficiend etc Necnon de plano et vero compoto calculo sine raciocimo in ea pte reddend ad Sancta dei Euangelia Jurat.



ROGER DODSWORTH spent thirty-four years in forming the collection which he used in the compilation of Monasticon Anglicanum; and when he was making his selection of charters for the volume, which at the time of his last illness was in the press and nearly ready for publication, it was his occasional practice to include documents which, although not actually relating to the monastery he was considering, yet bore, though perhaps only indirectly, reference to it, and afforded some measure of illustration to its history.

Such were sometimes of considerable interest; and of this class was the document named above, which will be found in the Monasticon (Dodsworth's volume), pp. 659, 660. But as unfortunately there is reason to suppose that the portion of the volume in which it occurs did not receive his final revision, the consequence is that in many places it is disfigured by errors and mistakes which he might have corrected, but which were published in the unrevised condition in which he left them. And this was evidently the case with the document before us.

As a charter it has really nothing whatever to do with the monastery; it was not in the monastic chartulary; and there is no reason to suppose it was ever in the possession of the monks. But during one of his very earliest enquiries, as early indeed as 1622 (he died in August, 1655), Roger Dodsworth discovered it among the archives of Sir Henry Savile at Methley. As he is very careful to say, and to repeat, it is but a copy of a copy, which was perhaps made by him without the exactness which he acquired by his subsequent thirty-three years' experience; and as it does not appear that he ever revised even his original draft, still less the copy prepared for the printer, it requires in its present condition much conjectural emendation; and to

make this, even imperfectly, demands more than a little knowledge of the surroundings.

Notwithstanding, however, all such and similar drawbacks, the document is, as may easily be perceived, of very considerable interest; and is in one respect unique, as supplying information to be found nowhere else. Of this the eminent antiquary who transcribed it must have had full knowledge, for he felt, as it were instinctively, that it deserved preservation; though according to his scheme for a Monasticon there was no heading under which he could 'properly class it to ensure that it might be at hand when required.

There had been little connection between the two establishments, the Castle Chapel and the monastery, one of which almost overlooked the other. The Prior of Pontefract might indeed on occasion have held the deanery of the chapel or one of its four prebends together with his priory, but since the election of the two was not in the same hands, such a plurality was probably rare. Yet considering that the foundation to which it referred was mentioned in the charters both of Roger de Lascy and of Hugh de Laval, with the promise that if not given to the Priory of St. John, St. Clement's Chapel should be given to no other monastery, Roger Dodsworth considered that this history of the foundation of St. Clement's, as given by the grandson of its founder, would form a suitable appendix to the documents connected with the Pontefract monks, and therefore he placed it immediately after them. It is true that in the New Monasticon several other documents concerning the monastery have been added, so that the transcript we

1 And doubtless did so. Indeed, when the rateable value of the four prebends was taken for Pope Nicholas's Taxation, their value was then given as follows (p. 298):

£ s. d.

Prebenda Magistri Jacobi de


17 6 8

Pretenda Ade de Poterton......

13 6 8

Prebenda filii Theobaldi de


13 6 8

I'rebenda Prioris de Pontefracto 1000

Although it does not appear so on the record, yet that these were the names of the casual holders only of the different prebends appears from the following note

discovered by Mr. W. Brown on the Memoranda Roll L. T. R. of 25 & 26 Ed. I. m. 101d, and obligingly communicated to me: "Monday before the Ascension 26 Edw. i. [12 May, 1298] Demise by Mr. James de Ispania, dean of the free chapel of the Castle of Pontefract to Reginald de Lynham, called le Vilur, of his portion of Lynham belonging to the said Deanery, for five years from the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist in the same year [24 June] paying in the church of St. Frideswide in Oxford 100s. a year, by half-yearly portions." This also strengthens my identification of "Lurham," as a misreading for "Lineham."

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