MORS ET SORS MUTANT MORTALIA HEARE VNDER LIETH INTER'D THE CORPS of Robert MARIED GRACE DAVGHTER OF MARMADVKE VAVASOVR OF WESTON ESQVIER. BY WHOM HE HAD XI CHILDREN AFTER WHOSE DECEASE HE TOOKE TO WIFE ELIZABETE DAVGHTER OF ANTHONIE SMETHELEY OF BRANTINGHAM ESQVIER AND SVRVIVINGE HER LIVED TO SEE III OF HIS SOVNES AND V OF HIS DAVGHTERS MATCHED AS MAY APPEARE BY THE ESCVTCHONS IN BORDERINGE AND DEPTED THIS LIFE IN PLENTYE AND PEACE ON THE LAST DAY OF JVLIE ANO DOMINI 1594 IN Y EIGHTYE YEARE OF HIS AGE TO THE GRATEFVLL AND REVERENT ME'ORY 6 WHEREOF HIS SAID CHILDREN IN ALL DVTEOVS AFFECTIONS HAVE DEDICATED THIS MONVMENT CONFIDENTLYE HOPINGE TO RE- PATER O CHARISSIME SPES EST IN CŒLIS TECVM NATES LETARIER OMNES O VITA MISERO. LONGA FŒLICI BREVIS. THIS MONUMENT WAS RESTORED A.D. 1851 BY REAR ADMIRAL CHARLES SOTHEBY OF THE MANOR HOUSE, SEWARDSTONE, ESSEX, REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOTHEBY FAMILY, AND H. WILLOUGHBY ESQ. OF BIRDSALL HALL YORKSHIRE, GREAT GRANDSON OF ELIZABETH DAUGHTER AND HEIRESS OF THOMAS SOTHEBY ESQ. OF THE SAME PLACE. Crest. Arms, &c., on this Monument. A demi-talbot purpure. Argent, on a fess vert between 3 cross crosslets sable, as many talbots passant arg. (Sotheby). Sotheby impaling Or, a fesse dancettee between 2 cinquefoils sable. Vavasour of Weston. (1) Sotheby, impaling Argent, 3 eagles displayed sable. Bird. (2) Sotheby. Sotheby, impaling Sable, a bird vert, membered and collared gules, between three pairs of shin-bones in saltaire argent. Newton. (3) Sotheby. Sotheby, inpaling Gules, a chevron engr. between 3 hounds sejant argent. Hungate. (4) Sotheby, impaling Argent, on a bend gules between two demi-lions. rampant sable three lozenges vairé. Bishop of Pocklington. (10) Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent 3 fusils sable. Daniell. 2 and 3, Gules, on a cross or 5 eagles displayed of the field. Daniell of Beswick, impaling Sotheby. (5) Sable, on a bend argent 3 fleur-de-lis of the field, a crescent argent. Wood of Kilnwick, impaling Sotheby. (6) Argent, a chevron between three boars heads couped sable. Oglethorpe, impaling Sotheby. (7) 6 Mr Robert Sothebye, buried 1 August, 1560. 1594. Mrs Grace Sotheby, buried 2 January, Mr Robert Sotheby's (2nd) wife, buried 29 March, 1580 (Registers). Argent, a chevron azure between three chaplets gules. Holme of Huntingdon impaling Sotheby. (8) Gules, on a fess cotised or three leopards' heads of the first. Lee of Southwell, Notts, impaling Sotheby. (9) Sotheby, impaling Gules, three lions passant guardant argent, over all on a bend sable as many mullets of six points pierced or. Payler of York. (11) (1) Mr. Robert Sotheby first married Grace daughter of John Vavasour of Weston, and for his second wife, Elizabeth daughter of Richard Smethley of Brantingham and widow of William Daniell of Beswick. All his children-four sons and five daughters, were by his first wife. (2) Thomas, his eldest son, lived at Birdsall and married 10 April 1569 Isabel Bird of Newcastle. Robert, a student of the Inner Temple died in Worcestershire, s. p. (3) Marmaduke was a merchant at York and married Isabel Newton of that city. (4) Roger lived at Pocklington and married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hungate of Saxton at Watton Church, April 1582. (5) Agnes was married to William Daniell, of Beswick, at Pocklington 6 Nov. 1569. (6) Mary to Barnard Wood, of Kilnwick Percy, at Pocklington Church 12 Oct. 1574. (7) Anne to W Oglethorpe, of Oglethorpe, at Pocklington, 16 Oct. 1580, æt. 21. (8) Grace to Seth Holme of Huntingdon, at Pocklington. (9) Bridget to Gervase Lee, of Southwell, Notts, at Pocklington 20 Feb. 1581 æt. 21. The two other shields are grand-children :- (10) Isabel, was the daughter of Roger Sothebie :-" Mr John Bishopp and Isabell Sothebye were maryed ye 30 of Januarie 1593." (11) Robert, son and heir to Thomas Sotheby married Catharine daughter of Wu Payler of York. THE DOLMAN MONUMENT. Crest. A garb argent, eared and banded or. Arms. 1. Azure, a fesse dancette or between eight garbs of the second banded gules. Dolman. 2. Argent, a chevron vert, in chief a bezant. Chilton. 3. Or, a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped. Vavasour of Spaldington. 4. Or, a chevron gules, a chief vair argent and azure. St. Quintin. Motto. Virtute et veritate. Beneath this are three compartments, the centre having recumbent effigies of Thomas Dolman and his wife, and on either side are 5 sons and 3 daughters kneeling. The monument is of black and white marble. Hic jacet corpus Thomæ Dolman ar: nuper unius Justitiariorum Dîæ. Eliz Reginæ ad pacem infra Eastriding com Ebor. libertatis de Beverley et Seti Petri Ebor. conservandum hoc in his de selectiori illo numero qui vulgo quorum dicunter qui in uxorum duxit Eliz sororem et solam hæredam Petri Vavasor de Spaldingto ar. et de ea' xii. genuit proles de quibus octo hora mortis suæ1* superstiterût vz Robertus filius senior et ejus hæres nuptus Eleonora uni filiarum Wilelmi Malere militis, Joanes, Marmaducus, Petrus, comes legis paritus, et Wilelmus filiæ autem Anna nupta Rico Whittingham, de Whittingha, com. Lancastria gener Brigitta nupta Georgio Middleton de Nuton Com Dunelmiæ gener et Jana innupta. Et cum vixisset años sexaginta ix obiit 30 Aprilis** Anno dni 1589 cui felicem dat misericordissimus Resurectionem Deus. Amen.7 Hoc monumentum dirutum accurate restauravit Johannis Thomas Dolman, M.D. armiger. A D. 1850. When altering the floor of St. Nicholas' Aisle, a stone slab broken and decayed was found five feet below the surface. On it were cut the letters J. D. The Sotheby Cross stands in the south aisle at the tower end where it was placed in 1879. On the south side is the Crucifixion of Our Lord, with the Virgin Mary and St. John; on the north, the Deity on a throne holding a crucifix-the Holy Dove broken off; on the east a mitred bishop giving the benediction (St Paulinus ?); on the west, a man erect, with flowing beard, holding in his hand a model of a church. (John Sotheby.) The style is Late Decorated. The canopies over each of the figures terminate in carved finials, damaged by stone throwing and weather, as subsequent to its discovery for some time it stood in the churchyard from whence it was removed to its present position in the Church. Around the collar of the column on which it is placed is : Orate pro aña Johĩs Soteby Around the base : * Paulinus hic prædicavit et celebravit A.D. 627. On a mural slab fixed against the south pillar of the tower : This churchyard cross erected about the middle of the fifteenth 7 * 1562. Mr Dowman's wife buryed ye 22 of November. 2* 1589. Mr Thomas Dowman buryed ye 31 of March (Registers). century to the memory of John Soteby was discovered A.D. 1835 when digging a grave near the west door of the church, where during the Civil Wars it had no doubt been deposited for preservation. It was restored and re-erected A.D. 1855 (with the permission of the Rev. J. F. Ellis, vicar of Pocklington and churchwardens) in the churchyard at the expense of Samuel Leigh Sotheby of the Woodlands, Norwood, in the county of Surrey, he being a descendant of the elder branch of the Sotheby family. This cross, or rather cross-head, was brought out of an obscure corner, and erected on its present Calvary in 1879, in memory of Dr Wilson. The inscription on the base is said to have been copied from an old stone bearing similar wording which was found near it. These representations of the Trinity in stone prevailed from about 1360 to 1400. 8 The following Arms and Inscriptions were in this church in 1584, and as late as Dodsworth's time, circa 1654. No person now living remembers to have seen them, and there is very little doubt but they have been plastered over. One, already referred to, was discovered when the stained s Foster's Edition "Glover and St. George's Visitation." 1584-85 and 1612, P. 435. |